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France France: The Fortress of Montaigu le Blin 1 (ANEC02)


19/06/2024   -   03/07/2024

Commentaires de 315 bénévoles


Place(s) à

Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Turquie Italie Espagne Belgique France Allemagne


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

14 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
La nourriture végétarienne
Accès avec handicap
Aéroport le plus proche
Clermont-Ferrand (CFE)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche
Saint-Germain-des-Fossés, railway station


Viens participer à la sauvegarde et à la valorisation de ce patrimoine d'exception !
Au sein du château, tu réaliseras plusieurs travaux de restauration accompagné par un professionnel :
Tu apprendras des techniques de maçonnerie traditionnelle : retirer les joints usagés autour des pierres, réaliser du mortier à base de chaux et de sable que tu appliqueras sur les murs. Le coup de main se prend très vite, tu verras !
Tu participeras également à l'entretien du potager, des boiseries (entretien des barrières, construction de mobilier en palettes) et des espaces verts du château (débroussaillage).
Il n'y a pas de compétences particulières requises pour les travaux, c'est justement l'occasion d'en découvrir.
Au-delà de ces travaux, vous réfléchirez ensemble au developpement durable via l'utilisation de techniques traditionnelles dans la restauration de la forteresse, mais aussi dans la vie quotidienne du groupe. Tu seras accompagné·e et guidé·e par des animateur·ice·s techniques et de vie de groupe.
Tu auras l'occasion de présenter à la population locale et aux touristes les avancées auxquelles tu auras participé.
Protéger une telle bâtisse necéssite du temps, et beaucoup d'énergie, viens amener ta pierre a l'édifice !

Participate to the protection and enhancement of this breathtaking heritage! Within the castle, you will realize various works of restoration of walls (ramparts, towers) using traditional techniques and help maintain the vegetation (clearing bushes, etc.) as well as many other varied tasks. There are no special skills required for the work, it's just an opportunity to learn.
Beyond this work, you will reflect together on sustainable development using traditional techniques in the restoration of the fortress, but also in the daily life of the group. Campleaders will guide you along the project. You will also take part in the touristic activities of the site by welcoming the visitors (tourists and local inhabitants) in the castle and explain the work, show the progress you have been doing the last few weeks! Protecting this piece of heritage takes time, and a lot of energy. Come contribute to its rebuilding !

Logement et nourriture

L'hébergement se fait sous tentes fournies par l'association (1 personne par tente), sur le terrain municipal mis à disposition par la Mairie. Les bénévoles amèneront leur matériel de camping (tapis de sol, sac de couchage, etc.).
Les bénévoles, qui seront acteurs et actrices de leur séjour, participeront chacun·e·s aux tâches quotidiennes (courses, cuisine, rangement et nettoyage... ), l'organisation du roulement sera fait avec l'équipe d'animation qui est là pour veiller au bon déroulement, l'objectif est de gagner en autonomie et que chacun·e agisse individuellement pour permettre un bon fonctionnement collectif !
Tou·te·s ensemble, vous réfléchirez à comment travailler, se nourrir, s'amuser, se déplacer, visiter la région de la façon la plus respectueuse de l'environnement et de l'autre.
Un bâtiment en dur sur le terrain comprend une pièce cuisine, 2 douches et 2 toilettes pour le groupe.

Accommodation is under tents (1 person per tent) at the town stadium lent by the Town Hall. Tents will be provided. You will have to bring other camping material (ground sheet, sleeping bag, etc.). You, volunteer, are actor/actress of your project ! You will manage the tasks of daily life in teams (shopping, cooking, and cleaning). A rotation will be organised by the campleaders to ensure the smooth running of daily life. The objective is to gain autonomy and that everyone acts individually to allow a good collective functioning!
All together, you will think about how to work, feed everyone, have fun, get around, visit the region in the most environnementaly and human-friendly way.
A building on the field includes a kitchen room, 2 showers and 2 toilets for the group.

Situation, loisirs

Montaigu-le-Blin est situé dans le Bourbonnais, à 30km au nord de Vichy et à 90 km au nord de Clermont-Ferrand, en Auvergne.
C'est une campagne riche en patrimoine historique que tu vas pouvoir découvrir en visitant quelques-uns des nombreux châteaux et villes médiévales ou en faisant des ballades à pieds, en vélo ou en canoë selon les propositions faites par l'équipe d'animation.
Les habitant·e·s du village sont habitué·e·s à voir venir chaque été des bénévoles du monde entier. Vous irez chercher du pain de campagne chez l'aubergiste Didier, demanderez en dépannage des oeufs un dimanche soir à Monique, la météo du lendemain à Jean-Pascal, montrerez vos avancées à Jean Louis, Maire et passionné du château. Vous vous régalerez avec les fruits et légumes offerts par les jardinier·ère·s du bien plus encore !
Vos animateur·ice·s prépareront des jeux et des activités mais vous inciteront également à proposer et à construire vos propres animations en fonction de vos envies. Sois créatif·ve !

Montaigu-le-Blin is located in the French Bourbonnais area, 30km North from Vichy and 90km North from Clermont-Ferrand, in the French Auvergne region. It is a countryside rich with historical heritage, which you will be able to discover by visiting a few of the numerous castles and medieval cities, by hiking, going by bike or canoeing, according to what the leading team and the weather can propose. The inhabitants of the village are used to welcome volunteers from all over the world come every summer. You will pick up bread from the innkeeper Didier, ask for eggs on a Sunday evening to Monique, the weather the next day to Jean-Pascal, show your progress to Jean Louis who is passionate about the castle, you will feast with the fruits and vegetables offered by the local gardeners...and so much more!
The campleaders will prepare games and activities for the group but will also encourage you to propose and build your own activities according to your desires. Bring ideas and be creative !


Au cœur d'un charmant petit village bourbonnais, le château de Montaigu-le-Blin est une imposante forteresse médiévale du XIIème, classée Monument Historique. Située sur une petite colline, cette forteresse offre un espace bucolique et intime, proche de la nature avec une belle vue sur les paysages alentours.
Depuis les années 80, des bénévoles participent chaque année à la sauvegarde, la rénovation et à l'animation touristique du château, alors pourquoi pas toi ?
Ces dernières années, la forteresse s'est refaite une beauté ! Les bénévoles ont continué à faire des travaux de maçonnerie traditionelle sur les murs du château et ont développé le potager médiéval au pied de la tour du Seigneur. A vous de prendre le flambeau !

Inside a lovely little French village, the castle of Montaigu le Blin is an impressive medieval fortress, classified as Historical Monument. It is located on the top of a hill, overlooking the countryside. Since 2002, volunteers have been participating, every summer, to the restoration of the castle. These last years, the fortress has regained its beauty! Since the 80s, volunteers come every year to restore and protect the castle. These last couple of years, volunteers restored the castle walls using traditional masonry techniques and developped the medieval vegetable garden at the bottom of the Lord's tower. This year, it's your turn to live an experience back in time!

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

Saint-Germain-des-Fossés, railway station


no access for wheelchairs

France France: Aide-nous à créer des espaces de détente et de convivialité pour le haras de Messelan ! Help us create relaxation and meeting spaces for the Messelan stud farm ! (ANEC18)


24/06/2024   -   07/07/2024

Commentaires de 315 bénévoles


Travail Manuel
Place(s) à

Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Turquie Espagne Italie Danemark Pologne France Grèce


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

14 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
2 Male + 1 Female
La nourriture végétarienne
Accès avec handicap
Aéroport le plus proche
Paris (CDG)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche
Gare de Persan Baumont Persan Beaumont's train station


Aide-nous à créer des espaces de détente et de convivialité pour le haras !
Le projet :
Accompagné d'un.e encadrant.e technique, tu apprendras à construire des tables de pique-nique en bois massif pour les installer dans la cour du haras
Les étapes de construction :
- Couper le bois selon les plans
- Le poncer légèrement
- Le teindre en y applicant de l'huile de lin au pinceau
- Assembler les différents éléments
- Fixer les tables au sol
Les détails techniques :
Les tables seront fabriquées en bois de pin, un bois durable et résistant aux intempéries.
Elles seront de dimensions standard et équipées de bancs fixes.

Help us create relaxation and meeting spaces for the stud farm !
The project:
Supervised by a technical instructor, you will learn how to build solid wood picnic tables to be installed in the stud farm's courtyard.
Construction steps:
- Cut the wood according to the plans
- Lightly sand it
- Apply flaxseed oil with a brush to stain it.
- Assemble the different elements
- Fix the tables to the ground
Technical details:
The tables will be made of pine wood, a durable and weather-resistant wood.
They will be of standard size and equipped with fixed benches.

Logement et nourriture

Hébergement et vie quotidienne :
Au sein du haras, vous dormirez dans des chambres collectives (pour 2 à 4 personnes).
Cuisine et salle commune à votre disposition pour partager des moments conviviaux entre bénévoles.
Alimentation locale et responsable : les animateur·rice·s s'engagent à proposer des produits frais et de saison.
Vie collective participative : gérez ensemble les courses, la préparation des repas et le ménage.
Cuisinez à tour de rôle et développez vos talents culinaires ! Un·e animateur·ice de vie collective vous accompagnera dans cette tâche.
Fonctionnement démocratique : définissez ensemble les règles de vie et d'organisation du groupe.
Vivez une aventure humaine inoubliable !

Accommodations and daily life:
At the stud farm, you will sleep in shared dormitories (for 2 to 4 people).
A kitchen and common room will be at your disposal to share friendly moments with other volunteers.
Local and responsible food: the facilitators are committed to providing fresh and seasonal products.
Participatory community life: manage together the shopping, meal preparation and cleaning.
Take turns cooking and develop your culinary skills ! A facilitator will accompany you in this task.
Democratic functioning: define together the rules of life and organization of the group.
Live an unforgettable human adventure !

Situation, loisirs

Au programme :
- Découverte de la région : balades dans le Parc Naturel du Vexin, visite du chateau de Balincourt, baignade à la plage de L'Isle Adam, découverte du Polissoir de la Tour du Lay.. autant de lieux propices aux ballades et aux activités de plein air.
- Visite de Paris : monuments historiques (Tour Eiffel, Notre Dame, les Champs-Elysées), visites de musées (Louvre, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle), découverte de Montmartre et des rues les plus anciennes de Paris, des quais et des festivités estivales !
- Jeux et veillées organisés par vos animateurs et par vous !

De nombreuses activités et sorties seront prévues les après-midi et soirées, mais tu pourras aussi faire d'autres propositions si tu le souhaites !

On the program:
Discovering the region: walks in the Vexin Natural Park, visiting the Balincourt castle, swimming at the L'Isle Adam beach, discovering the Polissoir de la Tour du Lay... so many places perfect for walks and outdoor activities.
Visiting Paris: historical monuments (Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Champs-Elysées), museum visits (Louvre, Museum of Natural History), discovering Montmartre and the oldest streets of Paris, the quays and the summer festivities!
Games and evenings organized by your facilitators and by you!
Many activities and outings will be planned for the afternoons and evenings, but you can also make other suggestions if you wish !


Le domaine de Messelan : un havre de paix au cœur du Vexin français
Situé sur la commune de Frouville, dans le Parc naturel régional du Vexin français, le domaine de Messelan est un ancien haras entièrement réhabilité qui nous accueille pour la première fois cette année !
Tout au long de l'année, ce domaine accueille des randonneurs, des associations et des groupes d'enfants de la ville de Clichy-la-Garenne pour des séjours de vacances. Niché au cœur de la nature, dans un tout petit hameau, le domaine de Messelan est un lieu de repos incontournable pour tous les amoureux de la nature et de tranquillité !

Domaine de Messelan: A haven of peace in the heart of the French Vexin :
Located in the commune of Frouville, within the Vexin Français Regional Natural Park, the Domaine de Messelan is a former stud farm that has been fully renovated and is welcoming us for the first time this year!
Throughout the year, the estate welcomes hikers, associations, and groups of children from the city of Clichy-la-Garenne for holiday stays. Nestled in the heart of nature, in a tiny hamlet, the Domaine de Messelan is an essential place of rest for all lovers of nature and tranquility !

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

En face de la gare de Persan Baumont, à 16h00
4 pm in front of the Persan Baumont's train station



05/07/2024   -   19/07/2024

Commentaires de 694 bénévoles



Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Turquie Italie Espagne France


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

15 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
4 Male + 3 Female
La nourriture végétarienne
Aéroport le plus proche
Lyon (LYS)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche


Discover the Alps from Valloire this summer! Concordia and the town of Valloire are offering you the chance to participate in an international volunteer workcamp in one of Savoy's most beautiful resorts. Combine business with pleasure by getting involved in a project that highlights the local environment and Savoyard heritage.

You will be working on the creation of a path in an undergrowth area that will give locals and tourists access to Valloire's pump-track: a loop track made up of bumps and banked turns that can be used with a variety of sports equipment, including mountain bikes and BMX bikes.
You don't need any special skills to take part in this project. All you need is a good dose of motivation and a good mood !

Logement et nourriture

You will be accommodated in individual tents at the Valloire campsite. There are toilets and showers on site. The municipality will provide a part of the village hall, which is less than 200 metres from the campsite. We will set up a kitchen and a living area for group time, which is also a shelter in case of bad weather. Together, you will help to organise group life (cleaning, activities, etc.) and take it in turns to prepare meals using locally sourced products. As far as possible, we will promote vegetarian meals using local, seasonal products, while ensuring that the diets of all participants are respected and that local gastronomy is discovered.

Wifi access points are available free of charge in certain areas of the resort, as they are at the campsite. There is also a washing machine.

Situation, loisirs

Situated in the Savoie department, in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, the commune of Valloire covers 17 hamlets in the heart of the Tarentaise massif and is located near the Italian border. In the centre of the village, the altitude is 1400 metres. But if you like a bit of height, the Col du Galibier rises to 2642 metres! It's the perfect place to discover some exceptional scenery.

Numerous hikes await you, including the one to Lac de Cerces. In the immediate vicinity, there are a number of lakes where you can take a refreshing swim. And if you're keen on heritage, you can discover the unusual Fort du Télégraphe. When it comes to gastronomy, be sure to (re)discover the Savoyard cheeses produced on site!

The resort offers a wide variety of sports and cultural facilities (swimming pool, cinema, media library, etc.) as well as convenience shops.


Valloire is a tourist resort in both summer and winter. It is a welcoming resort that regularly organises numerous events to help visitors discover the richness of its territory and Savoyard culture. Throughout the year, locals and tourists come together in a friendly atmosphere that combines access to both leisure activities and traditions. It is with the desire to help you discover this resort in a different way that the commune is organising a third international volunteer work camp, following two very successful editions in 2022 and 2023.

If you are aged between 15 and 17 and would like to take part in this work camp, contact Concordia's international work camp officer in Rhône Alpes ( Two places are reserved for local young people to encourage exchanges and encounters.

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

Meet in the centre of Valloire in the late afternoon.
There is a regular shuttle bus service (booking recommended) from Saint-Michel-Valloire station 17 km away (access by train from Lyon Part-Dieu, Chambéry-Challes Les Eaux or Modane).
If you prefer to travel by car, Valloire is one of the few resorts to offer two main routes in summer: via the Col du Télégraphe (Maurienne Valley) and the Col du Galibier (Briançonnais).

Nearby airports: Lyon/St Exupéry (190 km) or Chambéry (100 km).

Train reservations can be made approximately 4 months before departure on the SNCF website, link below:

Commentaires additionnels

Don't forget to take protective clothing that won't get dirty when you're on site.
In the mountains, despite the sunshine, the weather is surprising and can change rapidly. For both leisure activities and working, you will need to pack clothes that are suited to the climate (warm fleece or pull-over, shorts and hiking trousers, windbreaker, down jacket, warm socks, etc.). High-cut, notched shoes are essential. Don't forget sun protection (a hat or cap is essential, sunglasses with a high level of protection because of the intense glare, sun cream with a high protection factor of IP30-50, etc.) and a swimming costume for swimming or activities in whitewater or at the pool (where swimming shorts are not permitted).

For sleeping, remember to take a warm sleeping bag (comfort 10°C) and a pillowcase (you can put things in it and easily make a pillow). You should also bring a backpack (in addition to your luggage), comfortable trainers and a pair of flip-flops. You'll also need to pack these essential accessories: a mobile phone charger, hiking poles (not compulsory, but recommended), a water bottle, a set of bandages and a headlamp or torch. Friendly activities will be organised in collaboration with our entertainers and according to your wishes. If you'd like to share a little of your culture (cooking recipes, traditional stories, unusual objects, music...), don't hesitate to take a little piece of your country or region in your backpack and a small Bluetooth speaker!

On the last day (19/07), the departure time is usually set in the morning.


Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for them personally, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.



05/07/2024   -   19/07/2024

Commentaires de 694 bénévoles


Place(s) à

Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Viêtnam Turquie Espagne France Italie


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

15 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
3 Male + 0 Female
La nourriture végétarienne
Aéroport le plus proche
Clermont-Ferrand (CFE)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche
PONT-DU-CHATEAU train station


This will be the 15th year that the city of Pont-du-Château hosts international volunteers! You can also take part in this great project to restore the terraced gardens, which are gradually being transformed into an ecological place for walking, relaxing and discovering the landscape.
The 3-hectare site includes an eco-pasture, terraced gardens, a small orchard, a community vineyard and a play and relaxation area. This year, the city of Pont-du-Château has asked us to work on the small vineyard site, with the task of renovating the low stone wall and stairs that run alongside the vines, using ecological lime plaster.

Would you like to learn about traditional masonry while discovering a pretty village in the Auvergne region, in a relaxing natural setting? Then this project is for you! A technical supervisor will be on hand throughout the project to teach you how to use hand tools in complete safety.

Logement et nourriture

You will be accompanied by two camp leaders throughout your stay.
You will be accommodated on a municipal site located near the workcamp. You will sleep in individual tents set up in the grass. Changing rooms and sanitary facilities are in the municipal centre, collective life and kitchen under a large tent reserved for your group. Wifi is available on the site. You can hand wash your laundry or go to a launderette in town (for a fee).

The group will be sharing the different tasks of collective life together. The budget will be allocated to the group and you will participate in the preparation of dishes using healthy products from the market and local producers.

Situation, loisirs

Pont-du-Chateau is a lively little town which overlooks the river Allier. The town is proud of its natural surroundings and the area is great for walking. The castle is in the heart of the town and offers a remarkable view over the agglomeration of Clermont-Ferrand city and the Auvergne volcanoes. This charming market town, full of tiny alleyways, timber-framed houses and remarkable buildings is awaiting its visitors with wonderful surprises. You will be welcomed by local organisations who will offer you activities to do during your leisure time: for example, kayaking, hiking, swimming, learning how to play the popular ball game called “petanque”, team sport, etc. Clermont-Ferrand, the capital of the region, is only 15km away and can be reached by train or by bus. You will be able to enjoy the town's summery energy.


Located near the natural river Allier, last wild river in Europe, Pont du Château is a town that wishes to bring nature into the city through sustainable management of natural areas. Former terraced gardens have been gradually redeveloped and managed as ecological gardens by international volunteers. New works are planned, with the aim of enhancing the vineyard managed collectively with the creation of a barrel, the development of the southern terrace offering a beautiful view over the whole valley and the creation of a green theatre.

This fifteenth workcamp in Pont-du-Château is part of this major landscaping project. It will let you discover its medieval town. Local celebrations, meals with the inhabitants and the discovery of the region will be on your schedule, as well as the party organised at the end of the workcamp!

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

The meeting point is at PONT-DU-CHATEAU train station at the end of the afternoon. The exact time of the meeting will be communicated with the Info Sheet, sent one month before the beginning of the workcamp.
- From Paris, you can take a train from PARIS - Bercy train station (regular departures are scheduled throughout the day, about every two hour) to CLERMONT-FERRAND, then take a train to PONT-DU-CHATEAU (Clermont-Ferrand - Thiers line).
- From Lyon, you can take a train from LYON - Part-Dieu train station (regular departures are scheduled throughout the day) to CLERMONT-FERRAND, then take a train to PONT-DU-CHATEAU (Clermont-Ferrand - Thiers line).

The trains are open to booking about 4 months before the departure dates, accessible on the following website:

Commentaires additionnels

Please bring good shoes for work, working clothes, your swimsuit and a sleeping bag. You can also bring recipes from your home country/region, musical instruments and games. You will get around Pont-du-Chateau on foot and by car or minibus on time.

On the last day (19/07), the departure time is usually set in the morning.

For more information have a look at:


Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.



06/07/2024   -   20/07/2024

Commentaires de 694 bénévoles


Travail Manuel

Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Italie Turquie France Russie Espagne


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

15 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
La nourriture végétarienne
Aéroport le plus proche
Clermont-Ferrand (CFE)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche
Clermont-Ferrand train station


Get involved with the young people and help them develop the garden of this youth centre and encourage sharing and conviviality: create an island of greenery and biodiversity and a performance space for theatre and dance, build wooden structures to landscape the garden - the young people's ideas are numerous!

For this first workcamp at the Anatole France social centre, the animation team is offering young international volunteers an introduction to carpentry and woodworking techniques, starting with the landscaping of the outdoor garden by building wooden bleachers for rehearsals and performances, and small wooden structures to promote biodiversity, such as bird nesting boxes and insect hotels!

Working alongside a technical supervisor, you'll learn how to use hand and power tools. Calling all handiwork enthusiasts!

Logement et nourriture

You will be accompanied by two camp leaders throughout your stay.
You will be accommodated at the campsite “Pierre et Sources” in Volvic, in the midst of Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Nature Park, close to the Chaîne des Puys. You will be staying in one-person tents, there will also be big collective tents (protected outside areas) for socialising purposes.

The group will be sharing the cleaning chores and preparing meals together. The budget will be allocated to the group leader and you will participate in the preparation of meals, prioritising products from the market and local producers. There is Free WIFI at the campsite. Laundry can be washed by hand or by machine at the campsite (fee payable).

Situation, loisirs

Set against an exceptional backdrop of volcanoes, Clermont-Ferrand is the capital of the Auvergne region. The city lies at the foot of the Puy de Dôme, accessible by panoramic train, and the Chaîne des Puys, a UNESCO World Heritage site. During your stay, you'll be able to take advantage of both the city's lively summer scene (concerts, shows, fireworks, etc.) and the natural beauty on its doorstep: hiking in the volcanoes, swimming in the lakes, outdoor activities, etc.


Concordia has been organising international work camps with the town of Clermont-Ferrand since 1993, which just goes to show how well the partnership works! The city builds participatory
with local residents. Every year, we are present in lively neighbourhoods where there is a social centre, shared gardens and associations that organise activities.

This work camp offers you the chance to take part in the life of the Anatole France social centre, which is set to become Clermont-Ferrand's new youth centre! This municipal centre is a place for cultural events and popular education: it already hosts numerous cultural activities for children and young people, organised by the outreach team and the town's associations. It even has an exhibition room!

The Anatole France centre's activities team will be on hand to welcome you, and will provide a room for your belongings and meals. Local young people will also be on hand to help you discover their region.

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

The meeting point is at the train station of Clermont-Ferrand at the end of the afternoon.
The exact time of the meeting will be communicated with the Info Sheet, sent one month before the beginning of the workcamp.
From PARIS, you can take the train from Paris – Bercy train station to Clermont-Ferrand. Regular departures are scheduled throughout the day, about every two hours and it takes about 3 hours and half.
From LYON, you can take the train from Lyon - La Part-Dieu train station to Clermont-Ferrand. Regular departures are scheduled throughout the day, and it takes about 2 hours and half.
If you are coming first by plane, remember that you will need some time to commute from the airport to the train station, therefore we recommend that you arrive early enough for you not to rush and have a stress free travel.

The trains are open to booking about 4 months before the departure dates, accessible on the following website:

Commentaires additionnels

The accommodation is located outside of the city of Clermont-Ferrand, in a little town in the countryside. You can have access to the workcamp by foot, car or minibus.
Bring work clothes, walking boots, swimsuit and a backpack. Nights can be chilly, so bring warm clothes and a good sleeping bag. You can also bring recipes from your home country, musical instruments and games.

On the last day (20/07), the departure time is usually set in the morning.

Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues arise on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.
For more information visit:

France France: Île Ilur 1 (dt.-frz. Teenagecamp) (ijgd - F.O.L. 24-01)


08/07/2024   -   15/07/2024

Commentaires de 353 bénévoles



Volontaires déjà acceptés de



EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

14 - 18
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
2 Male + 3 Female
La nourriture végétarienne
Aéroport le plus proche
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche


Strand, Natur und Wellenrauschen: kommt mit uns in die Bretagne!
Auf der "Ile Ilur" erlebt ihr ein Workcamp der besonderen Art - denn natürlich ist die Insel nur mit Hilfe eines (privaten) Boots zu erreichen. Als Teilnehmende unseres Workcamps aber bringen wir euch dieses einmalige Naturschutzgebiet im Golf von Morbihan näher :-).
Wild und geschützt: Hier erlebt ihr Natur! Auf der Insel lebt nur ein Küstenwächter (gemeinsam mit einer Schafherde ;-)), der sich das ganze Jahr um die Pflege der Insel kümmert.
Die 1 km lange Insel ist Teil des Archipel d'Arz. Einst lebten dort 9 Familien, die Kartoffelanbau und Schafhaltung betrieben; heute wacht eben der Küstenwächter über Hecken, Wiesen und die landschaftliche Vielfalt - stets im Kampf gegen die Baccharis-Pflanzen ;-).
Backöfen und das Dorf bezeugen heute die damalige Existenz der Familien. In den 50er Jahren wurde die Insel privatisiert. Seit 2008 ist die Insel dank einer großzügigen privaten Spende einer Bretonin im Besitz der Küstenschutzbehörde. So kann der kleine Schatz im Golf von Morhiban nun mit Sorgfalt instand gehalten werden.
Die Aufgaben während des Workcamps werden sich dementsprechend um die Pflege der Insel handeln, hierzu können zum Beispiel folgende Tätigkeiten gehören:
- Leichte Renovierungsarbeiten (z.B. eine Mauer wieder aufbauen)
- Strandreinigung
- Pflanzen pflegen
- Dünen von Unkraut befreien; Gestrüpp unkrautjäten und entfernen
- Instandhaltungs- und Verschönerungsarbeiten des traditionell-bretonischen „Dorfs“ der Insel.

Noch gut zu wissen: Das Camp findet schon seit vielen Jahren mit viel positivem Feedback statt :-) In diesem Jahr hat das Camp eine Teenage Gebühr von 250€; dafür bekommt ihr aber erstmalig auch eine Fahrtkostenrückerstattung (abhängig von der Entfernung eures Wohnortes) bis maximal 200€.

Logement et nourriture

Camping in 2-Personen Zelten (Bitte Luftmatratze/Isomatte und Schlafsack mitbringen) auf einem Campingplatz in der Nähe von Vannes. Ein privat gemietetes Boot bringt euch an den Arbeitstagen zur Insel.
Ihr kocht gemeinsam und beteilligt euch in Koch - und Putzgruppen an den anfallenden Aufgaben Geld für die Verpflegung wird zur Verfügung gestellt.

Situation, loisirs

Die Insel ist in der Umgebung vom Meer und somit gehören Ausflüge ans Meer natürlich zum täglichen Programm. Wenn auch weiter von der Unterkunft entfernt, sind sportliche Aktivitäten wie Wanderungen, Mountainbike-Touren, Baumklettern, Segeln, Kayak, Tauchen und kulturelle Aktivitäten wie das Besuchen von Märkten, Museen und Konzerten oder Besichtigungen von bretonischen Sehenswürdigkeiten möglich.


Die Ligue de l’Enseignement ist eine Organisation, die kulturelle, sportliche und allgemeinbildende und Freizeitaktivitäten und Veranstaltungen anbietet. Sie existiert schon seit über 150 Jahren und ist auf lokaler, regionaler und nationaler Ebene vertreten (ein Beispiel für eine Aktivitäten dieser Organisation ist etwa die Aktion „Lire et faire lire“, bei der Freiwillige Kindern vorlesen, um ihre Leidenschaft für das Lesen weiterzugeben).
Darüber hinaus agiert die Ligue de l’Enseignement des Côtes d’Armor als Sending/Hosting Organization sowie als koordinierende Organisation für den Europäischen Freiwilligendienst. Eine weitere große Aufgabe des internationalen/europäischen Bereichs der Organisation ist das Organisieren von deutsch-französischen Workcamps in der Bretagne. In diesen Camps kommen deutsche und französische Jugendliche zusammen, um zu helfen das kulturelle Erbe aufrecht zu erhalten und/oder die Natur zu schützen. Sie legen beispielsweise zugewachsene Wanderwege wieder frei, renovieren Trockenmauern oder säubern den Strand. Vor allem aber wird auf den kulturellen Austausch zwischen den Jugendlichen Wert gelegt. Ein interessantes, diese Tätigkeiten begleitendes Freizeitprogramm rundet die Camps ab.

Die ijgd organisieren seit 1949 Freiwilligendienste. Wir sind ein unabhängiger, gemeinnütziger Verein der internationalen Jugendarbeit, anerkannter freier Träger der Jugendhilfe und eine der größten und ältesten Workcamp-Organisationen in Deutschland. Jedes Jahr begleiten wir rund 5.000 junge Menschen in Diensten im In- und Ausland. Dabei haben diese die Möglichkeit, kreativ zu sein, solidarisch zu handeln, Eigenverantwortung zu übernehmen und ihre eigenen Potenziale und Kompetenzen zu entdecken. Unsere Partnerschaft mit der Ligue de l’Enseignement besteht schon über viele Jahre.

Commentaires additionnels

German-French workcamp exclusively for participants from ijgd and La Ligue de l'Enseignement (7 participants from France and 7 from Germany).
Das heißt - wenn du deinen Wohnsitz in Deutschland hast und zwischen 14 und 18 Jahren alt bist, melde dich gerne jetzt an :)


only for national volunteers from ijgd with residence in Germany
nur für Freiwillige von ijgd mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland.
Fahrtkosten werden nach Teilnahme am Camp (anteilig) rückerstattet (0.12 € pro km; bis maximal 200 Euro)

Sustainable Development Goals

Life Below Water Sustainable Cities and Communities
France France: Apporte ta pierre à l'édifice ! - Rolling and Cutting Stones in Saint-Mihiel 1 ! (ANEC04)


08/07/2024   -   26/07/2024

Commentaires de 315 bénévoles


Travail Manuel

Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Italie France Espagne


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

15 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
1 Male + 3 Female
La nourriture végétarienne
Accès avec handicap
Aéroport le plus proche
Metz/Nancy (ETZ)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche
Saint-Mihiel railway station


Cette année, rendez-vous sur les jardins en terrasse des Capucins, pour terminer le travail entammé depuis 2021 !
Objectif : terminer la restauration des murs avec deux techniques ancestrales et respectueuses de l'environnement : la maçonnerie à la chaux et la pierre-sèche, pour le plus grand plaisirs des touristes et des habitant·e·s !
Sur les murs maçonnés, tu participeras à diverses tâches : rejointoyer les pierres avec un enduit à la chaux, rehausser le mur à sa hauteur initiale, poser des tuiles, etc. Sur les murs en pierre-sèche, tu apprendras à trier les pierres en fonction de leurs usages, à les tailler et à les agencer pour donner une nouvelle jeunesse au mur.
Tu auras la chance d'être accompagné.e par un murailler professionnel : l'opportunité de découvrir (ou de perfectionner) les techniques de la maçonnerie et de la pierre sèche !

This year, go to the terraced gardens of the Capuchins, to complete the work started in 2021!
Objective: complete the restoration of the walls with two ancestral and environmentally friendly techniques: lime masonry and dry stone, for the greatest pleasure of tourists and locals!
On the masonry walls, you will participate in various tasks: repointing the stones with a lime plaster, raising the wall to its original height, laying tiles, etc. On the dry-stone walls, you will learn to sort the stones according to their uses, to cut them and to arrange them to give a new youth to the wall.
You will have the chance to be accompanied by a professional wall builder: The opportunity to discover (or perfect) the techniques of masonry and dry stone!

Logement et nourriture

Avec les autres bénévoles, tu seras hebergé.e en dur, dans la base de loisirs de Saint-Mihiel, à deux pas du lieu des travaux. Vous disposerez de chambres de 3 ou 4 personnes équipées de lit et matelas, avec des sanitaires, une grande cuisine et un espace détente. Les bénévoles des chantiers précédents sont unanimes : l'hébergement à Saint-Mihiel est très confortable ! En plus, la cadre est bucolique, car le lieu d'hébergement se trouve à deux pas d'une rivière.
Les bénévoles, qui seront acteurs et actrices de leur séjour, participeront chacun·e·s aux tâches quotidiennes (courses, cuisine, rangement et nettoyage... ), l'organisation du roulement sera fait avec l'équipe d'animation qui est là pour veiller au bon déroulement du chantier. L'objectif est de gagner en autonomie et que chacun·e agisse individuellement pour permettre un bon fonctionnement collectif.
Tou·te·s ensemble, vous réfléchirez à comment travailler, se nourrir, s'amuser, se déplacer, visiter la région de la façon la plus respectueuse de l'environnement et de l'autre.

Along with the other volunteers, you will be accommodated permanently, at the Saint-Mihiel youth hostel, a stone's throw from the work site. You will have rooms for 3 or 4 people equipped with beds and mattresses, with bathrooms, a large kitchen and a relaxation area. Volunteers from previous projects are unanimous: the accommodation in Saint-Mihiel is very comfortable! In addition, the setting is bucolic, because the place of accommodation is close to a river.
The volunteers, who will be actors and actresses of their stay, will each participate in the daily tasks (shopping, cooking, storage and cleaning ...), the organization of the rotation will be done with the animation team, which is there to ensure the smooth running. The objective is to gain autonomy and that everyone acts individually to allow a good collective functioning.
All together, you will think about how to work, eat, have fun, get around, visit the region in the most respectful way for the environment and for each other.

Situation, loisirs

La Meuse est riche d’histoire, de paysages et de culture, voilà pourquoi il faut venir la découvrir !
La petite ville de Saint-Mihiel se situe dans la vallée de la Meuse, rivière qui traverse la ville. C’est une Petite cité de caractère, label que doit la ville à son patrimoine architectural et historique remarquable.
Proche de sites de mémoire et notamment de Verdun, Saint-Mihiel est aussi propice à la découverte de vestiges et de l'histoire de la Première Guerre Mondiale.
Au coeur d'une région rurale et verdoyante, l'emplacement est idéal pour la découverte de nombreux sentiers de randonnées et d'activités extérieures. Juste à côté de Saint-Mihiel, un Centre National d'Art Contemporain permet de découvrir de nombreuses oeuvres d'art en pleine forêt ! Et puis l’été, de nombreux spectacles et soirées festives sont organisés dans la région. Vos animateur·ice·s et nos partenaires se feront un plaisir de vous emmener à la découverte de ce patrimoine exceptionnel !

The region is rich in history, landscapes and culture, that's why you have to come and discover it!
The small town of Saint-Mihiel is located in the valley of the Meuse, the river which crosses the town. It is a "Small city of character", a label that the city owes to its remarkable architectural and historical heritage.
Close to memorial sites and in particular to Verdun, Saint-Mihiel is also conducive to the discovery of vestiges and the history of the First World War.
In the heart of a rural and green region, the location is ideal for discovering numerous hiking trails and outdoor activities. Right next to Saint-Mihiel, a National Center for Contemporary Art allows you to discover many works of art in the middle of the forest! And then in summer, many shows and festive evenings are organized in the region. Your facilitators and our partners will be happy to take you on a discovery of this exceptional heritage!


Cap sur la ville de Saint-Mihiel qui, depuis plusieurs années, accueille des bénévoles de tous horizons pour remettre en valeur son patrimoine bâti et naturel !
La ville compte deux sites d'exception : le site des Roches, à la sortie de la ville, où trônent sept roches massives également appelées les "Dames de Meuse", et puis la Promenade des Capucins, composée de multiples jardins en terrasse, entre lesquels serpentent plusieurs chemins et escaliers.
Aux Roches, comme aux Capucins, de nombreux murs et murets, tantôt à la chaux et tantôt en pierre-sèche, font le charme de la ville. Depuis 2019, des bénévoles oeuvrent chaque année à leur restauration.

Head for the town of Saint-Mihiel, which for several years has welcomed volunteers from all walks of life to restore its built and natural heritage!
The city has two exceptional sites: The site of the Rocks, at the exit of the city, where seven massive rocks also called the "Ladies of Meuse" are enthroned, and then the Promenade des Capucins, composed of multiple terraced gardens, between which several paths and stairs meander.
At Les Roches, as at Les Capucins, many walls and low walls, sometimes in whitewash and sometimes in dry stone, add to the charm of the town. Since 2019, volunteers have been working on their restoration every year.

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

Saint-Mihiel railway station from 5 p.m.

France France: Observe et recense la Faune et la Flore de l'Ecole du Breuil ! Observe and Record the Fauna and Flora of the École du Breuil! (ANEC16)


09/07/2024   -   23/07/2024

Commentaires de 315 bénévoles


Place(s) à

Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Italie Espagne France Turquie Hongrie


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

14 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
La nourriture végétarienne
Aéroport le plus proche
Paris (CDG)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche
Joinville-le-Pont (RER A)


Est-ce que tu as déjà entendu parler des sciences participatives ? Cette année, il te faudra partir à la recherche des oiseaux, pollinisateurs, lichens, vers de terre ou encore papillons, mais pas n'importe comment ! Pierre-Yves, notre animateur technique, accompagné des jardiniers du parc, sera là pour te faire découvrir les protocoles à suivre. Ces relevés de faune et de flore, bien renseignés, sont des ressources précieuses pour l'école et les chercheurs du muséum d'histoire naturelle. Toutes les données récoltées permettront d'observer l'évolution des espèces et de réguler nos pratiques pour une meilleure préservation des espaces naturels. En parallèle, nous construirons un petit théâtre de verdure pour accueillir les visiteurs et les classes qui souhaitent à leur tour observer ! Ce théâtre de verdure sera principalement constitué de troncs d'arbres qu'il faudra disposer, écorcer et pyrograver.

Have you ever heard of citizen science? This year, you will have to go looking for birds, pollinators, lichens, earthworms and butterflies, but not just in any way! Pierre-Yves, our technical facilitator, accompanied by the park's gardeners, will be there to teach you the protocols to follow. These carefully completed fauna and flora surveys are valuable resources for the school and researchers at the natural history museum. All the data collected will be used to observe the evolution of species and to regulate our practices for better preservation of natural spaces.
At the same time, we will build a small green theater to welcome visitors and classes who also want to observe! This green theater will mainly be made of tree trunks that will need to be arranged, barked and pyrographed.

Logement et nourriture

Vous dormirez sous tentes, au sein du parc de l'école du Breuil ! Vous aurez également, proche du campement, des espaces de vie collective : cuisine, foyer de vie (espace détente, babyfoot, ping pong, etc), douches et sanitaires.
Les animateur·ice·s Antoine, Pierre-Yves et Zoé porteront une attention particulière à l’alimentation pour qu’elle soit au maximum locale et responsable. Tous les aspects de la vie collective (courses, préparation des repas, ménage) seront gérés par votre groupe, sur la base d'un fonctionnement que vous aurez décidé ensemble (ex : utilisation de planning, constitution de binômes, ...). Vous cuisinerez tour à tour pour le groupe : ce sera l'occasion de montrer vos talents culinaires, n'oubliez pas vos recettes ! Le but : que chaque bénévole soit acteur·ice de son séjour dans le respect des autres et de la vie en collectivité. L'organisation sera faite avec l'équipe d'animation qui est là pour veiller au bon déroulement du séjour. L'objectif du chantier est de vivre une aventure collective !

You'll sleep in tents, in the heart of a 10-hectare park in "Ecole du Breuil" ! You will also have, close to the camp, collective rooms and shared spaces such as the kitchen, the common room (chill space, table football, table tennis, etc), the showers and changing room. Animators will take a special attention to the food as they make sure it's local and healthy. All aspects of the collective life (shopping, meal preparation, cleaning) will be managed by the volunteers themselves, based on an organisation that you will have decided upon together beforehand (e.g., use of schedules, constitution of pairs...). You will be assisted in this task by a group facilitator. You will cook in turns for all the participants. It will be an opportunity to show your culinary skills, don't forget your recipes ! The aim is for each one of you to be an actor/actress of your stay, while respecting others and community life. "

Situation, loisirs

A découvrir :
- Découverte du Bois de Vincennes, le plus grand espace boisé de la Ville de Paris qui abrite le Chateau de Vincennes, le Parc Floral, la Ferme de Paris ou encore La Maison Paris Nature. C'est également un espace incroyable pour se promener et pour pratiquer des activités sportives en plein air !
- Visite de Paris : monuments historiques (Tour Eiffel, Notre Dame, les Champs Elysées), visites de musées (Louvre, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle), découverte de Montmartre et des rues les plus anciennes de Paris, des quais et des festivités estivales !
- Jeux et veillées organisés par vos animateurs et par vous !

De nombreuses activités et sorties seront prévues les après-midi, mais tu pourras aussi faire d'autres propositions si tu le souhaites !

On the program :
- Discover the Bois de Vincennes, the biggest wooded space in Paris, which is the home to the Castle of Vincennes, the Parc Floral, the Ferme de Paris (farm of Paris) or the Maison Paris Nature. It's also an incredible place for hiking or enjoying outdoor and sport activities !
- Visit of Paris : historical monuments (Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Champs Elysées), visit of museums (Louvre, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle), discover Montmartre and its oldest streets in Paris, docks and summer festivities !
- Games and all-nighters organised by your animators and you !

Many activities and outings will be planed on the afternoons, but you could also make proposals if you want !


Envie d'une escapade nature aux portes de Paris ?
Cap sur le bois de Vincennes, l'un des deux "poumons verts" de la capitale ! Au cœur de cet écrin de verdure se cache l'École du Breuil, une école d'horticulture qui nous ouvre ses portes pour la deuxième fois.
Poussez les portes de son jardin et découvrez un univers fascinant : 10 hectares de verdure à explorer, une roseraie contemporaine aux couleurs flamboyantes, un jardin paysager pour une pause détente, un verger et un potager où se cultivent fruits et légumes, des serres chaudes abritant des plantes tropicales, plus de 1 000 variétés de plantes à admirer.
Devenez explorateurs de la biodiversité aux côtés de vos animateurs passionnés. Ils vous dévoileront les secrets de la nature et vous feront découvrir les richesses insoupçonnées du bois de Vincennes.
Pour un avant-goût, jetez un œil à cette visite virtuelle :

The École du Breuil is a gardening school located in the heart of the "Bois de Vincennes", one of the green lungs of Paris. The school's 10-hectare garden is a treasure trove of horticultural diversity, with more than 1,000 species of flowers and deciduous trees. Visitors can stroll through the contemporary rose garden, admire the rock garden's unique plant life, wander among the vibrant perennial borders, and relax in the peaceful English landscape gardens. The orchard, enclosed vegetable garden, and warm glasshouses offer further opportunities to learn about and appreciate the bounty of nature.

A journey at École du Breuil is a chance to learn about the fascinating world of plants and to appreciate the importance of preserving biodiversity. With its knowledgeable gardeners as your guides, you'll discover the secrets of the garden and gain a newfound appreciation for the natural world. For a first virtual visit, it's this way : !

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

9/07/2024 à 16 heures à la gare de Joinville-le-Pont
At 4PM the 9th of july, in front of the trainstation "Joinville-le-Pont", Line A.



10/07/2024   -   24/07/2024

Commentaires de 694 bénévoles



Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Espagne Turquie Italie République tchèque France


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

15 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
5 Male + 4 Female
La nourriture végétarienne
Aéroport le plus proche
Toulouse (TLS)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche
TOULOUSE Matabiau Train Station


Come work with youth from Saint Orens.
At the gates of Toulouse, you will find the town of Saint Orens de Gameville, a dynamic and modern town.

You will participate in a mission to make urban furniture. Your objective will be to build furniture from pallet wood which will then be placed on the skatepark and near a lake, so that everyone can enjoy it.

Logement et nourriture

You will be accommodated in a dormitory (non-mixed), with access to showers and a kitchen. The group will be sharing the cleaning chores and preparing meals together. The budget will be allocated to the group leader and you will participate in the grocery shopping and in the preparation of meals, prioritizing products from the market and local producers.

Please bring your sleeping bag. You will wash your clothes and other items manually. Wifi is not available, French volunteers can share their internet connections via a hotspot.

Situation, loisirs

Saint-Orens-de-Gameville is located 30 minutes away from Toulouse, in the Haute Garonne department. It is a very attractive and dynamic city and the inhabitants are open and curious.
The town is very well served by public transport, and you can access many activities in the surrounding area. Many actions are carried out with the city's young people. They are well aware of your arrival, and are impatiently waiting to show you the surroundings, and to spend some time with you on the worksite.


You will be among the first international volunteers to work in Saint Orens de Gameville. The city's residents are very motivated by the arrival of a workcamp in the city, and you will have the opportunity to interact and work with them.

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

The meeting point is TOULOUSE Matabiau Train Station on the 10th of August at 6 PM. There are regular trains to TOULOUSE Matabiau station from PARIS.

From PARIS, you can take the train from Montparnasse train station to TOULOUSE Matabiau train station, regular departures are scheduled throughout the day (about every hour). The trip lasts about 4.5 hours. .Trains are open to booking about 4 months before the departure dates, available on the following website:

If you are coming first by plane, remember that you will need some time to commute from the airport to the train station, therefore we recommend that you arrive early enough for you not to rush and have a stress free travel.

If possible, please consider using low-carbon transportation (train and bus rather than airplane) for a sustainable international workcamp.

Commentaires additionnels

Consider taking clothes and footwear for work and hiking (including rain clothes). Bring a warm sleeping bag. And remember to take a bathing suit in case of a possible swim. Don’t hesitate to bring home specialties, photos, games, musical instruments, etc.

The departure is set on the last day (24/07), usually in the morning.


Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues arise on the project, volunteers will have to pay for them, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.



10/07/2024   -   31/07/2024

Commentaires de 694 bénévoles


Travail Manuel
Place(s) à

Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Pologne Turquie Espagne France Italie République tchèque


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

15 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
1 Male + 2 Female
La nourriture végétarienne
Aéroport le plus proche
Paris (CDG)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche


Come discover and take care of a pedagogical garden in the heart of a village with an extraordinary heritage!

After the success of the previous workcamps, the work continues in the city of Saint-Maximin. At the heart of the village, there is an open stone quarry which today houses an educational garden, called the "Jardin de la Tranchée", that exists mainly thanks to the work that previous groups of volunteers have done during several past workcamps.

In the continuity of the work that has been done for the past years, we will keep cleaning and taking off the remaining weeds, grasses and tree shafts from the rest of the stone quarry. We will also set up arrangements to welcome walkers and inhabitants (marking of paths, construction of child-friendly dry toilets, construction of barriers …).
A nature coordinator working with the city will accompany the group in our different works undertaken.

Logement et nourriture

Your accommodation will be located in the garden of the "Maison pour Tous Nelson-Mandela", a bourgeois-style house from the end of the 19th century, which hosts the communal music workshops, exhibitions as well as cultural and leisure associations.

The group will have access to the kitchen of this house. You will sleep under individual tents. Large tents will be installed for the collective life. The infrastructures of the municipal stadium (300 metres away) will offer access to showers with a separation between girls and boys. You will share the various collective chores and prepare meals together, prioritising local products from the market.

Situation, loisirs

Saint-Maximin (3 000 inhabitants) is located in the department of Oise, 70km from Paris. The region has a rich historical heritage that you can discover nearby: The Chantilly Castle, the Compiegne Imperial Palace or the Pierrefonds Castle. Each year, in addition to outings, leisure activities are scheduled (St Leu d'Esserent water sports centre, swimming pool...).

Activities are planned with the youth service of the town to include you in the activities planned during the summer like the July 14th celebrations and meetings with the local population.


The small town of Saint-Maximin, nestled at the heart of the stone quarries of the South of Oise, has an uncommon cultural heritage (troglodyte houses, old open-air quarries, mushroom beds, etc.) that it promotes in its museum "La Maison de la Pierre".

Today, there are still five stone quarries in use in Saint-Maximin. The stone extracted from them is mainly used for the restoration of historical monuments (Paris City Hall or the Arc de Triomphe). The quarries of Saint-Maximin also provide the clay used for the tennis courts of Roland-Garros. An initiation to stone cutting is planned during your stay!

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

The meeting is planned at the CHANTILLY-GOUVIEUX train station on July 10 at the end of the day. The exact time of the meeting will be communicated with the info sheet, sent at least 4 weeks before the beginning of the workcamp.

From PARIS, regular trains leave from the Gare du Nord train station for CHANTILLY-GOUVIEUX (30-minute trip).

The trains are open to booking about 4 months before the departure dates, accessible on the following website:

If you are coming first by plane, remember that you will need some time to commute from the airport to the train station, therefore we recommend that you arrive early enough for you not to rush and have a stress-free travel.

Commentaires additionnels

Remember to bring work clothes for the work site as well as tight shoes. As the accommodation is under tents, remember to bring your sleeping bag as well as a floor mat or a camping mattress for more comfort.
Don't forget your bathing suit in case you are going to swim in the pool or at the St Leu d'Esserent water sports centre. You can also bring back specialities from your country, photos, musical instruments, in general what you like and want to share on this workcamp, either with the local population or with the group!

On the last day (31/07), the departure time is usually set in the morning.


Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues arise on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.

France France: AROUND THE STADIUM (CONCF-8005)


10/07/2024   -   31/07/2024

Commentaires de 694 bénévoles


Travail Manuel

Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Turquie Espagne Italie France


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

15 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
1 Male + 3 Female
La nourriture végétarienne
Aéroport le plus proche
Paris (CDG)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche
CREIL train station


Come and take good care of the local natural heritage of a dynamic and committed small town!

Montataire is a small town committed to the preservation of its heritage, whether it be the industrial built heritage or its numerous green and sensitive areas. The city is crossed by a river called Thérain, near which you can find hiking trails.

For this third project, the group will participate in the preservation and restoration of a memorial space by clearing and cleaning around the memorial area, as well as using minor masonry techniques. You will also be participating in the creation of a mural on the town’s stadium. In addition, you will also have the opportunity to meet and work with some of the local youth.

Logement et nourriture

You will be accommodated in individual tents on the municipal soccer stadium. A big tent for collective life and a kitchen tent will be set up. For the sanitary and shower facilities, you will use the changing rooms of the soccer stadium with a separation between girls and boys. The group will be sharing the cleaning chores and preparing meals together, and you will participate as well in the grocery shopping and in the preparation of meals, prioritising products from the market and local producers.

Situation, loisirs

Montataire (13 000 inhabitants) is located in the department of Oise, 45km from Paris. Due to its particular geographical situation, the city earned the name of "Mons ad theram", which means the mountain near the Therain and which later became Montataire. The region has a rich historical heritage that you can discover nearby: The Chantilly Castle, the Compiegne Palace, the Pierrefonds Castle...
More information on the city's website:


The city hall of Montataire wishes to keep this international openness dynamic that started last year. Indeed, Montataire is a dynamic city counting around 100 local non-profit organisations and two twinings of the city: one with the German city of Finsterwalde and the second with the Palestinian refugee camp of Dheisheh.

You will be able to meet the inhabitants who are waiting for you to take part in the July 14th festivities and concert. And will be able to enjoy the festivities with the olympic flame going through the village.

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

We will meet up at CREIL train station on 10/07 at the end of the day. The exact time of the meeting will be communicated with the roadmap, sent at the latest 4 weeks before the beginning of the work.

From PARIS, regular trains are leaving from Gare du Nord train station towards CREIL. The ride lasts for about 30 minutes.
The trains are open to booking about 4 months before the departure dates, available on the following website:

Commentaires additionnels

Remember to bring work clothes for the work site as well as closed shoes. As the accommodation is under tents, remember to bring your sleeping bag as well as a sleeping mat or a camping mattress for more comfort.

Don't forget your bathing suit in case you have the opportunity to go swimming! You can also bring back specialties from your country, photos, musical instruments, in short what you like and want to share on this workcamp, either with the local population or with the group.

On the last day (31/07), the departure time is usually set in the morning.


Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues arise on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.

France France: MOSAIC STYLE (CONCF-3401B)


12/07/2024   -   26/07/2024

Commentaires de 694 bénévoles



Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Italie Espagne France Etats-Unis


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

15 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
4 Male + 0 Female
La nourriture végétarienne
Aéroport le plus proche
Montpellier (MPL)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche


Come discover mosaic art to decorate picnic tables by the river, in the heart of nature in the South of France!
Supervised by a specialist, this creative work will follow on from last year's work on the theme of biodiversity. Mosaic is an exciting work that requires meticulousness, agility and insight. The artistic work thus created will embellish the recreation area while being useful to protect in a sustainable way the tables present on this sensitive natural space.

Logement et nourriture

You will be staying at the riverside campsite in Cessenon-Sur-Orb. Sleeping in individual tents (bring your own camping mattress and sleeping bag) with toilets and showers at the campsite. French volunteers will be able to share their internet connection through a hotspot or use the WIFI available. Laundry will be done by hand. We also have a marquee for collective living and all the necessary equipment. You will share the various collective tasks, including taking turns preparing meals. We will use healthy and local products. If you have any special dietary requirements, please let us know in advance of the workcamp.

Situation, loisirs

The village of Cessenon-Sur-Orb is located north of Beziers in the South of France. It is home to the river Orb from which it takes its name. The area has an exceptional natural and cultural heritage! You will be able to take advantage of the leisure and outdoor activities available on the site.


The Herault department is our partner on this workcamp. The project takes place in the beautiful village of Cessenon-Sur-Orb. We are renewing this partnership for the eighth consecutive year with once again a work camp combining art and environmental protection in this village. Your work in favour of the protection of sensitive natural areas, while being creative, will allow to embellish and enhance this space intended for leisure activities!

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

The meeting point is at the bus stop CESSENON-SUR-ORB Centre at 5pm on the 12th of July.
To come to CESSENON-SUR-ORB, you will have to arrive first at BEZIERS station. From PARIS, several direct or connecting trains leave from the Gare de Lyon, the journey takes about 4 and a half hours. You will then have to take the Bus 643 from BEZIERS (Bus stop "Bv. de Verdun Gare SNCF") to the stop CESSENON-SUR-ORB Centre. To arrive on time at the meeting point, you will have to take the 16:20 bus. The bus journey takes about 40 minutes.
For more information on bus 643:
For more information on the trains:
If possible, please consider using low-carbon transportation (train and bus rather than aeroplane) for a sustainable international workcamp.

Commentaires additionnels

Bring gloves, clothes, and good shoes to walk and work. Don’t forget to bring sunglasses, a hat or cap, sunscreen, a swimsuit and a towel! The weather is sometimes very warm during this season, but the nights may be cold.
You will be staying near a river. you will be doing activities in the river, therefore, it is important to note that you should be able to swim.
Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.
If you are under 18, don’t forget to send us your Medical Factsheet and Parental Authorization at least one month before the beginning of the workcamp.

On the last day (26/07), the departure time is usually set in the morning.



12/07/2024   -   26/07/2024

Commentaires de 694 bénévoles


Place(s) à

Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Allemagne France Italie


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

15 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
2 Male + 1 Female
Aéroport le plus proche
Annecy (NCY)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche


Come and enjoy the sumptuous setting of the Aravis massif while continuing the permaculture garden redevelopment project.

The La Clusaz Youth Hostel welcomes many tourists all year,who take advantage of their stay to discover the beauty of the surrounding countryside and enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities. The hostel is keen to offer facilities that reflect its values. Last year, the creation of a permaculture garden reflected the local biodiversity: this garden is an open space, accessible to all, and provides an opportunity to observe nature, recharge one's batteries and understand the interactions between ecosystems. During this second volunteer work camp, your aim will be to complete the garden: signposting, improving and landscaping the outdoor pond, etc. At the same time, you may be offered the chance to build a goat house or do some street art.

No specific skills are required. If you're interested in preserving the mountain environment and enjoy working as part of a team, this is the project for you.

Logement et nourriture

You will be accommodated in the Youth Hostel, in dormitories with individual beds (remember to bring your sleeping bag). Toilets and showers will be in the rooms or on the landing. Breakfast will be provided each morning by the Youth Hostel. Together, you will take part in the organisation of community life (cleaning, activities, etc.) and in the preparation of meals, taking it in turns to use locally sourced produce.

Our aim is to encourage vegetarian eating using local, seasonal produce, while respecting participants' diets and discovering local cuisines together. You'll be rubbing shoulders with the guests of the youth hostel, which will help you get to know them better. The hostel has Wifi in the common areas.

Situation, loisirs

With breathtaking views over the Aravis valley and Mont Blanc, La Clusaz Youth Hostel is situated at an altitude of 1250 meters. Accessible on foot, by bike or by car, the establishment is close to the center of the resort, which offers a wide range of amenities (shops, local and health services, etc.). There are plenty of outdoor activities on offer, and hiking enthusiasts will be delighted by the opportunities offered by the Alps.

There are also plenty of excursions on offer: Annecy and its lake, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, Aiguille du Midi... Of course, you won't want to miss out on sampling the local cuisine, with a special mention for the cheeses! Your journey will be made easier by the proximity of Annecy train station and Geneva airport, both around forty kilometers away. There are also regular bus services to the resort.


For the past four years, Concordia has been working with the youth hostel network on volunteer workcamps. This is the second year that the partnership has been developed with La Clusaz. Clément, the hostel manager, wants to continue welcoming groups of volunteers, with a view to strengthening the international and intercultural dimension of his activity. The environmental dimension is also a key priority for tourism, which is changing as a result of climate change.

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

Meeting point from 6pm at the LA CLUSAZ bus station, accessible by bus Y62 from the ANNECY TGV station, which has services from PARIS, LYON, CHAMBERY and GENEVA.

Train reservations can be made approximately 4 months before departure on the SNCF website, link below:

Commentaires additionnels

Don't forget to bring work clothes and shoes that are resistant to dirt.
In the mountains, despite the sunshine, the weather is surprising and can change rapidly.

For leisure activities, you'll need to take clothes suited to the climate (warm fleece or jumper, shorts and hiking trousers, windbreaker, down jacket, warm socks, etc.). For hiking, high-top, notched shoes are recommended. Don't forget sun protection (a hat or cap is essential, sunglasses with a high protection factor because of the intense reflection, sun cream with a high protection factor IP 30-50, etc.) and a swimming costume for swimming or white-water activities.

For accommodation, remember to bring a warm sleeping bag and a towel. You should also bring a backpack (in addition to your luggage), comfortable trainers and a pair of flip-flops for when you're out and about in the youth hostel. You'll also need to pack these essential accessories: a mobile phone charger, hiking poles (not compulsory, but recommended), a water bottle, a set of bandages and a headlamp or torch.


This is a trinational project, ONLY VOLUNTEERS FROM FRANCE, GERMANY, AND ITALY can apply. Travel cost will be partially refunded (tickets and receipts needed).

Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues arise on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.
For more information visit:



12/07/2024   -   26/07/2024

Commentaires de 694 bénévoles



Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Espagne Turquie Italie


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

15 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
2 Male + 3 Female
La nourriture végétarienne
Aéroport le plus proche
Marseille (MRS)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche
HYERES train station (83)


Take part in restoration of the cultural site of Collobrières, a village in the heart of Provence, also called “The Chestnut Capital”. The district asked an architect to develop a project to enhance the exterior of the Saint Pons church, in order to restore the pebble pavement which leads to the church. The project will aim to support the district and local associations in carrying out the renovation of the dry stone pavement, traditionally called "calade", in that magnificent church from the 11th century.

Logement et nourriture

You are going to be accommodated in a shared house, in a shared room or in a tent outside of the building. You are going to share different collective tasks. During the week, lunches are prepared by an organic local canteen of Collobrières district. You are going to prepare your meals during the weekend and breakfast and dinner during the week. The budget is going to be handled by the staff and you will participate in shopping, promoting local seasonal products.
French volunteers will be able to share their internet connection through a hotspot and laundry will be done by hand.

Remember to bring your camping mattress and sleeping bag (very important!!).

Situation, loisirs

Collobrières is a small village of 1900 habitants in the heart of the Massif des Maures, located on a hill close to the sea and beaches. This location, with its impressive views, is perfect for hiking, visiting chestnut plantation, swimming in the local swimming pool and the sea while enjoying the village festivities!


We have been collaborating with the lovely town of Collobrières for five years now. Concordia supports the municipality in the implementation of its project to enhance the exterior of the St Pons church,a heritage treasure in that village of the Var department. The town is much engaged in working with the youth and, as its neighbours, will welcome you with open arms!

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous

The meeting point is at HYERES train station (83), 12th of July, 5:00 PM. The village is a small distance away from the meeting point and since there is no public transport, it is imperative to be present punctually at the meeting point.
From PARIS, departure from Gare de Lyon train station. The journey by train to HYERES lasts about 5 to 6 hours, make sure that you have enough time to have a stress free trip.
Train reservations are possible about 4 months before departure on the SNCF website, link below:

Please consider using low-carbon transportation (train or bus, rather than airplane) for a sustainable international workcamp.

Commentaires additionnels

Remember to take clothing adjusted to work and hiking conditions. Nights might be cool, take a warm sleeping bag, a sleeping mat or an airbed. In order to avoid mosquito bites, take an anti-mosquito spray, loose-fitting and covering clothing for the evenings. Days might be very hot, so take a cap or a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, a small backpack and water bottles.

For the open house day and shared meals, you may take some easily transportable local specialities to share with others.

On the last day (26/07), the departure time is usually set in the morning.

France France: NATURE PLAY AND ART (CONCF-3405)


12/07/2024   -   26/07/2024

Commentaires de 694 bénévoles


Place(s) à

Volontaires déjà acceptés de

Turquie Espagne Italie


EUR 400 i Les frais sont à régler en deux fois:

EUR 150 à payer maintenant.
EUR 250 à payer après confirmation.

Remarque : les frais totaux peuvent varier en fonction des taux bancaires.

Détails sur le projet

15 - 17
Nombre maximum de bénévoles
Encore de la place pour
La nourriture végétarienne
Aéroport le plus proche
Montpellier (MPL)
Gare routière/ferroviaire la plus proche


Would you like to get involved in protecting nature while enjoying creating and inventing games? We invite you to take part in this adventure between land and sea, nature and the city!
First of all, you'll be working with the Maison de la Nature to create nesting islands on the banks of the pond. You'll also be involved in combating invasive species (pulling up plants) and helping to maintain paths and groves.

Next, we'll be working on improving a camping area with its teepees, designed to accommodate young children (work on the gate and fencing). You'll be able to create outdoor games, design an artistic treasure hunt... All good ideas are welcome!
Last but not least, you can also have fun meeting local young people at the Quartier Jeunes bar and create an artistic project together!

Logement et nourriture

You will sleep in individual tents (bring your own sleeping bag and duvet) and live together in a municipal room provided for the group. You will share the various collective tasks and prepare meals together. A budget will be allocated to the leaders and you will participate in the shopping and preparation of the meals, favouring healthy and local products.

Situation, loisirs

The town of Lattes is located near Montpellier airport and the Sud de France train station, between the town and the beach. It has a number of assets, including its proximity to the city, which is accessible by tram, and its natural areas, ponds, walking trails and cultural attractions. Modern and dynamic, it is home to many companies that have chosen it for its centrality and undeniable assets.

You'll be able to take part in a wide range of leisure activities and discover the local area, and meet local young people on a daily basis!


Lattes is a dynamic, modern town in the Montpellier metropolitan area. The town attracts many tourists in the summer thanks to its proximity to the beaches of Palavas and Carnon and the city of Montpellier, which is accessible by tram. This is our second project with this local authority, which is keen to continue its dynamic partnership with a project bringing together local and international young people.

You'll be able to take advantage of the outdoor activities on offer in the commune, as well as the festivities organised during this period. It's definitely a great project !

Itinéraire vers le point de rendez-vous


Commentaires additionnels

Please bring gardening gloves, good shoes and working clothes. As the nights can be quite cold, remember also to bring warm clothes and a sleeping bag.

On the last day (26/07), the departure time is usually set in the morning.


Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues occur on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their home country.