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28/07/2024   -   04/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers


full for < 18


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 40 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

20 - 33
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


Each day of the camp will have a program completed by local coordinators and the volunteers will be helping to realize it. The main activities will be intercultural learning through finding differences and similarities between Estonia and countries, where volunteers come from (history, traditions, language, singing, dancing). It will be done through games, drama, sport, discussions. We expect that volunteers would lead a workshop connected with their culture (traditional dances, games, everyday life, food, etc.) It can be educational one or as a game to play. Therefore we look for active volunteers with good knowledge of history and culture of their country and ability to present it. Volunteer will work in partnership with professional local educators and youth workers i 9 staff members. The age of children is from 8 to 17 depending on shift.

Accomodation and food

In the same house with kids, separate room for volunteers and staff members (2-3 people in the same room). Volunteers will eat together with children and staff in the canteen. Showers, toilets and Wi-Fi are available.

Location and leisure

LocationTaevaskoja is a tiny village in South-Estonia with 90 habitants. Distance from Tallinn is 230 km. But in summer it becomes one of the most visited natural sights. TerminalAirport, harbour, bus station in Tallinn. Alternatively you can arrive to Riga, capital of Latvia. From these cities it is easy to travel to Tartu by bus. From Tartu you can come to Taevaskoja by regular bus or train. Arrival is on the first day of the camp in the evening, around 18-19. Departure is on the last day of the camp in the morning.Leisure timePlenty of possibilities: hiking, swimming, sunbathing, sports, games, excursions to the places of interest in the area.

Project hosted by

Taevaskoja Youth Camp is adventurous hiking camp that has been active for 30 years. The aim of Taevaskoja camp is to support children s development through non-formal education. During the youth camp kids participate in different workshops about health, safety, culture and enjoy climbing and hiking activities. Taevaskoja is located in South-Estonia, about 230 km from Tallinn. The camp site is very close to the one of the most popular natural touristic place - Suur Taevaskoda (The Large Heaven s Hall), surrounded by beautiful forest and close to the one of the longest rivers in Estonia. Such location brings children closer to unspoiled nature and gives them an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with Estonian national heritage richly presented in the area. The camp aims also to develop children s knowledges about different cultures and support the growth of tolerance. To do that Taevaskoja Youth Camp invites international volunteers to join the camp as animators. Children come to Taevaskoja camp from all over Estonia. Most of them have basic knowledge of English and are very happy to have a chance to practice it. More information on Camp has several periods with different age groups of kids. NB It is possible to join for several camp shifts in a row.

Directions to meeting point


Additional comments

NB It is possible to join for several camp shifts in a row


Special requirementsYou have to love kids and be really motivated to work with them. The work demands 24-hours commitment and it can be pretty hard sometimes. Experience in work with children is an advantage. We expect active volunteers with good knowledge of history and culture of their country and ability to present it. All exciting ideas of activities for kids, games etc. are welcome. Good ability to communicate in English is needed and knowledge of Russian may be useful. The age of participants is 20-33.Participation feeWe ask participants to contribute 40 Euro towards the costs of general administration. In case of participation in more than one shift the total fee is 60 Euro. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp.

Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being Quality Education
Estonia Estonia: TEEN DOWN TOWN 14 (EST TDT14)


28/07/2024   -   03/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers




Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 320 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

14 - 16
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
6 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


ProgramCamp program includes team projects, discussions at the round table, social and sport games, performances in the open air, actions for peace and nature protection, meetings with people, visits to museums and sightseeing as well as presentations of the countries that camp participants and volunteers represent, etc. Every day the camp will have a country presentation, a subject to learn or discuss and a related activity. Teenagers will stay in the camp activities zone from 10:00 to 17:00. There will be one day off in the camp and at least one day of travel outside Tallinn. The day off is spent either under the leadership of a member of the school staff or in the host family. Camp activities will take place in the premises of the language school that is situated in the very centre of the city. To activate teenagers and run the program, there will be a group of international volunteers and members of the local school staff. Special features of this summer:1) All camp shifts with arrivals on 12.06, 24.06, 21.0 and 04.08 include one trip outside Tallinn.2) Participants are welcome to extend their stay for one or two weeks within the camp dates.

Accomodation and food

AccommodationThere are 2 options possible (which is subject to availability):1) In the premises of The Language School In Down-Town located on the 4th and 5th floors of a business building in the city centre. In summer time, a part of the school is reserved for the camp participants accommodation that includes several separate dormitory bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, a dining area, a large shower area and two separate toilet cabins. Apart from bedrooms, the tea-room for rest will be also organized where teenagers might watch films, read and play board games enjoying soft sofas. Bed linen, pillows and blankets will be provided, so you do NOT need to bring a sleeping bag unless you want so. For the reasons of security, minimum one school staff member and one volunteer will be staying with camp participants overnights to maintain life, catering and general order on the site. To facilitate a smooth and safe environment at school during the off-hours, the main entrance to the school must be kept closed at all times. The access to the school and accommodation areas will be managed by long-term volunteers or school staff. Please be aware that you must be inside by 22:00 the latest unless supervised outside by a school staff member. Participants will have breakfasts and dinners at school, lunches i together with other camp participants.2) In the host families of some of 10 local participants who will join this camp. The apartments of the host families may be located in Tallinn or its suburbs. Participants will stay in a separate or shared room. You do NOT need a sleeping bag. Participants will have breakfasts and dinners in their host families, lunches i together with other camp participants in the city. Travel cards will be provided, pick up service at arrival is provided upon request.NB it is not possible to stay at any of the camp accommodation options before or after the camp arrival and departure days. If you need a place to stay before or after the camp dates, we can help you to book a hostel in Tallinn.

Location and leisure

LocationTallinn is the capital of Estonia, country s largest city with 450 000 inhabitants and nearly as many tourists during summer. You can get a lot of information on Tallinn on, bus station, harbor in Tallinn. Pick up arranged by the school staff or families at the point of arrival is possible upon parents requests.Leisure timeThere are a lot of possibilities for leisure time activities since camp will take place in the Estonian capital Tallinn where one can find attractions for any taste: sightseeing, museums, festivals, concerts, etc.

Project hosted by

International language camp is organized for teenagers by The Language School In Down-Town and the non-profit educational association Alternative Language Programs Satellite (ALP S) as part of their annual activities on multicultural issues for youth. The project s aim is to introduce the diversity of world cultures to the youth and provide them with good practices in intercultural communication by means of alternative English language practice which includes meetings, visits and direct contacts to young people from abroad. The project gets teens of 14 to 16 years old familiar with national traditions of the countries from all over the world, encourages them to develop their global thinking and individual initiative, tolerance and resistance to xenophobia and ethnic hatred. Camps give foreign participants a great chance to meet youngsters both from Estonia and other countries as well as to experience local life. This summer we offer you to participate in our new project called MATRIX . Camp participants will learn about different meanings of this word. Together, we will identify the ways how to improve the matrix of the modern world, how to become a better version of ourselves and how to develop our emotional intelligence. Camp participants will acquire life skills that they will need to create their own codes for personal matrices that will have power to change their life for the better. They are the smart matrices of our personalities, souls, love and success, well-being and happy life. Meetings with local and/or international professionals in the field will take place. Thematic photo and video contests for camp participants will be organized.

Directions to meeting point

ArrivalThe camp participant is expected to arrive to the camp location any Sunday within the camp dates, prior to the camp starting on Monday. Pick up on arrival is possible upon request.To assure a safe environment for all the campers, we expect all our camp participants will provide their parents letter of consent (Parental Authorization) and travel insurance certificate. IMPORTANT: Unless there are any special anti-COVID measures for minors announced by the Estonian Government on the date of your arrival, no medical or green-pass certificates are required. Before travelling please do check information on the website or or


Special requirementsThe age of international camp participants is 14 i 16. English is the camp language. Please be aware that during the day program of the camp the participants will be asked to leave their cell phones at their accommodation site to ensure safety of the participants and their engagement with the camp activities. We will welcome any ideas to improve the program and your active participation in it.Participation feeUnlike the traditional voluntary camp, there will be mostly informal educational activities and guided language practice. Camp program implementation involves costs for boarding and lodging, domestic transport, materials, excursions, visits, cultural activities and general administration. Since neither EstYES, nor its partner ALPS receives any financial support for this camp from state or municipality, to make the camp happen we have to charge a participation fee from 320 to 590 Euro depending on the duration of the camp shift. This is a hosting fee that is different from your country sending organization s fee you pay at home. It has to be paid by participants upon arrival to the camp or by bank transfer prior to the start of the camp. If you cannot make it, please contact your sending organization for a solution. NB Participants coming from outside Europe are asked to consult with EstYES before paying fee by bank transfer to reduce high banking charges.

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education


30/07/2024   -   05/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers


full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Turkey Poland France Serbia + more


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 175 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

17 - 88
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
2 ( full for < 18)
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


As there will be the 19th international Marjamaa Folk Dance Festival and The Days of the Village on 01.-04.08, volunteers are asked to help it out doing various practical jobs related to its organization and running. This will involve a lot of cleaning and manual work. But it is also expected that volunteers contribute to the festival by introducing their national culture, music, dances, also food to local people as well as organizing games and fun activities for local children during the Day of the Youth and Children in the frame of the Festival. Be ready to work for some hours on the weekend

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will have simple accommodation in the rooms of the Marjamaa Community House right in the middle of the village, sleeping on mattresses. Please bring a sleeping bag. Toilets and showers are available. Volunteers will have lunches and dinners in the local canteen and breakfast prepared by themselves at the accommodation.

Location and leisure

Marjamaa is a village with ca 4000 inhabitants on the half way between Tallinn and Parnu. Distance from Marjamaa to Tallinn is 66 km. Being an administrative centre of community with 7000 inhabitants Marjamaa has several shops, department stores, culture house, cinema, several pubs, etc. Larger city nearby is Rapla (25km), an administrative centre of the county. Marjamaa has good bus connection to Tallinn and Parnu. More information on and www.raplamaa.eeTerminalAirport, harbor, bus and train stations in Tallinn; bus to Marjamaa. Leisure timeYou can enjoy all performances of the Festival. During the international Folk Festival volunteers can join diverse activities and parties with the international participants and locals such as Festival Club every evening. Besides, it is possible to do sport at the school stadium, swim in the local swimming pool; also go for some visits to the places of interest in the area.

Project hosted by

ProjectIt is good tradition for EstYES to organize international workcamps in co-operation with Marjamaa Community. It lies on the half way between Tallinn and Parnu, and it is known for its rich historical and cultural heritage: ancient settlement in Varbola, XIII century church in Marjamaa, numerous German manor houses of XVIII-XIX centuries and active culture life nowadays. Local authorities see in the international camps a powerful tool for local development - not only in terms of work done by volunteers but mainly for introduction multicultural dimension to the population of small local communities in the country. The camp will take place in the village of Marjamaa, the centre of the community. The main idea of this camp is to assist running the 19th international Marjamaa Folk Dance Festival helping different practical tasks. More information about Folk Festivals can be found here

Directions to meeting point



Special requirementsPlease bring sleeping bag and pillow. It will be great if you could think about your contribution to the festival and bring some materials, music, games for kids as well as national food/ drinks for it. If you can present folk songs or dances from your country or teach others it you really should not hesitate to do it English is the camp language.Participation feeDue to the lack of financial support for the project the participation fee of 175 Euro is requested from volunteers to cover the costs of board, leisure activities and administration. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp. If you cannot make bank transfer please contact your sending organization for solution.

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education Sustainable Cities and Communities
Estonia Estonia: DOWN TOWN KIDS IV (EST DT4)


02/08/2024   -   17/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers


full for < 18


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 50 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

20 - 32
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


Activating kids in the city camp and providing them with cross-cultural learning experience. Volunteers will do it by using various informal methods of teaching as well as small group techniques. The activities to be held by a team of volunteers may include the following: playing the games and performing music that are popular in the countries the volunteers represent; training kids to perform pieces of amateur drama; preparing festivals; providing intellectual and sport games as well as discussions; preparing quests to combine with excursions round the places of interest; organizing actions for peace and nature protection; leading and supporting kids in their work on the team projects within the topics related to the main theme of the summer. Volunteers are responsible for the day activities in the camp. The work can be quite heavy, involving long working hours, requiring high level of commitment and responsibility. You will stay with campers from 10:00 to 17:00 (45-minute lunch is included) and spend about another hour to prepare and finalize next day activities and feedback. Working days are from Monday to Friday plus one duty Saturday; Sundays are days off except the one after arrival. The local participants are mainly youngsters from minority groups of Tallinn whose family s languages include Russian. Based on the previous year, we expect a number of kids and teen participants in one camp shift as up to 40. Volunteers will work in pairs facilitating and leading a smaller group of 10 - 12 children or less during the day and change the groups every 2-3 days.During the first three days of the camp right after arrival, volunteers will be given a training on the camp methodology and some time to prepare themselves to meet the kids/teens on Monday and further carry out their tasks in the camp. For this reason, it is important to arrive on time.

Accomodation and food

There are 2 options possible (which are the subject to availability):1) The premises of The Language School In Down-Town located on the 4th and 5th floors of a business building in the city centre. In summer time, a part of the school is reserved for the volunteers accommodation that includes several separate dormitory bedrooms, equipped kitchen, a small dining area, a large shower area and two separate toilet cabins. Bed linen, pillows and blankets will be provided, so you do NOT need to bring a sleeping bag unless you want so. For the reasons of security, volunteers will be issued only one set of keys. To facilitate a smooth and safe environment at school during the off-hours, the entrance to the school must be kept closed at all times. The access to the school and accommodation areas will be managed by long-term volunteers or school staff. Please be aware that between 01:00 a.m. and 09:00 a.m. the access to the building will be closed. Catering will be organized by the school on an agreement with the volunteers (selection of times, meals - provided or volunteers cook, etc.). 2) A furnished shared apartment in the residential area of Tallinn. Volunteers will be issued two sets of keys. The apartment has three-four dormitory bedrooms and all necessary facilities, and it takes about 20 minutes to get to the city center by public transport. Public transport cards will be provided. Volunteers will cook their breakfast meals themselves (food for a standard European breakfast will be provided); dinner meals will be served at school between 18:00 and 19:00; lunches will be organized for the whole camp (including kids/teens) in the city centre.NB: it is not possible to stay at any of the camp accommodation options before or after the camp arrival and departure days. If you need a place to stay before or after the workcamp dates, we can help you to book a hostel in Tallinn.

Location and leisure

LocationCamp takes place in the school that is situated in the center of Tallinn, Estonian capital Leisure timeThere are a lot of possibilities for leisure time activities as the camp takes place in the capital where one can find attractions for all tastes: sightseeing and museums, festivals, concerts, live music, pubs, etc. The camp provides an excellent opportunity to establish contacts with young Estonians and to experience the local life.

Project hosted by

This project is organized for local children by The Language School In Down-Town and the non-profit educational association Alternative Language Programs Satellite (ALPS) as part of their annual activities on multicultural issues for youth. Some international teenage participants will join. The common project s aim is to introduce the diversity of world cultures to children and provide them with good practices in intercultural communication using the learning-by-doing method and organizing alternative English language practice. The project gets youngsters familiar with customs and traditions of the countries from all over the world and encourages them to develop their cross-cultural thinking and tolerance as well as global thinking and individual initiative. This summer we offer you to participate in our new project called MATRIX . Camp participants will learn about different meanings of this word. Together, we will identify the ways how to improve the matrix of the modern world, how to become a better version of ourselves and how to develop our emotional intelligence. Camp participants will acquire life skills that they will need to create their own codes for personal matrices that will have power to change their life for the better. They are the smart matrices of our personalities, souls, love and success, well-being and happy life. Meetings with local and/or international professionals in the field will take place. Thematic photo and video contests for camp participants will be organized.

Directions to meeting point

In the language school

Additional comments

NB It is possible to apply to join for 2 shifts in a row EST DT1 EST DT2 or EST DT3 EST DT4


Special requirementsYou have to be really motivated to work with kids. Please provide a letter of your motivation along with the application form. An experience of working with children is an advantage. Your ideas and actual preparation to do the activities for kids are essential, so accepted volunteer will be required to meet the team online to discuss and complete some preliminary preparation. We ask you to bring some materials: postcards, posters, symbols of your country, music or popular national games etc., which can be used during your country presentation. We expect active volunteers with a good knowledge of history and culture of their country able and willing to present it to others in a creative way. B2 level of English is required. The age of volunteers is from 20 to 30. Please note that before making a final decision about your participation in the camp, the project coordinator will have a video interview with you.ArrivalVolunteers are expected to arrive to the camp location before 12:00 on a day the shift starts (namely, Saturday 10.06; Saturday 22.06; Friday 19.07; Friday 02.08)Volunteers are expected to arrive by the official start of the project; please make sure that you are at school on time and choose to arrive one day before in case there is no flight to be taken to arrive by 12:00 in the morning on your first project day.Due to volunteers work with minors we expect them to provide a criminal clearance and a doctor s check certificate including tuberculosis clearance. Please make sure that you have a travel insurance certificate as wellIMPORTANT: Unless there are any special anti-COVID measures for minors announced by the Estonian Government on the date of your arrival, no medical or green-pass certificates are required. Before travelling please check information on the website or or Participation feeWe ask participants to contribute 50 Euro towards the costs of general administration. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp. If you cannot make it, please contact your sending organization for a solution. If you apply for two shifts in a row the participation fee is 80 Euro.

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education


04/08/2024   -   11/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Turkey Germany Spain + more


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 175 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

17 - 77
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


The main work is the keeping up of Vikings Village which involves cleaning, fixing, painting. Other part of work is helping with various event preparations such as decorations set up, putting tents and tables and other odd jobs depending on event. The work is physical.

Accomodation and food

The accommodation conditions are very simple - in Viking house but beds are provided. Please bring your sleeping bag. Toilets and showers are available on site. There are fireplaces where you can prepare meals on Fire, while some meals will be prepared for you indoors at the main house.

Location and leisure

Location30 km from Tallinn along Tartu road, at Pirita river shore. More information: TerminalAirport, harbour, bus station in Tallinn. From the airport or Tallinn Bus Station (Bussijaam) or Train station (Baltijaam) you can take bus nr 138 to Saula. Timetables are available online at But hosts plan to provide group pick up at the meeting point within walking distance from the airport.Leisure timeThere are a lot of interesting natural and historical sights and places around the area. This camp is perfect for people who enjoy being close to the nature and are interested in traditions and history. On the last evening there will be a theatrical and special FX performance at the fortress. You can help in preparations of show and other events and enjoy it.

Project hosted by

Estonian people have lived in these lands since ancient times and ancient Estonians were known as a wise and mysterious people. They have been described as a nation of witches and sorcerers, and for good reason. While later periods of Estonian history can be learned about in a number of places across the country, the Viking Age (8th to 11th century) in our lands has not received much attention. The Viking Village is the result of one man s long-lived dream and the boldness and initiative of young enthusiasts. It all started in 2005, when the current chieftains of the Viking Village discovered an ancient and mysterious location on the scenic bank of the Pirita River, which could not have been a better place to build an ancient Estonian Viking village.The mission of the Viking Village is to give people a sense of what ancient life was like and to provide a place to relax and learn to know themselves as well as their environment. It is a place where you can take a break from fast-paced modern life and discover the Viking within yourself. The Viking Village is constantly being expanded and improved. Today, we have completed roughly half of the planned village, which means that there is at least as much to come More information:

Directions to meeting point



Special requirementsYou need to be open-minded and willing to adapt to the simple conditions of life in Vikings Village. Be ready for independent work as well as teamwork. It is helpful if you have some technical skills: repairs, building, woodwork, fire etc. Driving license is an advantage. Smoking and drinking alcohol are not permitted during the work days. Age of participants 17Participation feeDue to the lack of financial support for the project the participation fee of 175 Euro is requested from volunteers to cover the costs of board, leisure activities and administration. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp. If you cannot make bank transfer please contact your sending organization for solution.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities


04/08/2024   -   11/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers


full for < 18


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 40 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

20 - 33
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


Each day of the camp will have a program completed by local coordinators and the volunteers will be helping to realize it. The main activities will be intercultural learning through finding differences and similarities between Estonia and countries, where volunteers come from (history, traditions, language, singing, dancing). It will be done through games, drama, sport, discussions. We expect that volunteers would lead a workshop connected with their culture (traditional dances, games, everyday life, food, etc.) It can be educational one or as a game to play. Therefore we look for active volunteers with good knowledge of history and culture of their country and ability to present it. Volunteer will work in partnership with professional local educators and youth workers i 9 staff members. The age of children is from 8 to 17 depending on shift.

Accomodation and food

In the same house with kids, separate room for volunteers and staff members (2-3 people in the same room). Volunteers will eat together with children and staff in the canteen. Showers, toilets and Wi-Fi are available.

Location and leisure

LocationTaevaskoja is a tiny village in South-Estonia with 90 habitants. Distance from Tallinn is 230 km. But in summer it becomes one of the most visited natural sights. TerminalAirport, harbour, bus station in Tallinn. Alternatively you can arrive to Riga, capital of Latvia. From these cities it is easy to travel to Tartu by bus. From Tartu you can come to Taevaskoja by regular bus or train. Arrival is on the first day of the camp in the evening, around 18-19. Departure is on the last day of the camp in the morning.Leisure timePlenty of possibilities: hiking, swimming, sunbathing, sports, games, excursions to the places of interest in the area.

Project hosted by

Taevaskoja Youth Camp is adventurous hiking camp that has been active for 30 years. The aim of Taevaskoja camp is to support children s development through non-formal education. During the youth camp kids participate in different workshops about health, safety, culture and enjoy climbing and hiking activities. Taevaskoja is located in South-Estonia, about 230 km from Tallinn. The camp site is very close to the one of the most popular natural touristic place - Suur Taevaskoda (The Large Heaven s Hall), surrounded by beautiful forest and close to the one of the longest rivers in Estonia. Such location brings children closer to unspoiled nature and gives them an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with Estonian national heritage richly presented in the area. The camp aims also to develop children s knowledges about different cultures and support the growth of tolerance. To do that Taevaskoja Youth Camp invites international volunteers to join the camp as animators. Children come to Taevaskoja camp from all over Estonia. Most of them have basic knowledge of English and are very happy to have a chance to practice it. More information on Camp has several periods with different age groups of kids. NB It is possible to join for several camp shifts in a row.

Directions to meeting point


Additional comments

NB It is possible to join for several camp shifts in a row


Special requirementsYou have to love kids and be really motivated to work with them. The work demands 24-hours commitment and it can be pretty hard sometimes. Experience in work with children is an advantage. We expect active volunteers with good knowledge of history and culture of their country and ability to present it. All exciting ideas of activities for kids, games etc. are welcome. Good ability to communicate in English is needed and knowledge of Russian may be useful. The age of participants is 20-33.Participation feeWe ask participants to contribute 40 Euro towards the costs of general administration. In case of participation in more than one shift the total fee is 60 Euro. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp.

Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being Quality Education
Estonia Estonia: TEEN DOWN TOWN 15 (EST TDT15)


04/08/2024   -   11/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers




Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 360 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

14 - 16
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
6 Male + 6 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


ProgramCamp program includes team projects, discussions at the round table, social and sport games, performances in the open air, actions for peace and nature protection, meetings with people, visits to museums and sightseeing as well as presentations of the countries that camp participants and volunteers represent, etc. Every day the camp will have a country presentation, a subject to learn or discuss and a related activity. Teenagers will stay in the camp activities zone from 10:00 to 17:00. There will be one day off in the camp and at least one day of travel outside Tallinn. The day off is spent either under the leadership of a member of the school staff or in the host family. Camp activities will take place in the premises of the language school that is situated in the very centre of the city. To activate teenagers and run the program, there will be a group of international volunteers and members of the local school staff. Special features of this summer:1) All camp shifts with arrivals on 12.06, 24.06, 21.0 and 04.08 include one trip outside Tallinn.2) Participants are welcome to extend their stay for one or two weeks within the camp dates.

Accomodation and food

AccommodationThere are 2 options possible (which is subject to availability):1) In the premises of The Language School In Down-Town located on the 4th and 5th floors of a business building in the city centre. In summer time, a part of the school is reserved for the camp participants accommodation that includes several separate dormitory bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, a dining area, a large shower area and two separate toilet cabins. Apart from bedrooms, the tea-room for rest will be also organized where teenagers might watch films, read and play board games enjoying soft sofas. Bed linen, pillows and blankets will be provided, so you do NOT need to bring a sleeping bag unless you want so. For the reasons of security, minimum one school staff member and one volunteer will be staying with camp participants overnights to maintain life, catering and general order on the site. To facilitate a smooth and safe environment at school during the off-hours, the main entrance to the school must be kept closed at all times. The access to the school and accommodation areas will be managed by long-term volunteers or school staff. Please be aware that you must be inside by 22:00 the latest unless supervised outside by a school staff member. Participants will have breakfasts and dinners at school, lunches i together with other camp participants.2) In the host families of some of 10 local participants who will join this camp. The apartments of the host families may be located in Tallinn or its suburbs. Participants will stay in a separate or shared room. You do NOT need a sleeping bag. Participants will have breakfasts and dinners in their host families, lunches i together with other camp participants in the city. Travel cards will be provided, pick up service at arrival is provided upon request.NB it is not possible to stay at any of the camp accommodation options before or after the camp arrival and departure days. If you need a place to stay before or after the camp dates, we can help you to book a hostel in Tallinn.

Location and leisure

LocationTallinn is the capital of Estonia, country s largest city with 450 000 inhabitants and nearly as many tourists during summer. You can get a lot of information on Tallinn on, bus station, harbor in Tallinn. Pick up arranged by the school staff or families at the point of arrival is possible upon parents requests.Leisure timeThere are a lot of possibilities for leisure time activities since camp will take place in the Estonian capital Tallinn where one can find attractions for any taste: sightseeing, museums, festivals, concerts, etc.

Project hosted by

International language camp is organized for teenagers by The Language School In Down-Town and the non-profit educational association Alternative Language Programs Satellite (ALP S) as part of their annual activities on multicultural issues for youth. The project s aim is to introduce the diversity of world cultures to the youth and provide them with good practices in intercultural communication by means of alternative English language practice which includes meetings, visits and direct contacts to young people from abroad. The project gets teens of 14 to 16 years old familiar with national traditions of the countries from all over the world, encourages them to develop their global thinking and individual initiative, tolerance and resistance to xenophobia and ethnic hatred. Camps give foreign participants a great chance to meet youngsters both from Estonia and other countries as well as to experience local life. This summer we offer you to participate in our new project called MATRIX . Camp participants will learn about different meanings of this word. Together, we will identify the ways how to improve the matrix of the modern world, how to become a better version of ourselves and how to develop our emotional intelligence. Camp participants will acquire life skills that they will need to create their own codes for personal matrices that will have power to change their life for the better. They are the smart matrices of our personalities, souls, love and success, well-being and happy life. Meetings with local and/or international professionals in the field will take place. Thematic photo and video contests for camp participants will be organized.

Directions to meeting point

ArrivalThe camp participant is expected to arrive to the camp location any Sunday within the camp dates, prior to the camp starting on Monday. Pick up on arrival is possible upon request.To assure a safe environment for all the campers, we expect all our camp participants will provide their parents letter of consent (Parental Authorization) and travel insurance certificate. IMPORTANT: Unless there are any special anti-COVID measures for minors announced by the Estonian Government on the date of your arrival, no medical or green-pass certificates are required. Before travelling please do check information on the website or or


Special requirementsThe age of international camp participants is 14 i 16. English is the camp language. Please be aware that during the day program of the camp the participants will be asked to leave their cell phones at their accommodation site to ensure safety of the participants and their engagement with the camp activities. We will welcome any ideas to improve the program and your active participation in it.Participation feeUnlike the traditional voluntary camp, there will be mostly informal educational activities and guided language practice. Camp program implementation involves costs for boarding and lodging, domestic transport, materials, excursions, visits, cultural activities and general administration. Since neither EstYES, nor its partner ALPS receives any financial support for this camp from state or municipality, to make the camp happen we have to charge a participation fee from 320 to 590 Euro depending on the duration of the camp shift. This is a hosting fee that is different from your country sending organization s fee you pay at home. It has to be paid by participants upon arrival to the camp or by bank transfer prior to the start of the camp. If you cannot make it, please contact your sending organization for a solution. NB Participants coming from outside Europe are asked to consult with EstYES before paying fee by bank transfer to reduce high banking charges.

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education
Estonia Estonia: TEEN DOWN TOWN 24 (EST TDT24)


04/08/2024   -   17/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers




Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 590 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

14 - 16
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 6 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


ProgramCamp program includes team projects, discussions at the round table, social and sport games, performances in the open air, actions for peace and nature protection, meetings with people, visits to museums and sightseeing as well as presentations of the countries that camp participants and volunteers represent, etc. Every day the camp will have a country presentation, a subject to learn or discuss and a related activity. Teenagers will stay in the camp activities zone from 10:00 to 17:00. There will be one day off in the camp and at least one day of travel outside Tallinn. The day off is spent either under the leadership of a member of the school staff or in the host family. Camp activities will take place in the premises of the language school that is situated in the very centre of the city. To activate teenagers and run the program, there will be a group of international volunteers and members of the local school staff. Special features of this summer:1) All camp shifts with arrivals on 12.06, 24.06, 21.0 and 04.08 include one trip outside Tallinn.2) Participants are welcome to extend their stay for one or two weeks within the camp dates.

Accomodation and food

AccommodationThere are 2 options possible (which is subject to availability):1) In the premises of The Language School In Down-Town located on the 4th and 5th floors of a business building in the city centre. In summer time, a part of the school is reserved for the camp participants accommodation that includes several separate dormitory bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, a dining area, a large shower area and two separate toilet cabins. Apart from bedrooms, the tea-room for rest will be also organized where teenagers might watch films, read and play board games enjoying soft sofas. Bed linen, pillows and blankets will be provided, so you do NOT need to bring a sleeping bag unless you want so. For the reasons of security, minimum one school staff member and one volunteer will be staying with camp participants overnights to maintain life, catering and general order on the site. To facilitate a smooth and safe environment at school during the off-hours, the main entrance to the school must be kept closed at all times. The access to the school and accommodation areas will be managed by long-term volunteers or school staff. Please be aware that you must be inside by 22:00 the latest unless supervised outside by a school staff member. Participants will have breakfasts and dinners at school, lunches i together with other camp participants.2) In the host families of some of 10 local participants who will join this camp. The apartments of the host families may be located in Tallinn or its suburbs. Participants will stay in a separate or shared room. You do NOT need a sleeping bag. Participants will have breakfasts and dinners in their host families, lunches i together with other camp participants in the city. Travel cards will be provided, pick up service at arrival is provided upon request.NB it is not possible to stay at any of the camp accommodation options before or after the camp arrival and departure days. If you need a place to stay before or after the camp dates, we can help you to book a hostel in Tallinn.

Location and leisure

LocationTallinn is the capital of Estonia, country s largest city with 450 000 inhabitants and nearly as many tourists during summer. You can get a lot of information on Tallinn on, bus station, harbor in Tallinn. Pick up arranged by the school staff or families at the point of arrival is possible upon parents requests.Leisure timeThere are a lot of possibilities for leisure time activities since camp will take place in the Estonian capital Tallinn where one can find attractions for any taste: sightseeing, museums, festivals, concerts, etc.

Project hosted by

International language camp is organized for teenagers by The Language School In Down-Town and the non-profit educational association Alternative Language Programs Satellite (ALP S) as part of their annual activities on multicultural issues for youth. The project s aim is to introduce the diversity of world cultures to the youth and provide them with good practices in intercultural communication by means of alternative English language practice which includes meetings, visits and direct contacts to young people from abroad. The project gets teens of 14 to 16 years old familiar with national traditions of the countries from all over the world, encourages them to develop their global thinking and individual initiative, tolerance and resistance to xenophobia and ethnic hatred. Camps give foreign participants a great chance to meet youngsters both from Estonia and other countries as well as to experience local life. This summer we offer you to participate in our new project called MATRIX . Camp participants will learn about different meanings of this word. Together, we will identify the ways how to improve the matrix of the modern world, how to become a better version of ourselves and how to develop our emotional intelligence. Camp participants will acquire life skills that they will need to create their own codes for personal matrices that will have power to change their life for the better. They are the smart matrices of our personalities, souls, love and success, well-being and happy life. Meetings with local and/or international professionals in the field will take place. Thematic photo and video contests for camp participants will be organized.

Directions to meeting point

ArrivalThe camp participant is expected to arrive to the camp location any Sunday within the camp dates, prior to the camp starting on Monday. Pick up on arrival is possible upon request.To assure a safe environment for all the campers, we expect all our camp participants will provide their parents letter of consent (Parental Authorization) and travel insurance certificate. IMPORTANT: Unless there are any special anti-COVID measures for minors announced by the Estonian Government on the date of your arrival, no medical or green-pass certificates are required. Before travelling please do check information on the website or or


Special requirementsThe age of international camp participants is 14 i 16. English is the camp language. Please be aware that during the day program of the camp the participants will be asked to leave their cell phones at their accommodation site to ensure safety of the participants and their engagement with the camp activities. We will welcome any ideas to improve the program and your active participation in it.Participation feeUnlike the traditional voluntary camp, there will be mostly informal educational activities and guided language practice. Camp program implementation involves costs for boarding and lodging, domestic transport, materials, excursions, visits, cultural activities and general administration. Since neither EstYES, nor its partner ALPS receives any financial support for this camp from state or municipality, to make the camp happen we have to charge a participation fee from 320 to 590 Euro depending on the duration of the camp shift. This is a hosting fee that is different from your country sending organization s fee you pay at home. It has to be paid by participants upon arrival to the camp or by bank transfer prior to the start of the camp. If you cannot make it, please contact your sending organization for a solution. NB Participants coming from outside Europe are asked to consult with EstYES before paying fee by bank transfer to reduce high banking charges.

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education


05/08/2024   -   19/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers


full for < 18


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 50 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

19 - 88
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


The main task is harvesting various berries and vegetables such as rhubarb, currants, raspberries, Japanese quince, then helping juice making and products packaging. But there is also weed control and fertilization with mulch in plantations, mowing grass, cutting branches, removal of bushes and wood chipping, assistance in the construction of various small buildings, vegetable beds and other necessary structures on the site, painting as well. And there is ongoing work of planting seeds. Working hours are 5-7 hours a day for 5 days a week. The exact work depends on season and partly on weather conditions.

Accomodation and food

Farm life conditions are simple. Sleeping is in a separate house in beds. Bed sheets, blankets and pillows are provided, so no need for sleeping bag. There is outdoor kitchen with all necessary equipment. Volunteers can make breakfast and lunch themselves, and dinner will be prepared by and taken with the family. Washing is in the sauna. There is a dry organic toilet. Volunteers have to take care of their surroundings by cleaning up after themselves.

Location and leisure

LocationThe farm is located in Kanepi municipality just 11km from Otepaa and 47km from Tartu. When coming from Tartu, choose a bus to Voru and get off at the Saverna stop. Buses stop there quite often, travel takes about 40 minutes. Also you can come through Otepaa. Knowing you arrival time and place hosts will pick you up from there. Bus information is on or The farm is located in the tiny village of Aiaste. It is important to understand that it is calm and quiet place (there are no events in the village). But with nice weather, it is possible to see deer in the field, foxes in a strawberry bed and storks. While sitting by the fire at night, enjoy stars in the sky and listen to the nature sounds by animals such as badgers or raccoons.Leisure timeIt is possible to swim, make a fire, play volleyball, disc golf and other games or go for mushroom picking if you like it. There is a swimming lake in Valgjarv 4 km away. You can use various hiking trails. If interested you can visit nearby farms where you can get to know horses, sheep and other animals and see many other interesting things. There is very nice restaurant nearby and Cantervilla Castle where you can have fun in the water park. More info on

Project hosted by

For many years EstYES has been cooperating with eco-farms around Estonia demonstrating solidarity and respect to their work and supporting local people, who keep agricultural traditions and develop eco-farming in Estonia. Organic farm Kingu is one of them. This is a berry, fruit and vegetable micro-farm in the South Estonia. The main berry crops are raspberries, various currants, gooseberries, Japanese quince, garlic and rhubarb. Everything is grown in an environmentally sustainable way using straw and hay. The farm promotes sustainable lifestyle, and this camp is proposed for volunteers who appreciate and share its values, want to learn more and to help hard working people in country side.

Directions to meeting point



Special requirementsYou have to be open-minded and be ready to adapt to the simple conditions of the rural life being ready to do farm work which can be hard sometimes. The minimum age of participants is 19, no upper limit.Participation feeWe ask participants to contribute 50 Euro towards the costs of general administration. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp. If you cannot make bank transfer please contact your sending organization for solution.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Responsible Consumption and Production


06/08/2024   -   17/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Turkey Netherlands Spain + more


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 490 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

14 - 18
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
12 Male + 19 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


ProgramThere are diverse activities in the camp program: canoeing, water scootering, running ATV, paintball in the forest, sport games - football, rugby, volleyball, athletics, table tennis, archery, frisbee, disc-golf, trampolines, different competitions, forest cross, sport orientation in the forest on and on sea (navigation), fishing, Viking boats, bicycle trips to explore the area, visit to the horse farm with horse riding, excursions historical places of interest in the area, active games and adventure trail in Roosta Adventure Park, picnics on a seaside, building sand and stones castles on the beach, Estonian sauna party, etc. In addition, there will be creative workshops on decoupage, soap-making, wooden handicrafts, etc. Bikes are available for the whole camp duration free of charge. WorkThere will be also some voluntary work such as painting of community buildings, making wooden toys and games for local orphanage, repairing benches and tables, cleaning local beach and old local park from garbage, planting trees, little renovation works in the local school, clearing pavement, helping seniors living in the community with some household duties, berries and herbs picking to give the crop to the orphanage and seniors home, duty in a kitchen and around the camp once in a shift, etc. The work will be organised in cooperation with local forestry department, municipality of Nova and local school. Please note that the work described above is planned for the whole summer and it may change from one shift to another depending on local needs, the season and weather conditions.

Accomodation and food

AccommodationIn wooden huts set by the local school nearby the seaside (500m away). Please bring your sleeping bag and mat. Showers, toilets are provided in the school and there will be additional bio-toilets set on camping site. You can have traditional Estonian sauna every dayCateringMeals are served 3 times a day. There are water machines with cold water in the school complex. Catering takes place in the schools mess hall or into the lager tent outside near the mess. Meals are cooked by professional cooks. However participants will be asked to help cleaning.

Location and leisure

LocationNova is one of 11 municipalities of Laanemaa with about 400 inhabitants, located on the seaside 90 km west from capital of Estonia Tallinn and 40 km north from Haapsalu, famous spa town with many historic and cultural sites. More information on The camp is located on Nova basic Schools territory ( and camps infrastructureSchoolhouseSports hallTable tennisWooden housesInformation centreRefreshments stall with water coolersGym equipment for fitness exercises on schools territoryFootball fieldBasketball court on the schools territoryVolleyball court on the beach4 lakes within 4 km from the camp side2 sand beaches in the distance from 0,5-7 kmForest Management Centre wooden tents with table and grill for picnic near the beachGrocery store 0,5 km awayHiking paths marked by Forest Department

Project hosted by

This camp is organized for teenagers by youth sport club Lukas-Basket which has been running national youth camps for 25 years and International ones for the past 12 years. International teenage camps will be hosted on seaside in the West of Estonia in Laanemaa County in the municipality of Nova. Beautiful nature, numerous historical places, 200 years long tradition of health resort, unique cultural events are the treasures of the County. Nova with warm sea, white sand, mushroom and berry crops, picturesque lakes, cobble stone road and many places of interest is ideal place for leisure. The aim of Nova camp is to give young people possibility to have active, healthy and meaningful summer vacations with different sport adventures, to enjoy unspoiled nature and to learn to live in harmony with it, also to explore and realize their own capacities and limits. The program will include water activities, sport and ball games, eco-hikes, bicycle trips to places of interest, horse riding, fishing, rowing, acquaintance with local culture and many other exciting things. Mens sana in corpore sano (Healthy Spirit in Healthy Body) i this is the message of the camp Besides all this, camp gives possibility for intensive contacts between local youth and their peers from abroad, showing youngsters the diversity of world cultures, broadening their horizons and encouraging active communication through games and creative activities. Finally, there will be some voluntary work for nature protection and to support local community. The area of the camp is about 3 hectares and it can host over 60 youngsters on one shift. The age of local participants is 10-18. Local teenagers are mainly Russian-speaking of minority communities of Estonia. Videos from past camps are available here ,

Directions to meeting point

Terminal and arrivals/ departureAirport, bus station, harbor in Tallinn; specially arranged bus to Nova. Although pick up on arrival to Tallinn is possible at additional fee, it is not really needed as the meeting point (sport club gym) is located just 1km from the airport and can be easily reached by walking or by regular bus directly from the airport (3 short stops).On arrival day there is an excursion in Tallinn, dinner, accommodation in Tallinn with lodging for the night at the gym of the sport club. Showers and WC are in the facility of the gym. On the next day there is a breakfast at 8 am and departure to camp site. On the last day of the camp there is a breakfast and departure at 11:30 am from the camp with the arrival to Tallinn airport by 13:30. If your departure is scheduled to an earlier hour a special transfer from the camp to the airport can be booked at additional fee. In case of earlier arrival or later departure accommodation in hostel can be booked upon request.


Special requirementsParticipants have to be sporty (e.g. be ready to run up to 3 km, bike up to 30 km), independent enough, curious and interested in active life style. Please inform us beforehand about allergies, dietary requirements you have or others prescriptions from your doctor. Please bring sleeping bag and mat, wind and waterproof clothes, goods shoes, warm and summer clothes. It s advisable to take thermal underwear. If possible, please take tick vaccination before coming. Generally, age of participants is 14-18, however exceptions are possible. NB Smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs is absolutely prohibited in the camp and this policy will be followed strictly Thus, if you cannot quit smoking for a while it is probably better not to come. Camp common language is English. Local languages are Estonian and Russian.Participation feeUnlike the normal camp there will be not too much of work here. Nevertheless, participants will be provided with board, lodging, local transportation and all equipment necessary to realize camp program. Besides, program involves a lot of extra costs for excursions, trips out, visits, sport activities, equipment, materials and general administration and leadership. Since neither EstYES nor its local camp partner, does not receive financial support for this camp from municipality or private sources, to realize this camp we have to charge participation fee of 490 Euro, which covers all camp and program costs including transfer from Tallinn to and from the camp, and which has to be paid by bank transfer before the camp or by participants upon arrival to the camp. The bank details will be provided after the acceptance of the participant to the camp. NB Participants coming from outside Europe are asked to consult with EstYES before paying fee by bank transfer to reduce high banking charges.

Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being Quality Education


08/08/2024   -   31/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers


full for < 18


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 60 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

19 - 88
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
1 Male + 2 Female
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


Lepaniidi Farm has currently about 150 sheep for producing meet and wool, over 40 goats, 20 of whom are for milk and goat cheese production. Volunteers will be helping grazing, feeding, milking the goats, processing the milk, but also picking berries and vegetables. So, in the mornings there will be goats milking, at days - picking the berries and fruits (strawberries, raspberries and blackcurrant) and making a jam/juice or there will be work in vegetable garden, removing weeds, picking vegetables, etc. During the autumn shift volunteers will be mainly picking up and sorting vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beetroots), milking goats and making cheese. Participants will have a great chance to get familiar with various farm jobs and even to learn how to make goat cheese Inside of the house it would be grat to give some hand too etc. cooking and cleaning around.The working day will be 6-7 hours, 5-6 days a week (NB: milking is every day). Work will be supervised by local hosts with whom volunteers will stay sharing work and leisure as a family.

Accomodation and food

The accommodation conditions at the farm will be simple - in old sauna house or caravan but on beds. Please bring your sleeping bag. Toilets and showers are available in the main house; there is also traditional Estonian sauna in the farm. There is a kitchen with necessary equipment for cooking, which volunteers may use freely i just like at home. Usually volunteers will have breakfasts and lunch together with farmers cooked and served by the hosts, but you always can help with cooking. Dinners will be prepared by volunteers.

Location and leisure

LocationHiiumaa Island, Kaina parish, Ristivalja village, Lepaniidi farm. Hiiumaa Island is in the west of Estonia, 140 km from Tallinn. More information on or TerminalAirport, harbour, bus station in Tallinn. From the airport buses nr 2and 15 going to the city centre stops by the Tallinn Bus Station (Bussijaam). From there two times per day buses take you straight to Hiiumaa (including ferry transportation from the mainland). Timetables are available online at and Leisure timeThere are lot of natural picturesque sights in the area. Sea cost is 7km away and there is a possibility to take the bicycles to go swimming. It is possible to visit other parts of Hiiumaa Island on weekend. Hiiumaa offers a lot of events on weekends in summer. Hosts plan to arrange some tours around the island.This camp is absolutely suitable for people who enjoy nature and interested in traditional ways of rural living.

Project hosted by

Hiiumaa according to the Nordic sagas emerged from the Baltic Sea as a small islet more than 10 000 years ago. The island of Hiiumaa was first mentioned in historical documents as a deserted island called Dageida in 1228. The first inhabitants settled down at the end of the 13th century. Nowadays Hiiumaa is the second biggest island of Estonia with the area of 965 sq. km and the population around 10 000. It has many historical and nature sights, and there are kind people known for their hospitality and good sense of humor. The island is referred as a remote area of Europe, so EstYES feels particularly proud developing international voluntary projects for 20 years there. For years EstYES has been cooperating with farms all over Estonia for solidarity and practical support to local people who work in agricultural sector keeping traditional life style and developing new eco-farming despite of all difficulties. Lepaniidi Farm on Hiiumaa Island is one of such projects. This is an organic farm promoting sustainable lifestyle, and camp is proposed for volunteers who appreciate and share its values, want to learn more about it and to help hard working people.

Directions to meeting point


Additional comments

NB It is possible to adapt the arrival date to your availability.


Special requirementsMotivation letter is required. You have to be ready to adapt to the simple conditions of the common life in the country side of Estonia and be willing to do farm work, which can be hard sometimes. Not suitable for lactose allergic participants since host offers a lot of dairy products. The host eats a lot of meat products too, but volunteers can always cook for themselves. Smoking and drinking alcohol is not allowed in this camp. Participation feeWe ask participants to contribute 60 Euros towards the costs of the general administration. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the stay. If you cannot make it ask your sending organization for solution.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Responsible Consumption and Production
Estonia Estonia: TEEN DOWN TOWN 16 (EST TDT16)


11/08/2024   -   17/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers




Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 320 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

14 - 16
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
6 Male + 6 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


ProgramCamp program includes team projects, discussions at the round table, social and sport games, performances in the open air, actions for peace and nature protection, meetings with people, visits to museums and sightseeing as well as presentations of the countries that camp participants and volunteers represent, etc. Every day the camp will have a country presentation, a subject to learn or discuss and a related activity. Teenagers will stay in the camp activities zone from 10:00 to 17:00. There will be one day off in the camp and at least one day of travel outside Tallinn. The day off is spent either under the leadership of a member of the school staff or in the host family. Camp activities will take place in the premises of the language school that is situated in the very centre of the city. To activate teenagers and run the program, there will be a group of international volunteers and members of the local school staff. Special features of this summer:1) All camp shifts with arrivals on 12.06, 24.06, 21.0 and 04.08 include one trip outside Tallinn.2) Participants are welcome to extend their stay for one or two weeks within the camp dates.

Accomodation and food

AccommodationThere are 2 options possible (which is subject to availability):1) In the premises of The Language School In Down-Town located on the 4th and 5th floors of a business building in the city centre. In summer time, a part of the school is reserved for the camp participants accommodation that includes several separate dormitory bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen, a dining area, a large shower area and two separate toilet cabins. Apart from bedrooms, the tea-room for rest will be also organized where teenagers might watch films, read and play board games enjoying soft sofas. Bed linen, pillows and blankets will be provided, so you do NOT need to bring a sleeping bag unless you want so. For the reasons of security, minimum one school staff member and one volunteer will be staying with camp participants overnights to maintain life, catering and general order on the site. To facilitate a smooth and safe environment at school during the off-hours, the main entrance to the school must be kept closed at all times. The access to the school and accommodation areas will be managed by long-term volunteers or school staff. Please be aware that you must be inside by 22:00 the latest unless supervised outside by a school staff member. Participants will have breakfasts and dinners at school, lunches i together with other camp participants.2) In the host families of some of 10 local participants who will join this camp. The apartments of the host families may be located in Tallinn or its suburbs. Participants will stay in a separate or shared room. You do NOT need a sleeping bag. Participants will have breakfasts and dinners in their host families, lunches i together with other camp participants in the city. Travel cards will be provided, pick up service at arrival is provided upon request.NB it is not possible to stay at any of the camp accommodation options before or after the camp arrival and departure days. If you need a place to stay before or after the camp dates, we can help you to book a hostel in Tallinn.

Location and leisure

LocationTallinn is the capital of Estonia, country s largest city with 450 000 inhabitants and nearly as many tourists during summer. You can get a lot of information on Tallinn on, bus station, harbor in Tallinn. Pick up arranged by the school staff or families at the point of arrival is possible upon parents requests.Leisure timeThere are a lot of possibilities for leisure time activities since camp will take place in the Estonian capital Tallinn where one can find attractions for any taste: sightseeing, museums, festivals, concerts, etc.

Project hosted by

International language camp is organized for teenagers by The Language School In Down-Town and the non-profit educational association Alternative Language Programs Satellite (ALP S) as part of their annual activities on multicultural issues for youth. The project s aim is to introduce the diversity of world cultures to the youth and provide them with good practices in intercultural communication by means of alternative English language practice which includes meetings, visits and direct contacts to young people from abroad. The project gets teens of 14 to 16 years old familiar with national traditions of the countries from all over the world, encourages them to develop their global thinking and individual initiative, tolerance and resistance to xenophobia and ethnic hatred. Camps give foreign participants a great chance to meet youngsters both from Estonia and other countries as well as to experience local life. This summer we offer you to participate in our new project called MATRIX . Camp participants will learn about different meanings of this word. Together, we will identify the ways how to improve the matrix of the modern world, how to become a better version of ourselves and how to develop our emotional intelligence. Camp participants will acquire life skills that they will need to create their own codes for personal matrices that will have power to change their life for the better. They are the smart matrices of our personalities, souls, love and success, well-being and happy life. Meetings with local and/or international professionals in the field will take place. Thematic photo and video contests for camp participants will be organized.

Directions to meeting point

ArrivalThe camp participant is expected to arrive to the camp location any Sunday within the camp dates, prior to the camp starting on Monday. Pick up on arrival is possible upon request.To assure a safe environment for all the campers, we expect all our camp participants will provide their parents letter of consent (Parental Authorization) and travel insurance certificate. IMPORTANT: Unless there are any special anti-COVID measures for minors announced by the Estonian Government on the date of your arrival, no medical or green-pass certificates are required. Before travelling please do check information on the website or or


Special requirementsThe age of international camp participants is 14 i 16. English is the camp language. Please be aware that during the day program of the camp the participants will be asked to leave their cell phones at their accommodation site to ensure safety of the participants and their engagement with the camp activities. We will welcome any ideas to improve the program and your active participation in it.Participation feeUnlike the traditional voluntary camp, there will be mostly informal educational activities and guided language practice. Camp program implementation involves costs for boarding and lodging, domestic transport, materials, excursions, visits, cultural activities and general administration. Since neither EstYES, nor its partner ALPS receives any financial support for this camp from state or municipality, to make the camp happen we have to charge a participation fee from 320 to 590 Euro depending on the duration of the camp shift. This is a hosting fee that is different from your country sending organization s fee you pay at home. It has to be paid by participants upon arrival to the camp or by bank transfer prior to the start of the camp. If you cannot make it, please contact your sending organization for a solution. NB Participants coming from outside Europe are asked to consult with EstYES before paying fee by bank transfer to reduce high banking charges.

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education


15/08/2024   -   23/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers


full for < 18


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 40 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

20 - 33
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


Each day of the camp will have a program completed by local coordinators and the volunteers will be helping to realize it. The main activities will be intercultural learning through finding differences and similarities between Estonia and countries, where volunteers come from (history, traditions, language, singing, dancing). It will be done through games, drama, sport, discussions. We expect that volunteers would lead a workshop connected with their culture (traditional dances, games, everyday life, food, etc.) It can be educational one or as a game to play. Therefore we look for active volunteers with good knowledge of history and culture of their country and ability to present it. Volunteer will work in partnership with professional local educators and youth workers i 9 staff members. The age of children is from 8 to 17 depending on shift.

Accomodation and food

In the same house with kids, separate room for volunteers and staff members (2-3 people in the same room). Volunteers will eat together with children and staff in the canteen. Showers, toilets and Wi-Fi are available.

Location and leisure

LocationTaevaskoja is a tiny village in South-Estonia with 90 habitants. Distance from Tallinn is 230 km. But in summer it becomes one of the most visited natural sights. TerminalAirport, harbour, bus station in Tallinn. Alternatively you can arrive to Riga, capital of Latvia. From these cities it is easy to travel to Tartu by bus. From Tartu you can come to Taevaskoja by regular bus or train. Arrival is on the first day of the camp in the evening, around 18-19. Departure is on the last day of the camp in the morning.Leisure timePlenty of possibilities: hiking, swimming, sunbathing, sports, games, excursions to the places of interest in the area.

Project hosted by

Taevaskoja Youth Camp is adventurous hiking camp that has been active for 30 years. The aim of Taevaskoja camp is to support children s development through non-formal education. During the youth camp kids participate in different workshops about health, safety, culture and enjoy climbing and hiking activities. Taevaskoja is located in South-Estonia, about 230 km from Tallinn. The camp site is very close to the one of the most popular natural touristic place - Suur Taevaskoda (The Large Heaven s Hall), surrounded by beautiful forest and close to the one of the longest rivers in Estonia. Such location brings children closer to unspoiled nature and gives them an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with Estonian national heritage richly presented in the area. The camp aims also to develop children s knowledges about different cultures and support the growth of tolerance. To do that Taevaskoja Youth Camp invites international volunteers to join the camp as animators. Children come to Taevaskoja camp from all over Estonia. Most of them have basic knowledge of English and are very happy to have a chance to practice it. More information on Camp has several periods with different age groups of kids. NB It is possible to join for several camp shifts in a row.

Directions to meeting point


Additional comments

NB It is possible to join for several camp shifts in a row


Special requirementsYou have to love kids and be really motivated to work with them. The work demands 24-hours commitment and it can be pretty hard sometimes. Experience in work with children is an advantage. We expect active volunteers with good knowledge of history and culture of their country and ability to present it. All exciting ideas of activities for kids, games etc. are welcome. Good ability to communicate in English is needed and knowledge of Russian may be useful. The age of participants is 20-33.Participation feeWe ask participants to contribute 40 Euro towards the costs of general administration. In case of participation in more than one shift the total fee is 60 Euro. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp.

Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being Quality Education


16/08/2024   -   27/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Turkey Spain + more


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 490 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

14 - 18
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
18 Male + 19 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


ProgramThere are diverse activities in the camp program: canoeing, water scootering, running ATV, paintball in the forest, sport games - football, rugby, volleyball, athletics, table tennis, archery, frisbee, disc-golf, trampolines, different competitions, forest cross, sport orientation in the forest on and on sea (navigation), fishing, Viking boats, bicycle trips to explore the area, visit to the horse farm with horse riding, excursions historical places of interest in the area, active games and adventure trail in Roosta Adventure Park, picnics on a seaside, building sand and stones castles on the beach, Estonian sauna party, etc. In addition, there will be creative workshops on decoupage, soap-making, wooden handicrafts, etc. Bikes are available for the whole camp duration free of charge. WorkThere will be also some voluntary work such as painting of community buildings, making wooden toys and games for local orphanage, repairing benches and tables, cleaning local beach and old local park from garbage, planting trees, little renovation works in the local school, clearing pavement, helping seniors living in the community with some household duties, berries and herbs picking to give the crop to the orphanage and seniors home, duty in a kitchen and around the camp once in a shift, etc. The work will be organised in cooperation with local forestry department, municipality of Nova and local school. Please note that the work described above is planned for the whole summer and it may change from one shift to another depending on local needs, the season and weather conditions.

Accomodation and food

AccommodationIn wooden huts set by the local school nearby the seaside (500m away). Please bring your sleeping bag and mat. Showers, toilets are provided in the school and there will be additional bio-toilets set on camping site. You can have traditional Estonian sauna every dayCateringMeals are served 3 times a day. There are water machines with cold water in the school complex. Catering takes place in the schools mess hall or into the lager tent outside near the mess. Meals are cooked by professional cooks. However participants will be asked to help cleaning.

Location and leisure

LocationNova is one of 11 municipalities of Laanemaa with about 400 inhabitants, located on the seaside 90 km west from capital of Estonia Tallinn and 40 km north from Haapsalu, famous spa town with many historic and cultural sites. More information on The camp is located on Nova basic Schools territory ( and camps infrastructureSchoolhouseSports hallTable tennisWooden housesInformation centreRefreshments stall with water coolersGym equipment for fitness exercises on schools territoryFootball fieldBasketball court on the schools territoryVolleyball court on the beach4 lakes within 4 km from the camp side2 sand beaches in the distance from 0,5-7 kmForest Management Centre wooden tents with table and grill for picnic near the beachGrocery store 0,5 km awayHiking paths marked by Forest Department

Project hosted by

This camp is organized for teenagers by youth sport club Lukas-Basket which has been running national youth camps for 25 years and International ones for the past 12 years. International teenage camps will be hosted on seaside in the West of Estonia in Laanemaa County in the municipality of Nova. Beautiful nature, numerous historical places, 200 years long tradition of health resort, unique cultural events are the treasures of the County. Nova with warm sea, white sand, mushroom and berry crops, picturesque lakes, cobble stone road and many places of interest is ideal place for leisure. The aim of Nova camp is to give young people possibility to have active, healthy and meaningful summer vacations with different sport adventures, to enjoy unspoiled nature and to learn to live in harmony with it, also to explore and realize their own capacities and limits. The program will include water activities, sport and ball games, eco-hikes, bicycle trips to places of interest, horse riding, fishing, rowing, acquaintance with local culture and many other exciting things. Mens sana in corpore sano (Healthy Spirit in Healthy Body) i this is the message of the camp Besides all this, camp gives possibility for intensive contacts between local youth and their peers from abroad, showing youngsters the diversity of world cultures, broadening their horizons and encouraging active communication through games and creative activities. Finally, there will be some voluntary work for nature protection and to support local community. The area of the camp is about 3 hectares and it can host over 60 youngsters on one shift. The age of local participants is 10-18. Local teenagers are mainly Russian-speaking of minority communities of Estonia. Videos from past camps are available here ,

Directions to meeting point

Terminal and arrivals/ departureAirport, bus station, harbor in Tallinn; specially arranged bus to Nova. Although pick up on arrival to Tallinn is possible at additional fee, it is not really needed as the meeting point (sport club gym) is located just 1km from the airport and can be easily reached by walking or by regular bus directly from the airport (3 short stops).On arrival day there is an excursion in Tallinn, dinner, accommodation in Tallinn with lodging for the night at the gym of the sport club. Showers and WC are in the facility of the gym. On the next day there is a breakfast at 8 am and departure to camp site. On the last day of the camp there is a breakfast and departure at 11:30 am from the camp with the arrival to Tallinn airport by 13:30. If your departure is scheduled to an earlier hour a special transfer from the camp to the airport can be booked at additional fee. In case of earlier arrival or later departure accommodation in hostel can be booked upon request.


Special requirementsParticipants have to be sporty (e.g. be ready to run up to 3 km, bike up to 30 km), independent enough, curious and interested in active life style. Please inform us beforehand about allergies, dietary requirements you have or others prescriptions from your doctor. Please bring sleeping bag and mat, wind and waterproof clothes, goods shoes, warm and summer clothes. It s advisable to take thermal underwear. If possible, please take tick vaccination before coming. Generally, age of participants is 14-18, however exceptions are possible. NB Smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs is absolutely prohibited in the camp and this policy will be followed strictly Thus, if you cannot quit smoking for a while it is probably better not to come. Camp common language is English. Local languages are Estonian and Russian.Participation feeUnlike the normal camp there will be not too much of work here. Nevertheless, participants will be provided with board, lodging, local transportation and all equipment necessary to realize camp program. Besides, program involves a lot of extra costs for excursions, trips out, visits, sport activities, equipment, materials and general administration and leadership. Since neither EstYES nor its local camp partner, does not receive financial support for this camp from municipality or private sources, to realize this camp we have to charge participation fee of 490 Euro, which covers all camp and program costs including transfer from Tallinn to and from the camp, and which has to be paid by bank transfer before the camp or by participants upon arrival to the camp. The bank details will be provided after the acceptance of the participant to the camp. NB Participants coming from outside Europe are asked to consult with EstYES before paying fee by bank transfer to reduce high banking charges.

Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being Quality Education
Estonia Estonia: VIHASOO YOUTH CAMP (EST 04)


17/08/2024   -   25/08/2024

Feedback from 132 volunteers


full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

China Japan + more


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 50 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

19 - 88
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
1 Male + 2 Female
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


Each day of the camp will have a program completed by local coordinators and volunteers will be helping to realize it. The main activities will be intercultural learning through finding differences and similarities between Estonia and countries, where volunteers come from (history, traditions, language, singing, dancing, etc). It will be done through art, games, drama, sport, discussions. We expect active volunteers with the good knowledge of history and culture of their country and ability to present it. Volunteers would lead workshops connected with their cultural expression during 5 days of the camp, which may culminate with small performance on the last day of the project. The duration of each workshop is 2 hours. You do not have to be professional, the most important that it is enjoyable and fun Besides, each volunteer has to run one cultural night to present own country and culture to others. After placement volunteers will be contacted by organizers to get involved and guided in the preparation of the program before arrival to Estonia. Volunteer will work in partnership with professional local educators and youth workers - 25 staff members.

Accomodation and food

In the separate house with other staff members in 4-6-bedded rooms. Sleeping bag is not needed. Volunteers will eat together with children and staff in the canteen. Showers, dry toilets and Wi-Fi are available.

Location and leisure

LocationVihasoo is tiny village in the picturesque Lahemaa National Park 70km from Tallinn. Surrounded by forest, near to the sea, it is the ideal place for summer vacations. The nearest town (7km) is Vosu, spa town with about 1000 inhabitants.TerminalAirport, harbour, bus station in Tallinn, specially arranged car to Vihasoo. We will organise transfer for the volunteers after their arrival to Tallinn, one day before children arrive to the camp that is to get to know each other and prepare things.Leisure timeHiking, swimming, sunbathing, sports, games, excursions to the places of interest in the Lahemaa National Park.

Project hosted by

Tallinn youth centre Youth Club Active runs children s camp in Vihasoo for 30 years. The aim of Vihasoo camp is to give children possibility of active and meaningful summer vacations. The base of Vihasoo lies 70km from Tallinn. The camp is located on the territory of Lahemaa National Park. The wonderful nature, proximity to the sea (about 100m), good facilities i all this makes Vihasoo ideal place for leisure. Such location brings children closer to unspoiled nature and gives them an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with Estonian national heritage richly presented in the area. Each summer period of the camp has its own theme. The purpose of this period is to discover different countries and cultures through artistic expression which could be dancing or singing, national style party, music or art of any kind i anything volunteer is good at. The idea is to have intercultural diversity to be presented to kids. We want to give children opportunity to discover differences in cultures, that they can learn it and reflect after. To achieve this aim Vihasoo camp invites international volunteers to join it as animators. Most of children are Russian-speaking from minority communities of Estonia. The area of the camp is 1,8 ha and it can host about 80 children on one shift. The age is 12-16. More information on

Directions to meeting point



Special requirementsYou have to love kids and be well motivated to work with them. The work demands 24-hours commitment and it can be pretty hard sometimes. Weekend is not free Experience in work with children is an advantage. We expect active volunteers with good knowledge of history and culture of their country and ability to present it. Moreover, volunteer should be good enough in some art to be able to lead a workshop for kids. All exciting ideas of activities for kids, games etc are welcome. English and Russian are the camp languages.Participation feeWe ask participants to contribute 50 Euro each towards the costs of general administration. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp. If you cannot make bank transfer please contact your organization.

Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being Quality Education