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Czech Republic Czech Republic: ESC Assist the Elderly in Prague (SDA ESC R3)


04/08/2024   -   18/08/2024

Feedback from 213 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Uganda Portugal Italy France Spain


CZK 1500

Details on the project

18 - 30
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Praha (Prague) (PRG)
Nearest bus/train station
Bus stop: Janovská (line 154, 175, 183)


Volunteers will work with the elderly and participate in occupational therapy. You will help to organize leisure time activities, garden parties, go for walks with the clients, assist the nurses with daily tasks, and potentially do some manual work (e.g. gardening, cleaning, helping in the kitchen, etc.). It is very much welcome if you come with your ideas and initiative on how to break the routine in the centre. Please bring your favourite music, pictures, or small games with you to share with the elderly.

Accomodation and food

You will stay in a hostel in rooms with beds. Sheets and blankets will be provided. Each room also has its bathroom and there is also possibility to use shared kitchen. Lunch and breakfast will be provided in the canteen of the nursing home and you will prepare dinner in place of your accommodation. The kitchen is capable of making vegetarian food, but vegan food is not available. Wifi is available. There is no washing machine.

Location and leisure

Prague 15 is a municipal district located on the southeastern outskirts of Prague. There is Kozinec Hill, where the existence of an old Slavic fortified settlement is documented, and Hostivar reservoir. There is also an ornithological ringing station and the Center for Ecological Education. All services you might need are accessible within walking distance.

Prague 15 has a lot of green areas and good facilities for sport. There is a natural dam where you can swim on hot days. Besides, you can visit Prague city centre - Charles Bridge, Powder Tower, Old Town Square, Orloj or Prague Castle. You can also visit nearby castles or go hiking in the countryside. Also, the project is held during Prague Pride and other smaller free events.

Project hosted by

This project takes place in the outskirts of Prague 15 and is organized in cooperation with the Centre for Social Care and Nursing which provides support and assistance to users of the service who have found themselves due to their age, health, chronic illness, or crisis in their personal life in a situation where they are dependent on the help of another person. This project aims to support intercultural and intergenerational exchange, gain mutual understanding, and respect, and maybe even a new perspective on life. In this project, you will actively contribute to achieving UN SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and UN SDG10 Reduced Inequalities.

Directions to meeting point

From Prague airport take the trolleybus line number 59 to the final stop “Nadrazi Veleslavin”. Change to the green metro line A in the direction of Depo Hostivar and go all the way to “Skalka” stop where you need to change to bus 125 and get off at “Nadrazi Hostivar” stop. From there it is a 2 min walk to the accommodation, the metro and buses leave every few minutes in Prague but try to arrive no later than at 17:00. Detailed information will be provided in the infosheet.

Additional comments

Training on how to work with clients and occupational safety. You will learn about social care in the Czech Republic and an ethical approach to social services and communication in an environment with language barriers. Students can also obtain a certificate of practice in a social and healthcare facility.


Bring your favourite music, pictures, or small games with you to share with the elderly. Also, bring comfortable clothes for your well-being. You don't need any special experiences. Important are personal qualities, such as respect for old age, creativity, patience and kindness.

The project is suitable for students of humanities, future teachers, health workers, social workers, psychologists, artists and other empathetic, creative and cheerful people who respect the elderly. You can get a certificate confirming your voluntary service in the Center for Social Care.
This project is supported by the EU program European Solidarity Corps. Some of the conditions differ from the usual projects; there will be detailed info provided after your acceptance. For more info about ESC visit

Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being Reduced Inequalities
Czech Republic Czech Republic: ESC Centre for All : Superheroes without borders (SDA ESC R2)


14/08/2024   -   28/08/2024

Feedback from 213 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Portugal Argentina France Spain Italy Hungary


CZK 1500

Details on the project

18 - 30
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Praha (Prague) (PRG)
Nearest bus/train station
Vaclav Havel Airport (Prague)


The project aims to bring together Czech and international volunteers, people with or without disabilities, kids, youth or adults - just all! Volunteers will cooperate with Czech assistants and help their fellow campers with disabilities with daily tasks such as dressing, eating, personal hygiene and participation in the camp program. During the camp (18.-24.8.2024), volunteers might work longer hours, nevertheless, there will be enough time for rest and trips before and after the camp. Please bring your favourite superhero costume. You don't have to buy it, it can be handmade.

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will be accommodated in the main building of the complex, there are rooms for 6-7 people with beds and bedsheets. Bathrooms and toilets are common on each floor. There is also a washing machine. WiFi is available. Volunteers will eat together with assistants and clients – breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks will be provided by the accommodation facility. The kitchen will not be available to the volunteers, inform us in advance about any special diet you might have so we can accommodate it.

Location and leisure

The location of the camp is in a recreation area near Mukarov. There are all amenities (rooms, dining room, swimming pool, outdoor sports field). Nevertheless, the area is located in nature and there are no public amenities in the immediate vicinity. In case of need, you can ask the campleaders and they will drive to a store or pharmacy in the closest town.

There are several possibilities for sports activities right in the complex - indoor swimming pool, football, playground, table tennis, beach volleyball court. Volunteers can go on a trip to the nearest bigger cities such as Mlada Boleslav or Liberec. We will also organize an intercultural evening and volunteers will have an opportunity to present their countries.

Project hosted by

This project takes place in the recreational area in the small village of Borovice in cooperation with the local NGO Centre for All. Centre for All organizes free-time activities and summer camps for children and youth with and without disabilities. The aim of the project is to help the Centre for All to prepare and run a summer camp for people with or without disabilities. At this project, you will actively contribute to the achievement of UN SDG10 Reduced Inequalities.

Directions to meeting point

The meeting point will be directly at the Vaclav Havel Airport at 16:30 at the Airport Express bus stop. Volunteers will be picked up by car and taken to the accommodation.

Additional comments

Volunteers will learn about different types of disabilities (there will be clients with autism, Down syndrome, wheelchair users, etc). Through their trained campleaders, they will learn how to assist the people in their daily lives. Volunteers will have a chance to learn some basic Czech phrases – which will be helpful during the camp.


A detailed motivation letter, a medical certificate stating that the volunteer is fit to work with children and a sworn declaration of the nonexistence of any criminal record sent with the application form are required. Alcohol consumption and smoking are prohibited during the camp, during the free time it is allowed for 18+ volunteers only under specific conditions and after the agreement with the campleaders.

We are especially looking for outgoing and creative volunteers with good communication skills who enjoy working with youth. The camo theme is Back in Time. This project is also suitable for volunteers with fewer opportunities under the program Volunteering for All.
This project is supported by the EU program European Solidarity Corps. Some of the conditions differ from the usual projects; there will be detailed info provided after your acceptance. For more info about ESC visit

Sustainable Development Goals

Reduced Inequalities
Czech Republic Czech Republic: Get creative, paint cabins, drink Mattoni! (SDA104)


18/08/2024   -   27/08/2024

Feedback from 213 volunteers


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Morocco Turkey Germany Spain Great Britain Philippines


CZK 1500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Praha (Prague) (PRG)
Nearest bus/train station
Bus stop : Kyselka.


The subject of the work activity is the repair of 2 larger cabins in the recreation area. Specifically, it will be surface modifications of the cabins (except for the roof) - sanding the exterior and interior walls of the cabins, new paint, and minor repairs. Furthermore, repair of the outdoor terrace in front of the cottage - removal of old floorboards and laying of new ones, including necessary coatings, minor interior repairs, and woodwork. The work is not physically demanding, but it is necessary to count work in the position of raised hands, work from the ladder, paint the upper part of the walls of the cabins, handle lumber material for the terrace, clean the material, etc. No previous experience is required, bring clothes and shoes that can get dirty or damaged and a raincoat.

Accomodation and food

You will be accommodated in cabins directly on the premises of the Ontario Recreational Area. You will sleep on beds and blankets, pillows and bedsheets will be provided. The bathrooms are in another building. You can use a washing machine if you need to. There is no heating or air conditioning in the cabins. WiFi is available in the central building. Basic kitchen equipment - cooker, kettle, cups, glasses, casserole, etc. will be available in the hut. Lunches will be provided by the locals, and breakfast and dinner will be prepared by the volunteers.

Location and leisure

The Ontario Recreation Area is located in Kyselka near Karlovy Vary in the western part of the country. Kyselka means acidulous mineral water which is produced in the village. It is a very popular bottled water sold in the Czech Republic called Mattoni. In the Ontario Recreational Centre, there is a central building, wooden cabins, sanitary facilities, a pub, a playground, a fireplace, and a swimming pool. The phone coverage is good. The closest cities are Ostrov and Karlovy Vary, famous for the film festival, where you can find all the services such as ATMs, grocery stores and pharmacies.
You will have a chance to meet with the local community in a joint event, e.g. forest clearing or landscaping for the creation of a park, the possibility of joint sports activities or sitting around a campfire. In case of interest, it is possible to arrange boats for an afternoon ride down the Ohre River.

Project hosted by

This workcamp is organized in cooperation with Local Action Group Krusne hory (LAG Ore Mountains) and the municipality of Kyselka. This LAG focuses on the support and development of the region through organizing and funding educational and cultural projects, connecting various stakeholders, preparing tourist brochures or co-organizing volunteer activities. Kyselka is located 11 kilometres from Karlovy Vary in the forested valley of the Ohre River and its history is associated with Heinrich Matonni and the spa industry. The aim of this workcamp is to renovate cabins at Ontario Recreation Area. At this workcamp, you will actively contribute to the achievement of UN SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Directions to meeting point

Directly from the Prague airport, take the Regiojet bus at 15:00 to Karlovy Vary Terminal bus station. Then change to bus 420313 23 at 17:15 and get off at the Kyselka stop where your campleader will pick you up at 17:40. Detailed travel information will be provided in the Infosheet.

Additional comments

Getting to know the local history connected with the name of Heinrich Mattoni and the spa in the village of Kyselka - a tour of the former spa area, Mattoni trail, Mattoni museum, Bučina lookout tower, visit to the reconstructed historical cinema, Radošov - historical wooden bridge, church.


Bring suitable clothes and shoes for work, a raincoat and a towel. You need to respect the other people accommodated in the Ontario Recreational Area, especially the quiet night hours. It is prohibited to smoke inside the cabins. Workcamp is suitable for anyone who loves nature, is not looking for perfect comfort and is willing to explore the local beauty on their own.

Beware of allergies - dust, pollen etc.

Czech Republic Czech Republic: Mingle with the locals in Dysina (SDA106)


26/08/2024   -   09/09/2024

Feedback from 213 volunteers


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Spain Italy Portugal


CZK 1500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Praha (Prague) (PRG)
Nearest bus/train station
Bus stop: Dysina


You will help with the maintenance of public places (cutting bushes and grass, raking, landscaping etc.), renovation and maintenance of the local kindergarten and primary school. The new school year will start at the beginning of September, so you will have a chance to meet local children and prepare a presentation about your country and culture. Bring something special from your home country which could be suitable for such an activity (games, music, pictures, etc.). You will also help with the organisation of the traditional harvesting festival where you can mingle with locals. Bring clothes and shoes suitable for work and a raincoat.

Accomodation and food

All the volunteers will sleep together in the local community centre in a big room. Bring your mat and a sleeping bag. There is also a common room with a kitchenette and a toilet. A washing machine is available. There is free WiFi too. Showers will be available in the football club about 10 mins walk from the accommodation. Breakfast and lunch will be provided in the local school canteen. Dinners and all the meals during the weekend will be prepared by the group from provided ingredients. A vegetarian and vegan diet is possible.

Location and leisure

Dysina is located in northwestern Bohemia. There is a primary school and a kindergarten, a general practitioner, a pharmacy, a football pitch, a swimming pool, a post office, a shop, a restaurant and a Golf Park (Greensgate). Around 1,900 inhabitants live in the village surrounded by a stunning landscape. There is a church dedicated to The Holiest Trinity of Simon and Judah where a mass is held on Sundays. The closest city is Pilsen, located about 10 km from Dysina, where you can also find pharmacies and ATMs.
You can go on a trip to Pilsen (visit the famous brewery, cultural and historical monuments, museums, etc), visit the spa towns in the west of Bohemia, swim in a natural swimming pool, do sports in the sports ground near the accommodation, play board games, etc.

Project hosted by

This project is organized in cooperation with the municipality of Dysina located in north-western Bohemia, near Pilsen. The village has had a long tradition of ironworks and because of this Dysina has lost its village character and has become more industrial. There is a monument to Gen. Patton who liberated the west and southwest of Bohemia at the end of WWII with his army and the community still maintains contact with the descendants of this American general. The goal of the workcamp is to help with the maintenance of the green areas, organize a traditional harvesting festival and prepare a local primary school and a kindergarten for the beginning of the new school year. At this workcamp, you will actively contribute to the achievement of UN SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Directions to meeting point

From the airport take the the trolleybus line number 59 to Nadrazi Veleslavin stop. Change to green metro line A in the direction of Depo Hostivar, get off at “Muzeum” and change to red metro line C in the direction of Letnany, go 1 stop and get off at “Hlavni Nadrazi” stop (main railway station). From here take the train EC 354 Bavorsky Express at 13:23 to Pilsen main train station where you will arrive at 14:58. You need to change to bus Bus 470231 14 leaving from platform 4 at 15:00. In 20 mins you will arrive at Dysina where your camp leader will be waiting for you and take you to the accommodation. Detailed travel information will be provided in the infosheet.

Additional comments

You will have a chance to tour around the Greengate Golf + Leisure Resort Pilsen and visit horse stables. You will learn about the village of Dysina and its history. Be ready to present your country to the local community and the children.


We are looking for responsible and passionate volunteers who are interested in working outside and eager to get to know what life in a small Czech village looks like.

Bring a mat, a sleeping bag and suitable clothes and shoes for work. Bring your favourite recipes or any special ingredients you might need to share your national dishes with others. Do not forget to bring traditional objects/clothes/pictures/games you might need from your home country to present your own culture to the local community and the children.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Czech Republic Czech Republic: Back to Nature (SDA403)


31/08/2024   -   13/09/2024

Feedback from 213 volunteers




CZK 1500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
6 Male + 6 Female
Vegetarian food
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Praha (Prague) (PRG)
Nearest bus/train station
Bus stop: Lesna, Stara Knizeci Hut


You will work in a nature reserve about 3 km from the campsite where you will walk on foot. The main work will consist of mowing, raking and collecting grass on protected meadows. This work might be physically demanding. As the meadows can be very wet, make sure to bring waterproof working shoes (or rubber boots), gloves, rain gear and a hat to protect yourself from the sun. Work gloves will be provided for you. You will also work directly in the campsite on maintenance tasks and in the nearby forest by doing various manual jobs. At the end of the workcamp, you will help to dismantle the campsite and to transport all the material to Prague where it will be stored during winter.

Accomodation and food

In tee-pees with a fireplace in the centre. You will sleep on wooden pads and mattresses stuffed with hay. Nights in the forest might be very cold, even frosty, so bring a very warm sleeping bag, camping mat and some warm clothes. You will bathe in a small river with cold water next to the campsite, the toilets are dry and outdoors. Everyone will cook together as a group on a fireplace. The food is only vegetarian. You can charge your cell phone with a small solar-electricity generator. There is limited phone coverage and no Wifi.

Location and leisure

The workcamp takes place in the Bohemian Forest near Stara Knizeci Hut. The campsite is located in the valley of the Celni stream, an isolated part of the village of Lesna in the Bohemian Forest near the German border. There is limited phone coverage. The nearest bus stop is Stara Knizeci Hut and the nearest bigger town is Tachov where you can find ATMs, pharmacies, doctors etc.

Hiking in the surrounding countryside. You can visit the ruins of the Zahaji castle or go on trips to the Czech towns in the neighbourhood (e.g. Marianske Lazne). The project is situated on the border with Germany; a trip to Germany could be an option. Besides, you can try archery, play games or experience an Indian sauna. If you have any games, musical instruments or any other activity you could share or teach the group in the campsite conditions, you are welcome to bring them.

Project hosted by

The workcamp is organised in cooperation with EUROSOLAR. EUROSOLAR promotes renewable energies and a sustainable lifestyle; it engages in youth environmental education and organises environmental summer camps for children, youth and families. The workcamp takes place in a remote but exceptionally beautiful, hilly area of the Bohemian Forest, near the western border of the Czech Republic. The campsite is isolated from civilization and we welcome volunteers who are fond of trying out a basic lifestyle in the forest and do not mind longer walks. The main goal is to help maintain meadows in a nature-protected area and maintain the campsite. At this workcamp, you will actively contribute to the achievement of UN SDG15 Life on Land.

Directions to meeting point

From the airport take the trolleybus line number 59 to the Nadrazi Veleslavin stop. Change to green metro line A in the direction of Depo Hostivar, get off at “Muzeum” and change to red metro line C in the direction of Letnany, go 1 stop and get off at “Hlavni Nadrazi” stop (main railway station). Take the train IC562 Zapadni Express at 12:23 and get off at Plzen at 13:58. Go to the bus station in front of the train station and at 14:10 take the bus 440251 3 in the direction to “Lesna, Stara Knizeci Hut”. Get off at this last stop at 16:03. The meeting point is at the bus stop. PAY ATTENTION! THIS IS THE ONLY CONNECTION YOU CAN TAKE ON THIS DAY!

Additional comments

Evening discussions about climate, environment, sustainability and sustainable camps by the fire. You will have the unique opportunity to try archery, participate in fun games and learn to recognize the stars. Also, as you will be living in close contact with nature, you will improve your camping skills and learn a lot about local fauna and flora.


Bring a warm sleeping bag, a mat and warm clothes. There is a strict no alcohol and drugs policy at the campsite. Please note that the last three days are dedicated to dismantling the campsite and transporting all the material to Prague. Therefore leaving the workcamp earlier is not an option.

We expect volunteers to enjoy camping and being outdoors. This camp is perfect for volunteers who want to enjoy living and working in basic conditions in close touch with nature. If you are ready for this, an amazing experience is waiting for you! The workcamp might be also suitable for people with social, economic and some health disadvantages. Please, let us know ahead if you need any assistance. To reach the workcamp you will take forest paths, therefore you need to pack your stuff in a backpack rather than in luggage. Because you will be outside all the time, beware of all kinds of allergies (grass, pollen, insects, hay etc.). The food is vegetarian only.

Sustainable Development Goals

Life on Land
Czech Republic Czech Republic: Create a Place of Culture and Reconciliation (SDA105)


01/09/2024   -   15/09/2024

Feedback from 213 volunteers


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Vietnam Morocco Taiwan France Finland Spain Germany


CZK 1500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
2 Male + 1 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Praha (Prague) (PRG)
Nearest bus/train station
Train station Česká Kamenice


Volunteers will help with the renovation of the Cultural House for its further use for cultural and social purposes. Volunteers will clean the upper floors where the parquet floor needs to be painted, floors sanded, etc. Volunteers will also spend 2-3 days in Rabstejn Valley and work on ongoing maintenance of the ruins of the former prison barracks, they will be also removing trees and cleaning up tourist paths, painting fences or benches.

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will be accommodated in the town’s tourist hostel. There will be rooms with beds, an upstairs common room and an equipped kitchen with fridge, stove, oven and microwave. On each floor, there are 2 bathrooms with showers, toilets and a washing machine. Wifi is available. Volunteers will cook for themselves from the provided ingredients and eat in the common room or outside.

Location and leisure

The workcamp will be held in the town of Ceska Kamenice is located in the north of Bohemia on the borderline of three protected landscape areas. The nearest one is Bohemian Switzerland National Park just on the outskirts of the town. Approximately 5,100 inhabitants live here. The city centre consists of a well-preserved urban heritage zone with several cultural monuments. For these reasons, the town is a natural centre of tourism. There are shops, a pharmacy, an ATM and several cafés and restaurants. The phone reception in the town is good. In the nearby Rabstejn Valley lie the ruins of the former concentration camp. Here the phone reception might be weak.
Volunteers can go on a trip to the surrounding areas. There are three protected landscape areas, Czech Swiss National Park, and many cultural monuments. There is also a swimming pool, a sports complex (ball games and outdoor tennis/badminton courts), a water park and Via Ferrata in Decin, a slackline, etc. Feel free to bring your musical instruments.

Project hosted by

The workcamp is organised in cooperation with the town of Ceska Kamenice located on the borderline of three protected landscape areas in the Northern Bohemian region. The workcamp will take place in the town and in the nearby valley, where ruins of the former concentration camp of Rabstejn lie. The goals of the workcamp are two: 1) to maintain and rehabilitate the former Rabstejn concentration camp area, and 2) to renovate the upper floors of the Cultural House for cultural and social activities and expand the cultural offer to the local population as well as visitors from elsewhere. At this workcamp, you will actively contribute to achieving the UN SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Directions to meeting point

From Prague airport, take the trolleybus line number 59 to the “Nadrazi Veleslavin'' stop. Change to green metro line A in the direction of Depo Hostivar, get off at “Muzeum” and change to red metro line C in the direction of Letnany, go 1 stop and get off at “Hlavni Nadrazi” stop (main railway station). At 14:45, take train R 686 Labe from “Praha hlavni nadrazi” to “Decin hlavni nadrazi”. At 16:36, take train Os 6660 from “Decin hlavni nadrazi” to “Česká Kamenice”. Arrival at 17:05. Your campleader will be waiting there for you and take you to the accommodation.
Meeting point : train station Česká Kamenice on Sunday, September 1th 2024 at 5 pm.

Additional comments

Volunteers will take part in excursions to the nearby areas, a trip to the partner city in Germany, guided sightseeing tour of Ceska Kamenice. There will also be a meeting with witnesses (displaced Sudeten Germans, some of whom lived directly in the Rabstejn concentration camp after the war before they were relocated) and students of the English College of Prague, which will be conducted in the form of lectures and discussions.


The workcamp is especially suitable for volunteers who would like to get to know the history of the region and who enjoy working outdoors.

Bring warm clothes and footwear suitable for work and hiking, including waterproof clothing, and a towel. Bring your favourite national recipes to prepare for the others and if you need any special ingredients from your country, take them along.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Czech Republic Czech Republic: Weekend at Camphill Organic Farm (SDAW2)


17/10/2024   -   20/10/2024

Feedback from 213 volunteers


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Spain Japan Mexico


CZK 1500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
3 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarian food
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Praha (Prague) (PRG)
Nearest bus/train station
Bus stop: Terezin, U Pamatniku.


Your work will mainly consist of manual farm work of all kinds. These include weeding, planting, hoeing, harvesting, watering, cleaning and storing vegetables, etc. In addition to vegetables, there are medical herbs grown, which you can also help to collect and process. You might also do gardening work and help out with the maintenance of the farm and its premises. You will mostly work outside in the farm area or on the fields which are located within walking distance (500m) from the farm. Bring suitable work clothes and shoes, a hat, and a raincoat to protect yourself from the sun and rain. Working on a farm can be physically demanding, please be prepared for that, nevertheless, it can be done with a collective effort and a positive attitude.

Accomodation and food

Accommodation is provided directly at the farm. You will sleep in the attic on mattresses in a renovated historic farmhouse. Bring your sleeping bag! There are two showers with hot water, two toilets, a common room, and a kitchen available. There is WIFI and a washing machine. You will prepare breakfast and dinner together as a group. Lunch will be prepared by the members of the community; you will eat all together with the community. The local project partner will provide ingredients, including local organic vegetables. Meals will be mostly vegetarian.

Location and leisure

Ceske Kopisty – a small village near the historical town of Litomerice. The farm uses 11 hectares of fields; there is a garden and a yard with a couple of animals (a cow, a horse, chickens, ducks, and pigs). The area is quite vast – there are 3 residential houses, a candle workshop, and a common hall. There are 7 adults, 4 children and 7 people with special needs living there. You might meet around 10 other external co-workers. Everywhere in the village, there is a good phone reception. There is an ATM 3 km away in Terezin, and a pharmacy 5 km away in Litomerice.

There is a football pitch in the village after that, you can relax in the local pub or swim in the river. You might visit the nearby Terezin Memorial at the location of the former concentration camp and the Terezin Ghetto Museum.

Project hosted by

Although the database shows a different amount, the participation fee for this work camp is only 500 CZK!

This project is organized in cooperation with the NGO Free Farm in Ceske Kopisty, which is part of the Camphill Community movement. It is a family-like community that welcomes people with and without disabilities and creates a pleasant environment for everyone to live and work together. Vegetables, herbs, and fruits are grown and processed organically. Free Farm aims to raise awareness of biodynamic farming and the role of a farmer nowadays. The goal of the workcamp is to connect people from different countries and experience the operation of a Czech organic farm, develop a tolerant open society and acquire a responsible approach to the world. At this workcamp, you will actively contribute to the achievement of UN SDG2 Zero Hunger and UN SDG10 Reduced Inequalities.

Directions to meeting point

From Prague airport, take the trolleybus line number 59 to “Nadrazi Veleslavin” station. Change to green metro line A in the direction of Depo Hostivar. At the “Muzeum” stop, change to red metro line C in the direction of Letnany, and stay until the final stop. Here, take bus 413 at 14:00 to your final destination “Terezin, U Pamatniku”. The campleader will be waiting for you there at 15:00 and take you to the accommodation.

Additional comments

You will learn about the Camphill movement and life on an organic farm.


Although the database shows a different amount, the participation fee for this work camp is only 500 CZK!

You will stay in a place where people with various disabilities live, so there are specific rules you are asked to respect: smoking and consumption of alcohol within the community area are restricted, and it is necessary to respect the privacy and the rest of the residents. Be aware that not all members of the community can speak English. Please, bring a sleeping bag, enthusiasm and a good mood!

The workcamp is mainly suitable for people who are interested in farming and community life and don’t mind working from early hours.

Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger Reduced Inequalities