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01/10/2021   -   25/03/2027

Feedback from 14 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Germany Belgium France


HUF 437150 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
USD 1065 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 5 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Nearest bus/train station


WORK: Experienced carpenters, roofers, plumbers, painters and other tradesmen needed for rebuilding homes in the flood-damaged Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans. Unskilled volunteers will be trained by skilled staff. All aspects of home rebuilding will be addressed, from roofing to finish carpentry. 5-day week of full work days. Medium-term volunteers provide free labor to neighborhood residents, so they can return home after Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Isaac. Work can be difficult and it is hot in New Orleans!
STUDY THEME: Carpentry, construction, community building.

Accomodation and food

ACCOMMODATION: Housing is in dormitory style bunkrooms. No smoking in the house. No drugs allowed. No alcohol allowed in the house or on the property. Vegetarian meals available.

Location and leisure

LOCATION: New Orleans, LA, 2 miles east of the French Quarter.
LEISURE ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will have ample opportunity to partake of the abundant cultural offerings of the most unique city in America on weekends and after work hours.

Project hosted by

LOWERNINE.ORG, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA is a non-political, secular organization dedicated to helping this historic neighborhood recover and return to its former vibrant self.

Additional comments

SPECIAL REMARKS: VFP Motivation Form required. Volunteers must have intermediate spoken and comprehension of English in order to ensure workplace safety. VFP does not provide insurance for volunteers on this project, LowerNine general liability insurance will cover volunteers only while they are working. In case of a natural disaster volunteers will be required to make their own arrangements to evacuate the city. Multiple volunteers serve at all times in this location.
-Minimum 1 month.
-Available: From now until end of February, and from April - Dec (In other words, not in March)
- Need either the partner’s or VFP’s motivation form.
To be accepted, volunteers must complete an online registration form
- EXTRA FEE: All volunteers are asked to contribute a project fee, which helps to cover expenses associated with project coordination and supervision, as well as materials, fuel, safety equipment, insurance and tool and vehicle maintenance. Fee schedule is as follows:
$40 per person per night for the first three weeks (includes three meals/day)
$25 per person per night from the fourth week until three months in (also includes meals)
no charge past three months for people who step into leadership roles (possibility of a minor fee past that date for people who aren't comfortable stepping into those roles

There is a sliding scale if folks are economically disadvantaged or bring skills to the organization that are badly needed.
This fee is due in US Dollars upon arrival or online through's website.


Volunteers must also complete an online registration for logistical information and an educational curriculum to prepare long-term volunteers for service with us.  See It takes about 3 hours to complete, and reviews history of New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina, and worksite safety. It does not need to be completed in one sitting, and can be completed in increments over time. It needs to be finished prior to arrival.

Argentina Argentina: Tierra Salud (ARG-6)


27/02/2023   -   12/12/2025

Feedback from 1 volunteers




HUF 185818 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 390 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 35
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
2 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Buenos Aires (AEP)
Nearest bus/train station


The activities planned to be carried out are:
-Help in daily activities.
-They can be kitchen helper, dining room attendant, stock assistant, safe food handling attendant, cleaning the kitchen, etc
-The attendance can be helping or guiding an art workshop or sports or playing games during the afternoons
-helping taking care of the children in recreational outings or in the background of the house.
-Attending children to create garden care habits, watching and taking care of plants and sows and harvest, making compost and its maintenance.
-Classification and clothing order: Attending with order and classifying the clothes that children wear, separating those that are not in good conditions. Restock clothes from the general stock paying attention to size and good taste to dress. Separate the ones that have to be taken to a dressmaker. Sort out clothing that they receive as a donation, etc. (this task is to be done together with other tasks)

-Tidying up rooms: Actually they have many rooms to order, tidy and be assigned to other activities. Some ideas: for example, to transform one of the rooms in a gaming place; another room will be an historic and administrative archive; they have historic material to make a book to tell the story of the organisation.

-Get involved in the planning and implementation of recreational and educational.

Accomodation and food

Subir al Sur provides accommodation in a shared house with other volunteers and gives money to buy food.

Location and leisure

Tierra Salud is a project located in a large green space of 74 hectares that belongs to the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires. A large part of the land makes up a park in which old shrub and tree specimens live, many of which are unique in the City of Buenos Aires. This place does not have the characteristics of other parks or squares in the city, rather it is somewhat more wild with wide green spaces, where the orchards and lands stand out where the students of the Agronomy and Veterinary Faculties carry out their practices, there are even usually cows and other farm animals in pens. All this makes it a very attractive place to enjoy nature.

Project hosted by

Tierra Salud is a social enterprise that is part of the network of social enterprises of the General Directorate of Mental Health of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires. It is an organic garden-nursery space that is dedicated to the production of vegetables and native plants, seedlings and fertilizer, with offices in the Inclusion Pole (DGSAM) and in the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires. It is an integral part of Interhuertas and Composting Club. The venture is intended for users of mental health effects, people with disabilities and / or functional diversity, psychosocial vulnerability and is open to volunteering and institutional internships.

Directions to meeting point

Coordinates directly with the volunteer


  • Interest in Environmental Issues
  • Predisposition to manual work, focused on gardening and maintenance tasks
: Red de Voluntariado Hospitalario (ARG-7)


27/02/2023   -   12/12/2025

Feedback from 1 volunteers




HUF 156818 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 0 to be paid now.
EUR 390 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 35
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
4 Male + 4 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Buenos Aires (AEP)
Nearest bus/train station


The activities planned to be carried out are focused in covering the basic needs of a hospitalized person. That includes:
- Prepare activities like games or reading sessions
- Containment and support for family members.
- Collaboration in Internment Rooms, External Offices, Pharmacy and Sterilization.
- Outpatient Orientation.
- Delivery of clothes, personal hygiene items, toys, books and diapers
- Administrative support

It is important to note that the volunteers are not authorized to perform any technical task, for which the hospital already has staff.

Accomodation and food

Subir al Sur provides accommodation in a shared house with other volunteers and gives money to buy food.

Project hosted by

The Buenos Aires Government, through the Ministry of Health, guarantees medical care for all people who live and travel through the City of Buenos Aires. The health system is public, free and of quality.
The main objective is to help the day-to-day work of the hospitals and to spend time with the patients. There is a network of hospitals in which volunteer activities can be developed:
- Hospital Angel H. Roffo - Oncology specialty.
- Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutiérrez - Children's specialty.
- Hospital General de Agudos Parmenio Piñero - Acute Care Hospital

Directions to meeting point

Coordinates directly with the volunteer


Some level of spanish

Argentina Argentina: Uniendo Caminos (ARG-4)


27/02/2023   -   12/12/2025

Feedback from 1 volunteers




HUF 185818 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 390 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 35
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
2 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Buenos Aires (AEP)
Nearest bus/train station


The activities carried out are:

- School support accompaniment -Snacks for children and youth -Recreational activities for children and youth -Study methodology workshops -Cultural and educational outings -Cinema/Photography/Literature/Theatre/Recycling/Textile/Mural Design Workshops -Gender and sexuality workshops -Employability workshop -Vocational/labor orientation -Work internships

The activities planned for volunteers are:
-Help in daily activities.
-Get involved in the planning and implementation of recreational and educational.

In general, the task of the volunteers consists in collaborating with the maintenance of the space,
participating and assisting in weekly scheduled activities and accompanying youth participate
in them.

Accomodation and food

Subir al Sur provides accommodation in a shared house with other volunteers and gives money to buy food.

Project hosted by

Uniendo Caminos is a Foundation that accompanies children, youth and adults low-income so that they finish school and carry out their personal projects.

Education is a tool for social inclusion. Uniendo Caminos believes that education designed and proposed from a comprehensive approach is a tool for social inclusion through which better opportunities can be created so that people can develop their full human potential.

The foundation accompanies more than 4,500 adolescents Thanks to more than 100 volunteers from different areas, passionate about teaching others what they know.

Directions to meeting point

Coordinates directly with the volunteer

Argentina Argentina: Pilares NGO (ARG-8)


01/03/2023   -   12/12/2025

Feedback from 1 volunteers




HUF 185818 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 390 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 35
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
2 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Buenos Aires (AEP)
Nearest bus/train station


  • In Early Childhood Centers (Flores and Pompeya neighborhoods). Activities: Recreation and games, preparing snacks/breakfast, administrative tasks (during the week)

    - Within the "Haciendo Lupa" Program, with ages between 9 and 15 years (Barracas neighborhood). Activities: Literacy workshops and games, stories, writing, art (2 days a week in Caacupé Parish) / School support (Wednesdays, Santa Lucía center)

    - Institutional work. Modality mainly virtual or in the office located in the neighborhood of Palermo (Buenos Aires).

Accomodation and food

Subir al Sur provides accommodation in a shared house with other volunteers and gives money to buy food.

Project hosted by

Pilares is a foundation that works together with children and families who live in shantytowns in the City of Buenos Aires, providing opportunities to promote their integral development. ​They accompany 500 families in Villa 21-24 (Barracas) and Villa 1-11-14 (Bajo Flores), Nueva Pompeya and surroundings through several programs.

"An inclusive society and equitable that prioritizes child care andpromote the development of free and subject citizens of rights"

"Promote the rights of childhood in context psychosocial vulnerability, promoting child well-being and family strengthening"

Directions to meeting point

Coordinates directly with the volunteer


Some level of sapnish

Argentina Argentina: Sur Solidario (ARG-10)


01/03/2023   -   12/12/2025

Feedback from 1 volunteers




HUF 185818 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 390 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 35
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
2 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Buenos Aires (AEP)
Nearest bus/train station


  1. There are four educative centers and communitarian kitchens.
    - Puente Verde. In addition to food security, cooking and taekwondo workshops are also
    offered. In addition, tutoring and school support is provided to children.
    - Tejedoras. They also provide support and companionship for the elderly.
    - Amparo de los niños.
    - Los Ángeles no miran.
    2. Plastic bottle collection campaign:
    Clean materials are received, sorted and delivered to a recycling plant. With the money
    collected they support projects of the organizations with which they have links.
    3. Solidarity fair:
    They receive donated clothes, used or new, classify them and then hold a fair where the
    proceeds also support different projects and organizations.

    The activities planned to be carried out are:
    - Help in daily activities.
    - Assist in food processing and delivery to the children.
    - Collaboration in the collection and sorting process of clothing and recyclable materials. - Give school support.
    - Search for materials needed for workshops and activities.
    - Carrying out playful and pedagogical activities with children.

    Mainly, the role of the volunteers consists of accompanying the local community.

Accomodation and food

Subir al Sur provides accommodation in a shared house with other volunteers and gives money to buy food.

Project hosted by

The aim of the project is to accompany children in their grow-up process and be a protagonist of their own life. In addition, they support sustainable and ecological economic projects that promote the care of the environment.
This organization offers a safe place to more than 650 children in different areas of the city, located
in the south of Buenos Aires. There they receive “merienda” (milk and cookies) after school and
dinner and they participate in different recreational and pedagogical activities

Directions to meeting point

Coordinates directly with the volunteer


Necessary sensitivity for community work. It is a learning space.

  • Basic Spanish level
  • Initiative to propose independent activities
  • Sensitivity to social and economic problems
  • Flexibility to adapt to the structure and way
  • Teamwork
  • Creative character and motivation
  • Interest in youth and children development
Argentina Argentina: Arte en las Fábricas (ARG-12)


21/08/2023   -   12/12/2025

Feedback from 1 volunteers




HUF 185818 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 390 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 35
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
2 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Buenos Aires (AEP)
Nearest bus/train station


Maintenance, management and care of the space; garden project; productive projects of pieces of art; wind power project

Attend and assist in cultural events; garden maintenance; support in the production of artistic pieces; awareness actions on the use of wind energy. In terms of time work, the proposed schedule consists of:
- Physical participation in the project, 3 times a week for 5 hours a day.
- One day of planning, evaluation and reflection tasks that can be done in the office or at home
- Finally, one day to receive training in thematic seminars that contribute to their contribution to the project.

Accomodation and food

Subir al Sur provides accommodation in a shared house with other volunteers and gives money to buy food.

Project hosted by

It`s a cultural center occupying 1500 m2, next to the Pilar Industrial Park, in the province of Buenos Aires. Led by the plastic artist Alejandro Marmo ( Marmo specializes in using discarded recyclable material from workshops and peripheral places to transform it into art and work. In his art workshop, artistic and environmental projects and productive ventures coexist.

Directions to meeting point

Coordinates directly with the volunteer


Necessary sensitivity for community work.

  • Basic Spanish level
  • Initiative to propose activities
  • Flexibility to adapt to the structure and way
  • Teamwork
  • Creative character and motivation


01/01/2024   -   31/12/2025

Feedback from 15 volunteers



HUF 262217 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 580 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 80
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
15 Male + 15 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Kathmandu (KTM)
Nearest bus/train station


  • Develop our HR strategy.- Train VIN staff and volunteers on their specific roles through various trainings.- Assist in coaching and managing volunteers/interns and VIN staff.- Develop an internal communication plan and job descriptions (if deemednecessary).

Accomodation and food

Volunteers stay with the host family/hostel identified by VIN. The living conditions at the host family/ hostel are simple and basic. Male and female volunteers will share the same living area but have separate sleeping rooms. The volunteers sleep on simple beds/mattresses. Please bring your sleeping bag. The food will be provided in Nepali standard i.e. dal Bhat (rice, lentil soup, vegetables, pickle, eggs)

Location and leisure

Okhaldhunga district, which is 250 km from Kathmandu. It takes 8-9 hrs travel by busa hilly and mountainous region surrounded by woods and fields. If you arrive early or wish to stay in Nepal after your volunteer period, VIN offers weekend travel tours to Chitwan Jungle Safari, Pokhara, and Nagarkot at reasonable prices

Project hosted by

People remain the most valuable asset of an organization. The key is also fostering aliving tangible vision. In keeping with these principles you, as a Human Resources Advisorfor VIN, will have the opportunity to introduce the latest know-how in thebranch and make a significant difference by coaching and bringing out the best in the staffand volunteers/ interns, developing an all-encompassing HR strategy and laying thefoundations for years to come.

Directions to meeting point

VIN staff will pick each volunteer from the airport. The volunteers are requested to send their flight details to VIN on time so that we can send our staff with your name card and VIN s Logo

Additional comments

Fee for four weeks volunteering is 580 Euro, then 95 Euro for each extra week. Placements out of Kathmandu Valley cost extra depending on travel distance.


Application for Placement Booking Volunteers must apply to our partner organizations in their own country. - Attach your updated resume / curriculum vitae (CV) with two referee contact details (referees can be for your work/university/family); - Await confirmation from VIN for acceptance; - If you wish to work for more than one placement, then you are required to pay euro80 extra to cover our added logistical work. If you choose different placement out of Kathmandu Valley: Okhaldhunga (250KM) will cost 200; Sindhuli (150KM) 150; and Nuwakot (35KM) will cost 50 extra for a return reserved Jeep transportation - VIN Volunteer / Internship project induction starts on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. The induction period is considered part of your project period. If you wish to come in between for a short period, you will receive a basic orientation before the placement. Please arrive one day prior to the project induction date. Registration All the registration formalities will be completed in the first three days during the induction period. This will consist of understanding and signing a contract and paying the project fee. Please note that the entire project fee will be collected during the induction days. You will have to produce a photocopy of your passport and of your visa as well as a pass- port photo. VIN will issue a volunteer identity card for you.

Sustainable Development Goals

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Costa Rica Costa Rica: Water shed conservation in Guanacaste (ACICRC21-20)


01/01/2024   -   31/12/2025

Feedback from 5 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from



HUF 220620 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
USD 500 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 60
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
2 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
San Jose (SJO)
Nearest bus/train station
The volunteers will be picked up from the airport.


Volunteers will be working in:
● Guanacaste Water Center Signaling Project:
Recognize the need of specific signaling requirements inside the conservation area, and generate the materials for it. Signaling goals are focused in tree and special plant species recognition, but also environmental awareness and wildlife information.

● Nursery Work:
transplanting, arranging plants, plant maintenance, pruning, gardening, plant preparation.
Work on the reproduction of tropical plants that are used in the restoration of the environment and the water shed. Typical work includes seeds reproduction, plants maintenance and planting for their establishment in the field.

● During the dry season, we have other activities such as irrigation
Plants have requirement of irrigation during the dry season and the volunteer will support the efforts to make the new planted trees to survive the dry period.

● Social media support
Compile media resources to improve the social media and promotion strategies of the organization. This includes the visit and a follow up on initiatives and parallel areas of the Center.

Accomodation and food

Volunteers have a local host family to have accomodation and meals during the program.

Location and leisure

Junquillal, Guanacaste

Junquillal is a small coastal community located in the province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. It is known for its natural beauty, pristine beaches, and laid-back atmosphere

Project hosted by

The Nandamojo watershed is located on Costa Rica’s northwest coast in the province of Guanacaste. The watershed encompasses 29,000 acres, from the community of 27 de abril to Playa Junquillal, where the river empties into the sea.

More than any other factor, it is climate that defines the challenges and opportunities in this part of Costa Rica. Temperatures can climb over 100 degrees and there are two distinct seasons: wet and dry. The winter dry season, which starts in November, is caused by trade winds that blow in from the Caribbean. As this air moves west across the country it loses moisture, reaching Guanacaste as a gusty dry wind that desecrates the landscape. In May, the trade winds shift and allow offshore weather from the Pacific to bring afternoon showers and humidity. For the next six months, rivers and lowlands areas are filled with water and the landscape is a jungle of green. This “tropical dry forest” supports a unique ecosystem of flora and fauna.

The Extra fee indicated covers a period of TWO WEEKS, and includes:

- Transfer from the airport to a hostel in San Jose.
- Two nights in a hostel in San Jose, breakfast included.
- Orientation day, a day in which we give a cultural introduction to Costa Rica, safety and transportation recommendations, directions to the project and a tour of San Jose with lunch included.
- Accommodation and meals at the project.

The program has flexible dates depending on the availability of the project, with flexibility from 2 weeks to 4 months, but this includes an additional fee to the indicated fee.

Directions to meeting point

The volunteers will be picked up from the airport.


● Interest in ecological restoration
● Desire of learning about sustainable water management
● Interest in forest ecology and climate change mitigation
● Willing to get involved into tropical tress nurseries and maintenance

Sustainable Development Goals

Clean Water and Sanitation Life on Land


01/01/2024   -   31/12/2025

Feedback from 8 volunteers


Manual Work


HUF 149629 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 300 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
4 Male + 6 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Nairobi (NBO)
Nearest bus/train station
Volunteers will be received on arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya


Volunteer tasks
• Organic farming, weeding, tilling the gardens, harvesting produce and livestock farming,
• Attend to field visits and trainings organized for farmers engaged in organic farming
• The application of appropriate technology on organic farms
• Interaction with organic farming students
• Submit Project Report to KVDA

Accomodation and food

• Volunteers will be accommodated at the institution together with the students in dormitory set up but will share other amenities and meals with the students’ community.
• It is convenient for the volunteer to carry sleeping bag, mat and personal effects.
• KVDA has a memorandum of understanding with the host project regarding the project costs with appropriate procedures, checks and balances.

Location and leisure

Leisure time
• Kenya is replete with a lot of interesting and natural spectacular sites of interest that would capture the imagination of volunteers.
• From the tour to the renowned Maasai Mara Game Reserve to visits to local community beholding sights, the volunteers have the previledge to make choices that would fundamentally make the difference.
• The project also offers a perfect opportunity for people who enjoy being close to nature and are interested in the spectacular setting that traditional way of living in the heartland of the African culture would enrich your cultural heritage

Project hosted by

Project background
• The Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF) is an officially registered technical training institution NO. MOHEST/PC/1361 and Non-Governmental organization (NGO). It is situated in Juja off – Thika highway, near Ndarugo Motel. KIOF launched its first activities in 1987 – The Farmers Training and Extension Programme, which aimed at bringing the awareness of the challenges associated with conventional chemical farming (fertilizers and pesticides)
• The advantages of environmentally – sound-farming methods, appropriate to small-scale farmers led to widespread public interest in the program. Numerous requests were received from development organizations in Eastern Africa for training in organic farming.
• After the initial strong growth, KIOF found that there was necessity to verifying some of the organic methods adopted by farmers. KIOF therefore started looking into opportunities for on-farm trials and research so as to supply relevant back up data.
• A Program to incorporate youth training in organic agriculture was launched in 1995. This led to an Organic Agriculture Certificate course with the aim of assisting the youth to develop careers in Organic farming. A diploma program was launched in 2004 and the Certificate Stream gradually phased out.
• The Diploma Program takes 2 years of theoretical and practical learning. Due to the growing interest in this field and high demand for profession knowledge in organic agriculture, KIOF launched a 2-year Distance Learning Diploma program in 2006

Project activities
• Organic farms and gardens have been operating years in many countries and climates. By reviving and developing sound husbandry practices they have shown that it is possible to combine good yields with high quality produce, lasting soil fertility and improved overall environment.
• The Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF) aims at making this experience available to all farmers and other stakeholders.
• KIOF connects itself especially with the small – scale farmers who make up the majority of the farming community in Kenya. It is the small – scale farmers who are, in effect, the care takers of the natural environment. KIOF wants to stimulate better management of the environment by starting with sound agricultural principles on the farm.
• KIOF organizes training sessions for groups of farmers: women groups, youth and other CBOs in the rural areas. KIOF comes into contact with these groups through various organizations, churches, government institutions and individuals.
• A problem in today’s agriculture is the need for cash. This need moves the nation as a whole and especially the farmer into cash crop farming.
• Most of which are non – food crops.
• The family food production is often neglected. This leads to poorer diets and poorer health of the farming community. The remedy for this situation is organic farming.
• Organic farming is based on mixed farming principles. Experiences show that mixed farming practices lead to better food and income stability. It does not exclude the cash crop but it puts it in the right place. The cash crop can become part of the farm’s crop rotation which puts emphasis on diversity of crops thereby raising the ecological balance of the farm. It provides a more complete diet for the family. Diversity in production means less risk, and better food and health within the farm.
• Production is based on maximum recycling of organic wastes and careful handling of manures and composts, careful soil cultivation and use of natural rock minerals, if necessary.
• Weed control is based on crop rotation and physical methods. Pests and disease control is sustained by understanding and maintaining physical, biological and ecological balances. These include traditional methods which are now being scientifically proven.
• The use of trees for shade, mulching, soil improvement, fruit, fodder and fuel production is of great importance, and correct understanding of their place on the farm is part of organic practice. Besides, trees protect the land from strong winds and improve the climate of the area.
• A fresh look is taken at the question of marketing. This is done with a view to improved understanding of the needs of the grower and the requirements of the consumer.
• Thinking in terms of organic agriculture means reviving and developing sound husbandry practices which include the human and the social surroundings of the farm. The farm is able to function as an organism in which all parts support each other.

Directions to meeting point

International Arrivals terminal at JKIA

Additional comments

What to carry: This is outlined in the detailed info sheet and includes, sleeping bag and mat, toiletries, torch, flashlight, sandals, mosquito net, national flag from your country, among others


Financial contribution
• The project participation fee is Euro 250 per month paid upfront on arrival to the cover costs stipulated for the entire duration of the project.
• Monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes.
• Volunteers accepted on MLTV project for one month will pay Euros 300.
What is included in the participation fee?
• Return transfers from the airport
• Full board at the project (Accommodation and meals provided at the project)
• Orientation, evaluation and monitoring
• Volunteer mentorship
What is not included in the participation fee?
• Travel to and from the project. The volunteer will be required to pay for the bus tickets
• Refreshments outside the project
• Air ticket
• Excursion
• Visa, vaccinations and Insurance
• Local travel
• Personal effects
Laundry and water:
• Water is available at the hosting project and it is important to preserve water at all times due to its scarcity and cooperation with the hosts will be highly appreciated
• There are no washing machines in the institution and the volunteer will be guided on how to wash clothes
• Volunteers are expected to have their own medical insurance and other personal expenses and it is important to carry your own medical and travel insurances.
• Mentor for the volunteer from the hosting organisation: KVDA will designate its staff to play the role of mentoring and this is the vital link between the volunteer and the organization. The Mentor has the responsibility to enable the volunteer to efficiently execute their tasks with diligence.
• Function of mentor: advise, educate, be a role model to the volunteers; providing problem solving, collaborative support, positive and non-evaluative feedback and emotional support for volunteers; to provide comfort, exposure, visibility and challenging assignments which directly support the volunteer’s personal and professional development; to provide counselling and friendship to support the volunteer’s self-image and competence and thus to listen, guide, advice, teach and offer professional support to the volunteers
• The mentor will be available for the volunteer as a constant supporting person. However, he/she should not be directly involved in the daily work of the volunteer.
What to carry: This is outlined in the detailed info sheet and includes, sleeping bag and mat, toiletries, torch, flashlight, sandals, mosquito net, national flag from your country, among others
DONATION AND GIFTS: These are usually symbolic gestures to enhance the solidarity of volunteers and the hosting community. Kindly contact KVDA for details in case you are willing to support a worthy cause in the community either by offering a donation or long-term intervention on the project.

Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being Partnerships to achieve the Goal


01/01/2024   -   31/12/2025

Feedback from 8 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

France Kenya + more


HUF 149629 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 300 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
6 Male + 9 Female
Vegetarian food
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Nairobi (NBO)
Nearest bus/train station
Terminal • Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi is the port of arrival and KVDA will designate a driver for the airport pick up. • We strongly advice volunteers against getting taxis on their own without reference to KVDA due to the obvious risks and in case of any challenges on arrival kindly contact KVDA via mobile telephone +254721650357


Volunteer tasks

 Animal conservation
-Regular ground patrols and safari walk.
-Identifying animal species found within the area
-Identify and name indigenous plants and uses.
- Monitoring wildlife movement
 Cultural
-Experience Maasai way of life
- Control cattle grazing, milking and caring for cattle
-Maintain of manyatta houses

 School teaching programme
-Teaching English
-Teaching Arts, Designs & Drawings
-Teaching music
-Playing football with girls and boys
- Playing other games with the children
-Planting of trees
 Gardening and land scarping
 Outreach programme in the local community.
 Extra activities learning life skills bead work, cooking using fire wood, e.t.c
 Ensure upkeep of the conservancy
 Work with other stake holders in ensuring up keep of the conservancy.
 Extra activities Bird watching for interested volunteers.

Accomodation and food


• Volunteers accepted on this project will be accommodated within the conservancy with modest accommodation facilities
• It should be noted that the volunteers will cater for their own commuter expenses to and from the project
• We recommend that the volunteers should carry a sleeping bag and mat among other personal effects

Location and leisure

Leisure time
• Kenya is replete with a lot of interesting and natural spectacular sites of interest that would capture the imagination of volunteers.
• From the tour to the renowned Maasai Mara Game Reserve to visits to local community beholding sights, the volunteers have the previledge to make choices that would fundamentally make the difference.
• The project also offers a perfect opportunity for people who enjoy being close to nature and are interested in the spectacular setting that traditional way of living in the heartland of the African culture would enrich your cultural heritage

Project hosted by

Project background
• Oloisukut Group Conservancy is a 23,000 acre area of community land which borders the world famous Maasai Mara Game Reserve popularly known as the Mara Triangle, to the North in the Trans Mara District, Rift valley province.
• Oloisukut conservancy is an intriguing conservation concept on land-use owned and managed by the community members of Oloisukut.
• The income generated from conservation has given the land owners a reliable and dependable alternative source of income from the traditional livestock.
• The conservancy has ensured that the northern part of the greater Mara-Serengeti ecosystem is secured for conservation and hence affording the wildlife the much needed dispersal areas.
• The area boasts of high density of game including the big five except for the Rhino. Over 300 different species of birds have been identified. Some of the common animal species are; Maasai giraffe, Burschell zebra, waterbucks, elands, lions, leopards, elephants and elusive and timid bushbuck.
• Oloisukut boasts the highest population of elands, giraffes and leopards in the Mara per unit area. Currently we have the biggest pride comprising of 18 adult lions with several cubs.
• Tourism in the conservancy is highly controlled, a move that is aimed at maximizing the client wilderness experience and minimizing environmental impact.

Directions to meeting point

International Arrivals at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya

Additional comments

Financial contribution
• The project participation fee is Euro 300 per month paid upfront on arrival to the cover costs stipulated for the entire duration of the project.
• Monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes.
• Volunteers accepted on MLTV project for one month will pay Euros 300.
What is included in the participation fee?
• Return transfers from the airport
• Full board at the project (Accommodation and meals provided at the project)
• Orientation, evaluation and monitoring
• Volunteer mentorship
What is not included in the participation fee?
• Travel to and from the project. The volunteer will be required to pay for the bus tickets
• Refreshments outside the project
• Air ticket
• Excursion
• Visa, vaccinations and Insurance
• Local travel
• Personal effects
Laundry and water:
• Water is available at the hosting project and it is important to preserve water at all times due to its scarcity and cooperation with the hosts will be highly appreciated
• There are no washing machines in the institution and the volunteer will be guided on how to wash clothes
• Volunteers are expected to have their own medical insurance and other personal expenses and it is important to carry your own medical and travel insurances.
• Mentor for the volunteer from the hosting organisation: KVDA will designate its staff to play the role of mentoring and this is the vital link between the volunteer and the organization. The Mentor has the responsibility to enable the volunteer to efficiently execute their tasks with diligence.
• Function of mentor: advise, educate, be a role model to the volunteers; providing problem solving, collaborative support, positive and non-evaluative feedback and emotional support for volunteers; to provide comfort, exposure, visibility and challenging assignments which directly support the volunteer’s personal and professional development; to provide counselling and friendship to support the volunteer’s self-image and competence and thus to listen, guide, advice, teach and offer professional support to the volunteers
• The mentor will be available for the volunteer as a constant supporting person. However, he/she should not be directly involved in the daily work of the volunteer.


Financial contribution
• The project participation fee is Euro 300 per month paid upfront on arrival to the cover costs stipulated for the entire duration of the project.
• Monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes.
What is included in the participation fee?
• Return transfers from the airport
• Full board at the project (Accommodation and meals provided at the project)
• Orientation, evaluation and monitoring
• Volunteer mentorship
What is not included in the participation fee?
• Travel to and from the project. The volunteer will be required to pay for the bus tickets
• Refreshments outside the project
• Air ticket
• Excursion
• Visa, vaccinations and Insurance
• Local travel
• Personal effects
Laundry and water:
• Water is available at the hosting project and it is important to preserve water at all times due to its scarcity and cooperation with the hosts will be highly appreciated
• There are no washing machines in the institution and the volunteer will be guided on how to wash clothes
• Volunteers are expected to have their own medical insurance and other personal expenses and it is important to carry your own medical and travel insurances.
• Mentor for the volunteer from the hosting organisation: KVDA will designate its staff to play the role of mentoring and this is the vital link between the volunteer and the organization. The Mentor has the responsibility to enable the volunteer to efficiently execute their tasks with diligence.
• Function of mentor: advise, educate, be a role model to the volunteers; providing problem solving, collaborative support, positive and non-evaluative feedback and emotional support for volunteers; to provide comfort, exposure, visibility and challenging assignments which directly support the volunteer’s personal and professional development; to provide counselling and friendship to support the volunteer’s self-image and competence and thus to listen, guide, advice, teach and offer professional support to the volunteers
• The mentor will be available for the volunteer as a constant supporting person. However, he/she should not be directly involved in the daily work of the volunteer.
What to carry: This is outlined in the detailed info sheet and includes, sleeping bag and mat, toiletries, torch, flashlight, sandals, mosquito net, national flag from your country, among others
DONATION AND GIFTS: These are usually symbolic gestures to enhance the solidarity of volunteers and the hosting community. Kindly contact KVDA for details in case you are willing to support a worthy cause in the community either by offering a donation or long-term intervention on the project.

Sustainable Development Goals

Climate Action Partnerships to achieve the Goal


01/01/2024   -   31/12/2025

Feedback from 8 volunteers




HUF 149629 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 300 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 10 Female
Vegetarian food
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Nairobi (NBO)
Nearest bus/train station
Terminal • Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi is the port of arrival and KVDA will designate a driver for the airport pick up. • We strongly advice volunteers against getting taxis on their own without reference to KVDA due to the obvious risks and in case of any challenges on arrival kindly contact KVDA via mobile telephone +254721650357


Volunteer tasks

• Take care of orphans
• Weaving
• Art work
• Women training on self-awareness and confidence building
• Women training on entrepreneurship skills and financial management
• Meetings and media campaign on women empowerment in leadership
• Home visits and topical discussion with the local people
• Volunteers can join the project at any time of the year.
• The placement duration is flexible depending on the availability of the volunteer
• 1-day orientation seminar will be done in Nairobi

Accomodation and food

• Home stay and the volunteer is entitled to private room but will share other amenities and meals with the host family.
• It is convenient for the volunteer to carry sleeping bag, mat and personal effects.
• KVDA has a memorandum of understanding with the host project regarding the project costs with appropriate procedures, checks and balances.

Location and leisure

Leisure time
• Kenya is replete with a lot of interesting and natural spectacular sites of interest that would capture the imagination of volunteers.
• From the tour to the renowned Maasai Mara Game Reserve to visits to local community beholding sights, the volunteers have the previledge to make choices that would fundamentally make the difference.
• The project also offers a perfect opportunity for people who enjoy being close to nature and are interested in the spectacular setting that traditional way of living in the heartland of the African culture would enrich your cultural heritage

Project hosted by

Project background

To be the best cultural performers and handicraft makers in Kenya

To create an environment where personal and cultural change that support each other in the context of community.

1. To establish a presence of a successful suppler of soapstone carvings, clay and wooden artifacts locally and internationally.
2. To gain a substantial market share of the artifacts and cultural performance and tourist centre at local and international level.
3. To run orphanage home to cater for orphans and children from poor families for their shelter, food and education.
4. To engage into community development for empowering women and youth for them to be self-reliant in generating income and being in touch with socio-political realities in the country and at international level.
5. To engage into voluntary services at local and international level with interested organizations who have common objectives with our organizations to improves living standards of human beings across the world.

Nyamira missionaries was founded and registered with social development in 2002 in Kenya.
The organization is located at Nyaramba -Nyamira County in South Nyanza Region of Kenya.
The organization consists of 137 members consisting men, women, youth who vary the age of 18 years to even 80 years. The organization has the office at Nyaramba market in Nyamira county about 10 km from Nyamira town on way to Ikonge town ship center.
The organization is managed is managed by executive committee that consists of chairperson, vice chairperson, the secretary, Vice Secretary, Treasurer and 5 members.

The organization runs the following projects;

The project attracts local and international travellers who come to relax and watch the following activities;
a. The traditional Gusii cultural dances. These live performances that one session takes 1 hour. The dance troupe dances all Gusii cultural styles in African attires .It offers entertainment, education and information. The dance is quite vigorous and moving
b. The artefacts are also displayed for general viewing and sale for both local and international visitors. These items are made by group members and it is one way of raising the income to up keep the organization and create self-employment for the members who always assemble at organization center to engage in this activity. They are professional and they have had exchange program with Burundi and Malawi in the past. The organization is looking for partners and volunteers from local and international level to run the program.
c. The volunteers’ rooms that are self-contained ,clean, have warm water, and have even all facilities even for cooking for those local and international tourists who may wish to prepare for their own choice of food. The rooms are allocated at organization offices in good conducive environment with security and friendly neighbouhood. The organization welcomes local and international tourists to come for holidays and weekends to its facilities.
d. The organization engages in African beautiful baskets weaving that takes place at its organization premises .They sell locally and internationally. Therefore the organization is looking for partners and volunteers to create the market in Kenya and across the country.

Directions to meeting point

International Arrivals terminal at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya

Additional comments

Laundry and water:
• Water is available at the hosting house from springs and it is important to preserve water at all times due to its scarcity and cooperation with the hosts will be highly appreciated
• There are no washing machines in the institution and the volunteer will be guided on how to wash clothes
• Volunteers are expected to have their own medical insurance and other personal expenses and it is important to carry your own medical and travel insurances.
• Mentor for the volunteer from the hosting organisation: KVDA will designate its staff to play the role of mentoring and this is the vital link between the volunteer and the organization. The Mentor has the responsibility to enable the volunteer to efficiently execute their tasks with diligence.
• Function of mentor: advise, educate, be a role model to the volunteers; providing problem solving, collaborative support, positive and non-evaluative feedback and emotional support for volunteers; to provide comfort, exposure, visibility and challenging assignments which directly support the volunteer’s personal and professional development; to provide counselling and friendship to support the volunteer’s self-image and competence and thus to listen, guide, advice, teach and offer professional support to the volunteers
• The mentor will be available for the volunteer as a constant supporting person. However, he/she should not be directly involved in the daily work of the volunteer.
• Mentor’s Experience with international volunteers: More than 3 years’ experience with international volunteers


Financial contribution
• The project participation fee is Euro 250 per month paid upfront on arrival to the cover costs stipulated for the entire duration of the project.
• Monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes.
• Volunteers accepted on MLTV project for one month will pay Euros 300.
What is included in the participation fee?
• Return transfers from the airport
• Full board at the project (Accommodation and meals provided at the project)
• Orientation, evaluation and monitoring
• Volunteer mentorship
What is not included in the participation fee?
• Travel to and from the project. The volunteer will be required to pay for the bus tickets
• Refreshments outside the project
• Air ticket
• Excursion
• Visa, vaccinations and Insurance
• Local travel
• Personal effects
Laundry and water:
• Water is available at the hosting project and it is important to preserve water at all times due to its scarcity and cooperation with the hosts will be highly appreciated
• There are no washing machines in the institution and the volunteer will be guided on how to wash clothes
• Volunteers are expected to have their own medical insurance and other personal expenses and it is important to carry your own medical and travel insurances.
• Mentor for the volunteer from the hosting organisation: KVDA will designate its staff to play the role of mentoring and this is the vital link between the volunteer and the organization. The Mentor has the responsibility to enable the volunteer to efficiently execute their tasks with diligence.
• Function of mentor: advise, educate, be a role model to the volunteers; providing problem solving, collaborative support, positive and non-evaluative feedback and emotional support for volunteers; to provide comfort, exposure, visibility and challenging assignments which directly support the volunteer’s personal and professional development; to provide counselling and friendship to support the volunteer’s self-image and competence and thus to listen, guide, advice, teach and offer professional support to the volunteers
• The mentor will be available for the volunteer as a constant supporting person. However, he/she should not be directly involved in the daily work of the volunteer.
What to carry: This is outlined in the detailed info sheet and includes, sleeping bag and mat, toiletries, torch, flashlight, sandals, mosquito net, national flag from your country, among others
DONATION AND GIFTS: These are usually symbolic gestures to enhance the solidarity of volunteers and the hosting community. Kindly contact KVDA for details in case you are willing to support a worthy cause in the community either by offering a donation or long-term intervention on the project.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Reduced Inequalities


01/01/2024   -   31/12/2025

Feedback from 8 volunteers




HUF 149629 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 300 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
4 Male + 5 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Nairobi (NBO)
Nearest bus/train station
International arrivals Lounge at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport


Volunteer tasks
• Tasks of the volunteer in the project will be teaching: Languages (Any of these subjects English, French and Germany) Mathematics and Science
• Development of club activities in the school
• Promotion of sports and extra curriculum activities such as physical education; working in the school garden
• Submit Project Report to KVDA

Accomodation and food

• Home stay and the volunteer is entitled to private room but will share other amenities and meals with the host family.
• It is convenient for the volunteer to carry sleeping bag, mat and personal effects.
• KVDA has a memorandum of understanding with the host project regarding the project costs with appropriate procedures, checks and balances.

Location and leisure

Leisure time
• Kenya is replete with a lot of interesting and natural spectacular sites of interest that would capture the imagination of volunteers.
• From the tour to the renowned Maasai Mara Game Reserve to visits to local community beholding sights, the volunteers have the previledge to make choices that would fundamentally make the difference.
• The project also offers a perfect opportunity for people who enjoy being close to nature and are interested in the spectacular setting that traditional way of living in the heartland of the African culture would enrich your cultural heritage

Project hosted by

Project background
• Shining Star ECDC and Orphans School is located in Migori County, Nyatike Sub-county, Muhuru division, Muhuru -East location in Tagache Sub-location, along Muhuru-Migori road.
• The School was founded in 1999 by Mr. Hevrone Killmess Mairah due to lack of access to educational institutions in the area due to its remote setting, challenges posed by orphans the majority of whose parents are ravaged by HIV/AIDS pandemic and the high illiteracy levels within the community coupled high unemployment.
• In 2000 the school had a good number of children and 3 teachers and the community enjoyed the being of Shining Star.
• In 2001 the school was temporarily closed due to the conflict within the local community until 2002 when this was resolved and the community agreed to host the School at the local Church due to lack of classroom buildings.
• 2003 the land was bought and demarcation done.
• In 2005 the first classroom was built by a volunteer called Steffi Rahn a 19-year old from Germany.
• 2009 started hosting volunteers from KVDA courtesy of the Germany Government sponsored program “Weltwaerts” that afforded young Germans an opportunity to volunteer in Kenya for the duration of one year.
• 2011 Shining Star was registered with the Kenyan Government as a learning institution.
• 2012 started building dormitory for both orphans and those having parents with the help of former KVDA volunteer from Germany named Daniel, which structure has since been completed.
• 2013 the School started goat farming and poultry farming that is still underway. It also set aside space for an orphanage home and new toilets that are already finished.
• There are more plans in the pipeline e.g. Agriculture, Business loaning for the widows and youths, competitive sports between local clubs and the School where trophies, balls and other gifts will be awarded to the participating teams
• The School has a population of over 360 children, 11 teachers and 5 support staff.
• The School has classes from Kindergarten to Standard eight.
• Shining Star ECDC and Orphans School is a community based education institution and caters for the needs of the orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) that had been rendered destitute.
• Fishing is the mainstay of the local community thanks to the expansive Lake Victoria.
• Due to the easy cash courtesy of the Lake, young people have been lured to drop out of School to engage in fishing and this has negatively impacted on the community since it has resulted in early marriages, school drop outs, early and unplanned pregnancies not forgetting the spread of HIV/AIDS that has resulted in increased number of OVC’s in the community.
• Community empowerment is crucial in achieving the overall objective of attaining sustainable development.
Project activities
• Early childhood development; basic primary school education;
• This year 2015 the School has launched the secondary school section with the first students’ intake launched in February 2015.
• Care and support orphans and vulnerable Children and HIV/AIDS families;
• Enhancement of community empowerment trainings; ICT promotion and development in the local area and capacity building for community based organizations.

Directions to meeting point

Volunteers will be picked at the airport on arrival to Kenya and taken to the Nairobi South YMCA Hostel.

Additional comments

Qualifications required for the placement / Expectations towards the volunteer:
• The volunteer should be motivated towards the academic development of the students that s/he will be assigned while in the project. They also should be able to teach or have close affinity to education to transform the future of the pupils
• The volunteers are expected to be open minded and ready to adapt to the local system of education, culture and condition of life.
Expected results: increased literacy level in the community; elimination of the culture of dependence among the community members through open discussions and conversations; emergence of good citizens and leaders that will be able to take responsibility of the development needs of the local community.


Financial contribution
• The project participation fee is Euro 250 per month paid upfront on arrival to the cover costs stipulated for the entire duration of the project.
• Monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes.
• Volunteers accepted on MLTV project for one month will pay Euros 300.
What is included in the participation fee?
• Return transfers from the airport
• Full board at the project (Accommodation and meals provided at the project)
• Orientation, evaluation and monitoring
• Volunteer mentorship
What is not included in the participation fee?
• Travel to and from the project. The volunteer will be required to pay for the bus tickets
• Refreshments outside the project
• Air ticket
• Excursion
• Visa, vaccinations and Insurance
• Local travel
• Personal effects
Laundry and water:
• Water is available at the hosting project and it is important to preserve water at all times due to its scarcity and cooperation with the hosts will be highly appreciated
• There are no washing machines in the institution and the volunteer will be guided on how to wash clothes
• Volunteers are expected to have their own medical insurance and other personal expenses and it is important to carry your own medical and travel insurances.
• Mentor for the volunteer from the hosting organisation: KVDA will designate its staff to play the role of mentoring and this is the vital link between the volunteer and the organization. The Mentor has the responsibility to enable the volunteer to efficiently execute their tasks with diligence.
• Function of mentor: advise, educate, be a role model to the volunteers; providing problem solving, collaborative support, positive and non-evaluative feedback and emotional support for volunteers; to provide comfort, exposure, visibility and challenging assignments which directly support the volunteer’s personal and professional development; to provide counselling and friendship to support the volunteer’s self-image and competence and thus to listen, guide, advice, teach and offer professional support to the volunteers
• The mentor will be available for the volunteer as a constant supporting person. However, he/she should not be directly involved in the daily work of the volunteer.
What to carry: This is outlined in the detailed info sheet and includes, sleeping bag and mat, toiletries, torch, flashlight, sandals, mosquito net, national flag from your country, among others
DONATION AND GIFTS: These are usually symbolic gestures to enhance the solidarity of volunteers and the hosting community. Kindly contact KVDA for details in case you are willing to support a worthy cause in the community either by offering a donation or long-term intervention on the project.

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education Partnerships to achieve the Goal


01/01/2024   -   30/11/2025

Feedback from 8 volunteers


Manual Work


HUF 149629 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 300 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 5 Female
Vegetarian food
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Nairobi (NBO)
Nearest bus/train station
Terminal • Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi is the port of arrival and KVDA will designate a driver for the airport pick up. • We strongly advice volunteers against getting taxis on their own without reference to KVDA due to the obvious risks and in case of any challenges on arrival kindly contact KVDA via mobile telephone +254721650357


Volunteer tasks
• Teaching Primary School pupils
• Tree planting
• Sensitization of the community on the dangers of FGM and advocacy on alternative rites of passage
• Submit Project Report to KVDA

• Female genital mutilation is a strong tradition in this community. It is illegal. But still more than one third of the women are circumcised and each and every young woman is subjected to the cut.
• The church has preached against FGM for decades but in spite of the deep devoutness the priests do not have enough power over the souls.
• FGM has nothing to do with religion; it is a so-called culture and tradition in certain groups.
• The practice is deeply rooted in views on chastity, transition to womanhood, “purity” for marriage and basically a wish to control women sexually. In certain areas the survival and fertility of the local community is assumed to be threatened if the girls are not circumcised.
• Many brave young girls who refuse FGM are regarded as “unmarriageable” and become outcasts.
• It is a brutal act, painful and has led to the spread of HIV/AIDS.
• Volunteers will be required to liaise with other stakeholders in creation of awareness to the community.

Accomodation and food

• Home stay and the volunteer is entitled to private room but will share other amenities and meals with the host family.
• It is convenient for the volunteer to carry sleeping bag, mat and personal effects.
• KVDA has a memorandum of understanding with the host project regarding the project costs with appropriate procedures, checks and balances.

Location and leisure

Leisure time
• Kenya is replete with a lot of interesting and natural spectacular sites of interest that would capture the imagination of volunteers.
• From the tour to the renowned Maasai Mara Game Reserve to visits to local community beholding sights, the volunteers have the previledge to make choices that would fundamentally make the difference.
• The project also offers a perfect opportunity for people who enjoy being close to nature and are interested in the spectacular setting that traditional way of living in the heartland of the African culture would enrich your cultural heritage

Project hosted by

Project background
Nyamanche Primary School started the year 1981 as a Government School. The School supports children from the neighbouring villages. It consists of 600 (six hundred) pupils, 350 girls and 250 boys. The school has 12 teachers, 1 female and 11 male. It has 10 classrooms, 2 offices and 1 kitchen. The school has good academic record in the County.

“Strive for Excellence”

• To mould future leaders
• Maintain high discipline
• To reduce illiteracy level in the Community
• Create platform for volunteerism.
• Cultural practice such as female genital mutilation
• Poor sanitation
• Lack of funds to facilitate the proposed development projects
• Dependency on external assistance
• Poor utilization of available resources
Project activities
• The school was started with the aim of having members of the community have access to education and more so the girl child. In this community, differences between man and woman dictate a difference in their social roles and this reinforces a notion that men are more superior to women.
• Capacity building will provide both men and women with political insight and moral support in confronting gender issues. A woman’s social status has led to marginalization. This was the very reason of starting the school so as to empower the girl child.

Directions to meeting point

International Arrivals at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya

Additional comments

Financial contribution
• The project participation fee is Euro 250 per month paid upfront on arrival to the cover costs stipulated for the entire duration of the project.
• Monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes.
• Volunteers accepted on MLTV project for one month will pay Euros 300.
What is included in the participation fee?
• Return transfers from the airport
• Full board at the project (Accommodation and meals provided at the project)
• Orientation, evaluation and monitoring
• Volunteer mentorship
What is not included in the participation fee?
• Travel to and from the project. The volunteer will be required to pay for the bus tickets
• Refreshments outside the project
• Air ticket
• Excursion
• Visa, vaccinations and Insurance
• Local travel
• Personal effects
Laundry and water:
• Water is available at the hosting project and it is important to preserve water at all times due to its scarcity and cooperation with the hosts will be highly appreciated
• There are no washing machines in the institution and the volunteer will be guided on how to wash clothes
• Volunteers are expected to have their own medical insurance and other personal expenses and it is important to carry your own medical and travel insurances.

• Mentor for the volunteer from the hosting organisation: KVDA will designate its staff to play the role of mentoring and this is the vital link between the volunteer and the organization. The Mentor has the responsibility to enable the volunteer to efficiently execute their tasks with diligence.
• Function of mentor: advise, educate, be a role model to the volunteers; providing problem solving, collaborative support, positive and non-evaluative feedback and emotional support for volunteers; to provide comfort, exposure, visibility and challenging assignments which directly support the volunteer’s personal and professional development; to provide counselling and friendship to support the volunteer’s self-image and competence and thus to listen, guide, advice, teach and offer professional support to the volunteers
• The mentor will be available for the volunteer as a constant supporting person. However, he/she should not be directly involved in the daily work of the volunteer.
What to carry: This is outlined in the detailed info sheet and includes, sleeping bag and mat, toiletries, torch, flashlight, sandals, mosquito net, national flag from your country, among others
DONATION AND GIFTS: These are usually symbolic gestures to enhance the solidarity of volunteers and the hosting community. Kindly contact KVDA for details in case you are willing to support a worthy cause in the community either by offering a donation or long-term intervention on the project.


Financial contribution
• The project participation fee is Euro 250 per month paid upfront on arrival to the cover costs stipulated for the entire duration of the project.
• Monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes.
• Volunteers accepted on MLTV project for one month will pay Euros 300.
What is included in the participation fee?
• Return transfers from the airport
• Full board at the project (Accommodation and meals provided at the project)
• Orientation, evaluation and monitoring
• Volunteer mentorship
What is not included in the participation fee?
• Travel to and from the project. The volunteer will be required to pay for the bus tickets
• Refreshments outside the project
• Air ticket
• Excursion
• Visa, vaccinations and Insurance
• Local travel
• Personal effects
Laundry and water:
• Water is available at the hosting project and it is important to preserve water at all times due to its scarcity and cooperation with the hosts will be highly appreciated
• There are no washing machines in the institution and the volunteer will be guided on how to wash clothes
• Volunteers are expected to have their own medical insurance and other personal expenses and it is important to carry your own medical and travel insurances.
• Mentor for the volunteer from the hosting organisation: KVDA will designate its staff to play the role of mentoring and this is the vital link between the volunteer and the organization. The Mentor has the responsibility to enable the volunteer to efficiently execute their tasks with diligence.
• Function of mentor: advise, educate, be a role model to the volunteers; providing problem solving, collaborative support, positive and non-evaluative feedback and emotional support for volunteers; to provide comfort, exposure, visibility and challenging assignments which directly support the volunteer’s personal and professional development; to provide counselling and friendship to support the volunteer’s self-image and competence and thus to listen, guide, advice, teach and offer professional support to the volunteers
• The mentor will be available for the volunteer as a constant supporting person. However, he/she should not be directly involved in the daily work of the volunteer.
What to carry: This is outlined in the detailed info sheet and includes, sleeping bag and mat, toiletries, torch, flashlight, sandals, mosquito net, national flag from your country, among others
DONATION AND GIFTS: These are usually symbolic gestures to enhance the solidarity of volunteers and the hosting community. Kindly contact KVDA for details in case you are willing to support a worthy cause in the community either by offering a donation or long-term intervention on the project.

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education Gender Equality


01/01/2024   -   31/12/2025

Feedback from 8 volunteers


Manual Work


HUF 149629 i Fee is paid in two installments:

HUF 29000 to be paid now.
EUR 300 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
4 Male + 6 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Nairobi (NBO)
Nearest bus/train station
Volunteers will be received on arrival at Jomo Kenyatta international Airport and taken to Nairobi South YMCA Hostel for accommodation ahead of the placement to the project


Volunteer tasks
• Teaching Primary School pupils
• Physical education and life skills education
• Training to build capacities for community based organizations
• Submit Project Report to KVDA

Accomodation and food

• Home stay and the volunteer is entitled to private room but will share other amenities and meals with the host family. It is convenient for the volunteer to carry sleeping bag, mat and personal effects.
• KVDA has a memorandum of understanding with the host project regarding the project costs with appropriate procedures, checks and balances.

Location and leisure

Leisure time
• Kenya is replete with a lot of interesting and natural spectacular sites of interest that would capture the imagination of volunteers.
• From the tour to the renowned Maasai Mara Game Reserve to visits to local community beholding sights, the volunteers have the previledge to make choices that would fundamentally make the difference.
• The project also offers a perfect opportunity for people who enjoy being close to nature and are interested in the spectacular setting that traditional way of living in the heartland of the African culture would enrich your cultural heritage

Project hosted by

Project background
The Taita hills rise from the Southeastern Nyika Plateau. They are ancient fault-block formation stretching south to Malawi through Eastern and Southern Tanzania. They sit almost cheek-by-jowl with one of the region’s recent volcanic ranges, the Chyulu Hills. The project is situated on the foot of the Sagalla Hills in Taita Taveta district in coastal part of Kenya. It is approximately 7-8 hours’ drive from Nairobi. Sagalla is remembered to be a home of the first missionaries in the early 1900 and these is evident with one of the first churches in Kenya still standing strong.
Project activities
Gideon Mosi Primary School is a relatively new institution was founded in 1990 and it has rapidly expanded to accommodate 293 boys and girls from class 1-8. The 8 Teachers at the Gideon Mosi Primary School are employed by the Teachers Service commission and they are qualified to teach all rounds from class 1-8. In cases where the teaching staff is not adequate, the Parents and Teachers Association employs teachers for a short duration of time to help bridge the obtaining gap.

Directions to meeting point

International arrivals terminal at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport

Additional comments

• This phenomenon of human beings and wildlife conflict is very controversial and has attracted the attention of all and sundry. The scenario is prompted by the proximity of the local community to the Tsavo National Park that is the home to wildlife and this directly plays into the hands of the local community members who are forced by the circumstances to learn to live with the situation and the attendant challenges.
• Working with community groups on poverty reduction and sustainable development will involve the active involvement in projects that are geared towards youth and women empowerment activities, HIV/AIDS awareness, provision of infrastructure in learning institutions. Poverty is a major issue in the local community and is directly linked to the spread of HIV/AIDS because poverty drives HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS drives poverty.
• This highlights the need for a multifaceted response to both problems, but particularly to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Both these problems disproportionately affect women and youth. The goal is to try and enable the local members address community issues, thus enhancing the economic and social empowerment of women and youth for poverty reduction in Gideon Mosi, and linking this with activities to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.
• These activities will also help strengthen rural community and their local economies. In the process being able to improve access to quality education for school children


Financial contribution
• The project participation fee is Euro 250 per month paid upfront on arrival to the cover costs stipulated for the entire duration of the project.
• Monthly payment of participation fees is not allowed for conventional purposes.
• Volunteers accepted on MLTV project for one month will pay Euros 300.
What is included in the participation fee?
• Return transfers from the airport
• Full board at the project (Accommodation and meals provided at the project)
• Orientation, evaluation and monitoring
• Volunteer mentorship
What is not included in the participation fee?
• Travel to and from the project. The volunteer will be required to pay for the bus tickets
• Refreshments outside the project
• Air ticket
• Excursion
• Visa, vaccinations and Insurance
• Local travel
• Personal effects
Laundry and water:
• Water is available at the hosting project and it is important to preserve water at all times due to its scarcity and cooperation with the hosts will be highly appreciated
• There are no washing machines in the institution and the volunteer will be guided on how to wash clothes
• Volunteers are expected to have their own medical insurance and other personal expenses and it is important to carry your own medical and travel insurances.
• Mentor for the volunteer from the hosting organisation: KVDA will designate its staff to play the role of mentoring and this is the vital link between the volunteer and the organization. The Mentor has the responsibility to enable the volunteer to efficiently execute their tasks with diligence.
• Function of mentor: advise, educate, be a role model to the volunteers; providing problem solving, collaborative support, positive and non-evaluative feedback and emotional support for volunteers; to provide comfort, exposure, visibility and challenging assignments which directly support the volunteer’s personal and professional development; to provide counselling and friendship to support the volunteer’s self-image and competence and thus to listen, guide, advice, teach and offer professional support to the volunteers
• The mentor will be available for the volunteer as a constant supporting person. However, he/she should not be directly involved in the daily work of the volunteer.
What to carry: This is outlined in the detailed info sheet and includes, sleeping bag and mat, toiletries, torch, flashlight, sandals, mosquito net, national flag from your country, among others
DONATION AND GIFTS: These are usually symbolic gestures to enhance the solidarity of volunteers and the hosting community. Kindly contact KVDA for details in case you are willing to support a worthy cause in the community either by offering a donation or long-term intervention on the project.

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education Zero Hunger