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Italy Italy: Amici dell'AMI (Anfiteatro Morenico di Ivrea) (LEG09)


02/08/2024   -   12/08/2024

Feedback from 115 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Belgium Turkey Colombia Spain France + more


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
3 Male + 1 Female
Nearest airport
(The nearest airport is Turin Caselle Airport. Other airports are Milan Malpensa,Linate, Orio al Serio in Lombardia region.)
Nearest bus/train station


The camp is committed to addressing hydrogeological instability, advocating for environmental conservation, and fostering social inclusion. The planned actions include:

Cleaning and refurbishing trails and forested areas by cutting back brambles and weeds, and gathering fallen branches, in collaboration with volunteers from local associations.

Engaging in socialization activities with individuals with disabilities.

Undertaking tasks coordinated by the Municipality of Chiaverano, such as painting wooden fences and repairing dry stone walls.

Typical Daily Schedule:

7:30 AM: Breakfast

8:00/8:30 AM: Work begins

1:00 PM: Lunch followed by a brief rest period.

3:00 PM: Recreational and educational activities will commence.

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will be accommodated in a guest house provided by the Municipality, located in the town center. This facility is furnished with beds and provides essential amenities including toilet services and a kitchen. Wi-Fi access is also available.

Location and leisure

The work camp is situated in Chiaverano, located 50 km from both Turin and Aosta. Nestled on the hills of the Serra Morenica, it boasts a stunning view of the moraine arch. The area offers a tapestry of landscapes to explore, with lanes winding through vineyards, forest paths, mule tracks, and rural alleys. These settings are perfect for walks or bicycle rides, along with excursions and sporting activities such as canoeing on the lake and swimming. At the base of these hills lie five lakes of significant geological, naturalistic, and faunal interest.

The closest airport to Chiaverano is Turin Caselle Airport. Other accessible airports include Milan Malpensa, Linate, and Orio al Serio in the Lombardy region. The nearest train station is in Ivrea. There are options for trains or buses connecting the airports and Turin, and from Turin to Ivrea, one can again choose between train or bus services. Additionally, there is a bus service from Ivrea directly to Chiaverano. More detailed information regarding transportation and logistics will be provided in the Infosheet.

Project hosted by

Legambiente Dora Baltea (LDB) Odv operates within the territory of the Morainic Amphitheater of Ivrea (AMI). Our association has grown through various efforts and thanks to partnerships with local organizations. Our mission focuses on preserving and enhancing the natural heritage and cultural resources of the area, as well as defending the rights and health of its citizens. We place significant emphasis on campaigns and initiatives designed to promote environmental awareness. These include volunteer camps, campaigns such as Let's Clean Up the World and the Tree Festival, as well as educational programs in schools and among the youth.


There are no specific requirements for participation, aside from a readiness to engage in environmental stewardship and an open-minded attitude towards all the activities planned for the Workcamp. It's important to remember that the Workcamp presents a unique opportunity to learn about other cultures and meet new people from around the globe. Consequently, we ask that you inform us of any dietary restrictions you may have.

Italy Italy: On the Trail of the Wolf - Sulle Tracce del Lupo (LEG12FAM)


04/08/2024   -   11/08/2024

Feedback from 115 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Czech Republic Germany Serbia + more


CZK 8335 i Fee is paid in two installments:

CZK 5800 to be paid now.
EUR 100 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

8 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Nearest bus/train station


This camp is exclusively for families, comprised of adults and children (which may include aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.). Regarding the extra fee: there is a 100 EURO extra fee per adult and a 50 EURO extra fee for children under 10 years old. The restoration of the Path called On the Trail of the Wolf will allow a better use of the Wildlife Area with a more complete and authentic experience for visitors. The route is designed as a kind of excursion narrated in continuity with the characteristic stories of the historic center of Pretoro (The country of wolves and snakes). The proposed path becomes formative for those who want to know better the populations of Lupo Appenninico present on the Maiella and at the same time exciting in anticipation of the encounter with the wolves hosted in the area. The volunteers will collaborate in the different phases of the renewal of the existing path and will be able to improve their knowledge of wolves, the Park and the town of Pretoro, one of the most typical villages of the Maiella.

Accomodation and food

The hostel is composed by four rooms. The baths, in common, are two, for women and for men. There are many common spaces, multimedia equipment and internet. Great attention to food quality.

Location and leisure

The deep valleys that cross the East Maiella from the South West to the North East, represent the peculiar element of the area. The highlands of the Maielletta, located in front of some of the most important peaks of the Maiella, open gradually widening towards the sea and shape a landscape still forcefully rural from 400 -500 meters above sea level to the coastal area. Wood, stone, wrought iron, artistic ceramics, ancient gastronomic recipes embellish that ancient culture of strong attachment to their land. The National Park has enhanced all this.

Nearest train stations are Pescara and Chieti; nearest airports are Pescara and Rome. Bus Pescara - Chieti - Pretoro only on weekdays. We offer shuttle service 8 places to and from Chieti and Pescara. null

Project hosted by

The Environmental Education Center and Experience Il Grande Faggio is an agency for the sustainable development that addresses local communities, tourists, schools, groups and families. Recognized by the Abruzzo region as Regional Centre of Interest, it is listed on the National System INFEA and belongs to the National Network of Environmental Education Centres of Legambiente. The Centre offers activities ranging from teaching-scientific laboratory to hiking and mountain tourism also including voluntary experiences in environment. The Legambiente Circle of Pretoro is the basis of volunteering in support of the educational activities of the Center. Many of the club members are young people engaged in scientific environmentalism.


Aptitude for the mountain environment and trekking, outdoor work with minimal manual skills. They are important: the good will, the availability and the spirit of collaboration.



05/08/2024   -   18/08/2024

Feedback from 64 volunteers


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Belgium Austria + more


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 35
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Palermo (PMO)
Nearest bus/train station
Isola delle Femmine


Work will be run in the little uninhabited island in the middle of the sea every morning. Volunteers will take a boat every day to join this place, therefore, it is compulsory to be able to swim for safety reason Volunteers will support natural reserve s staff in:maintenance of existing vegetation (watering plants) , maintenance of the protected area (re-building stone paths) cleaning of the protected area from litter (the area is exposed to different marine streams that bring waste from the sea) other tasksWork will be done mainly in the morning, in case of wind or rain it will be postponed. Work is manual and demands physical effort, it is also tiring due to hot temperature and Southern sun (hat and sunblock are compulsory). Study part: Get to know the marine biodiversity, discover how natural reserve works in Sicily. Discussion on environmental topics can be done following volunteers interest (e.g. marine litter and related-environmental disasters, reduction of plastic and the impact of incorrect waste management on seas, etc.).

Accomodation and food

LIPU offers a room inside their office. All the volunteers will be accommodated in one common room equipped with 3 bunk beds and share one bathroom. Volunteers should be aware of a very basic condition and willing to live as such Volunteers will be responsible for cooking and cleaning.

Location and leisure

Isola delle Femmine is an Italian town in North-Western Sicily, in the province of Palermo. It is next to the sea so volunteers can spend their free time at the beach, do water sports, snorkelling, etc... Isola is a coast-town close to Palermo and connected with bus/train. Palermo is a beautiful city where there are many sights and places to spend the free time.

Project hosted by

The Isola delle Femmine is a natural reserve established in 1997 by the Sicilian Region and managed by LIPU (Italian league for birds protection) since 1998. This little uninhabited island is located in a strategic place for the migration of a specific spe-cies of bird called Gabbiano reale (Larus michahellis), this area allows them to rest from migration and to grow numerically. Due to financial cutting, the reserve suffers from maintenance and the support received along the year is not as much as should be provided. This is the reason why InformaGiovani with LIPU organize together every year workcamps to support the maintenance of the natural reserve and to sensitize the local community towards the place.

Directions to meeting point

At Isola delle Femmine train station on the arrival day. Further information will be shared within the infosheet.

Additional comments

Be able to swim is compulsory. Interest in environment issue, protection of sea and coast. High motivation is requested. Basic living condition.


Since volunteers will take a boat every day the ability to swim is compulsory for safety reason. Interest in environment issue, protection of sea and coast. High motivation is requested. Volunteers should be aware of a very basic condition.

Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action
Italy Italy: Campo dei Fiori (LEG07)


05/08/2024   -   19/08/2024

Feedback from 115 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Turkey Belgium France Germany Spain + more


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
Milano (Milan) (MXP)
Nearest bus/train station


Volunteers will work in different sites of the park , in areas of great historical and natural importance such as linea Cadorna that was a defensive system on the border with Switzerland, designed and built between 1899 and 1918, and actually never used, and Villaggio Cagnola that is an area used by the Park to create a centre for environmental education and nature's preservation. The work will be: foothpaths cleaning and maintenance, removing weeds from grassland at the top of the mountains etc. We'll work with local volunteers and citizens to support the organization of a local food fest on the weekend.

Accomodation and food

The accommodation is a self managed hostel (one shared room with bunk beds) in a public area of a little village. Meals will use season’s, organics and local products and will mostly be vegeterian.

Location and leisure

The natural Park “Campo Dei Fiori”. In the area there are several interesting natural and historical sites. The particular geographical location and the geological features favored the presence of a various vegetation. Typical flora of the rocky areas, marshy and peaty zones rich in wildlife. The park also contains interesting historical and artistic sites and also the Unesco heritage Sacro Monte at Santa Maria del Monte. Volunteers will have the opportunity to visit the most beautiful and characteristic places in the province.

Milano Malpensa airport, Varese train station (about one our far from Milano) last bus to Cunardo from Varese at 19.25 null null

Project hosted by

Legambiente Varese Onlus is a local group of Legambiente, that, beside giving contributions to main Legambiente national campaigns mind about the environment of the district of Varese since the eighties. Legambiente Varese coordinate 14 local groups of Legambiente volunteers and it's the connection between local, regional and national offices of the association. Thanks to this organization we can carrying out several activities such as the management of natural areas, the organization of work-camps, environmental education addressed to youngest generations and promotion of environmentally frie


Volunteers have to be interested in ecology and soustanibility and motivated to work with local people.

Italy Italy: A path between nature and history (LEG03)


20/08/2024   -   30/08/2024

Feedback from 115 volunteers


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Turkey Japan France Czech Republic Spain Colombia + more


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 70
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
Nearest bus/train station


The restoration of the trail involves hands-on labor, with volunteers dedicating approximately 6 hours each day, primarily during the early morning hours. Participants will assist Legambiente in clearing and maintaining the path stretching from Lago Grande to the megalithic walls of Monte Pallano. This project includes organizing and cleaning the trail, as well as reclaiming sections that have been overgrown with vegetation. Additionally, new signage will be installed along the route to enhance its accessibility and usability.

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will be accommodated in a repurposed school building equipped with a self-managed kitchen. The diet will be eco-sustainable, focusing on local products with minimal meat consumption. Please note that there will be no Wi-Fi available at this location.

Location and leisure

The Monte Pallano and Lecceta d'Isca d'Archi area is enchantingly beautiful, rich in natural and archaeological wonders. Its strategic location and the presence of water sources have made it a hub of human settlement over the ages, as evidenced by the remains of the ancient Pallanum settlement, the impressive Megalithic Walls, and signs of human presence from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic, and through to the Hellenistic-Roman period. In Tornareccio, there is an open-air mosaic museum.

Traveling from Rome (Ciampino Airport, Fiumicino Airport, Tiburtina Bus Station):

By bus: From Rome, you can travel from Tiburtina station directly to Tornareccio (tickets available at:

By train: Arrive at Pescara train station, then take a bus from Pescara train station to Tornareccio (Ch), or travel by train to Fossacesia - Torino di Sangro station and then take a bus to Tornareccio.

Alternatively, take a bus to Atessa (the city before Tornareccio) and contact Legambiente volunteers to arrange a car ride for the last part of the journey null null

Project hosted by

The Legambiente Geo A.P.S. association was born in Atessa in 1989 thanks to the enthusiasm and the care of a group of young volunteers. Since 30 years our association deals with the improvement of the environmental and cultural quality in our area in order to satisfy the need of participation, cohesiveness, knowledge and identity of people. During the last years we have fighted against waste trade, land consumption, for the Sangro river safeguard and the Val di Sangro evironmental quality. Thanks to our devouted and determined work, we set up the SIC Monte Pallano and Lecceta d’ Isca d’ Archi area. It is a place where environmental and archaeoligical excellences coexist. Legambiente, in this area, manages Casanatura Fontecampana center, a place where people of any age can meet each other and share their love for nature and environment and broaden their knowledges about them through various activities. Since 2017, tanks to volunteers, Legambiente runs the recycling center in Atessa.


Volunteers should have an interest in and be comfortable with working in a group setting.

Italy Italy: Guardians of Etna (LEG14)


21/08/2024   -   31/08/2024

Feedback from 115 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

South Korea Czech Republic Spain Belgium Germany + more


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
(Aeroporto di Catania - CTA)
Nearest bus/train station


The activities at the camp will be closely coordinated with the team from Legambiente Circle and will be structured around three main areas:

Flora and Fauna Initiatives: This segment is dedicated to the observation, protection, and preservation of local species. Volunteers will engage in projects aimed at monitoring and conserving native flora and fauna, ensuring the health and diversity of the ecosystem.

Path Improvement and Ecological Corridors: The second part of the work involves enhancing existing trails and establishing ecological corridors. These efforts are designed to improve accessibility and connectivity between different habitats, facilitating the movement of wildlife and promoting biodiversity.

Fire Prevention Awareness: The final aspect of the volunteer work emphasizes the importance of fire safety. Through educational activities and community engagement, the aim is to increase awareness about fire prevention measures, reducing the risk of wildfires and protecting the natural and human environments.

This comprehensive approach not only aids in the conservation of the environment but also educates and involves the community and volunteers in meaningful conservation efforts.

Accomodation and food

A vibrant multicultural hub designed for global knowledge exchange, focusing on environmental education and forest-fire prevention. This versatile space offers adaptable accommodation options to suit various needs. It fosters collaboration with local providers for an authentic culinary experience, emphasizing sustainability and community engagement.

Location and leisure

Piano dell'Acqua: A Serene Getaway Near Ballo, Zafferana Etnea

Nestled about 700 meters above sea level and a stone's throw from Ballo, a charming hamlet of Zafferana Etnea, lies the tranquil flat area known as Piano dell'Acqua. Its name, which translates to Water Plane, is derived from several water emergence points located along the Valle di San Giacomo's slope. These springs provide water to the towns below, making this area a crucial water source.

Piano dell'Acqua serves as a crossroads for several hiking paths, including the 704 and 724 routes and the picturesque Sentiero delle Ginestre. From here, adventurers can embark on trail 742, leading to the summit of Monte Calanna. This peak offers an exceptional vantage point over the expansive Valle del Bove, providing hikers with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

For those looking to explore this serene destination, the nearest major airport is Catania-Fontanarossa CTA Airport, situated approximately 40 km from Zafferana Etnea. Reaching Piano dell'Acqua requires a two-bus journey: the first leg from the airport to the central station aboard the Alibus, which runs until 24:30 and stops at Piazza Giovanni XXIII, followed by the AST bus heading towards Zafferana Etnea, with the last departure at 20:30. This journey offers a blend of convenience and adventure for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the natural beauty and tranquility of Piano dell'Acqua.

Project hosted by

Legambiente Circolo Etneo: Guardians of Europe's Tallest Active Volcano

Legambiente Circolo Etneo is a volunteer-driven association, united by shared goals to safeguard Europe's highest active volcano. Our mission is multi-faceted: we strive to defend and enhance the beauty of our territory, protect its natural and cultural heritage, and fight against all forms of pollution and disfigurement. We aim to promote sustainable tourism to bolster the economy of the municipalities around Etna and facilitate a more informed and safer engagement with the volcano.

Our vision is to preserve, for current and future generations, the landscape, biodiversity of flora and fauna, and the deep connection of local communities with their land. This is achieved through raising public awareness and the active involvement and support of everyone who stands with us.


Given the dual purpose of information dissemination and physical work involved, we will only consider applications from candidates who can provide a medical certificate confirming their psycho-physical fitness for participation.

Italy Italy: Community life in the woods (IT-SCI 10.10)


24/08/2024   -   01/09/2024

Feedback from 18 volunteers


Manual Work


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
3 Male + 3 Female
Nearest airport
Nearest bus/train station


Volunteers will start work on a hobbit house, using recycled materials with traditional local techniques. This work will be in addition to the art installation called suspended platform, made in the forest with wood and ropes. In addition, you will collaborate in the maintenance work of the shelter, such as painting the walls, in order to make it operational as an accommodation and info-point for those who want to visit AcquaFidia. You will also support the improvement of the picnic area in front of the mountain hut, recovering the stone fences and hail stones. Trekking days will be organized where volunteers will clean the trails. Finally, volunteers will be engaged in designing and organizing a final event open to the community in which musical and artistic activities will be planned

Accomodation and food

Accommodation is in the lodge inside the Acqua Fidia forest. There is one room with bunk beds. Those who wish can sleep in a tent that will be provided by the organization. In that case, bring your sleeping bag. There is only one bathroom and there will be solar showers outside the shelter. The local partner will provide meals based on traditional cuisine and volunteer needs. Often meals will be eaten together with local volunteers and residents.

Location and leisure

The camp takes place in Acqua Fidia, a forest at 1000 meters above sea level and 5 km from the center of Mercogliano, a town on the slopes of Monte Vergine in the Campania region. From Mercogliano it is possible to reach Salerno by bus in 45 minutes from which one can go to the Amalfi coast (Sorrento, Amalfi). In an hour by bus you can reach Naples, from which you can visit Vesuvius and Pompeii. Rome can be reached by bus in 3 hours and 20 minutes.

Project hosted by

Acqua Fidia is a forested area where a water spring is located and where various trekking routes start. The local community is working to enhance Acqua Fidia, which is a place of identity for the community and a refuge from the heat and overbuilding of urban areas. Both young and old people living in the area have come together to plan projects and activities to fully experience the mountain and enjoy its benefits while protecting and caring for it. The volunteer camp that will take place in Acqua Fidia is important to give strength and new input to a newly formed group of volunteers who are taking care of the forest. The camp is also a key opportunity to raise awareness among residents to respect nature and reduce their negative impact on it.

Additional comments

There is no phone coverage or Internet access and this represents an opportunity to detoxify from the digital world. If necessary, we have phone reception within500mts from the refuge. The urban core is a few km from the shelter, with ATM and businesses. Volunteers from partner organization can provide car rides to reach the center. Bring hiking shoes and bathing suit as there are waterways. There will be an opportunity to attend events and music festivals in the province of Avellino.
Please kindly note that there is an additional incoming fee of 50 Euros for all volunteers applying through Partner organisations or Contacts of the SCI network. Check the status here: This fee covers hosting costs, insurance, a small travel fund to enable disadvantaged volunteers.


Active involvement of volunteers is encouraged and they are happy to welcome input and new ideas in the development of camp activities. Volunteers, if they have artistic talents, can also be personally involved in the final event. Resilience and adaptability is required, as this is a collaboration with a new local partner and a camp within a forest.

Sustainable Development Goals

Peace and Justice Strong Institutions Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Italy Italy: Reopening the Strawberry Tree Trail: From Archi to Monte Pallano (LEG13)


02/09/2024   -   13/09/2024

Feedback from 115 volunteers


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Spain France India Germany + more


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
(Aeroporto di Pescara - Iata Code: PSR)
Nearest bus/train station


Volunteers should have an interest in and be comfortable with working in a group setting.

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will be housed in a rectory featuring a self-service kitchen. The food provided will adhere to an eco-sustainable diet, emphasizing local products and minimal meat consumption.

Location and leisure

The Monte Pallano and Lecceta d'Isca d'Archi area, rich in natural and archaeological wonders, has been a hub for human settlements from the Paleolithic to the Hellenistic-Roman era, featuring ancient ruins and Megalithic Walls. Volunteers can also explore the medieval town of Archi, known for its noble palaces.

Traveling from Rome (Ciampino Airport, Fiumicino Airport, Tiburtina Bus Station): By bus: From Rome, take a direct bus from Tiburtina station to Tornareccio.By train: Travel to Pescara train station, then catch a bus to Tornareccio or or take a train to Fossacesia - Torino di Sangro null

Project hosted by

The Legambiente Geo A.P.S. association was established in Atessa in 1989, fueled by the enthusiasm and commitment of a group of young volunteers. For over 30 years, our association has been dedicated to enhancing the environmental and cultural quality of our region to meet the community's needs for participation, cohesion, knowledge, and identity. In recent years, we have combated waste trafficking, land consumption, and fought for the protection of the Sangro River and the environmental quality of the Val di Sangro. Our devoted and resolute efforts have led to the establishment of the SIC (Site of Community Importance) Monte Pallano and Lecceta d'Isca d'Archi area, a unique place where environmental and archaeological excellences coexist.

Legambiente, in this area, operates the Casanatura Fontecampana center, a venue where people of all ages can come together to share their passion for nature and the environment and expand their knowledge through various activities. Since 2017, thanks to the dedication of volunteers, Legambiente has also been managing the recycling center in Atessa.


Volunteers should have an interest in and be comfortable with working in a group setting.

Italy Italy: Towards an Accessible and Inclusive Tourism: The Sassi Turchini Project (IT-SCI 9.5)


19/10/2024   -   03/11/2024

Feedback from 18 volunteers


Manual Work


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
4 Male + 4 Female
Nearest airport
Nearest bus/train station


Accessibility Mapping of Porto Azzurro: The association plans to assess the town's accessibility by mapping public areas and businesses. Reflection and comparison will be crucial for reporting data and identifying common accessibility issues.

Landscape Stations: Participants will desing and build interactive installations using natural and recycled materials, such as wind rattles and birdhouses, in collaboration with the Tuscan Archipelago Park.

Activities: The activities will be varied but complementary, emphasizing how small efforts can drive change and raise awareness in a broader context.

Final Event: The group's work will be presented in an open event, featuring an evening with typical dishes from the participants' countries of origin.

Accomodation and food

Sassi Turchini has shared dormitories and bathrooms.
There will be one room for women and one for men.
The bathrooms and showers are divided by gender and will be shared with any other guests.
The kitchen and eating space is adjacent to the dormitories and meals will all take place together with other groups and volunteers who will be present.
A little help will be asked in cleaning up the dishes at the end of the meal and possibly in the preparation.
We ask that you bring towels a pilowcase and bed sheets and/or sleeping bag.

Location and leisure

Isola d'Elba, next to Corsega. In the nord of Italy

Project hosted by

The Sassi Turchini project was concived and developed within the Promozione Sociale Gruppo Elba di Bagno in Ripoli, founded by Andrea Faberi in 1977. The young memebrs of the association have set the objectives of organizing comunal experiences between young and disabled people, renewing they commitment each summmer to that stretch of coast.
Furthermore, also based in Bagno a Ripoli, the association creates spaces and moments of social interaction with an inclusive perspective, valuing differences. Despite the considerable organizational demands, the context is unique in its presentation as an environment for free expression.

Additional comments

In addition to the normal rules of respect for being together, there are no particular ones. There is no wifi network and the city center can be reached on foot. Useful things to bring are
trekking and sea equipment.

You can check our website

Please kindly note that there is an additional incoming fee of 50 Euros for all volunteers applying through Partner organisations or Contacts of the SCI network. Check the status here: This fee covers hosting costs, insurance, a small travel fund to enable disadvantaged volunteers.


Interest and sensitivity to the world of disability. The village is surrounded by greenery. A creative tendency and propensity for manual skills is required.

Sustainable Development Goals

Peace and Justice Strong Institutions Partnerships to achieve the Goal