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Germany Germany: Be active for nature protection and biodiversity (ijgd 74125)


28/07/2024   -   11/08/2024

Feedback from 380 volunteers


Manual Work
full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

China Mexico Spain Germany Italy Moldova Turkey



Details on the project

16 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
1 ( full for < 18)
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Leipzig (LEJ)
Nearest bus/train station
Dresden, Leipzig/Halle, or BER (Berkin airport) Nearest Station: Schöneck (3h by bus/train from Leipzig) We would like to invite you to travel as environmentally friendly as possible. If you have the option to go by train, bus, or car share that can be a great first step for you to become a climate steward.


Much more needs to be done for climate protection and against species extinction! Does it
is taking too long for something to change in these areas? If you could do what you
you wanted, then... you've come to the right place!
In our forest district, with almost 18,000 hectares of state forest, we not only take care of the harvesting, but also numerous nature conservation projects. These projects are
a lot of work, of course. That's why we can use a lot of hard-working and motivated
hands. The work will take place outside in the fresh air. You will with simple tools such as small handsaws, loppers, hoes, scythes, rakes and pitchforks and pitchforks to help the biotopes retain their special character that is worth protecting. For example, small spruce trees have to be removed so that special plants can special plants can continue to grow in the areas, which in turn provide a habitat for many rare animal species.

During the two-week camp, our foresters and forest managers will be at your side
and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the forest and nature conservation. We are definitely you and your commitment!

The work of the ijgd is based, among other things, on the working principle of antidiscrimination/antiracism. Unfortunately, however, racism is present in many areas in
Germany. Racism is a problem all over Germany and there are areas where right-wing
extremist parties and groups are particularly active and therefore racist statements and
hostilities are more likely. In the Vogtland, where this workcamp takes place, this is
unfortunately the case. This refers to the area in general and not to the specific project. We
see it as part of our responsibility to inform you about this. Last year, the workcamp group
was occasionally confronted with racist or right-wing extremist hostilities in their free time.
We have examined the security situation on site in detail, have taken advice and have come
to the conclusion that we would like to continue the workcamp and that there is no acute
Nevertheless, we believe that the dignity of every human being is inviolable and that it makes
sense to stand up for it at all times. We believe that we can counterbalance right-wing
extremist attitudes and practices with our work and we believe that anti-racist and antidiscriminatory ways of thinking will be the majority in the end. We will support you in the best way possible, have built up local networks and are training our group leaders accordingly. You can also reach out to our anti-discrimination officer at No matter which way the wind blows, we are here to support you in living out your interests and exploring new spaces of experience. With that in mind, come in and find out! We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions or uncertainties, please feel free to contact us.

Accomodation and food

You will sleep in shared bedrooms at the DAV Vogtlandhütte, which is run by the German
Alpine Association. It is a cozy little hut right surrounded by a calming forest. There is also a a nice outside fireplace.
Check it out at:
You cook together. Money for food shopping is provided to you. Vegetarian or vegan meals are possible. Please indicate any allergies when registering.

Location and leisure

Near our camp there are a lot of things that you can do.
At Mühlleithen there is a summer toboggan run waiting for you. At Bike-world at Schöneck
you can speed down the hill.
If you havent seen of the forest during your work, you can visit the outdoor climbing park.<br>Of course you can also go hiking and enjoy the beautiful nature around you. Even though it<br>will probably be difficult to find the right track since there are just too many options.<br>At Schönecks IFA-holiday park you can find a public outdoor swimming pool, a sauna, a
steam bath and other wellness treatments. So dont forget to bring a towel and a swim suit.<br>If you are interested, you can pay a visit to the river dams at Muldenberg, Werda, Pöhl und<br>Pirk or go to the zoo at Klingenthal or Falkenstein.<br>You are drawn to outer space? Go visit the German space exhibition at Morgenröthe-<br>Rautenkranz.<br>Are you interested in music? Dont hesitate checking out the exhibition on musical
instruments at Markneukirchen.
Do you want to know whats below the surface of beautiful Vogtland? Then go visit the<br>former mine „Grube Tannenberg“ at Tannenbergsthal/Schneckenstein with its amazing<br>exhibition on minerals. Close by you can also go and have a look at the ski jumping facility of<br>the Vogtland-Arena at Klingenthal.<br>Of course you can always just hang out at DAV Vogtlandhütte where you all sleep and have<br>a great time at the cosy fire place. Feeling the warmth of a night time fire and enjoying the<br>beautiful quiet nature surrounding you, you will realise the importance of the work you have<br>done during the day.<br>And if your groups cooking skills aren`t as good as hoped or you are looking for something
ready to eat, there is always the local kebab store at Schöneck that has something yummy
ready for you in 5 minutes ;)

Camp location: Schöneck, State Forestry Department Sachsenforst, forest district Adorf

Project hosted by

The ijgd has been organising volunteer service programmes since 1949. We are an independent, non-profit association for international youth work, a recognised independent youth welfare organisation, and one of the largest and oldest work camp organisations in Germany. Each year, we assist around 5,000 young people into volunteer work in Germany and abroad. We give them the opportunity to be creative, act in solidarity, take responsibility for themselves, and discover their own true potential and strengths. Our principles: Ecological learning, voluntary contribution, self-organisation, social development, intercultural learning, gender equality, anti-racism/anti-discrimination and political education.
Follow us on
Instagram ijgd_workcamps
Facebook @ijgd.workcamps
Project Partner:
Instagram: Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst

Directions to meeting point

Schöneck (Vogtland), from there it is only 2.5km to DAV Vogtland-Hütte (accomodation)
Shortly before the workcamp starts, you as a group can decide if you want to meet at the accommodation or the train station and go together to the Vogtlandhütte.

More Information about train and bus connections:

Additional comments

Please note: There is a special Teenage Fee of 150€ for international volunteers who applied under 18 in this camp.
You will receive more detailed information with the specific information sheet for your camp after your enrollment has been confirmed.


Motivation for working with nature and interest in protecting nature and different species are a plus. The work can be physically demanding and you will need shoes that are good for working in a forest. Please bring clothes that are fit to wear for working in a forest (rain boots, rain coat, sturdy clothes)

Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action
Germany Germany: OH-W10 Gantikow Manor (OH-W10)


29/07/2024   -   09/08/2024

Feedback from 65 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

France Spain Italy + more



Details on the project

18 - 29
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 7 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Train station in Kyritz (5 km), Bus stop Gantikow Ortsmitte (200 mts)


The workamp is part of a collaborative effort between the local community and Open Houses to create a new Village Museum for the locality. The aim of the local community is to preserve and showcase the rich history and cultural heritage of the village, ensuring that traditional knowledge and as well as artistic expressions can be enjoyed by the current inhabitants as well as future generations. The museum will serve as a space for documenting the settlement history, transmitting ancestral knowledge through hands-on experiences, and hosting community events.
During the workcamp, the volunteers will engage in various tasks to rehabilitate the spaces and ensure the building is ready to serve its intended purpose. These activities include cleaning and clearing the site, rehabilitating spaces within the building, and carrying out maintenance works that are required. Additionally, volunteers will assist in maintenance activities at Gantikow Manor and its surrounding grounds to ensure the overall upkeep of the area.
Beyond the hands-on work, the volunteers will have leisure time to explore the picturesque surroundings of Gantikow Manor, including a nearby lake where they can relax and unwind.
The workcamp will provide the volunteers with a unique opportunity to contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage in this small community, while engaging in meaningful work and experiencing community-driven initiatives firsthand. Through their participation, volunteers play an integral role in bringing the Integrative Village Museum to life and fostering a sense of connection and stewardship within the local community.

Accomodation and food

In most of Open Houses' camps the volunteers will live at the same places they also work on, what means that they live more or less on a building site. In most of the Heritage Volunteers Projects the accommodation is located in a certain distance to the working site. The accommodation is usually very simple; there are shared rooms with simple beds or mattresses at most of the places. Shower, toilet and kitchen are at the place, but sometimes not in the same building. The equipment is simple but fair. After work, when everybody wants to take a shower, there can be a limit of hot water.

The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.

All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Travel costs to and from the camp place are not covered. Participants should organise their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore, participants should bring their own pocket money.

Location and leisure

The village Gantikow is located five kilometers northwest of the Hanseatic town of Kyritz, at the old road leading from Kyritz to Pritzwalk. Gantikow Manor is a historic manor house which stands at the village green, surrounded by one-story residential buildings arranged in a loose manner. Behind the manor, the remains of the former parks can be found which originally led to the beautiful Gantikow lake situated only hundred fifty metres from the manor.
The origins of Gantikow Manor can be traced back to the first half of the 14th century when it was owned by the von der Weide family. Over the years, the property changed hands and was eventually acquired by the von Platen family, known for their influence and important roles in the Prignitz region; later, the manor passed on to the Neubauer family. After the Second World War the manor served as housing for refugees and became later a community centre, housing multiple facilities as the local shop, the pub, the barber, the room for the doctor, apartments, and others.
The architectural style of Gantikow Manor reflects the 18th and early 19th centuries, with notable renovations taking place in 1877 after its acquisition by the Neubauer family. These renovations included the addition of a mansard roof and the installation of a Neo-Baroque balustrade staircase around 1910. The manor house exemplifies the blend of traditional architectural elements with later modifications.
The façade of the house maintains its original structure, while the fresco cycle decorating the façade was created by the painter Katharina Zipser originating from Transylvania. Her work, inspired by Byzantine frescoes, adds a unique artistic touch to the manor.
In recent years, Open Houses has been working on the gradual conservation and revitalisation of Gantikow Manor, alongside other historical buildings located in Eastern Germany. Through their work, Open Houses aims to raise awareness about cultural heritage and inspire others to join in preserving these cultural treasures. Their efforts in Gantikow have focused on maintaining the historical atmosphere and ensuring that the building retains its original charm. The ongoing conservation project includes the creation of accommodation and seminar rooms, as well as the expansion of sanitary facilities to enhance the functionality and capacity of the manor.
Open Houses, as the owner of Gantikow Manor, has an important role in community engagement and local heritage preservation. Each year, Open Houses organizes youth-oriented educational activities, conservation works, and hosts a variety of visitors at Gantikow Manor. As part of this ongoing commitment, Open Houses is facilitating the workcamp to prepare an adjacent site in the village to become a Village Museum. The building which is to serve as the village museum is a 19th-century structure combining a former stable, barn, and living space for the seasonal workers who toiled on the fields belonging to the manor. Recently inherited by the local association Dorf- und Heimatverein, this building will be gradually rehabilitated into a village museum, preserving the historical significance of the area.

Project hosted by

Open Houses are more than just empty buildings. They're places steeped in history, both obvious and hidden. These are places that have been around for centuries, shaped by those who lived there long ago and those who left recently. They're spaces where dreams and ideas thrive, where people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ages can come together to share and connect.
The history of Open Houses Network began in the mid-1980s when a group of young people in East Germany decided to restore village churches as volunteers to prevent them from falling into disrepair. Their efforts breathed new life into these spaces, hosting exhibitions, concerts, and gatherings that went beyond mere restoration work.
Today, while there's less need for places free from political pressure, it's still hard to find spots where people can meet without commercial agendas or bureaucratic hurdles. The balance between public engagement and private life is tricky to navigate, requiring constant effort to cut through red tape and financial constraints.
The idea of shared public spaces is fading, with fewer places available for collective work. The Open Houses Network aims to change that. We're not just doers; we're visionaries who want to create and protect spaces where people can come together, collaborate, and make a difference. Our projects and events are invitations for everyone to get involved, to make space for commitment, change, and connection.

Directions to meeting point

Information sheet will be sent four weeks before the beginning of the workcamp. However travel arrangements can be done with the already provided information about the nearest airport and bus stop.

Germany Germany: FoKus Festival – RABRYKA In Goerlitz (ICJA2410)


30/07/2024   -   13/08/2024

Feedback from 107 volunteers


Manual Work
full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Italy Mexico Hong Kong Spain Germany



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
1 Male + 1 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Goerlitz train station


Your help is needed to prepare space and facilities for the Fokus Festival. A 2-day festival (09. – 10. August) – several stages, many workshops, speekers' corners, food and drinks! You are invited to show your individual creativity and talents; you should be ready to work together in international teams. Supported by a carpenter and a metalworker, you can create fancy furniture for the visitors, colorful decoration for the stage, or help by expanding the BMX trail and designing a luminous advertising. In addition, the support of the kitchen team is quite important. It would be great if the group could contribute something special for the Fokus Festival. Plus, volunteers will offer support during the festival itself and will encounter the visitors discovering their creations. For further information, please visit

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will stay near the youth and cultural center. There is a single room for the group for sleeping, there are bathrooms, a shower and a kitchen. Volunteers will need a sleeping bag. It is planned that volunteers will prepare breakfast and dinner on their own. Lunch will be offered at RABRYKA and will be vegan.

Location and leisure

Goerlitz is situated at the very east of Germany. After WWII, it was divided and the area in the east of the river Neisse is now the autonomous town Zgorzelec and part of Poland. Volunteers will get a guided tour through Goerlitz and will learn about its eventful history. Moreover, you will learn about the current network of initiatives in the city, which offers a wide range of cultural and social work. In addition, there will be free time for a cycling tour to a lake nearby, bonfire evenings and a party.

Project hosted by

"RABRYKA" is a unique space for youth culture and social life, situated in an abandoned factory ground. You can see it as an open space for all kinds of youth and social culture. Currently it offers a wide range of possibilities for kids, youths and adults: Repair shops, DIY and creative workshops, a youth center and urban gardening. There is enough inside and outdoor space for gatherings and sports, sharing things and opinions, playing music and partying together and … much more!
At the same time, RABRYKA is a part of an initiative, which highly motivates people to develop the civil society of Goerlitz. Everyone is invited to join meetings that focus on the vision of a society, which respects the values of tolerance, equality and cross-cultural empathy. RABRYKA is a fictional word connecting the Polish word for factory fabryka and the first letter of red. Red are the bricks of the buildings of the former factory.

Additional comments

Basic German knowledge is helpful, but not required. Volunteers who are skilled in handicraft and creative arts, will enjoy great atmosphere to reveal their talents and abilities. Please be ready to work together in teams. Please bring a sleeping bag, a pillow (if needed), work clothes, a bathing suit, music and be prepared to show your talents. After registration, we require a self-declaration concerning the children and youth protection.


Basic German knowledge is helpful, but not required. Volunteers who are skilled in handicraft and creative arts, will enjoy great atmosphere to reveal their talents and abilities. Please be ready to work together in teams. Please bring a sleeping bag, a pillow (if needed), work clothes, a bathing suit, music and be prepared to show your talents. After registration, we require a self-declaration concerning the children and youth protection.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Responsible Consumption and Production
Germany Germany: Support Biodiversity in the Black Forest (IBG 20)


30/07/2024   -   13/08/2024

Feedback from 233 volunteers


full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Mexico Italy Algeria France Germany Spain



Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Strasbourg (SXB)
Nearest bus/train station
Ottenhöfen (train station)


This camp will take place for the first time this year. You will be working in the middle of the Black Forest (at the gates of the national park of the same name) and support the foresters and their trainees in their work.

There are three main tasks for you:
• Mowing protected mountain meadows: To protect the nature here, driving with machines is not permitted on these meadows (machines would cause soil compaction), so manual labour is required. You will be mowing by hand.
• Maintaining capercaillie habitats: The capercaillie is the largest chicken bird in Europe and is threatened with extinction in Germany. You will be removing wood and cutting branches, as the birds need passageways.
• Forest maintenance: You will be removing branches from trees (with or without a ladder).

The work will be led by a professional instructor, so no previous experience is needed. You will work around 30 hours per week, between 8am to 4pm from Monday to Friday (with a lunchbreak of course). The work place is not far from your accommodation, so you will walk there every morning.

The camp is perfect for you if you love nature, since you will be working outside all day. What's more, the place is remote, so you can spend a lot of time with the others or on your own at the barbecue area or in the forest, meadows or hiking trails around the building. In short; the perfect project if you need a break from everyday life.

Accomodation and food

The accommodation is on the first floor in the base building of the forest district. The building is called “Kriesenhof” and the forest district is called “Allerheiligen”. It is basic but has all facilities needed, such as a kitchen, a shower, a bathroom, even WIFI and a washing machine. You will sleep on mattresses, in one shared room. Please bring a sleeping bag (and a pillow if you want one) with you!

All volunteers will be responsible for grocery shopping and cooking together. The food will be bought with the camp budget and everybody will take turns for cooking, washing the dishes and cleaning. In order to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet, we encourage volunteers to reduce meat consumption and try more sustainable dishes.

Location and leisure

The "Allerheiligen" forest district is located in south-west Germany, approx. 30 km from the French border as the crow flies. You will live and work in the middle of nature, in the direct neighbourhood of the Black Forest National Park.

There are many hiking opportunities, some of which start directly from the accommodation (Karlsruher Grat, Allerheiligen waterfalls, the national park).

Easily accessible by car: Mummelsee, Baden-Baden, Strasbourg, Freudenstadt, summer toboggan runs etc.

Directions to meeting point

Please arrange your travel in a way that you arrive in the afternoon or early evening to the train station of Ottenhöfen. Please check for connections from anywhere in Germany or Switzerland to Ottenhöfen on

Additional comments

This is a special project for nature lovers and people interested in nature protection work. Sturdy work shoes and clothing as well as sun and rain protection are required. As the area is quite remote, the number of excursions will be limited.

Please be aware that ticks can be an issue when you spend a lot of time outdoors in natural areas in Germany -like in this camp. In our General Infosheet you will find suggestions on how you can protect yourself against them. You are also welcome to check whether a vaccination against the tick-borne disease TBE makes sense and is possible in your home countrsturdy working shoes and clothes, as well as sun and rain protection

Sustainable Development Goals

Climate Action Life on Land
Germany Germany: VJF Queeeeer Camp #2 Whole Festival (VJF24 5.5)


31/07/2024   -   06/08/2024

Feedback from 125 volunteers


Manual Work
full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Italy Spain Great Britain



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
2 Male + -1 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Leipzig (LEJ)
Nearest bus/train station


The volunteers will support the Whole Festival Team in 6 hours shifts daily ( hours can variate) in the three phases of the festival ( building, executing, and dismantling). The shifts are variable and can include the following task: Support security, entrance management, waste management, the dismantling of festival equipment, decoration, production tasks, and many more all around the cosmos of this festival.

Accomodation and food

Please be aware that it is necessary to bring a tent as accommodation. The volunteers will sleep on the camping side in an area reserved especially for all volunteers of the festival. You need all the necessary camping equipment for the period of the work camp. Food will be given with three meals a day. Also drink water is accessible. Please be aware that all other food wishes need to be packed or can be organized privately ( supermarket 3 km away in the next village).

Location and leisure

During their leisure time, the volunteers are welcome to enjoy the unique atmosphere of the festival, and different educational workshops from topics around queerness, drag, and feminism to art. Ferropolis is right next to a lake which invites you to take a swim. During their leisure time the volunteers are free to match their needs with the given venue and opportunities all around the festival. Ferropolis is an old coal mine and is the perfect location for a great festival experience located next to a lake.

Project hosted by

Whole Festival - Queers United
We aim to create an inclusive environment that provides space for the acceptance of all gender expressions and sexual orientations but in a relaxing, outdoor environment outside of the hectic confines of the city. A multi-day camping festival where self-expression and self-liberation are paramount.

Considering today’s tumultuous and polarizing political climate, we find it necessary to create a refuge for those that oftentimes find themselves marginalized by the rest of society. WHOLE is an outdoor exercise in community building.
We've invited more international crews hoping to enhance & strengthen our sense of community beyond national borders. All genders are welcome to enjoy and create this unique atmosphere.

We are excited to build a strong, diverse and happy team of volunteers to create an unforgettable communal experience - pulling off a fierce festival is always a group effort. From building up to assisting festival goers during to tearing down after, we have many positions available. Put your expertise & social skills to work. Create community & be a part of our team!

Directions to meeting point

Trainstation Gräfenhainchen or Berlin as a group travel

Additional comments

  • Tent and proper camping equipment is needed to bring by the volunteer (also check the weather
    - There will be 3x pick up organized by the Festival organizers on the arrival day
    - The volunteers need to participate during the whole workcamp period

    A questionaire needs to be filled out complementary to be accepted for this workcamp
    You can find the questionaire here:

    Only applications through Plato with a filled out questionaire will be considered.



Sustainable Development Goals

Gender Equality Quality Education
Germany Germany: Summer in the city - build a venue for kids (ijgd 24333)


03/08/2024   -   24/08/2024

Feedback from 380 volunteers


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Turkey Mexico France Spain Algeria Germany Italy Ukraine



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Hannover (HAJ)
Nearest bus/train station
Hanover. next Train station: Bielefeld We would like to invite you to travel as environmentally friendly as possible. If you have the option to go by train, bus, carshare or bicycle that can be a great first step for you to become a climate steward.


With your help, a playground in Bielefeld will be cleaned and renovated, so that it’s once again attractive and appealing for children in the local area. You’ll be working on the old playground equipment, repairing the sand boxes and other broken parts, renewing the floor with the heavily demanded playing surface, laying don paths and setting up new safety precautions to protect the children. Alongside this, we also ask you to bring your creativity as you’ll be able to redesign the playground with your paintbrushes and imagination. At the end of the camp, you will organise an official opening of the new playground for the children and their parents in the local area.

Accomodation and food

You cook together. Money for the food shopping is provided to you. Vegetarian or vegan meals are possible. Please indicate any allergies when registering.
You will be staying in a hay warehouse surrounded by beautiful grounds.

Location and leisure

Bielefeld, a town with 300,000 inhabitants, lies of the edge of the Teutoburg forest. The town offers many free-time and cultural opportunities, such as music and theatre attractions, cinemas, pubs etc. The Teutoburg forest is a great place to go walking. It is also possible to take a day trip to the towns of Hanover, Osnabrück or Münster.
Highlights: There are plenty of restaurants, bars, discos, museums, theaters and cinemas. The pretty old town is small but nice.

Project hosted by

The ijgd has been organising volunteer service programmes since 1949. We are an independent, non-profit association for international youth work, a recognised independent youth welfare organisation, and one of the largest and oldest workcamp organisations in Germany. Each year, we assist around 5,000 young people into volunteer work in Germany and abroad. We give them the opportunity to be creative, act in solidarity, take responsibility for themselves, and discover their own true potential and strengths. Our principles: Ecological learning, voluntary contribution, self-organisation, social development, intercultural learning, gender equality, anti-racism/anti-discrimination and political education.
Follow us on
Instagram ijgd_workcamps
Facebook @ijgd.workcamps

Directions to meeting point

At the accomodation at the latest at 18 h.
From Hannover Airport you should take the S-Bahn S5 in the direction of Hameln to Hauptbahnhof Hannover (main train station).
By train: From there you should take an ICE or IC train in the direction of Cologne until “Bielefeld-Hauptbahnhof”. Once you get to Bielefeld station, you still need to walk around 20-30 minutes.
Further train and bus information can be found under or
From the train station to the camp:
From Bielefeld train station you should take the STB 1 tram in the direction of “Schildesche” until the last stop, “Schildesche”.There you should get off and continue on with the 27 bus in the direction of Heepen Baumheide until the stop “Heepen Halhof”. The bus stop is directly next to the grounds where you'll be staying.


Some of the work in this camp will be physically demanding. This camp is not suitable for participants with a hay allergy.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Germany Germany: Culture Camp Kloster Lehnin (ICJA2411)


03/08/2024   -   17/08/2024

Feedback from 107 volunteers


Manual Work
full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Italy Mexico Spain China



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Groß Kreutz Bahnhof (as one option, there are some more options to reach Lehnin).


On the first day, volunteers will receive an orientation about the project, the institute, and the local area. Alongside members of the art association, volunteers will contribute to redesigning and beautifying the outdoor spaces. Key tasks include reconstructing the lakeshore fortification and pathways, performing plaster and paint work on buildings, and engaging in gardening. Additionally, volunteers will clean sculptures in the nearby forest of grass and moss. The project offers a wide range of tasks, generally involving physical labor and the use of tools for construction, renovation, gardening, and woodworking.

During the same period, an artist symposium is planned, and it is conceivable that the volunteers could support the artists. This would need to be arranged on a case-by-case basis with the artist.
During your stay, you'll encounter other guests and groups on the premises, providing opportunities for interaction. At a certain point, you will collaborate on tasks with some of the association members, followed by a small get-together in the evening, which also welcomes guests of the institute. Volunteers from the workcamp are encouraged to contribute to this event as well.

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will prepare and eat their meals in the outdoor summer kitchen of Kunstort Lehnin, which is sheltered yet open to nature on one side. Sleeping arrangements are in the seminar rooms, equipped with 6 – 7 mattresses each (bed linen provided). You are also welcome to bring your own tent and set it up by the lake shore. Showers and toilets are available for personal hygiene. Note: Summers can be hot, requiring sun protection, but they can also be cool, especially when it rains, so warm clothing is advised.

Location and leisure

Volunteers will explore the cultural concept and efforts of Kunstort Lehnin and how it fosters integration among Lehnin residents from diverse cultural and social backgrounds. There's a piano available for those who play, or you can bring your own instrument and find others to make music with. Volunteers interested in art can participate in an art workshop. Swimming in the lake is encouraged, provided it's done responsibly. Excursions to the cities of Potsdam, Werder, or Brandenburg are possible. A highlight includes a ride on our Canaletto boat on the lake connected to Klostersee, where you can admire its rich flora and fauna. The workcamp offers a great opportunity to interact with German native speakers, making it an excellent chance to improve your German language skills. Volunteers are welcome to use the Kunstort’s rowboats and will be offered a guided tour through the monastery premises.

Project hosted by

The Kunstort Lehnin (Art Place Lehnin) is nestled between a forest and a lake near the village of Lehnin. It's a picturesque location that provides inspiration and workshops for visual art and culture. Within its premises, you'll find an art gallery, a summer academy, a seminar venue for visual arts, music, and theatre, as well as yoga seminars and professional training. More information is available at The institute is beautifully situated on the edge of Klostersee Lake, surrounded by a park-like garden featuring a small jetty and an integrated art sculpture park. The site also boasts a café with a lake-view terrace. The Kunstort was established in 1991 by the artist Eckhart Haisch, making it a special place for volunteers who have a keen interest in contemporary art to offer their support.

Additional comments

Please bring workwear and raincoats, a bathing suit, music, your talents, and something unique from your country. As there will be opportunities to spend time at and in the lake, knowing how to swim is essential. If you're bringing your own tent, don't forget a sleeping bag and an insulation mat.


Please bring workwear and raincoats, a bathing suit, music, your talents, and something unique from your country. As there will be opportunities to spend time at and in the lake, knowing how to swim is essential. If you're bringing your own tent, don't forget a sleeping bag and an insulation mat.

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education Sustainable Cities and Communities
Germany Germany: Blooming Colorful Bad Windsheim (IBG 14)


04/08/2024   -   18/08/2024

Feedback from 233 volunteers


Manual Work
full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Italy China Germany Algeria Colombia Switzerland Spain



Details on the project

18 - 29
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Nuernberg (Nurnberg/Nuremburg) (NUE)
Nearest bus/train station
Bad Windsheim (train station)


Bavarian State Garden Shows bring life to the city by adding green spaces for relaxation and improving quality of life. They are like a long celebration, but they also benefit future generations. This tradition has been going on since 1980!

During the workcamp, you will join in to design various raised flower beds in key locations around the city, such as in front of the Spa and Congress Center, as well as at the train station and monastery square. It's not just about getting your hands dirty; there's also plenty of opportunity for creative collaboration. Around 25 flower beds will be built, painted, and planted by the group. There's almost no limit to the creativity you can bring. These floral oases, a sneak peek before the big State Garden Show, will build excitement for the main event in the years to come!

Accomodation and food

Your group will stay at the European School Hostel. Even if it is called “hostel”, the place isn’t open to individual young people but is a place specifically built for school classes. There is the main building with a big dining hall and shared rooms and two more buildings with shared rooms. All are equipped with sanitary facilities (toilets and showers). In the main building there is also a chilling area for everyone to use.

For your free time you will find perfect conditions on site: foosball, table tennis, billiard and plenty of outdoor activities like campfire, basketball, football and handball.

Location and leisure

Bad Windsheim is a town 50 km from Nuremberg in Franconia, surrounded by beautiful landscapes. The city itself has a beautiful old town with many cafés, a open air museum and
a swimmingpool which you can use for free.

The area is well known for cycling, hiking and other ways of outdoor activities like miniature golf. If you want you can also make excursions to bigger cities nearby like Würzburg or Nuremberg! As you will stay in European School Hostel, there will be many options to do some activities with the locals like playing darts or billards, use the outdoor sportsgrounds or barbecue area.

Project hosted by

Bad Windsheim is thrilled to announce its second workcamp of the year! This time, the focus is on preparing the town for its role as the host of the Bavarian State Garden Show in 2027. The aim is to create vibrant floral oases that cater to people of all ages and backgrounds, offering a glimpse of what the garden show will entail.

Living in a city with appealing parks, a favorable climate, and green residential areas has never been more crucial. State Garden Shows play a pivotal role in enhancing urban landscapes, promoting sustainable development, and leaving a lasting impact. They bring about the creation of new parks, the revitalization of riverbanks, the interconnection of landscapes, the establishment of playgrounds, recreational facilities, transportation improvements, sidewalks, and havens for flora and fauna.

The year of the State Garden Show serves as a spectacular culmination of efforts, marked by the unveiling of permanent open spaces. It's akin to a summer-long garden party, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors to revel in the festivities.

Directions to meeting point

15 minutes walk from the train station to the accomodation. Please check for a connection from anywhere in Germany to Bad Windsheim.

Germany Germany: OH-W05 Lohra Castle (OH-W05)


04/08/2024   -   17/08/2024

Feedback from 65 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Japan Spain France + more



Details on the project

18 - 29
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
7 Male + 7 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Bus stop: Großlohra, Friedrichslohra/Wartehalle Next railway stations: Gebra/Hainleite (5 km), Wolkramshausen (12 km).


The projects of Open Houses are based on sustainable principles. Therefore, the activities at Lohra Castle combine aspects of cultural heritage preservation and aspects of natural heritage preservation. The castle is surrounded by a vast green area and the volunteers will help in the maintenance of it. Near the youth accommodation houses that are part of the Lohra Castle complex there is a camping site which can be used by youth groups, for this reason the area should be made accessible from overgrown grass. The tasks will be mowing and collecting the grass. Additionally, the participants of the project will support the work on renovations on the Castle grounds.
The hilly massive around Lohra Castle is listed as National Nature Reserve. Open Houses supports the Reserve since several years with volunteering activities. In a forest near the Castle the participants will remove trees and bushes which are not corresponding with the protection aims in order to clean the paths and make them enjoyable again. They will also will collect the wood remaining after maintenance works, load it on a truck, unload it at the castle and split and stack it for wintertime or for the fireplace. Besides that, the volunteers will continue the maintenance of the green area at the castle. In addition, in the later part of the summer, they will support the recollection, assortment, splitting and storage of wood to prepare the castle for the harsh winter months.
The volunteers work six hours per day five days a week. The afternoons and evenings can be used for nearby cultural attractions, games, group activities, campfires and other similar things. On the weekends the volunteers have the opportunity to visit nearby places.

Accomodation and food

In most of Open Houses' camps the volunteers will live at the same places they also work on, what means that they live more or less on a building site. In most of the Heritage Volunteers Projects the accommodation is located in a certain distance to the working site. The accommodation is usually very simple; there are shared rooms with simple beds or mattresses at most of the places. Shower, toilet and kitchen are at the place, but sometimes not in the same building. The equipment is simple but fair. After work, when everybody wants to take a shower, there can be a limit of hot water.

The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.

All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Travel costs to and from the camp place are not covered. Participants should organise their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore, participants should bring their own pocket money.

Location and leisure

Lohra Castle is situated in the heart of Germany in Northern Thuringia. The castle, which is surrounded by a scenic hilly landscape, is located on the edge of a natural reserve area. Being one of the largest castles in Thuringia, the history of castle Lohra begins in the Middle Ages. It
s architectural styles which have been preserved in the structures of the ensemble attest to a prolonged period of occupation and historical evolution up until today.

The castle is more than thousand years old, and it is a relic of German medieval past that is still standing at the heart of a region through which the story of the German nation has been written. Today, it includes twenty buildings from different time periods, showcasing this historical evolution to the enchantment of visitors and heritage enthusiasts: medieval fortifications, remnants of a tower from the 11th century, a Romanesque double-floored chapel, a manor house from the Renaissance period as well as stables and granaries from the 19th and the early 20th centuries. The ensemble is situated in the centre of a beautiful forest.

For years Lohra Castle was vacant. In the 1990s a civil society association which became today’s Open Houses, began to rescue the castle and to revitalise it through cultural activities. The process of rehabilitation of cultural heritage not only brought new life and use to an otherwise forgotten monument, but it also provided with a new space where young people could reconnect with tangible heritage while valorising the relevance of preserving a historical monument. Since then, a large number of international workcamps, heritage volunteering projects, heritage training courses, seminars, exhibitions, concerts and other activities with international participants have been taking place every year in the castle.

Project hosted by

Open Houses are more than just empty buildings. They're places steeped in history, both obvious and hidden. These are places that have been around for centuries, shaped by those who lived there long ago and those who left recently. They're spaces where dreams and ideas thrive, where people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ages can come together to share and connect.
The history of Open Houses Network began in the mid-1980s when a group of young people in East Germany decided to restore village churches as volunteers to prevent them from falling into disrepair. Their efforts breathed new life into these spaces, hosting exhibitions, concerts, and gatherings that went beyond mere restoration work.
Today, while there's less need for places free from political pressure, it's still hard to find spots where people can meet without commercial agendas or bureaucratic hurdles. The balance between public engagement and private life is tricky to navigate, requiring constant effort to cut through red tape and financial constraints.
The idea of shared public spaces is fading, with fewer places available for collective work. The Open Houses Network aims to change that. We're not just doers; we're visionaries who want to create and protect spaces where people can come together, collaborate, and make a difference. Our projects and events are invitations for everyone to get involved, to make space for commitment, change, and connection.

Directions to meeting point

Information sheet will be sent four weeks before the beginning of the workcamp. However travel arrangements can be done with the already provided information about the nearest airport and bus stop.

Germany Germany: Protecting trees in the north German landscape conservation area (ijgd 14038)


10/08/2024   -   24/08/2024

Feedback from 380 volunteers


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Mexico Italy Germany France Spain Slovakia



Details on the project

16 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Berlin-Hauptbahnhof – Rostock – Lüssow (Meckl) (duration of arrival: 3h30min) or Hamburg-Hauptbahnhof – Schwaan - Lüssow (Meckl) (duration of arrival: 3h18min) We would like to invite you to travel as environmentally friendly as possible, e.g. by train, bus or car sharing, and thus make an active contribution to climate protection.


The "Alte Nebel" between Lüssow and Bützow was the original course of the "Nebel" river. The lowlands along the river have been used intensively for decades, mainly as grassland and arable land, creating rather poor conditions for the local ecosystem.
The task of the State Forestry Agency was to create a development corridor with site-typical trees and shrubs along the "Alte Nebel" in order to accelerate the slow, natural forest development and to greatly reduce the input of plant protection products and fertilisers.
To this end, more than 200,000 trees such as willows, red alders, pedunculate oaks, fluttering elms, downy birches and a wide variety of forest edge shrubs have been planted along around 14 km of the river since 2018.
However, since the beaver has also found a new home along the "Alte Nebel", a large number of trees must now be protected from browsing by the beaver.
Your task will be to protect about 700 trees in an area of about 4 hectares with so-called wire trousers. The wire trousers are made of protection fence, which is cut to a length of 2.2 m, knotted together and erected. In addition, it is fixed to the ground by two stakes made of recycled plastic. The aim is to protect the trees from being bitten by beavers.
You will be accompanied by the staff of the local forestry office.
In addition to the practical work, the foresters will teach you a lot about nature and environmental protection in general and about the forest and its protection in particular. You will learn a lot about the local flora and fauna, their relevance for the ecosystem and the various measures for their protection.

Accomodation and food

You will stay in the “Haus der Begegnung Lüssow” (Meeting house of Luessow), a self-catering house with one room for 5 people, two rooms for 3 and also two rooms for 2 people, on the edge of the small village Lüssow. The house has a kitchen, two sanitary rooms with showers and toilets, and two common rooms for eating and group activities.

You cater for yourselves and cook together. Money for shopping will be provided. Vegetarian or vegan meals are possible. Please indicate any intolerances when registering.

Location and leisure

In your free time, you can enjoy your quiet accommodation and the beautiful surroundings by playing sports and spending evenings together around the campfire.
After work, you can also cycle through the beautiful landscape conservation area where you also work.
Or you can take the train (S-Bahn) to the beautiful Hanseatic city of Rostock (travel time 25min), which lies directly on the Baltic Sea.
On the long weekend off (Friday to Sunday), it's worth taking a trip to Berlin, Hamburg or the beautiful sandy beaches of the Baltic Sea.

Project hosted by

Landesforsten Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – Forstamt Schlemmin
(State Forestry of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – Foresty office Schlemmin)
The forestry offices of Landesforsten Mecklenburg-Vorpommern perform the tasks of a unified forestry administration: in addition to their forestry work in the state-owned forest and their service offers, this also includes their work as a lower forestry authority - advising and promoting private forest ownership. They also inform all forest visitors about the importance of the forest and the tasks of forestry.

The ijgd has been organising volunteer service programmes since 1949. We are an independent, non-profit association for international youth work, a recognised independent youth welfare organisation, and one of the largest and oldest workcamp organisations in Germany. Each year, we assist around 4,000 young people into volunteer work in Germany and abroad. We give them the opportunity to be creative, act in solidarity, take responsibility for themselves, and discover their own true potential and strengths.

Directions to meeting point

at accommodation after 4 pm and until 6 pm on Saturday 10/08/2024
From Hamburg airport take S-Bahn S1 in the direction Blankenese and leave it after 24min at Hamburg main train station.
From Hamburg main station take the Regional Express (RE) in the direction of Rostock Hbf and leave the train after 2h15min at the Station Schwaan.
In Schwaan you have to change to S-Bahn S2 in the direction of Güstrow. Leave the train after 9min at the station Lüssow (Meckl).
From Berlin-Brandenburg airport take the Intercity (IC) in the direction Warnemünde and leave it after 2h32min at Rostock main train station.
From Berlin main train station take the Intercity (IC) in the direction Warnemünde and leave it after 1h53 to 1h59min at Rostock main train station.
From Rostock train station
In Rostock you have to change to S-Bahn S2 in the direction of Güstrow. Leave the train after 25min at the station Lüssow (Meckl).

From train station “Lüssow (Meckl)”
At Lüssow train station, a footpath leads vertically away from the station directly behind the houses. After about 150m, the footpath ends at Schwaaner Straße. Cross this road and follow it (slightly) to the right for about 400m until it ends at Schwiesower Straße. Follow this road for about 100m to the left and then turn left again into Friedhofsweg. Walk along this road for approx. 250m. The road then turns into a field path, which first runs slightly to the left and then to the right again. After about 100m you will see the Haus der Begegnung on the right-hand side.

More Information about train and bus connections:

Additional comments

Please note: International participants which are under 18 have to pay an andditional teenage fee of 150€
You will receive more detailed information after confirming your registration with the specific info sheet for your camp.


Be able to ride a bike (as you will be cycling 3km to work each day); Fitness for physically strenuous work; It is essential to bring work clothes and (water)resistant footwear and/or work shoes;

Sustainable Development Goals

Climate Action Life Below Water
Germany Germany: Spend Quality Time with Asylum Seekers –In Giessen (ICJA2413)


10/08/2024   -   24/08/2024

Feedback from 107 volunteers


full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Ukraine France Spain Hungary



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
1 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Frankfurt (FRA)
Nearest bus/train station


Together with the refugees we want to organize common activities, where the women and children are taken into consideration: Playing games, making sports, being creative, in short to have some fun together…. Besides organizing games for the kids and special activities for women and men, there is the option to create some scenes in a puppet theatre.
In addition, our goal is to get in contact with the young people in Giessen to raise greater awareness for the refugees and to break the isolation of the refugees. We will prepare contact with students of the local university that are willing to take care of the medical issues of the refugees and to pursue the legal issues of the asylum law.
We especially invite volunteers to participate, who can speak Kurdish, Turkish, Arabic or Farsi.

Accomodation and food

The workcamp will be hosted by a local protestant church which is already involved in working with the refugees. The premises of the church are plentiful and volunteers will have a lot of space for sleeping, cooking, dining, relaxing, and for indoor and outdoor activities.

Location and leisure

There are plenty of possibilities for leisure time activities: playing football or canoeing as well as possibilities to visit some other cities. (e.g. Marburg, Frankfurt or Heidelberg)

Project hosted by

Since many years now we offer this successful workcamp together with the protestant community center "Petrusgemeinde". The international volunteers are invited to the Asylum Centre for two weeks to take part in the daily life of the refugees. In the study part of the camp, we want to inform about the situation of refugees in Germany and Europe, as well as the current developments in the area of Asylum-policies. We want you to get in contact with the residents of the Asylum Centre so that we can learn about their stories, difficulties and perspectives.
The Asylum Centres for asylum seekers in Hessen are located at the edge of the city Giessen. There are currently around 2 000 asylum-seekers hosted in former army barracks. The refugees are in Germany because of various reasons, e.g. political, ethnic and religious persecution or poverty. Usually, they stay at the facility for few months until a decision has been made about their application. Sometimes they are sent to other centers or to other “safe countries” where they entered the European Union, or to their countries of origin. Most of the people living in the Asylum Centres in Giessen are from Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Eritrea, Ukraine and Balkan countries: Young men, women, children and older people. The asylum seekers live in simple conditions and are not allowed to work or leave the district in which they live. Their permission to stay in Germany often is limited and so is their contact with the locals living in the city.

Additional comments

After registration, we will ask you to do a request at your local authorities for a “police check” as a certificate of good conduct. we will need this certificate as photo or a scanned document in advance, please bring original to the workcamp. We will also require a self-declaration concerning the children and youth protection. The local host requires that all participants are vaccinated against measles, to protect the people in the shelter. Please bring a sleeping bag, a pillow if needed, towels, a camping mat, work clothes, a bathing suit, music, your talents, and something specific from your country.


Please bring sleeping bag, a pillow if needed, towels, camping mat, work clothes, bathing suit, music, your talents and something specific from your country. After registration, we require a self-declaration concerning the children and youth protection. Please send a motivation letter together with your application. The local host requires that all participants are vaccinated against measles, to protect the people in the shelter.

Sustainable Development Goals

Peace and Justice Strong Institutions Responsible Consumption and Production
Germany Germany: Wild bees and biodiversity 2 (ijgd 74120)


11/08/2024   -   30/08/2024

Feedback from 380 volunteers


Manual Work
full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Serbia Algeria Germany Italy Czech Republic France Spain



Details on the project

16 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
1 ( full for < 18)
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
BER (Berlin airport), Next Trainstation: DB Müncheberg (Dahmsdorf), Buckow, Markt (bus station) We would like to invite you to travel as environmentally friendly as possible. If you have the option to go by train, bus, or car share that can be a great first step for you to become a climate steward.


The Märkische Schweiz Nature Park 40 km east of Berlin offers a unique natural and cultural landscape as well as the backdrop for our project in and around the "Drei Eichen" environmental education centre. By cooperating with the nature park administration, we will not only get to know the nature park and its surroundings, but also actively help to shape it.
We are offering this workcamp because it is fun to have young people from all over the world with us and because we simply need many hands for some of the work!
People and pets live on the grounds of the Drei Eichen environmental education center - and there are usually a lot of guests: children, families, seminar groups.
At the moment, we also want to reintroduce wild honey bees, which originally lived in caves in old trees, to our nature park. To do this, we are building hollows in tree trunks. You help us with this.
You will learn about the types of beehives and how we can monitor and care for the bees. This ancient art of beekeeping is called Zeidlerei.
For activities in between, Drei Eichen with its grounds offers many opportunities to learn about plants and animals, nature conservation and alternative ways of life and to actively participate.
On some days, you will "give something back" to Drei Eichen by helping out on the farm - because sometimes we need many hands: e.g. for wood protection paint on the playground, repair work, clearing the small pond of plant debris and cleaning up the garden.
At various locations in the Märkische Schweiz Nature Park, we will spend a few days helping to carry out various landscape conservation tasks in different natural areas. The aim is to protect or promote either dry or wet sites, their soil and the native plants that grow there. Historically, these sites were created and maintained through a lot of manual labour - seasonal mowing and grazing by sheep and goats. Today, we help with this. There are many lakes that invite you to take a refreshing dip after work!
All work, whether in landscape conservation, manual labour or creative design, takes place outdoors. We plan together on site, depending on the current weather conditions, on which days we do which work and which days we take off.

Accomodation and food

You will stay at the Drei Eichen environmental education centre, located in the middle of the forest, 4km from Buckow ( As a group, you will have a flat with kitchen, bathroom, toilet, lounge-kitchen, large balcony and 3 simple multi-bed rooms. We can also provide tents on request. You cook together. Money for shopping will be provided. Vegetarian or vegan meals are possible. Please indicate any intolerances when registering. .

Location and leisure

For activities in between, Drei Eichen with its terrain offers many opportunities to learn about plants and animals, nature conservation and alternative ways of life and to actively participate.
There are many great options for spending your free time. Among them are GPS tour(s) in the nature park, guided hikes on biodiversity, a visit to the bat museum, trips to surrounding lakes, going to the movies, visiting the pub "lokal." in Buckow, making a campfire; going to an artificial climbing forest or doing a canoe tour in the area. Those who long for more urban hustle and bustle on the weekend can also take a day trip to Berlin or even go to Poland, which is not that far away.
We plan together on site, depending on the current weather conditions, among other things, on which days we do what work and on which days we take off.

Project hosted by

The ijgd has been organising volunteer service programmes since 1949. We are an independent, non-profit association for international youth work, a recognised independent youth welfare organisation, and one of the largest and oldest workcamp organisations in Germany. Each year, we assist around 5,000 young people into volunteer work in Germany and abroad. We give them the opportunity to be creative, act in solidarity, take responsibility for themselves, and discover their own true potential and strengths. Our principles: Ecological learning, voluntary contribution, self-organisation, social development, intercultural learning, gender equality, anti-racism/anti-discrimination and political education.
Follow us on
Instagram ijgd_workcamps
Facebook @ijgd.workcamps

Project Partner:

Directions to meeting point

On site in Drei Eichen or bus stop Buckow "Markt".
From there we organize a shuttle, probably at 1 pm, 3 pm and 5 pm.
Take the train to Müncheberg (Mark); continue by bus to the stop Buckow, "Markt"
Please remember to go to the correct Buckow with the post code 15377 when planning your trip.
More Information about train and bus connections:

Additional comments

Please note: There is a special Teenage Fee of 150€ for international volunteers who applied under 18 in this camp.
You will receive more detailed information with the specific information sheet for your camp after your enrolment has been confirmed


It helps if you have an interest in physical work and some strength.
Please bring weatherproof work clothes/long sleeves and pants, the work takes place outdoors. Mosquito repellent, sunscreen are also essential. Shoes that can withstand water are good - outdoor sandals or similar.

Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action
Germany Germany: National Park Hunsrück (IBG 15)


11/08/2024   -   31/08/2024

Feedback from 233 volunteers


full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Turkey France Great Britain Algeria Japan Ireland Germany Lebanon Spain



Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Frankfurt (FRA)
Nearest bus/train station
Hunsrückhaus/Erbeskopf, Deuselbach (bus stop)


The Park Rangers of the National Park Hunsrück-Hochwald are waiting for your support to preserve the fauna and flora in this unique natural environment and to provide endangered species with their original habitats again. At the same time it is a great opportunity for you to learn a lot about this ecosystem, the rangers will show and explain a lot. Three main tasks are waiting for you:
1. Care of the nutrient-poor grassland and arnica meadows (mowing works, work to stop spreading of shrubs etc.). With this work you can protect a valuable habitat with a very high biodiversity. This is especially the case for insects such as bees and butterflies and flowering plants such as orchids.
2. You will work on the wildlife park of Wildenburg Castle. Here you can find wolves, deer, wild boars, wildcats, mouflons and many other animals. Your task will mainly be to renew wooden fences and to build elements where the animals can hide behind. You will also construct wooden barriers to protect small trees from damage through the animals.
3. Let’s give water its natural space back! Within the National Park there are many places where the natural flow of water was changed (through cutting the curves of the streams or drainage channels etc.). In many cases this alteration is negatively impacting the biodiversity of these creeks. You will therefore help to restore the natural flow of the water by closing the channels and revitalizing natural flow elements.

Other environmental protections tasks can be added. Attention: The work might be physically hard and you will get wet and muddy for sure! Please bring hiking boots and working clothes.

Accomodation and food

You will stay in the community centre of Deuselbach. The accommodation is spacious, has a huge kitchen including a dish-washer and a living room, toilets and showers. There is one big sleeping room with camping beds. Wifi and even a washing machine are available. Please bring your sleeping bag.
Your group of volunteers will be responsible for grocery shopping and cooking together. The food will be bought with the camp budget and everybody will take turns for cooking, washing the dishes and cleaning. In order to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet, we encourage volunteers to reduce meat and try more sustainable dishes.

Location and leisure

The workcamp will take places in the western part of Rhineland-Palatinate. You will stay in Deuselbach, a small village with 260 inhabitants. The local villagers are very much interested to welcome you, many parties and events will happen. Deuselbach has a pub but no shops. The next bigger village (Thalfang) is 4km far, here you can find everything you need (shops, swimming pool…). There are also many tourists in the area as it is well known for hiking all over the year and for skiing in winter. The next bigger city it Trier (40 km), the oldest Germany city with many Roman sights, a huge cathedral and plenty of this to do (vineyard, shopping, clubs…). You will do several excursions with the support of the Park Rangers, e.g. to Trier, the oldest German city with many famous sights.

Project hosted by

The National Park Hunsrück-Hochwald is the newest German National Park to protect the nature. The park was just founded in 2015. The landscape is dominated by huge forests, steep hills, small brooks and ponds, rocks and marshes. Only small hamlets interrupt the nature, a perfect region for plenty of different species but also for hiking. You will support the National Park Rangers in their work to preserve the habitat of endangered species and to protect ecologically valuable ecosystems. This workcamp will continue the mission of several Workcamps in the past years.

Directions to meeting point

You will be picked up from a bus stop called “Hunsrückhaus/Erbeskopf, Deuselbach”. Please inform your camp leader about your arrival time on Aug 11th . Please check for connections from anywhere to Deuselbach There are regular busses to Deuselbach from the train stations of Idar-Oberstein, Trier and Neubrücke(Nahe).

Sustainable Development Goals

Climate Action Life on Land
Germany Germany: Never Forget: Sachsenhausen 3 (VJF24 2.5)


12/08/2024   -   01/09/2024

Feedback from 125 volunteers


full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Italy Hungary Colombia Turkey Mexico France Spain Japan Belgium



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Train stop (S-Bahn) Oranienburg


Project: Development of tool for visitors

Work- und Studycamp at the Memorial and Museum Sachsenhausen August 12 to September 1, 2024
History of National Socialism, Second World War and its Aftermath, Everyday life in the Concentration Camp / Workshop objects and relics from the Concentration Camp / Gardening Work, work in the collections of the Memorial
Study part:
The history of Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp and the Soviet Special Camp are the focus of this part of the study. You will learn about the life stories of former prisoners who were interned here from all over Europe. Why were they persecuted? What was their daily life in the camp like and how did they try to survive? Visits to exhibitions, memorials and museums in Oranienburg and Berlin as well as discussions with experts are also part of the program.
Work part:
Participants will perform maintenance and gardening work on the memorial grounds. No special skills are required for the simple physical work.

Accomodation and food

You will be accommodated in a youth hostel. The building is on the grounds of historical
Sachsenhausen concentration camp complex and was built in 1938 as the official residence
of the Concentration Camp Inspector, 2 km away from the memorial centre.
It is not necessary to bring a sleeping bag. Bed sheets and linen will be provided. You will sleep
in shared rooms with a lot of space. It is possible to use the washing machine and the dryer for
a small fee.
More information:

In the hostel there is a big kitchen for the group. Please be prepared not only to cook
there, but also to clean up afterwards ;) This will be done by the kitchen team of your group.
Volunteers have to cook the meals for themselves. Please bring easy recipes from your home country.

Location and leisure

Sachsenhausen is a part of Oranienburg, ca. 33 km to the north of Berlin. Sachsenhausen was
one of the earliest concentration camps in Germany, built in 1936. For example, German
people who were in opposition to Nazi policy, homosexuals, so-called asocials, criminals,
Jews, and during the war especially people from occupied countries were imprisoned, forced
to work and a lot of them were murdered. Between 1945 and 1950 a part of this area was used
as a so-called Special Camp of the Soviet Secret Service

Volunteers have to be able to ride a bike, as several shorter and longer bike rides are planned. Bicycles are provided, but helmets are not required. In the free time it's possible to go to Berlin or Potsdam. The volunteers will find many forests and lakes to walk, cycle or just relax. However, the free time activities will mainly depend on participants' ideas.

Project hosted by

The Sachsenhausen Memorial was one of the largest concentration camps in Germany and was built in 1936 near Berlin. More than 200,000 people from all over Europe were imprisoned here by the Nazi SS. The prisoners were forced to perform inhumane labor, and thousands died or were murdered. After the liberation in 1945, the Soviet secret service established Special Camp No.7/No.1 on the site for the internment of former Nazi functionaries and political opponents. Today the memorial is a place of remembrance, learning and research.

More information:

Additional comments

We have a total of three projects at the Sachsenhausen Memorial, with a different additional project: – VJF 2.3 Sachsenhausen #1: Comic Workshop (14. July. - 3. August 2024)
– ESC VJF 2.4 Sachsenhausen #2: Relics and storage (16.07.24 – 05.08.24)
–VJF 2.5 Sachsenhausen #3: Development of tool for visitors (12.08.24 – 01.09.24)



  • You should bring an interest in the history of Germany and Europe in the 1930s and 1940s and commemoration.
  • You should have a desire to discuss these topics in an international group.

Project related:

  • You should be interested in digital formats.

In general:

  • You should be able to perform simple physical tasks.
  • A good knowledge of English is a prerequisite for participation.
  • Since many shorter and longer bike rides are planned, volunteers should also be able to ride a bike.

Please be fully vaccinated (2 to 3 shots of one of the following vaccines: BioNtech/Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson&Johnson) or recovered (date of infection must be min. 28 days old and max. 90 days old).

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education
Germany Germany: Nature Lovers 2 (VJF24 6.4)


12/08/2024   -   25/08/2024

Feedback from 125 volunteers


full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Russia Italy France Mexico Japan Spain



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
Leipzig (LEJ)
Nearest bus/train station
Railway station Jena-Paradies


In the first week, you will work with local foresters in the wood of Jena. You tasks will include various environmental works, e.g. maintaining footpaths, lookout points and shelters. Your help will be needed for different nature protection projects. Please be prepared for environmental works to help the rangers only outside.
In the second week, the volunteers will help the environmental organisation “Fuchsturmgesellschaft” to chop down trees for a better visibility and let a bright landscape appear from the way leading to the tower and maintenance work in the flora-fauna habitat. Your help will be needed in the Education Path; also, huts need renovation or maintenance.
This is a camp for nature lovers! Work can be physically challenging at times.

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will be accommodated in an isolated hostel on a hill in the Western part of Jena. Your only neighbours will be the woodland animals. All bed linen will be provided. We have the chance to have campfires, play ping-pong and volleyball, to go swimming and so on. A washing machine is available. There will be no internet access in the accommodation.

Full board, you will get the possibility to cook traditional meals occasionally. Please be prepared for typical German food. You will have cold breakfast and supper (bread!) and a warm meal for dinner.

Location and leisure

Jena is with about 100.000 inhabitants the 2nd biggest city in Thüringen and is situated on the banks of the river Saale, surrounded by white and grey calcite mountains in the eastern part of Thüringen. Jena is famous for the high-tech Zeiss Optical Instruments, the Schiller University and the Zeiss-Planetarium, which is the oldest continuously operating planetarium in the world. The city of Jena and its surroundings present many good opportunities for recreation and relaxing.

Leisure Time:
Please notice that Jena city is far away from your accommodation, so better be ready to spend lots of time by yourselves, enjoying games / sports and outdoor activities. We can go hiking and have cycling tours in this beautiful area. We can also make trips to other cities, for example we can travel to Weimar, which is well known as the workplace of the poets Goethe and Schiller. You’ll be able to learn more about history, as we could visit the former concentration camp Buchenwald. The student city of Jena offers many cultural possibilities to explore. Free-time activities will mainly depend on your ideas and wishes.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Life on Land