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Germany Germany: OH-W10 Gantikow Manor (OH-W10)


29/07/2024   -   09/08/2024

Feedback from 65 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

France Spain Italy + more


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 29
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 7 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Train station in Kyritz (5 km), Bus stop Gantikow Ortsmitte (200 mts)


The workamp is part of a collaborative effort between the local community and Open Houses to create a new Village Museum for the locality. The aim of the local community is to preserve and showcase the rich history and cultural heritage of the village, ensuring that traditional knowledge and as well as artistic expressions can be enjoyed by the current inhabitants as well as future generations. The museum will serve as a space for documenting the settlement history, transmitting ancestral knowledge through hands-on experiences, and hosting community events.
During the workcamp, the volunteers will engage in various tasks to rehabilitate the spaces and ensure the building is ready to serve its intended purpose. These activities include cleaning and clearing the site, rehabilitating spaces within the building, and carrying out maintenance works that are required. Additionally, volunteers will assist in maintenance activities at Gantikow Manor and its surrounding grounds to ensure the overall upkeep of the area.
Beyond the hands-on work, the volunteers will have leisure time to explore the picturesque surroundings of Gantikow Manor, including a nearby lake where they can relax and unwind.
The workcamp will provide the volunteers with a unique opportunity to contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage in this small community, while engaging in meaningful work and experiencing community-driven initiatives firsthand. Through their participation, volunteers play an integral role in bringing the Integrative Village Museum to life and fostering a sense of connection and stewardship within the local community.

Accomodation and food

In most of Open Houses' camps the volunteers will live at the same places they also work on, what means that they live more or less on a building site. In most of the Heritage Volunteers Projects the accommodation is located in a certain distance to the working site. The accommodation is usually very simple; there are shared rooms with simple beds or mattresses at most of the places. Shower, toilet and kitchen are at the place, but sometimes not in the same building. The equipment is simple but fair. After work, when everybody wants to take a shower, there can be a limit of hot water.

The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.

All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Travel costs to and from the camp place are not covered. Participants should organise their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore, participants should bring their own pocket money.

Location and leisure

The village Gantikow is located five kilometers northwest of the Hanseatic town of Kyritz, at the old road leading from Kyritz to Pritzwalk. Gantikow Manor is a historic manor house which stands at the village green, surrounded by one-story residential buildings arranged in a loose manner. Behind the manor, the remains of the former parks can be found which originally led to the beautiful Gantikow lake situated only hundred fifty metres from the manor.
The origins of Gantikow Manor can be traced back to the first half of the 14th century when it was owned by the von der Weide family. Over the years, the property changed hands and was eventually acquired by the von Platen family, known for their influence and important roles in the Prignitz region; later, the manor passed on to the Neubauer family. After the Second World War the manor served as housing for refugees and became later a community centre, housing multiple facilities as the local shop, the pub, the barber, the room for the doctor, apartments, and others.
The architectural style of Gantikow Manor reflects the 18th and early 19th centuries, with notable renovations taking place in 1877 after its acquisition by the Neubauer family. These renovations included the addition of a mansard roof and the installation of a Neo-Baroque balustrade staircase around 1910. The manor house exemplifies the blend of traditional architectural elements with later modifications.
The façade of the house maintains its original structure, while the fresco cycle decorating the façade was created by the painter Katharina Zipser originating from Transylvania. Her work, inspired by Byzantine frescoes, adds a unique artistic touch to the manor.
In recent years, Open Houses has been working on the gradual conservation and revitalisation of Gantikow Manor, alongside other historical buildings located in Eastern Germany. Through their work, Open Houses aims to raise awareness about cultural heritage and inspire others to join in preserving these cultural treasures. Their efforts in Gantikow have focused on maintaining the historical atmosphere and ensuring that the building retains its original charm. The ongoing conservation project includes the creation of accommodation and seminar rooms, as well as the expansion of sanitary facilities to enhance the functionality and capacity of the manor.
Open Houses, as the owner of Gantikow Manor, has an important role in community engagement and local heritage preservation. Each year, Open Houses organizes youth-oriented educational activities, conservation works, and hosts a variety of visitors at Gantikow Manor. As part of this ongoing commitment, Open Houses is facilitating the workcamp to prepare an adjacent site in the village to become a Village Museum. The building which is to serve as the village museum is a 19th-century structure combining a former stable, barn, and living space for the seasonal workers who toiled on the fields belonging to the manor. Recently inherited by the local association Dorf- und Heimatverein, this building will be gradually rehabilitated into a village museum, preserving the historical significance of the area.

Project hosted by

Open Houses are more than just empty buildings. They're places steeped in history, both obvious and hidden. These are places that have been around for centuries, shaped by those who lived there long ago and those who left recently. They're spaces where dreams and ideas thrive, where people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ages can come together to share and connect.
The history of Open Houses Network began in the mid-1980s when a group of young people in East Germany decided to restore village churches as volunteers to prevent them from falling into disrepair. Their efforts breathed new life into these spaces, hosting exhibitions, concerts, and gatherings that went beyond mere restoration work.
Today, while there's less need for places free from political pressure, it's still hard to find spots where people can meet without commercial agendas or bureaucratic hurdles. The balance between public engagement and private life is tricky to navigate, requiring constant effort to cut through red tape and financial constraints.
The idea of shared public spaces is fading, with fewer places available for collective work. The Open Houses Network aims to change that. We're not just doers; we're visionaries who want to create and protect spaces where people can come together, collaborate, and make a difference. Our projects and events are invitations for everyone to get involved, to make space for commitment, change, and connection.

Directions to meeting point

Information sheet will be sent four weeks before the beginning of the workcamp. However travel arrangements can be done with the already provided information about the nearest airport and bus stop.



01/08/2024   -   12/08/2024

Feedback from 12 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Mexico Belgium Turkey


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 30
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Santiago de Compostela (SCQ)
Nearest bus/train station


The action plan for this Work Camp will be divided into 3 phases.

PHASE I: PRE-PRODUCTION OF THE PARTICIPATORY COMMUNITY MURAL PROJECT. Contact with the administrations involved, associations and social groups, preparation of the script, make a budget of expenses, material needs and meetings with the contacts with the protagonists (grandmothers and grandfathers of Cerdedo-Cotobade).

PHASE II: PRODUCTION AND REALIZATION OF THE PARTICIPATORY COMMUNITY MURAL. Executive and technical production, interviews with the protagonists, brainstorming, composition and color tests, making the mural with intergenerational participation and content management for RRSS.


Accomodation and food

ACCOMMODATION: CEIP Carballedo. Carballedo, s / n. 36856 Cotobade

Location and leisure

Cerdedo-Cotobade is a municipality in the province of Pontevedra created on September 22, 2016 from the merger of the municipalities of Cerdedo and Cotobade. It has a great cultural and ethnographic wealth related to traditional works in stone and water, of which different monuments, mills...

- Kayak or paddlesurf routes.
- Image and sound editing, astronomy and Galician mythology workshops.
- Visit to Santiago de Compostela.
- Routes: petroglyphs route, medieval Cotobade route, contemporary Cerdedo route, environmental routes in the Carballeira de San Justo and Lérez river.
- Workshops.
- Lectures on Design and Illustration, Audiovisual Communication and Heritage Education.
- River beach

So that you can extend and enjoy your stay in our country, we offer you several itineraries to do more than one work camp if you wish. This work camp can be linked to the camps:


and these in turn can link to:


You can consult the itineraries of our work camps in the pictures section.

Project hosted by

The General Directorate of Youth, Participation and Volunteering ( is a department of the Xunta de Galicia ( whose priority is to meet the needs and concerns of the young population living in Galicia, firmly believing that youth has much to contribute to society as a whole.

We work to improve the quality of life of young people in our autonomous community, developing actions and programs that benefit them, increase their well-being and allow them to improve their skill.

Directions to meeting point

Meeting point: The first day from 4:00 p.m. at the place of accommodation or at the Pontevedra bus or train station.

From Santiago or from Vigo to Pontevedra by bus ( or by train (

The bus lines that connect the airports of Peinador (Vigo) and Lavacolla (Santiago de Compostela) with its bus and train stations are and respectively.

Additional comments

The incorporation to the work camp is in the afternoon of the first day and the departure the last day after breakfast.

Spain Spain: No Hell Bellow Us (ESDA-1424)


02/08/2024   -   17/08/2024

Feedback from 233 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

France Hungary Poland Great Britain


CZK 3768 i Fee is paid in two installments:

CZK 2500 to be paid now.
EUR 50 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
6 Male + 0 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Malaga (AGP)
Nearest bus/train station


The volunteers will prepare and finalize the programme in the first days. Each day, a four hours workshop/activities will be given and organized for kids in the morning. The volunteers will have many facilities and a park to do the activities with children.

It is well known that people in Spain don´t have a good level of English, even though it is studied at school for more than 9 years. That´s why the participants are really asked to try their best if they speak Spanish to communicate with locals.

Simultaneously, the workshops will try to teach other values such as the respect for the environment and promote the culture of peace. A good atmosphere will be the key for workcamps in future! Volunteers will be asked to take initiative, to “create” the workcamp, to leave a memory in Jodar.

Accomodation and food

At local high school. The living conditions are basic, please bring a sleeping bag. Mats will be available but please check with us first! The center is equipped with showers and toilets. The volunteers are meant to prepare their breakfast, lunch and dinner, although last year we got a professional cook and we hope this year we will have the same “luxury”.
This project will include a one day only vegan food day agreed by volunteers for the promotion of environmental sustainable lifestyle.

Location and leisure

Jodar is a village located close to Jaen. The main economic activity is agriculture and it is surrounded by the Natural Park of Sierra Magina which is a natural area with the high-quality landscape, pure and nearly virgin. Volunteers will have excellent possibilities to visit Cordoba/Granada or Seville and other spots like Jaén (Arabic baths and cathedral), Ubeda and Baeza. There is also a chance of doing a hiking route through the Serrezuela and the Sierra Magina and even to have a parapente experience in Pegalajar.

In a workcamp we also dedicate some time to a study part. It is an activity of non-formal learning, where you can gain new knowledge or form new opinions on different problems; all this is done in a relaxed and entertaining way.
The intercultural evening is a good way of intercultural learning. In every camp there is one evening, when all participants present their country in a relaxed way – making presentation, watching photos, telling stories, tasting typical dishes, drinks and sweets, dances etc. Please, have this evening in your mind while preparing your luggage to share a piece of your culture with the rest of volunteers.
The volunteers will have access to the local swimming pool of the town and will be able to enjoy their free times in the poolside.
As the local transportation is not very well connected, it is not easy to organize some trips to the big cities but depending on the volunteers, it could be possible to organize some trips to Malaga, Sevilla or Granada in the weekends. Keep in mind that De Amicitia is not financing your leisure time activities.

Project hosted by

Guardabosques and De Amicitia works in collaboration in order to support Summer Camps with various English workshops. English language is the pending subject of Spain.

Directions to meeting point

Nearest airports: Málaga, Granada or Madrid
01/08/2022 at 7 pm on Plaza Fatima in Jodar



07/08/2024   -   28/08/2024

Feedback from 733 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Mozambique Sudan France Spain Algeria Germany Italy


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
1 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Toulouse (TLS)
Nearest bus/train station
ESCALQUENS Train Station


Come join one of the biggest solidarity movements in France, but also in the world!
You will participate in an international workcamp of volunteers with the Emmaus community in Escalquens, near Toulouse, in the South West of France.

4 days a week, you will help and work with the companions and the volunteers of Emmaus to develop the economic, social and solidarity activity: upgrading waste, receiving and sorting donations, and re-selling second-hand objects.
You will actively participate in the organization of the great clearance sale that will take place towards the end of august.

You will also actively take part in the organization of the “La Grande Braderie”, a big second flea market event that could take place at the end of August.
You will work approximately 30 hours per week. You will have three resting days to do activities and discover places around.

Accomodation and food

The companions will welcome you to their community. To share the same living place with the companions means that you have to respect the community rules and adapt yourself to the modalities of the collective life.

You will stay in individual tents on the site of Emmaus Escalquens. You will have access to bathrooms and showers. Washing machines and Wifi are available at the accommodation.

Location and leisure

You will interact with young locals and decide together on what to do during your free time.
Escalquens (6000 inhabitants) lies at the gates of the Laurageais area, nestled among sunflower-covered hills and small, charming houses. In this beautiful setting, you will find a bridge from 1772, a pink brick castle from 1568 and a 14th-century church. At the Cousquille crossroads, you will discover local shops and the Sunday market.

During your days off, you can reach Toulouse in less than one hour by bus. Toulouse is a beautiful, innovative, cultural and dynamic student city famous for its rich heritage.
In the surrounding area, you will also get to discover villages, castles, and wine estates, as well as the UNESCO World Heritage site, “Canal des Deux Mers.”

Project hosted by

The solidarity movement of Emmaus was created in 1949. Emmaus supports a vision of the society in which the Human Being is the heart of the system, and where everyone finds his or her place. Emmaus is a solidarity movement. It develops original and uncommon solutions to fight against exclusion and defends values such as welcomeness, inclusivity and solidarity. Since 1971, Emmaus has taken part in an international network: Emmaus International, made up of groups located in 37 different countries.

Emmaus Escalquens was founded in 1995, first, to welcome international volunteers. A community area was then quickly installed, in an old building overlooking fields. Today, more than 20 companions live on the site and develop solidarity activities.

Emmaus is a recognized local influencer in the social and solidarity economy. The site of Escalquens is distinguished by its often-original gifts and products, such as those related to the field of vintage or retro!

Come back again in a few years to see how much your work has done for the local community!

Directions to meeting point

The meeting point is scheduled at the ESCALQUENS Train Station at the end of the afternoon of the 7th of August. The exact meeting time will be given with the infosheet which will be sent at the latest 4 weeks before the start of the workcamp.
From PARIS, you can take the train from Montparnasse train station to TOULOUSE Matabiau train station, regular departures are scheduled throughout the day (about every hour). The trip lasts for about 4.5 hours, once in TOULOUSE Matabiau train station, you will ride the regional train to ESCALQUENS train station for 15 minutes.

For more information about trains:

If you are coming first by plane, remember that you will need some time to commute from the airport to the train station, therefore we recommend that you arrive early enough for you not to rush and have a stress free travel.

If possible, please consider using low-carbon transportation (train and bus rather than airplane) for a sustainable international workcamp.

Additional comments

Consider taking work clothes and shoes (waterproof if possible, in case of rain). Bring a warm sleeping bag and a good camping mat (for sleeping in the tent); nights can be chilly and humid. Tents will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own. Do not hesitate to bring activities from home, such as photos, games, musical instruments, food etc.

This project needs a lot of motivation from the volunteers, and a well understanding of the mission. Feel free to contact us before the mission if you have any questions.

Please note that it is forbidden to bring and drink alcohol in the community.

The departure is set on the last day (28/08), usually in the morning.


Foreigners from the European Union must bring their personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and all participants must bring their insurance certificate. If health issues arise during the program, volunteers will need to cover all costs; they will be reimbursed upon their return to their home country.

Germany Germany: Never Forget: Sachsenhausen 3 (VJF24 2.5)


12/08/2024   -   01/09/2024

Feedback from 125 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Italy Hungary Colombia Turkey Mexico France Spain Japan Belgium


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Train stop (S-Bahn) Oranienburg


Project: Development of tool for visitors

Work- und Studycamp at the Memorial and Museum Sachsenhausen August 12 to September 1, 2024
History of National Socialism, Second World War and its Aftermath, Everyday life in the Concentration Camp / Workshop objects and relics from the Concentration Camp / Gardening Work, work in the collections of the Memorial
Study part:
The history of Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp and the Soviet Special Camp are the focus of this part of the study. You will learn about the life stories of former prisoners who were interned here from all over Europe. Why were they persecuted? What was their daily life in the camp like and how did they try to survive? Visits to exhibitions, memorials and museums in Oranienburg and Berlin as well as discussions with experts are also part of the program.
Work part:
Participants will perform maintenance and gardening work on the memorial grounds. No special skills are required for the simple physical work.

Accomodation and food

You will be accommodated in a youth hostel. The building is on the grounds of historical
Sachsenhausen concentration camp complex and was built in 1938 as the official residence
of the Concentration Camp Inspector, 2 km away from the memorial centre.
It is not necessary to bring a sleeping bag. Bed sheets and linen will be provided. You will sleep
in shared rooms with a lot of space. It is possible to use the washing machine and the dryer for
a small fee.
More information:

In the hostel there is a big kitchen for the group. Please be prepared not only to cook
there, but also to clean up afterwards ;) This will be done by the kitchen team of your group.
Volunteers have to cook the meals for themselves. Please bring easy recipes from your home country.

Location and leisure

Sachsenhausen is a part of Oranienburg, ca. 33 km to the north of Berlin. Sachsenhausen was
one of the earliest concentration camps in Germany, built in 1936. For example, German
people who were in opposition to Nazi policy, homosexuals, so-called asocials, criminals,
Jews, and during the war especially people from occupied countries were imprisoned, forced
to work and a lot of them were murdered. Between 1945 and 1950 a part of this area was used
as a so-called Special Camp of the Soviet Secret Service

Volunteers have to be able to ride a bike, as several shorter and longer bike rides are planned. Bicycles are provided, but helmets are not required. In the free time it's possible to go to Berlin or Potsdam. The volunteers will find many forests and lakes to walk, cycle or just relax. However, the free time activities will mainly depend on participants' ideas.

Project hosted by

The Sachsenhausen Memorial was one of the largest concentration camps in Germany and was built in 1936 near Berlin. More than 200,000 people from all over Europe were imprisoned here by the Nazi SS. The prisoners were forced to perform inhumane labor, and thousands died or were murdered. After the liberation in 1945, the Soviet secret service established Special Camp No.7/No.1 on the site for the internment of former Nazi functionaries and political opponents. Today the memorial is a place of remembrance, learning and research.

More information:

Additional comments

We have a total of three projects at the Sachsenhausen Memorial, with a different additional project: – VJF 2.3 Sachsenhausen #1: Comic Workshop (14. July. - 3. August 2024)
– ESC VJF 2.4 Sachsenhausen #2: Relics and storage (16.07.24 – 05.08.24)
–VJF 2.5 Sachsenhausen #3: Development of tool for visitors (12.08.24 – 01.09.24)



  • You should bring an interest in the history of Germany and Europe in the 1930s and 1940s and commemoration.
  • You should have a desire to discuss these topics in an international group.

Project related:

  • You should be interested in digital formats.

In general:

  • You should be able to perform simple physical tasks.
  • A good knowledge of English is a prerequisite for participation.
  • Since many shorter and longer bike rides are planned, volunteers should also be able to ride a bike.

Please be fully vaccinated (2 to 3 shots of one of the following vaccines: BioNtech/Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson&Johnson) or recovered (date of infection must be min. 28 days old and max. 90 days old).

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education
Spain Spain: ESGOS (SVI-GA-17-24)


17/08/2024   -   28/08/2024

Feedback from 12 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from



CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 30
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Santiago de Compostela (SCQ)
Nearest bus/train station


It is an ethnographic work camp that will put volunteers in contact with the Ribeira Sacra ourensá, based on the knowledge of the history of Esgos in particular and Galicia in general. An important aspect in this camp will be the photographic compilation of the past of Esgos, tales and legends still alive told by our grandmothers and grandfathers. This audiovisual material will be assembled in podcast format and will be exhibited on a virtual platform.

- Recollection and digitalization of photographs about the past of Esgos.
- Posting in value of ethnographic and heritage spaces through the cataloging of lavairos, fountains, petos de ánimas, cruceiros,...
- Interviews with older people from Esgos to live their life experiences and capture them in a podcast.
- Finally, they will work on the value of the water deposit of the parish of Vilar de Ordelles, painting and making an ethnographic mural on the history of de Esgos.

Accomodation and food

The volunteers will stay at the youth hostel Vilar de Ordelles in Esgos, which has 30 beds.

Location and leisure

The activity will take place in the surroundings of the Vilar de Ordelles Hostel, a village in Vilar that belongs to the municipality of Esgos, in the province of Ourense (Galicia).

Esgos is a small municipality that sits in a valley near the last foothills of the Massif Central. It is an area with many rivers and streams that move the stones of the mills. The landscape is of enormous beauty, highlighting the granite outcrops and the thick trees, which create fantastic scenes set with old oaks and chestnut trees. To this we can add its good location since it is in the bowels of the Ribeira Sacra, which means that the area can be offered as a great alternative to discover and enjoy nature in freedom in a quiet, rural and beautiful environment, ideal for rest and disconnection from the daily routine.

Leisure activities:
- Swimming pool,
- Archery,
- Kayak and Paddleboard in the Ribeira Sacra,
- Orienteering race, sports and traditional games,
- Discovery of Esgos, visit to the Outariz hot springs in the city of Ourense,
- Bread and pastry workshop in a traditional wood oven,
- Pottery Niño da Guia,
- Evenings, workshops, ...

Project hosted by

The General Directorate of Youth, Participation and Volunteering ( is a department of the Xunta de Galicia ( whose priority is to meet the needs and concerns of the young population living in Galicia, firmly believing that youth has much to contribute to society as a whole.

We work to improve the quality of life of young people in our autonomous community, developing actions and programs that benefit them, increase their well-being and allow them to improve their skill.

Directions to meeting point

Meeting point: the first day at 4:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m. at the Ourense bus station.

To get to Ourense from Madrid by road, the service is provided by the company or (via Salamanca). It can also be reached by train (

From Santiago or from Vigo to Ourense, by bus with or by train.

The bus line that connects the airports of Peinador (Vigo) and Lavacolla (Santiago de Compostela) with their bus and railway stations are and respectively.

Additional comments

The incorporation to the work camp is in the afternoon of the first day and the departure the last day after breakfast.

• Sleeping bag and a small backpack for routes.
• Mountain shoes or boots.
• Warm clothing, raincoat and waterproof clothing.
• Work clothes, sports clothes, sports shoes and swimsuits.
• Work gloves and cap.
• Flashlight and canteen.
• Solar protection.

Spain Spain: FRIULIO (SVI-GA-13-24)


23/08/2024   -   03/09/2024

Feedback from 12 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Mexico Ukraine


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 30
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Santiago de Compostela (SCQ)
Nearest bus/train station


  • Work on the improvement and enhancement of the Castro Friulio, and help in the restoration and consolidation of various structures (roofs of the pallozas, kilns ...).
    - Active participation in the organization and execution of the "IV Malla" in Castro Friulio, an event that took place for the first time in 2021, coinciding with the first edition of this Work Camp. It is about recovering the tradition of the wheat mesh, which was much more than the sifting of cereals.

    LA MALLA, what is?: Before the harvesting machines did everything: mowing, extracting the grain, packing the straw,... it was done manually. One of the most important cooperative works in rural agriculture was LA MALLA. This communion between all the neighbours, uniting effort and sweat,... takes the step of becoming an almost extinct secular tradition in a good part of our Galicia.

    - Planting of a forest of native trees and fruit trees along the Narla river promenade to the town.

    Video 2022 edition:
    Video 2023 edition:

Accomodation and food

The participants in the work camp will stay in the Old Municipal School, located next to the municipal house.

Location and leisure

Friol is a municipality in the province of Lugo, in Galicia. Located just 30km from the capital of Lugo. In Friol, important megalithic and castreño vestiges are preserved, among others, the best known being the fortress of San Paio de Narla. This land was also occupied by Romans and Visigoths.

Leisure activities:
- Basketry, Bread and Cheese workshops in the town of Castrejo, with dyed T-shirts.
- Construction of a palloza (It is a traditional construction of the Lugo mountain, of pre-Roman origin. Circular or oval, between ten and twenty meters in diameter. With low stone walls and covered by a conical vegetable roof).
- Domestic percussion: traditional music and dance.
- Excursions: to the Fortress of Narla (Friol), to Lugo (Roman wall, cathedral and Domus do Mitreo), to Sobrado dos Monxes (monastery, lagoon and route of A Carballeira and Roman Camp of A Ciadella), Catedrais beach (Ribadeo).
- Castrexas and Roman evenings.
- Visit to an organic farm.

Project hosted by

The General Directorate of Youth, Participation and Volunteering ( is a department of the Xunta de Galicia ( whose priority is to meet the needs and concerns of the young population living in Galicia, firmly believing that youth has much to contribute to society as a whole.

We work to improve the quality of life of young people in our autonomous community, developing actions and programs that benefit them, increase their well-being and allow them to improve their skill.

Directions to meeting point

The meeting point is at the municipal house of Friol: Praza de España, 4. CP 27220 Friol.

From Santiago to Lugo:

From A Coruña to Lugo: or or by train

From Lugo to Friol:

The bus lines that connect the airports of Alvedro (A Coruña) and Lavacolla (Santiago de Compostela) with their bus and train stations are, and respectively.

Additional comments

The incorporation to the work camp is in the afternoon of the first day and the departure the last day after breakfast. It is necessary to bring:
• Cleaning supplies.
• Sleeping bag and small backpack.
• Mountain shoes, footwear and sportswear: swimsuit, bathing shoes, warm clothes, work clothes (gloves, cap / hat, ...).

So that you can extend and enjoy your stay in our country, we offer you several itineraries to do more than one work camp if you wish. This work camp can be linked to the camps:


which in turn link with:



• Cleaning supplies and shower towel.
• Sleeping bag, mat and backpack for routes.
• Comfortable shoes for mountain and sports shoes.
• Clothing: sportswear (sweatshirts...), swimwear (swimsuit, towel, flip-flops...), warm clothing (suitable clothing to be able to do the job in case of rain or cold), water (rain jacket), work (gloves hat)



23/08/2024   -   03/09/2024

Feedback from 12 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Japan Germany


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 30
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Vigo (VGO)
Nearest bus/train station
The easiest way to get to Oia is through Vigo, by road, train ( or by plane. From Vigo to Oia (50km), it can only be reached by road with the company Santiago de Compostela - Vigo: by train: or by bus: The bus line that connects the airports of Peinador (Vigo) and Lavacolla (Santiago de Compostela) with their bus and train stations are and respectively.


This workcamp revolves around the Sun King Festival, organized by the Association of Residents of Viladesuso and the Community of Montes. This festival revolves around oral tradition, traditional music, the toponymy and heritage of its mountains in the Serra da Groba, as well as ethnography and folklore. It takes place in Castro do Cano dos Mouros, next to a peculiar rock formation known as the Silla do Rei Sol, a chair with privileged views over the Atlantic.

1. Assist in the preparations, logistics and organization of the Festival do Rei Sol.
2. Clean, mark and adjust during the previous days the accesses to the different dolmens and archaeological sites, places of interest to visit on the Ruta pola Groba open to the public during the Festival.
3. To invite the pilgrims who are in Oia in the previous days to come to this festival of music, ethnography and culture that will take place that weekend.
4. Organize the guided visit to Castro do Cano dos Moors that will take place during the Festival, developing a playful and fun theatrical visit.
5. Assist in the organization of the Groba Mountain Route that traditionally takes place at the Sol King Festival on Saturday morning.

Accomodation and food

The participants will stay at the Cultural Center of Viladesuso. Address: Lugar Os Perez (Oia)

Location and leisure

Oia is a municipality located on the southern coast of the province of Pontevedra. The Camiño portugues pola costa (The Portuguese Way along the Coast) begins in A Guarda, a historic town that borders the Portuguese country. It crosses the municipality of Oia from south to north on the way to the Galician capital, Santiago de Compostela.

Leisure activities:
• Foliadas: popular festivals in which traditional Galician dance and music are present.
• Beach.
• Visits: The Castro da Cabeciña, A Guarda, Baiona, ...
• A Pedra da Lan, O Río Vilar, A Pedreira.
• Scaperoom

Project hosted by

The General Directorate of Youth, Participation and Volunteering ( is a department of the Xunta de Galicia ( whose priority is to meet the needs and concerns of the young population living in Galicia, firmly believing that youth has much to contribute to society as a whole.

We work to improve the quality of life of young people in our autonomous community, developing actions and programs that benefit them, increase their well-being and allow them to improve their skill.

Directions to meeting point

Oia Town Hall. Address: Rúa Vista Alegre, s/n, 36794 Oia (Pontevedra)

Additional comments

The incorporation to the work camp is in the afternoon of the first day and the departure the last day after breakfast.

It is necessary to bring:
• Cleaning supplies.
• Sleeping bag and small backpack.
• Mountain shoes, footwear and sportswear: swimsuit, bathing shoes, warm clothes, work clothes (gloves, cap / hat, ...).

So that you can extend and enjoy your stay in our country, we offer you several itineraries to do more than one work camp if you wish. This work camp can be linked to the camps:


which in turn link with:


Spain Spain: ALI, XAZ (SVI-GA-01-24)


23/08/2024   -   03/09/2024

Feedback from 12 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Mexico Turkey Kenya


CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 30
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Santiago de Compostela (SCQ)
Nearest bus/train station
Carballo (A Coruña)


Ponteceso is a Galician municipality located in the western part of the province of A Coruña, in the region known as the Costa da Morte. It is very close to the cities of A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela.

The work camp will take place in O Couto (Ponteceso) and also at the mouth of the Anllons river. Lines of action:
• Research of ethnographic elements of the O Couto.
• Collection of intangible heritage.
• Organization and realization of cultural events of the Eduardo Pondal Foundation: Festiletras, Festiciencia, ...
• Signaling of ethnographic elements.
• Job dissemination of all information collected during this work camp.

Accomodation and food

Accomodation: Casa dos Veciños O Couto, 56 15510 Aldea do Couto (Ponteceso) Breakfasts, lunches and dinners will usually take place in the social premises of the Casa de Los Vecinos, in O Couto. It will be catering food served by a local restaurant.

Location and leisure

As leisure activities, the following activities will be organized:
• Presentation games, cooperative games, orientation games.
• Songs and dances from the countries of the world.
• Workshops: Basketry …
• Visits: Costa da Morte (Fisterra Cape, ...), Noia, and Santiago de Compostela.
• Games and entertainment evenings.
• Costume party.
• Cultural: Video-forum, Galician tales and legends, traditional Galician games, visit by traditional Galician music groups...
• Sports: gymkhana, alternative sports, table tennis, beach paddles, sand games, kayak, ...
• Beach.

Project hosted by

The General Directorate of Youth, Participation and Volunteering ( is a department of the Xunta de Galicia ( whose priority is to meet the needs and concerns of the young population living in Galicia, firmly believing that youth has much to contribute to society as a whole.

We work to improve the quality of life of young people in our autonomous community, developing actions and programs that benefit them, increase their well-being and allow them to improve their skill.

Directions to meeting point

Meeting point: Fundación Eduardo Pondal. Lg. O Couto, 62 -, 15110 Ponteceso.

Lavacolla airport in Santiago de Compostela (65 km from Ponteceso). To make the connection with the Santiago bus station: From the Santiago bus station, you must take a bus from the Aucasa company ( to go to Carballo.

Alvedro Airport, in A Coruña (50 km from Ponteceso). To make the connection with the bus or train station in A Coruña: From the bus station in A Coruña, you must take a bus from the company Arriba ( to go to Carballo.

From Carballo to Ponteceso, you must take another bus from the Arriva company (

Additional comments

The incorporation to the work camp is in the afternoon of the first day and the departure the last day after breakfast

It is necessary to bring a sleeping bag, mat and backpack for hiking trails. Comfortable shoes for mountain and sports shoes.

So that you can extend and enjoy your stay in our country, we offer you several itineraries to do more than one work camp if you wish. This work camp can be linked to the camps:


which in turn link with:


You can consult the itineraries of our work camps in the pictures section.

Germany Germany: OH-W07 Lohra Castle (OH-W07)


01/09/2024   -   14/09/2024

Feedback from 65 volunteers




CZK 2500

Details on the project

18 - 29
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
7 Male + 7 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Next bus station: Großlohra, Friedrichslohra/Wartehalle Next railway stations: Gebra/Hainleite (5 km), Wolkramshausen (12 km).


The projects of Open Houses are based on sustainable principles. Therefore, the activities at Lohra Castle combine aspects of cultural heritage preservation and aspects of natural heritage preservation. The castle is surrounded by a vast green area and the volunteers will help in the maintenance of it. Near the youth accommodation houses that are part of the Lohra Castle complex there is a camping site which can be used by youth groups, for this reason the area should be made accessible from overgrown grass. The tasks will be mowing and collecting the grass. Additionally, the participants of the project will support the work on renovations on the Castle grounds.
The hilly massive around Lohra Castle is listed as National Nature Reserve. Open Houses supports the Reserve since several years with volunteering activities. In a forest near the Castle the participants will remove trees and bushes which are not corresponding with the protection aims in order to clean the paths and make them enjoyable again. They will also will collect the wood remaining after maintenance works, load it on a truck, unload it at the castle and split and stack it for wintertime or for the fireplace. Besides that, the volunteers will continue the maintenance of the green area at the castle. In addition, in the later part of the summer, they will support the recollection, assortment, splitting and storage of wood to prepare the castle for the harsh winter months.
The volunteers work six hours per day five days a week. The afternoons and evenings can be used for nearby cultural attractions, games, group activities, campfires and other similar things. On the weekends the volunteers have the opportunity to visit nearby places.

Accomodation and food

In most of Open Houses' camps the volunteers will live at the same places they also work on, what means that they live more or less on a building site. In most of the Heritage Volunteers Projects the accommodation is located in a certain distance to the working site. The accommodation is usually very simple; there are shared rooms with simple beds or mattresses at most of the places. Shower, toilet and kitchen are at the place, but sometimes not in the same building. The equipment is simple but fair. After work, when everybody wants to take a shower, there can be a limit of hot water.

The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.

All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Travel costs to and from the camp place are not covered. Participants should organise their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore, participants should bring their own pocket money.

Location and leisure

Lohra Castle is situated in the heart of Germany in Northern Thuringia. The castle, which is surrounded by a scenic hilly landscape, is located on the edge of a natural reserve area. Being one of the largest castles in Thuringia, the history of castle Lohra begins in the Middle Ages. It
s architectural styles which have been preserved in the structures of the ensemble attest to a prolonged period of occupation and historical evolution up until today.

The castle is more than thousand years old, and it is a relic of German medieval past that is still standing at the heart of a region through which the story of the German nation has been written. Today, it includes twenty buildings from different time periods, showcasing this historical evolution to the enchantment of visitors and heritage enthusiasts: medieval fortifications, remnants of a tower from the 11th century, a Romanesque double-floored chapel, a manor house from the Renaissance period as well as stables and granaries from the 19th and the early 20th centuries. The ensemble is situated in the centre of a beautiful forest.

For years Lohra Castle was vacant. In the 1990s a civil society association which became today’s Open Houses, began to rescue the castle and to revitalise it through cultural activities. The process of rehabilitation of cultural heritage not only brought new life and use to an otherwise forgotten monument, but it also provided with a new space where young people could reconnect with tangible heritage while valorising the relevance of preserving a historical monument. Since then, a large number of international workcamps, heritage volunteering projects, heritage training courses, seminars, exhibitions, concerts and other activities with international participants have been taking place every year in the castle.

Project hosted by

Open Houses are more than just empty buildings. They're places steeped in history, both obvious and hidden. These are places that have been around for centuries, shaped by those who lived there long ago and those who left recently. They're spaces where dreams and ideas thrive, where people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ages can come together to share and connect.
The history of Open Houses Network began in the mid-1980s when a group of young people in East Germany decided to restore village churches as volunteers to prevent them from falling into disrepair. Their efforts breathed new life into these spaces, hosting exhibitions, concerts, and gatherings that went beyond mere restoration work.
Today, while there's less need for places free from political pressure, it's still hard to find spots where people can meet without commercial agendas or bureaucratic hurdles. The balance between public engagement and private life is tricky to navigate, requiring constant effort to cut through red tape and financial constraints.
The idea of shared public spaces is fading, with fewer places available for collective work. The Open Houses Network aims to change that. We're not just doers; we're visionaries who want to create and protect spaces where people can come together, collaborate, and make a difference. Our projects and events are invitations for everyone to get involved, to make space for commitment, change, and connection.

Directions to meeting point

Information sheet will be sent four weeks before the beginning of the workcamp. However travel arrangements can be done with the already provided information about the nearest airport and bus stop.

Spain Spain: Altea Volunteer Meeting De Amicitia (ESDA-2224)


05/09/2024   -   08/09/2024

Feedback from 233 volunteers




CZK 2880 i Fee is paid in two installments:

CZK 2500 to be paid now.
EUR 15 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
20 Male + 20 Female
Vegetarian food
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Alicante (ALC)
Nearest bus/train station


The re-founding event of the De Amicitia association promises to be an enriching and fun experience for all participants, friends of De Amicitia and vounteers all over the world. During this meeting, volunteers will have the opportunity to evaluate the volunteering camps previously carried out, sharing experiences and learnings. In addition, various skills workshops, games, film screenings and music sessions will be held to encourage fellowship and personal growth. Feel free to ask us if you want to lead a workshop!

The association will provide food and accommodation for all participants, creating a welcoming and supportive environment. However, participants are requested to bring their own tent and sleeping bag to ensure their comfort during their stay.This self-organised event aims to strengthen the bonds between De Amicitia members and reaffirm their commitment to volunteer work at the international level.

All in all, De Amicitia's re-founding event promises to be a unique experience, full of learning, fun and solidarity, and we are excited to share this special moment with all the volunteers committed to the cause.

Accomodation and food

The facilities of Finca Santa Bárbara have the optimal requirements for carrying out this project, since they are located in a rural enclave, with toilets, showers, children's games area, a picnic area, camping areas and a swimming pool. Summer sleeping bag is necessary.

The food is provided by our campleaders and the volunteers will be cooking in groups by the guidance of our campleader.

Location and leisure

Altea La Vella is a district of Altea, a municipality in the province of Alicante (Spain). It has 583 inhabitants (INE 2012). This place of the Marina Baja is located between the sea and the mouintains and was the origin of the current Altea. Its white houses stand out. It is located 3.5km south north of the urban center of Altea, 3 km south of the Sierra de Bernia, 2 km west of the Mediterranean Sea and 9 km from Callosa de Ensarriá.

Project hosted by

This project is organizedand hosted by De Amicitia. De Amicitia is an environmental non governmental organisation that is funded in 1998 and actively working in the youth field and volunteering for 12 years. The main activity of the organisations is organising workcamps and local/ international youth projects in collaboration with the town halls and local associations.

Directions to meeting point

FINCA SANTA BÁRBARA, Altea La Vella, Alicante 05/09 in the afternoon (around 5pm).

DEPARTURE DAY: September 8 afternoon. More details will be given soon.


The extra fee has be paid by card ( in the exceptional cases we can accept bank transfer as well) 3 weeks before the camp as a confirmation of participation.

If we don't recieve the fee and the flight/bus tickets of the volunteer, we will consider that she/he will not attending to project and we will give opportunity to other volunteers that are on the waiting list.

Spain Spain: Big in Japan (ESDA-1724)


11/09/2024   -   21/09/2024

Feedback from 233 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from



CZK 5035 i Fee is paid in two installments:

CZK 2500 to be paid now.
EUR 100 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 30
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
8 Male + 7 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Nearest bus/train station


The project aims to foster cultural exchange through engaging workshops on Japanese culture with a group of young Japanese participants. These workshops will be held in schools, residential facilities, and various community spaces, providing an opportunity for participants to immerse themselves in the rich heritage and traditions of Japan.

The initiative seeks to bridge cultural divides and promote mutual understanding by showcasing aspects of Japanese culture such as traditional arts, cuisine and language. Through
interactive sessions, participants will have the chance to learn even basic phrases in Japanese.

The workshops will not only serve as educational experiences but also as platforms for dialogue and cross-cultural interaction. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions, share their own cultural perspectives, and engage in meaningful exchanges with the Japanese group. Moreover, the project will emphasize inclusivity and accessibility by targeting diverse audiences, including students of all ages, residents of care homes, and members of community organizations. The initiative aims to promote cultural appreciation and tolerance among people from different backgrounds.

Overall, the project objetive is to foster lasting connections and promote global citizenship by celebrating the diversity of human culture while highlighting the common threads that unite us all. Through the shared experience of learning about Japanese culture, participants will gain valuable insights into the importance of cultural diversity and the beauty of cross-cultural exchange.

Accomodation and food

The volunteers will stay in a volunteer house, with three rooms with several bunkbeds and bathrooms. They will share rooms with four to six other volunteers. The house includes a nice kitchen in which the volunteers will cook for themselves in the guidance of the camp leaders.
You can either bring your own sheets or a sleeping bag. There are beds and pillows but no sheets or pillow covers.

Project hosted by

This project is organised and hosted 100% by De Amicitia. De Amicitia is an environmental non governmental organisation that is funded in 1998 and actively working in the youth field and volunteering for 12 years. The main activity of the organisations is organising workcamps and local/ international youth projects in collaboration with the town halls and local associations.


Priority will be given to NICE Japan volunteers. Knowledge of Japanese or its culture as well as Spanish language will be valuable.



20/10/2024   -   26/10/2024

Feedback from 422 volunteers




CZK 8335 i Fee is paid in two installments:

CZK 5800 to be paid now.
EUR 100 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

5 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 5 Female
Vegetarian food
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Bordeaux (BOD)
Nearest bus/train station
Montendre train station (17130).


In this workcamp, you will participate in the center's life and in diverse aspects: community (cook, washing, planning...), intercultural exchanges (locals and association's volunteers encounter)...
The workcamp's purpose is to raise awareness over sustainable development. Caring the garden (seeding, transplanting, hoeing, watering, picking, processing). Upkeep of compost, phytosanitary pool, henhouse, insect-house and bamboo canopy.

Accomodation and food

In collective dormitories (8 places), at the Maison des Bateleurs in Montendre, where you would be all the accommodations at your disposal and a vehicle for transport to the site and also to discover the region. Food will be provided for breakfast, lunch and dinner (you have a budget which camp-leaders will manage and communicate with you throughout the workcamp). Meals will be prepared, in turn, by you, especially for lunch and dinner while respecting environmental values and local resources, as well as the culture of each and every one (hot and cold dishes as well as vegetarians and vegans will be prepared).

Location and leisure

Montendre, 75 Km from the sea, between Bordeaux and Angoulême.

Leisure Activities: Tour of the region will be collectively planned as you wish: city visits, ocean, museums or the Forest House... Interactions with house volunteers will be provided like pizza party... This will allow you to see how "Solidarités Jeunesses" works.

Project hosted by

Sustainable development, like permanent agriculture, is rooted in the organization's values and its transversal in our actions. Thus, "Maison des Bateleurs-Solidarités Jeunesses" began creating an environment hub: phytosanitary tank, dry toilets, compost, eco garden, use of natural resources are just examples.

Directions to meeting point

The meeting point is at Montendre station in the end of the afternoon. The organisers will provide a shuttle service between the station and the accommodation.


Participation fees are 50€/child and 100€/adult.

Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Consumption and Production