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Deutschland Deutschland: Nature Lovers 2 (VJF24 6.4)


12/08/2024   -   25/08/2024

Feedback von 125 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Russland Italien Frankreich Mexiko Japan Spanien


EUR 90

Details zum Projekt

18 - 26
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Nächster Flughafen
Leipzig (LEJ)
Anreise über
Railway station Jena-Paradies


In the first week, you will work with local foresters in the wood of Jena. You tasks will include various environmental works, e.g. maintaining footpaths, lookout points and shelters. Your help will be needed for different nature protection projects. Please be prepared for environmental works to help the rangers only outside.
In the second week, the volunteers will help the environmental organisation “Fuchsturmgesellschaft” to chop down trees for a better visibility and let a bright landscape appear from the way leading to the tower and maintenance work in the flora-fauna habitat. Your help will be needed in the Education Path; also, huts need renovation or maintenance.
This is a camp for nature lovers! Work can be physically challenging at times.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

Volunteers will be accommodated in an isolated hostel on a hill in the Western part of Jena. Your only neighbours will be the woodland animals. All bed linen will be provided. We have the chance to have campfires, play ping-pong and volleyball, to go swimming and so on. A washing machine is available. There will be no internet access in the accommodation.

Full board, you will get the possibility to cook traditional meals occasionally. Please be prepared for typical German food. You will have cold breakfast and supper (bread!) and a warm meal for dinner.

Lage und Freizeit

Jena is with about 100.000 inhabitants the 2nd biggest city in Thüringen and is situated on the banks of the river Saale, surrounded by white and grey calcite mountains in the eastern part of Thüringen. Jena is famous for the high-tech Zeiss Optical Instruments, the Schiller University and the Zeiss-Planetarium, which is the oldest continuously operating planetarium in the world. The city of Jena and its surroundings present many good opportunities for recreation and relaxing.

Leisure Time:
Please notice that Jena city is far away from your accommodation, so better be ready to spend lots of time by yourselves, enjoying games / sports and outdoor activities. We can go hiking and have cycling tours in this beautiful area. We can also make trips to other cities, for example we can travel to Weimar, which is well known as the workplace of the poets Goethe and Schiller. You’ll be able to learn more about history, as we could visit the former concentration camp Buchenwald. The student city of Jena offers many cultural possibilities to explore. Free-time activities will mainly depend on your ideas and wishes.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Life on Land