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Deutschland Deutschland: Never Forget: Sachsenhausen 3 (VJF24 2.5)


12/08/2024   -   01/09/2024

Feedback von 125 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Italien Ungarn Kolumbien Türkei Mexiko Frankreich Spanien Japan Belgien


EUR 90

Details zum Projekt

18 - 26
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Nächster Flughafen
Berlin (BER)
Anreise über
Train stop (S-Bahn) Oranienburg


Project: Development of tool for visitors

Work- und Studycamp at the Memorial and Museum Sachsenhausen August 12 to September 1, 2024
History of National Socialism, Second World War and its Aftermath, Everyday life in the Concentration Camp / Workshop objects and relics from the Concentration Camp / Gardening Work, work in the collections of the Memorial
Study part:
The history of Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp and the Soviet Special Camp are the focus of this part of the study. You will learn about the life stories of former prisoners who were interned here from all over Europe. Why were they persecuted? What was their daily life in the camp like and how did they try to survive? Visits to exhibitions, memorials and museums in Oranienburg and Berlin as well as discussions with experts are also part of the program.
Work part:
Participants will perform maintenance and gardening work on the memorial grounds. No special skills are required for the simple physical work.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will be accommodated in a youth hostel. The building is on the grounds of historical
Sachsenhausen concentration camp complex and was built in 1938 as the official residence
of the Concentration Camp Inspector, 2 km away from the memorial centre.
It is not necessary to bring a sleeping bag. Bed sheets and linen will be provided. You will sleep
in shared rooms with a lot of space. It is possible to use the washing machine and the dryer for
a small fee.
More information:

In the hostel there is a big kitchen for the group. Please be prepared not only to cook
there, but also to clean up afterwards ;) This will be done by the kitchen team of your group.
Volunteers have to cook the meals for themselves. Please bring easy recipes from your home country.

Lage und Freizeit

Sachsenhausen is a part of Oranienburg, ca. 33 km to the north of Berlin. Sachsenhausen was
one of the earliest concentration camps in Germany, built in 1936. For example, German
people who were in opposition to Nazi policy, homosexuals, so-called asocials, criminals,
Jews, and during the war especially people from occupied countries were imprisoned, forced
to work and a lot of them were murdered. Between 1945 and 1950 a part of this area was used
as a so-called Special Camp of the Soviet Secret Service

Volunteers have to be able to ride a bike, as several shorter and longer bike rides are planned. Bicycles are provided, but helmets are not required. In the free time it's possible to go to Berlin or Potsdam. The volunteers will find many forests and lakes to walk, cycle or just relax. However, the free time activities will mainly depend on participants' ideas.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

The Sachsenhausen Memorial was one of the largest concentration camps in Germany and was built in 1936 near Berlin. More than 200,000 people from all over Europe were imprisoned here by the Nazi SS. The prisoners were forced to perform inhumane labor, and thousands died or were murdered. After the liberation in 1945, the Soviet secret service established Special Camp No.7/No.1 on the site for the internment of former Nazi functionaries and political opponents. Today the memorial is a place of remembrance, learning and research.

More information:

Weitere Infos

We have a total of three projects at the Sachsenhausen Memorial, with a different additional project: – VJF 2.3 Sachsenhausen #1: Comic Workshop (14. July. - 3. August 2024)
– ESC VJF 2.4 Sachsenhausen #2: Relics and storage (16.07.24 – 05.08.24)
–VJF 2.5 Sachsenhausen #3: Development of tool for visitors (12.08.24 – 01.09.24)



  • You should bring an interest in the history of Germany and Europe in the 1930s and 1940s and commemoration.
  • You should have a desire to discuss these topics in an international group.

Project related:

  • You should be interested in digital formats.

In general:

  • You should be able to perform simple physical tasks.
  • A good knowledge of English is a prerequisite for participation.
  • Since many shorter and longer bike rides are planned, volunteers should also be able to ride a bike.

Please be fully vaccinated (2 to 3 shots of one of the following vaccines: BioNtech/Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson&Johnson) or recovered (date of infection must be min. 28 days old and max. 90 days old).

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education
Deutschland Deutschland: Nature Lovers 2 (VJF24 6.4)


12/08/2024   -   25/08/2024

Feedback von 125 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Russland Italien Frankreich Mexiko Japan Spanien


EUR 90

Details zum Projekt

18 - 26
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Nächster Flughafen
Leipzig (LEJ)
Anreise über
Railway station Jena-Paradies


In the first week, you will work with local foresters in the wood of Jena. You tasks will include various environmental works, e.g. maintaining footpaths, lookout points and shelters. Your help will be needed for different nature protection projects. Please be prepared for environmental works to help the rangers only outside.
In the second week, the volunteers will help the environmental organisation “Fuchsturmgesellschaft” to chop down trees for a better visibility and let a bright landscape appear from the way leading to the tower and maintenance work in the flora-fauna habitat. Your help will be needed in the Education Path; also, huts need renovation or maintenance.
This is a camp for nature lovers! Work can be physically challenging at times.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

Volunteers will be accommodated in an isolated hostel on a hill in the Western part of Jena. Your only neighbours will be the woodland animals. All bed linen will be provided. We have the chance to have campfires, play ping-pong and volleyball, to go swimming and so on. A washing machine is available. There will be no internet access in the accommodation.

Full board, you will get the possibility to cook traditional meals occasionally. Please be prepared for typical German food. You will have cold breakfast and supper (bread!) and a warm meal for dinner.

Lage und Freizeit

Jena is with about 100.000 inhabitants the 2nd biggest city in Thüringen and is situated on the banks of the river Saale, surrounded by white and grey calcite mountains in the eastern part of Thüringen. Jena is famous for the high-tech Zeiss Optical Instruments, the Schiller University and the Zeiss-Planetarium, which is the oldest continuously operating planetarium in the world. The city of Jena and its surroundings present many good opportunities for recreation and relaxing.

Leisure Time:
Please notice that Jena city is far away from your accommodation, so better be ready to spend lots of time by yourselves, enjoying games / sports and outdoor activities. We can go hiking and have cycling tours in this beautiful area. We can also make trips to other cities, for example we can travel to Weimar, which is well known as the workplace of the poets Goethe and Schiller. You’ll be able to learn more about history, as we could visit the former concentration camp Buchenwald. The student city of Jena offers many cultural possibilities to explore. Free-time activities will mainly depend on your ideas and wishes.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Life on Land
Deutschland Deutschland: Castle Light Festival (VJF24 1.3)


19/08/2024   -   01/09/2024

Feedback von 125 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Vietnam Polen Mexiko Italien Türkei Kolumbien Spanien


EUR 90

Details zum Projekt

18 - 26
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Nächster Flughafen
Berlin (BER)
Anreise über
From Berlin use the following trains: - in Berlin go to the train station Berlin Hauptbahnhof or Potsdamer Platz and from there take a train to Ludwigslust; - take a train to Hagenow Land If you are travelling from Hamburg: Take a train "Regionalexpress" (RE) towards Rostock Hbf and get off in Hagenow Land. It will take you about 1 hour.


The main work during the camp will be the preparation of the light festival; which will be on the last Friday. At the light festival the whole park will be lightened by candles and fire and at different places there will be theatre, music and installations. Preparation works have to be done, such as building up tents, carrying things, playing music to practise for the event, painting signs and so on. Here we need your handicraft and also creative ideas to prepare a little program as a part of the festival. The projects depend on the dynamics of the participants! If you play a musical instrument it would be great if you bring it with you!
You will work together with two project leaders and volunteers of the castle Dreilützow. They will join your group like members of the workcamp

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

The volunteers will be accommodated in a little building next to the castle. This house is only for workcamp group. The rooms can be locked. There is the possibility to do the laundry.
You will be catered by Schloss Dreilützow, if there will be quite a few vegetarians, they will be easily catered for. Nevertheless there will be the opportunity to cook together in the evenings if you want to.

Lage und Freizeit

The little village Dreilützow is situated in the federal state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The castle Dreilützow is a 300 year old estate with a big park, which will be the workcamp location. Wittenburg, the nearest town is about 4 km away and the closest big town is Schwerin, about 25 km away. In the surrounding area you’ll find mostly forests and farms. Please be prepared to live in an isolated place with poor internet connection!!!

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Weitere Infos

Only limited Wi-Fi available.


Please be fully vaccinated (2 to 3 shots of one of the following vaccines: BioNtech/Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson&Johnson) or recovered (date of infection must be min. 28 days old and max. 90 days old).

Bring with you a negative PCR-test. During workcamp we will test all participants regularly.

Deutschland Deutschland: Nature Lovers 1 (VJF24 1.1)


26/08/2024   -   06/09/2024

Feedback von 125 Freiwilligen


Manuelle Tätigkeiten

Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Mexiko Japan Tschechien Italien Taiwan Spanien


EUR 90

Details zum Projekt

18 - 26
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Nächster Flughafen
Berlin (BER)
Anreise über
bus station Krakow am See


Your work will include different activities in a natural park like to build an apiary, to help farmers or similar works. Your help is also needed for maintenance works, e.g. on orchid meadows, in forests or on a bird island.

This project is especially for nature lovers. Please be prepared to work 5-6 hours a day. Volunteers should come prepared for light or heavy work and be motivated for anything to help the rangers of the Nature Reserve.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will live on a camping site close to a very nice lake. You will sleep in tents (2 persons per tent) on camping beds with mattresses. Please bring a sleeping bag and bed linen. If it will
rain you can sleep in a building. A kitchen, sanitary facilities and a big meeting room are provided on the camping site. A washing machine can be used. Please be aware, that there is only limited
internet connection!
You will live on a camping site close to a very nice lake. You will sleep in a 2-person tent equipped with a camping bed with a mattress. Please bring a sleeping bag and bedding. In case of rain there will be a possibility to sleep in the main building, which is located on the same property.
On the campsite are available: a kitchen, sanitary facilities, a washing machine, a large meeting room and a roofed terrace. Please note that there is limited internet connection!

The volunteers will prepare their own meals. It would be nice, if you bring some recipes and maybe special spices for easy cooking from your home countries.

Lage und Freizeit

The project is located in the nature reserve "Nossentiner Schwinzer Heide" in the northeast of Germany. You can find many beautiful lakes and dense forests there. The nearest bigger place is Krakow am See. The place is remote, but the surrounding nature is beautiful. Be prepared to spend two weeks in nature without shopping opportunities.

Leisure Time:
The nature reserve can be explored on foot, by bike or by boat. In the area there are many beautiful lakes where you can swim. There is a possibility to participate in guided tours through the forest or learn about the endangered animals of the region. Also a trip to a bigger city or to the Baltic Sea can be planned. The activities are discussed in the group and will be decided together.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Weitere Infos

Only limited Wi-Fi available.


Please be fully vaccinated (2 to 3 shots of one of the following vaccines: BioNtech/Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson&Johnson) or recovered (date of infection must be min. 28 days old and max. 90 days old).

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Life on Land
Deutschland Deutschland: Recreation center 1 (VJF/ESC24 2.1)


30/08/2024   -   16/09/2024

Feedback von 125 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Armenien Spanien Ukraine Italien Algeria Slowakei



Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Nächster Flughafen
Berlin (BER)
Anreise über
bus stop: Neubrück, Hölzerner See or Weg zum Hölzernen See


International and national volunteers are invited to improve the grounds of the centre. Tasks are likely to include construction, gardening, maintenance and renovation works. It is planned to create corners relaxation, to paint playground equipment, to maintain the water playground and similar tasks. Other environmental and construction works are possible. Please be aware that you will not work with children!

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will live in small bungalows. Bed linen will be provided. The sanitary track with showers, toilets is situated next to the bungalows. Close to the sleeping place you will have your own meeting room, a place to meet and relax in the evening.

All meals will be provided in the centre. The catering is well organised, with set meal times for the different groups accommodated at the same time.

Lage und Freizeit

The "KiEZ Hölzerner See" is situated at the shore of the Lake “Hölzener See” in Dubrow in the south of Berlin. The "KiEZ" is a recreation centre for children and teenagers, young adults, groups, choires, sport organisations, ...
You will live and work in a place with many groups. If you smoke, please ask the host or leader where you are allowed to smoke. Please refrain from smoking in front of children. Please check with the host regarding alcohol consumption and if you choose to drink please be responsible and only do so during free-time.
You can find more information and pictures of the centre:

Leisure Time:
There are bicycles and boats which you can use. There is minigolf, beach volleyball, football, basketball, outdoor tabletennis and a table tennis hall.

The group will visit together:
· Capital city Berlin
· Potsdam with castle park of Sanssouci
· Klein Köris - 2000 year old village

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Weitere Infos

Prepare at home information about your home country to inform at an evening-event at the workcamp. Your presentation: approx. 30 minutes. Besides your presentation you could bring things for visualization or small souvenirs for every participant.


This project is composed of a volunteering team, supported by the European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union. Compared to the usual workcamp participation scheme, some main financial and administrative differences must be underlined:

ATTENTION PLEASE: This project is open to all volunteers that fit the ESC criteria presented on the ESC webpage:

  • Volunteers do not have to pay any fee (no sending, nor participation fee) to attend the project
  • Volunteers need to enroll in the PASS, the European Solidarity Corps Portal; We will organize your matching in the portal with the volunteering project.
  • Volunteers will receive pocket money, calculated on basis of the rate of Germany: 5€/day, once they arrive on the project in Germany
  • Volunteers will receive a financial support for their travel, according to a maximum amount established in accordance with their travel distance and upon the presentation of original tickets.
  • Volunteers will have to complete a participation report, submitted online through the portal.

It is needed to have basic knowledge of english and/or german language.

Please be fully vaccinated (2 to 3 shots of one of the following vaccines: BioNtech/Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson&Johnson) or recovered (date of infection must be min. 28 days old and max. 90 days old).

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Life on Land
Deutschland Deutschland: Adventure Farm (VJF24 2.2)


09/09/2024   -   20/09/2024

Feedback von 125 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Mexiko Türkei


EUR 90

Details zum Projekt

18 - 26
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Nächster Flughafen
Anreise über


You support the adventure farm by helping with various maintenance tasks such as painting, building and repairing. Different kinds of animals live on the farm, such as rabbits, hamsters, cats, dogs, chickens, two ponies, donkeys, goats and sheep.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will live in the main building "Schnute" of AWO Erlebnishof. The volunteers prepare their own meals. It would be nice if you could bring some easy recipes and special spices for cooking from your home country.

Lage und Freizeit

The Erlebnishof is located centrally, on a quiet and idyllic branch of the Spree. It mainly accommodates school classes, daycare groups, clubs and families.

Special about the Erlebnishof is the many animals. there are rabbits, hamsters, cats, dogs, chickens, two ponies, donkeys, goats and sheep. In addition, we offer a wealth of opportunities for sport, recreation and relaxation on the farm. You will find a slackline track, a beach volleyball court, a football/basketball field as well as an archery range and our leisure house.

And there is also:
- Table tennis and billiards
- Course and group rooms
- barbecue area
- Shepherd's adventure farm
- Training stand for beekeepers
- Outdoor stage
- Volleyball and football pitch
- Beach volleyball field
- archery range
- a baking oven

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Erlebnishof Beeskow

Deutschland Deutschland: Together for Human Rights (VJF24 8.1)


15/09/2024   -   28/09/2024

Feedback von 125 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Spanien Türkei Mexiko Kolumbien Polen Italien Ukraine Frankreich Japan Serbien


EUR 90

Details zum Projekt

18 - 26
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Zugang mit Behinderung
Nächster Flughafen
Berlin (BER)
Anreise über
Airports: Frankfurt or BER Berlin Train stop: Göttingen HBf


In today's world, it is impossible to imagine life without togetherness if we want to stand up for human rights worldwide. The issue of human rights concerns us all and must not be forgotten. Therefore, forums are needed where there is room for exchange and discussion. With the youth exchange in September 2023, we want to work out joint possibilities for action in relation to human rights and give young adults an insight into human rights work and the existing actors. The aim is to inspire the participants to get involved in this field. The venue will mostly be Göttingen. The individual days will focus on religious, linguistic and ethnic minorities and nationalities as well as indigenous people in the world. The focus will be on the challenges of human rights work and the problems of those affected and other activists. We also plan a trip to Berlin where we will have the opportunity to meet an MP at the Bundestag.
The thematic focal points are to be dealt with in group work or plenary work. Discussion groups, postcolonial tours of Göttingen or a joint demonstration can/will be part of the programme. The youth encounter could result in various formats, such as a joint social media campaign, posters or a video about the two weeks.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

We will be accommodated at a nice youth hostel in 3 and 4 bedrooms. It is located in the center of Göttingen. It has a big kitchen and a social living space. Beds, blankets and pillows with covers are available. Please make sure you bring a sleeping bag or sheets, a towel and slippers! There is free internet.
In the hostel there is a big kitchen for the group. Please be prepared not only to cook
there, but also to clean up afterwards ;) This will be done by the kitchen team of your group.
Volunteers have to cook the meals for themselves. Please bring easy recipes from your home country.

Lage und Freizeit

Göttingen is a university city in Lower Saxony, central Germany. The population is around 120,000. Göttingen is famous for its old university Georgia Augusta, which was founded in 1734 (first classes in 1737) and became the most visited university of Europe. In your free time, you will have the opportunity to explore the pituresque city with its bars and student clubs. The mountains of the Harz are not far.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is an international human rights organization that advocates for threatened ethnic and religious minorities, nationalities and indigenous communities. We take sides with the victims of crimes against humanity, and we are not afraid to name the perpetrators and their accomplices. Our aim is to inform the public about the persecution and extermination of minority groups – with press releases and media interviews, with our magazine "Für Vielfalt", via the Internet and social networks, with exhibitions, lectures and public debates. We put pressure on policy makers; we publish human rights reports, documents and memoranda and expert opinions, provide experts, try to win over advocates and demand help for the needy and the persecuted. We are often able to ensure that war crimes are not covered up and that human rights violations cannot be played down

Weitere Infos

If you are from a Non-European country, please wait until the 15th of June 2024 with your purchase of your tickets.

STP will support your travel costs with up to 100€ upon the presentation of your tickets.
If you want to learn about the work in the human rights field, be active and see the university city of Göttingen, this is just about the right camp


STP will support your travel costs with up to 100€ upon the presentation of your tickets.
If you want to learn about the work in the human rights field, be active and see the university city of Göttingen, this is just about the right camp

Deutschland Deutschland: Berlin Deutsch Camp 2 (VJF24 3.5)


21/10/2024   -   01/11/2024

Feedback von 125 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Russland Mexiko Großbritannien


EUR 210 i Die Gebühr wird in zwei Raten gezahlt:

EUR 90 ist die Vermittlungsgebühr, die du an deine Organisation zahlst.
EUR 120 ist die Extra Fee, die du an die Organisation vor Ort zahlst.

Hinweis: Gesamtgebühr kann je nach Bankzinssatz variieren.

Details zum Projekt

18 - 26
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
5 Male + 4 Female
Vegetarisches Essen
Nächster Flughafen
Berlin (BER)
Anreise über
Tram 68: “Adlergestell / Vetschauer Allee”


Study part:
The group will receive German lessons by a qualified teacher who is a native speaker. You will receive 3 hours German lessons in the morning. The grammar and communication will be deepened, depending on the wishes and needs of the participants.
In your free time, excursions through Berlin and the surrounding area are planned. It is planned that the volunteers also communicate in German with each other in their free time to deepened the subject matter.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

Accomodation: You will live at the center in heated bungalows. Bed linen will be provided, so you don´t have to bring a sleeping bag with you. There is no washing machine and only limited internet access in the center.
Food: You will have the chance to prepare your own meals in a kitchen at the centre. Please bring easy recipes from your home country, so you can prepare some traditional meals for each other."

Lage und Freizeit

Location: You will live in the"Projekt- und Begegnungsstätte" of the Association of Young Volunteers. The small bungalow village is located directly on the banks of the lake "Langer See" in Berlin-Grünau. It's a quiet place, a bit away from the center of Berlin, but with a good infrastructure. Leisure time: The free time activities are determined by the participants at the beginning of the camp. Please research in advance what you would like to see in Berlin and bring your suggestions with you!

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

"Projekt- und Begegnungsstätte" of the Association of Young Volunteers (Vereinigung Junger Freiwilliger e.V. (VJF))

Anreise zum Treffpunkt

Projekt- und Begegnungsstätte der VJF Krimnitzer Weg 25 12527 Berlin Arrival time: Arrival day from 10am until 4pm. If your arrival time deviates, please let us know.

Weitere Infos

Please bring with you:
- a flashlight
- warm clothes
- towels and personal items
- entertainment (music, games, instruments,...)
- International Student Identity Card (ISIC)


Language skills: minimum A2
This course is not suitable for absolute beginners!