Visiting the university provides youths with a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of
community life. Through university tours, participants can immerse themselves in psychology
The program aims to offer students a unique opportunity to acquire valuable insights into psychology
Participants can visit the university to exchange knowledge and know-how about psychology
education in Thailand. Thai educational authorities conduct various programs aimed at fostering
innovation among students. Participants will have the chance to explore facilities such as libraries,
computer labs, and classrooms, as well as enjoy a campus tour.
Group Discussion
Group Formation: Form mixed groups consisting of Thai and Indonesian peers.
Discussion: Groups engage in discussions comparing chosen psychology topics between Thailand
and Indonesia. They can share their perspectives, experiences, and insights from their respective
Sharing: Groups document their discussions through related photos, videos, or written reflections.
They should share their experiences, opinions, and conclusions, highlighting similarities and
differences between Thai and Indonesian perspectives.
Reflection: After all presentations, participants reflect on what they've learned from the activity and
how it has impacted their understanding of both cultures. They can discuss ways to further
promote cultural exchange and understanding between Thailand and Indonesia. This activity
fosters cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.
Participants organize a seminar to
share knowledge with students in
schools on psychology topics such
as bullying, cyberbullying, mental
health, and more. Workshops or
theater presentations can be
arranged for students to showcase
what they have learned.
Introducing Indonesian Culture in
Thai Classes
A buddy program will be arranged for participants to create
lasting friendships between the two countries. Buddies can
support each other in terms of language improvement and
cultural exchange by exploring the local community.
Participants will visit the old town to complete missions and
experience local cultures, as well as clean up the beach in
the afternoon while enjoying the beautiful surroundings of
Samila Beach.
Students can engage with advanced educational
technology and innovation by visiting the Mental
Health Hospital and participating in a company visit.
The hospital provides mental health services for the
southern population of Thailand.
Students will have the chance to discuss with doctors
or psychologists at the hospital and may have the
opportunity for a remote visit with patients.
18 Nov. Mon
: Arrival (Airport Pick up) and
19-20 Nov. Tue-Wed
: Visiting psychology department
Thaksin University
21-22 Nov. Thu-Fri
: Seminar and Cultural exchange
in the secondary schools
23 Nov. Sat
: Buddy Program
24 Nov. Sun
: City Tour
25-26 Nov. Mon-Tue
: Visiting Mental Health Hospital
and Company Visit
27 Nov.
: Wrap up and Departure
(Airport Pick up)