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29/07/2024   -   30/08/2024



Already accepted volunteers from

Germany Spain + more


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 60 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 88
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
2 Male + 1 Female
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


Alliksaare Farm s main direction is horse breeding. At the moment there are around 150 horses on the farm. The work is diverse: it is to take care and maintain the pastures located by the sea - clearing around the pastures, building or removing fences, repairing fences, cleaning the stable. Another work is cleaning the coast nearby the farm from rubbish brought by storms. There can be some work for preparing food for horses for a winter time. But the most important work is with horses directly - taking care of them and to train horses. We have horses of any age, but mostly young horses, so depending on your experience and willingness to learn, it is possible to learn how to take care and train horses of all ages. For example socializing and training foals, halter train yearlings and saddle and/or carriage train young horses. The work will be mainly outdoors. Working time is 6-7 hours a day. Work will be done under some supervision and guidance of the local host but also quite a lot independently.

Accomodation and food

The accommodation conditions are very simple - in caravans, however beds are provided. Please bring your sleeping bag. Toilets and showers are available on site. There is a kitchen with all necessary equipment for cooking. Ingredients for food will be provided, but you need to cook by yourselves. We ask you to keep the living and common areas clean (washing dishes, cleaning the floors, etc).

Location and leisure

LocationAlliksaare farm is located in Nurste Kula, Emmaste parish, Hiiumaa island. Hiiumaa is situated in the western part of Estonia, 130km from Tallinn. More information available on the following websites:,, TerminalAirport, harbour, bus station in Tallinn. From Tallinn airport plane to Hiiumaa leaves twice a day Or you get there by bus. For this take bus nr 2 or 15 going to the city centre. Buses stop at Tallinn Bus Station (Bussijaam). From there buses go to Hiiumaa two times per day taking you straight there (including ferry transportation from the mainland). Timetables are available online at (bus from Tallinn to Hiiumaa), (transport in Tallinn).Leisure timeThere are a lot of natural picturesque sights on the island as well as good possibilities for swimming in the sea or hiking in the forest. It is planned to visit other parts of Hiiumaa Island on the week-end. Hiiumaa offers a lot of various cultural events in summer time and you will have the possibility to join them. In spring and autumn you can enjoy birds watching as their migration route goes over island. This camp is perfect for people who enjoy being close to the nature and are interested in traditional way of rural living.

Project hosted by

Hiiumaa, according to the Nordic sagas, emerged from the Baltic Sea as a small islet more than 10 000 years ago. The island of Hiiumaa was first mentioned in historical documents as a deserted island called Dageida in 1228. The first inhabitants settled down at the end of the 13th century. Nowadays, Hiiumaa is the second biggest island of Estonia with an area of 965 sq. km and a population of around 9 000. It has many historical and nature sights, and there are kind people known for their hospitality and good sense of humor. The island is referred to as a remote area of Europe, and EstYES feels particularly proud developing international voluntary projects for over twenty years there. EstYES has been cooperating with eco-farms all over Estonia for solidarity and practical support to local people who work in the agricultural sector keeping traditional lifestyle and developing new eco-farming despite all difficulties. Alliksaare Farm on Hiiumaa Island is one of such projects. This is an organic farm promoting sustainable lifestyle, and this camp is proposed for volunteers who appreciate and share its values, want to learn more about it and to help hard working people. Alliksaare Farm breeds an endangered breed of horses called Estonian Native horses. Alliksaare Farm also has an important task taking care of coastal meadows which are international birds migration area under protection of NATURA Program.Video of past camp

Directions to meeting point


Additional comments

It is possible to join for several camp shifts in a row


Special requirementsYou have to be open-minded and ready to adapt to the simple conditions of the common life in Estonian countryside. Be ready for independent work staying without permanent supervision. Please consider that the work is mainly farm work which can be hard at some time. It is great if you have experience with horses. It is helpful if you have some technical skills: repair machines, building, use chainsaws, etc. Driving license is an advantage. Smoking and drinking alcohol are not permitted on the farm. Participation feeWe ask participants to contribute a single fee of 60 Euro towards the costs of general administration. Fee does not depend on the duration of your stay. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp to the bank account. If you cannot make bank transfer please contact your sending organization for solution.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Life on Land
India India: Climate Justice - Be a climate hero (RC-07/24)


29/07/2024   -   10/08/2024


Manual Work


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 230 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 75
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 5 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Delhi (DEL)
Nearest bus/train station


Depending on the weather, volunteers would plant new trees, take care of already planted ones, remove dead saplings, chop firewood, do soil working, composting, clearing weeds and bushes, preparing holes for future plantation and make polythene green house fully operational.

Since environmental education and protection is the focus of the camp they will be expected to create awareness on issues like global warming, climate change, Carbon emission, sustainable lifestyle etc. while visiting local communities.

Besides tree plantation, volunteers will be given an exposure of other humanitarian projects, meeting with women groups, physical activity in RUCHI campus and work in communities or slums.

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will live in the RUCHI campus in shared accommodation. All minimum basic amenities will be available with library facilities. Vegetarian food will be served. A cook will be there but volunteers are expected to help him and occasionally cook their own meals and self-management is required. Sleeping bags are not necessary but required for personal hygiene.

Location and leisure

Ruchi campus which is located near Bandh village. It is 30 km from Kalka town and 60 km from Chandigarh city. The area offers a unique opportunity to live with nature in a peaceful environment.
Self organized city tours and excursions. Old Sikh and Hindu temples in the near vicinity can be visited. Nearby Kasauli town, a hill station, is a major tourist attraction. A visit to Shimla, the state capital, will offer an opportunity to see high Himalayan Mountains and British architecture.

Project hosted by

RUCHI in partnership with Forest Department

Directions to meeting point


Additional comments

With this project we aim to do our bit to reverse climate change and preserve biodiversity of our surrounding through education and actions. Overtime we have assisted in planting more than 10,000 trees in last 5 years. Along with plantation we also educate local community about carbon emission and environmentally sustainable actions which we could apply. The project relates to SDG-13 (Climate Action) and SDG-15 (Life on Land).


Interest in environment and climate changing issues. Physical fitness, Flexibility and High level of motivation.

Japan Japan: Ozuchi GR (NICE-24S-0729A)


29/07/2024   -   05/08/2024


Manual Work


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
JPY 9000 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

16 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
Tokyo (TYO)
Nearest bus/train station
Nearest Domestic terminal is Komatsu. International airport is Osaka (Kansai) or Tokyo (Haneda/ Narita). From Osaka, 4 hours by express train. From Tokyo, 5 hours by express train/ 8 hours by night bus (Meeting time is First day's 2 pm, Departure time is Last day's 12 pm at Kaga-Onsen station)


We will do various work to activate the area and success their culture. Main work may be one of (1) maintaining rice and vegetables’ fields for sustainable life (2) communicating with local people. And do some other work for the community.

Accomodation and food

Renovated house (traditional house!). Simple shower room. Clean toilet. Sleeping bag is needed! Food will be cooked by volunteers. There is a cat. Wi-Fi is available at the base facility, but internet access may be difficult due to the mountainous terrain.

Location and leisure

The southwest part of Ishikawa prefecture. Ozuchi village is surrounded by mountains, so very isolated, but beautiful place. Charcoal making was main industry.
Exchange parties, trekking and hot spring etc.

Project hosted by

This project is actively working for SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDGs 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), organized together with Shizentaiken Ozuchi Mura since 2013, founded by local people to keep the original landscape. There were 140 inhabitants with 20 houses in 1916, but now only one person lives there. Still 10 houses remained and the area was designated as Nation's Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings. We will try to improve the situation by young voluntary power. Since 2016, Ozuchi village and NICE have started weekend workcamps and over 400 vols. joined here per year and love this village! Local host hope to pass this village down the next generations! This year's project is a joint project with Fukuoka Prefecture. Japanese participants will include seven high school students from Fukuoka Prefecture and NICE staff.

Additional comments

Revival of the abandon villages. Bring some info.!
Volunteers get knowledge about actions for developing local village. Also the basic knowledge of the Japanese language and local culture.


High motivation to work hard and simple life in the isolated area and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization!

9,000 JPY (55 EUR by the rate on 2023 Nov. 18th) of "NICE Volunteers" fee need to be paid in advance either by Card or PayPal. This is used for the project preparation/ coordination such as the transportation of the camp leaders while the meals and the accommodation are provided by the local host by free.

Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger Sustainable Cities and Communities
Germany Germany: OH-W10 Gantikow Manor (OH-W10)


29/07/2024   -   09/08/2024



Already accepted volunteers from

France Spain Italy + more



Details on the project

18 - 29
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 7 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Train station in Kyritz (5 km), Bus stop Gantikow Ortsmitte (200 mts)


The workamp is part of a collaborative effort between the local community and Open Houses to create a new Village Museum for the locality. The aim of the local community is to preserve and showcase the rich history and cultural heritage of the village, ensuring that traditional knowledge and as well as artistic expressions can be enjoyed by the current inhabitants as well as future generations. The museum will serve as a space for documenting the settlement history, transmitting ancestral knowledge through hands-on experiences, and hosting community events.
During the workcamp, the volunteers will engage in various tasks to rehabilitate the spaces and ensure the building is ready to serve its intended purpose. These activities include cleaning and clearing the site, rehabilitating spaces within the building, and carrying out maintenance works that are required. Additionally, volunteers will assist in maintenance activities at Gantikow Manor and its surrounding grounds to ensure the overall upkeep of the area.
Beyond the hands-on work, the volunteers will have leisure time to explore the picturesque surroundings of Gantikow Manor, including a nearby lake where they can relax and unwind.
The workcamp will provide the volunteers with a unique opportunity to contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage in this small community, while engaging in meaningful work and experiencing community-driven initiatives firsthand. Through their participation, volunteers play an integral role in bringing the Integrative Village Museum to life and fostering a sense of connection and stewardship within the local community.

Accomodation and food

In most of Open Houses' camps the volunteers will live at the same places they also work on, what means that they live more or less on a building site. In most of the Heritage Volunteers Projects the accommodation is located in a certain distance to the working site. The accommodation is usually very simple; there are shared rooms with simple beds or mattresses at most of the places. Shower, toilet and kitchen are at the place, but sometimes not in the same building. The equipment is simple but fair. After work, when everybody wants to take a shower, there can be a limit of hot water.

The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.

All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Travel costs to and from the camp place are not covered. Participants should organise their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore, participants should bring their own pocket money.

Location and leisure

The village Gantikow is located five kilometers northwest of the Hanseatic town of Kyritz, at the old road leading from Kyritz to Pritzwalk. Gantikow Manor is a historic manor house which stands at the village green, surrounded by one-story residential buildings arranged in a loose manner. Behind the manor, the remains of the former parks can be found which originally led to the beautiful Gantikow lake situated only hundred fifty metres from the manor.
The origins of Gantikow Manor can be traced back to the first half of the 14th century when it was owned by the von der Weide family. Over the years, the property changed hands and was eventually acquired by the von Platen family, known for their influence and important roles in the Prignitz region; later, the manor passed on to the Neubauer family. After the Second World War the manor served as housing for refugees and became later a community centre, housing multiple facilities as the local shop, the pub, the barber, the room for the doctor, apartments, and others.
The architectural style of Gantikow Manor reflects the 18th and early 19th centuries, with notable renovations taking place in 1877 after its acquisition by the Neubauer family. These renovations included the addition of a mansard roof and the installation of a Neo-Baroque balustrade staircase around 1910. The manor house exemplifies the blend of traditional architectural elements with later modifications.
The façade of the house maintains its original structure, while the fresco cycle decorating the façade was created by the painter Katharina Zipser originating from Transylvania. Her work, inspired by Byzantine frescoes, adds a unique artistic touch to the manor.
In recent years, Open Houses has been working on the gradual conservation and revitalisation of Gantikow Manor, alongside other historical buildings located in Eastern Germany. Through their work, Open Houses aims to raise awareness about cultural heritage and inspire others to join in preserving these cultural treasures. Their efforts in Gantikow have focused on maintaining the historical atmosphere and ensuring that the building retains its original charm. The ongoing conservation project includes the creation of accommodation and seminar rooms, as well as the expansion of sanitary facilities to enhance the functionality and capacity of the manor.
Open Houses, as the owner of Gantikow Manor, has an important role in community engagement and local heritage preservation. Each year, Open Houses organizes youth-oriented educational activities, conservation works, and hosts a variety of visitors at Gantikow Manor. As part of this ongoing commitment, Open Houses is facilitating the workcamp to prepare an adjacent site in the village to become a Village Museum. The building which is to serve as the village museum is a 19th-century structure combining a former stable, barn, and living space for the seasonal workers who toiled on the fields belonging to the manor. Recently inherited by the local association Dorf- und Heimatverein, this building will be gradually rehabilitated into a village museum, preserving the historical significance of the area.

Project hosted by

Open Houses are more than just empty buildings. They're places steeped in history, both obvious and hidden. These are places that have been around for centuries, shaped by those who lived there long ago and those who left recently. They're spaces where dreams and ideas thrive, where people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ages can come together to share and connect.
The history of Open Houses Network began in the mid-1980s when a group of young people in East Germany decided to restore village churches as volunteers to prevent them from falling into disrepair. Their efforts breathed new life into these spaces, hosting exhibitions, concerts, and gatherings that went beyond mere restoration work.
Today, while there's less need for places free from political pressure, it's still hard to find spots where people can meet without commercial agendas or bureaucratic hurdles. The balance between public engagement and private life is tricky to navigate, requiring constant effort to cut through red tape and financial constraints.
The idea of shared public spaces is fading, with fewer places available for collective work. The Open Houses Network aims to change that. We're not just doers; we're visionaries who want to create and protect spaces where people can come together, collaborate, and make a difference. Our projects and events are invitations for everyone to get involved, to make space for commitment, change, and connection.

Directions to meeting point

Information sheet will be sent four weeks before the beginning of the workcamp. However travel arrangements can be done with the already provided information about the nearest airport and bus stop.



30/07/2024   -   05/08/2024



Already accepted volunteers from

Turkey Poland France Serbia + more


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 175 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

17 - 88
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
Tallinn (TLL)
Nearest bus/train station


As there will be the 19th international Marjamaa Folk Dance Festival and The Days of the Village on 01.-04.08, volunteers are asked to help it out doing various practical jobs related to its organization and running. This will involve a lot of cleaning and manual work. But it is also expected that volunteers contribute to the festival by introducing their national culture, music, dances, also food to local people as well as organizing games and fun activities for local children during the Day of the Youth and Children in the frame of the Festival. Be ready to work for some hours on the weekend

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will have simple accommodation in the rooms of the Marjamaa Community House right in the middle of the village, sleeping on mattresses. Please bring a sleeping bag. Toilets and showers are available. Volunteers will have lunches and dinners in the local canteen and breakfast prepared by themselves at the accommodation.

Location and leisure

Marjamaa is a village with ca 4000 inhabitants on the half way between Tallinn and Parnu. Distance from Marjamaa to Tallinn is 66 km. Being an administrative centre of community with 7000 inhabitants Marjamaa has several shops, department stores, culture house, cinema, several pubs, etc. Larger city nearby is Rapla (25km), an administrative centre of the county. Marjamaa has good bus connection to Tallinn and Parnu. More information on and www.raplamaa.eeTerminalAirport, harbor, bus and train stations in Tallinn; bus to Marjamaa. Leisure timeYou can enjoy all performances of the Festival. During the international Folk Festival volunteers can join diverse activities and parties with the international participants and locals such as Festival Club every evening. Besides, it is possible to do sport at the school stadium, swim in the local swimming pool; also go for some visits to the places of interest in the area.

Project hosted by

ProjectIt is good tradition for EstYES to organize international workcamps in co-operation with Marjamaa Community. It lies on the half way between Tallinn and Parnu, and it is known for its rich historical and cultural heritage: ancient settlement in Varbola, XIII century church in Marjamaa, numerous German manor houses of XVIII-XIX centuries and active culture life nowadays. Local authorities see in the international camps a powerful tool for local development - not only in terms of work done by volunteers but mainly for introduction multicultural dimension to the population of small local communities in the country. The camp will take place in the village of Marjamaa, the centre of the community. The main idea of this camp is to assist running the 19th international Marjamaa Folk Dance Festival helping different practical tasks. More information about Folk Festivals can be found here

Directions to meeting point



Special requirementsPlease bring sleeping bag and pillow. It will be great if you could think about your contribution to the festival and bring some materials, music, games for kids as well as national food/ drinks for it. If you can present folk songs or dances from your country or teach others it you really should not hesitate to do it English is the camp language.Participation feeDue to the lack of financial support for the project the participation fee of 175 Euro is requested from volunteers to cover the costs of board, leisure activities and administration. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp. If you cannot make bank transfer please contact your sending organization for solution.

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education Sustainable Cities and Communities


31/07/2024   -   13/08/2024



Already accepted volunteers from

Serbia Czech Republic Spain + more



Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
7 Male + 3 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Erevan (Yerevan) (EVN)
Nearest bus/train station


The major objective of the work camp is to preserve this historical site for the future generations, to keep it in worthy conditions to allow the visitors to be spiritually enriched and to contemplate the beauty and the splendour of this monument. Activities for the volunteers are as follows:- Maintenance of the territory - removing the over-grown grass, weeds.- National sounds of Zvartnots-learning Armenian national dances, songs.- Cultural program-My impressions about World Heritage Power point presentations of the volunteers on their impressions and feelings about the project and plans for the future.- Presentation of the countries the volunteers come from, and of the UNESCO World Heritage Objects existing there.The participants will get certificates by the end of the work camp.

Accomodation and food

Guest house on the territory of the Cathedral.Do not worry about sleeping bags, as you will stay in buildings/cottages of the hosting organizations where you will be provided with beds/mattresses and bedding packs. In Armenian camps you should be disciplined and organized. Making beds and keeping the rooms neat and clean every day is obligatory.Volunteers will prepare the food by themselves on the principle of duty. You will taste all kinds of Armenian traditional food, such as dolma, khorovats (barbecue), kiabab, khashlama, incomparable fruits of Ararat Valley - apricots, grapes, peaches, apples, berries etc. and vegetables.

Location and leisure

ZVARTNOTS Cathedral (20 km from capital Yerevan), Armavir Province (Marz)Armenia is called an open-air museum. You will have lots of interesting excursions and visits to historical monuments and museums, which will be organized during the work camp. The excursions to the following sights will be organized upon the decision of the camp and all the visits will be free. The proposed list of the excursions is the following: Echmiadzin Mother Cathedral, Zvartnots Cathedral ruins, Garni Pagan Temple, Geghard Monastery Complex with a program of World Heritage Initiative, Lake Sevan (with a barbecue on the beach). Volunteers will visit Matenadaran-storehouse of ancient manuscripts, Historical Museum of Armenia or National Gallery of Armenia, museum of famous film director S. Parajanov, Vernissage-Armenian big souvenirs market under the open sky.Different games, Armenian dancing and language lessons will be organized in the workcamps.Leisure time for joint workcamps are individual.Location:Zvartnots Cathedral The work camp is organized within the frameworks of World Heritage Volunteers Initiative launched by UNESCO World Heritage Centre and Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS). One of the main goals of the project is to raise awareness about the necessity to protect, preserve and promote cultural and natural heritage in general and the inscribed or potential World Heritage sites in particular.Zvartnots was built in the middle of the 7th century. This architectural masterpiece is a monument which embodies the centuries-long traditions of Armenian architecture. Unfortunately, Zvartnots has survived only in ruins, as it was completely destroyed by a powerful earthquake in the 10th century..The camp will be opened for the 15th time and is already a popular and traditional one.

Project hosted by

Voluntary Service of Armenia-Republican Headquarters of Student Brigades (HUJ) was founded in 1965. HUJ is a member of the Coordinating Committee of International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) at UNESCO and the Alliance of European Voluntary Service organizations.HUJ organizes volunteer exchanges with partner organizations abroad and holds a database of 3000 volunteers registered in HUJ as of today.The main activities run by HUJ are for and with volunteers, mainly the young people and students. The regular activities of organization include exchange of volunteers with different organizations, opening international work camps in Armenia, preparation and sending volunteers to different trainings, seminars and work camps abroad, as well as ESC long-term programs.The essential aims of the organization are to raise the social competences and employability of the youth by organizing activities for national and foreign volunteers in various programs in Armenia (workcamps, training courses, medium and long-term projects) as well as facilitating the participation of local and national volunteers in similar projects abroad; to take care of orphans, children with special needs and socially indigent people by proposing activities to and for them and making them more visible for local, national and international communities.

Directions to meeting point

Zvartnots International Airport.Till 24:00

Additional comments

For volunteers from organizations without bilateral exchange with HUJ: 100euro


It is very important to bring with you different board games, songbooks, and children s songs to work with children and for using in the performances/concerts which will be organized on the last day of the work camp.During the workcamp volunteers will organize the Intercultural days when each volunteer will present his/her country, so please bring photos and booklets describing your country, recipes of national dishes, products and spices and national songs. You can bring your musical instruments, CDs with your favorite national songs and music and, of course, your high spirit and creativity.

Mexico Mexico: ZOOMER Camp (VIVE24.01)


31/07/2024   -   09/08/2024




Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 425 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 5 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Morelia (MLM)
Nearest bus/train station
Terminal de Autobuses Morelia.


The volunteers will get a training with the facilitators during the summer course, conducting activities, games, dynamics, songs, etc., that promote in the participating children the love and empathy for nature, biodiversity, and for animals. Some of the activities that the volunteers will carry out include:
• Renovating some areas of the Zoo.
• Cleaning and repainting spaces to prepare for the arrival of children to the summer course.
• Preparing recreational activities and games with local facilitators to engage children during the summer course.
• Participating with the children in the summer course as support to the facilitators and activity coordinators at the Zoo, having fun and learning together.

Accomodation and food

The accommodation will be in a Hostel located in the downtown of Morelia, Michoacan. With services like Wi-Fi, hot water, etc. ATMs and medical centers are nearby. Food will be provided.

Location and leisure

Morelia, the capital of the state of Michoacán in Mexico, is a historically and culturally rich city. Founded in the 16th century, Morelia is known for its impressive colonial architecture, including numerous Baroque and Neoclassical buildings, many of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The city is also famous for its vibrant cultural life, which includes music festivals, theater, and cinema. Additionally, Morelia is renowned for its traditional cuisine, which includes dishes such as tamales, corundas, and carnitas.

Morelia, the capital of the state of Michoacán, offers a variety of activities for all tastes:
• Exploration of the Historic Center: Stroll through the picturesque cobblestone streets and admire the colonial architecture of the Cathedral and historic buildings.
• Visit to Museums and Art Galleries: Immerse yourself in the rich culture of the city by visiting museums such as the Alfredo Zalce Contemporary Art Museum and the Crafts House.
• Tasting of Local Gastronomy.

Project hosted by

Join the volunteer team at the Morelia Zoo and be part of the city's most exciting educational experience! Transformed into a vibrant center for environmental learning, the Morelia Zoo stands as the epicenter for raising awareness about environmental conservation, biodiversity, and the preservation of flora and fauna.
The mission is simple yet crucial: to educate and sensitize our visitors, especially the youth, about the importance of protecting our furry, scaly, and feathered friends, as well as the environment we share with them.
One of the flagship activities is hosting students from various schools, who have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating animal world while understanding the delicate situation of some species and our fundamental role in their conservation.
Every year, the doors are opened for the renowned summer course, where children enjoy three unforgettable weeks surrounded by nature and fun. Expert instructors guide the little ones through playful activities designed not only to awaken their curiosity but also to cultivate empathy and love for the care of animals and our planet.
To make this exciting project possible, we need your help. If you are a committed young person, passionate about biodiversity and nature, with a love for fun and children's activities, join us! Become part of the volunteer team and contribute to the maintenance of the facilities and the development of educational activities during the summer course!


This camp is open for everyone who are sensible and open minded. It is crucial for the participants to respect, open to learn and appreciate the conditions of a different culture.



01/08/2024   -   15/08/2024


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

France Hong Kong Taiwan Mexico Turkey Spain Belgium Serbia Czech Republic



Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Paris (ORY)
Nearest bus/train station
Local trains (“TER” or “RER”) Paris to Fontainebleau-Avon


Take part in revitalizing the town of Champagne-sur-Seine, ideally located in the Seine et Marne department and on the Seine’s edge, only 7 km away from Fontainebleau and its forest.
By volunteering in this project, you will get the chance to meet the inhabitants of Champagne-sur-Seine and will enable them to fully enjoy their town. Through landscaping works you will make it easier for residents to hike: for instance you will develop spaces for relaxing or for lunch with picnic tables. You will also participate in making the hiking trail nicer and more attractive so that everybody can enjoy going for a walk there. You will scratch and paint the railings and gates of the city hall over and you will fix urban furniture in the forest so that everybody can fully benefit from the nature around.

Accomodation and food

You'll stay in the municipal gymnasium, divided into single-sex dormitories with sanitary facilities and wifi access. Group living will take place in the Palais des spectacles. You'll have access to a kitchen equipped with a microwave. You'll share the various collective tasks and prepare meals together. A 15-minute walk will take you to two mini-markets and laundry facilities. A budget will be allocated to the coordinators, and you'll help with shopping and meal preparation, giving priority to healthy, local produce.

Location and leisure

If it is important to you to remain close to nature while living close to a big city, then it is what you need! Champagne-sur-Seine is located 75 km in the South of Paris and right next to Fontainebleau: you will easily be able to go to the French capital while enjoying the jewels of nature around. Between river and forest, the town is right on the Seine’s edge and is dominated by forest massifs. You will be able to observe the birds at the pound nearby, and if you like to walk you will appreciate the many hiking trails across the region, including this particular one called “Water, fire, stone”.

Project hosted by

Champagne-sur-Seine is a new partner. This town of 6,179 inhabitants is very dynamic and puts its residents’ well-being first and this is why they care about implementing nice walking trails.

Directions to meeting point

The meeting point is set at Champagne-sur-Seine’s city hall around 8 PM.
The exact meeting time will be communicated at the latest when you receive the roadmap, one month prior to the beginning of the workcamp.
Several local trains (“TER” or “RER”) leave from Paris to Fontainebleau-Avon. From there a bus will take to Champagne-sur-Seine. You will be able to book trains directly in regional train stations.

Additional comments

Please bring work-adjusted clothes and hiking shoes. Nights can be cold so bring warm clothes as well as a warm sleeping bag. You may also bring cooking recipes from your country/region, music instruments and games.

On the last day (15/08), the departure time is usually set in the morning.

Portugal Portugal: PAINTING SMILES (PT-IPJ 5.3)


01/08/2024   -   12/08/2024


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Vietnam Spain France + more



Details on the project

18 - 30
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
Nearest bus/train station


In the homes that will be requalified with improvements, it will be indentify the ones who need to be improved an priority - Identify how much paint will be needed and what materials to purchase for repairs, taking into account the problems identified; Buy material necessary for the renovation of the house;After Rehabilitation of two houses selected by the parish council:In the rehabilitation of the two houses and taking into account the previous visit and consequent identification of the problems, we will have tasks such as:-Paint the rooms; Change curtains; Arrange blinds; Arrange garden; Sanding and composing iron gates.Final display of housing rehabilitation: -Place tables and chairs; Assemble projector; Assemble columns; Prepare symbolic souvenirs; Offer symbolic souvenir

Accomodation and food

-Kind of lodgement: A elementary school in Vila Marim. Has 2 rooms: one is bigger, the other one is smaller, 2 bathrooms, showers with hot water, and a large meeting room. -Number of meals: 4 (Breakfast, Lunch, break and dinner).

Location and leisure

The camp will take place in Vila Marim Village in Vila Real region.The participants will be hosted in an elementary school.Participants will be able to wash their clothes in industrial machines in the city.

Project hosted by

The main objectives for the project are:1.Socio-community activities with the population of Vila Marim village, involving young people in improving the quality of life of needy families;2.Support the highlighted families in this parish with the rehabilitation of their homes or small repairs, providing greater well-being in their homes to families with few resources;

Directions to meeting point


Sleeping bag, sleeping blanket; Toiletries, bath towels. A typical food of the locality of each young person that awakens some senses to use in the intercultural night. Pocket Money for the needs of each young person.

Sustainable Development Goals

No Poverty Sustainable Cities and Communities
Nepal Nepal: LUMBINI (FFN-07)


01/08/2024   -   14/08/2024




Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 275 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 28
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
8 Male + 8 Female
Nearest airport
Kathmandu (KTM)
Nearest bus/train station
Tribhuwan International airport in kathmandu.


-Painting and decoration of classrooms-Teaching subjects such as English or Sports to students-Sharing information about environmental awareness with villagers

Accomodation and food

Simple accommodations with a local family. Volunteers will enjoy three traditional meals a day, mostly the Nepalese traditional Dhal Bhat and Tarkari, and take turns Cooking and doing chores. Showers are available with cold water.

Location and leisure

Balmiki Higher secondary school which is located Bardgarh municipality ward no: 01 Punarbash Lumbini province Nepal we are going to organized different type of programme for the International volunteers who will join international world peace programme in Nepal. World peace programme will be focus to stop using new clears weapon against the human being is very harmful so we like to give peace message all over the world

Project hosted by

FFN (Friendship Foundation Nepal) was established in 1991 to introduce Nepal to the world through international cooperation and promote its development through volunteering work. The organization s focus on creating a better understanding and friendship among world citizens through volunteering is valuable for building bridges between cultures and promoting global citizenship. Volunteering work can be an effective means of promoting cross-cultural understanding and cooperation. Volunteers can gain a deeper appreciation of Nepali culture and traditions by working alongside local communities while sharing their experiences and perspectives. Volunteering can also help to build trust and friendship between people from different backgrounds, leading to a more peaceful and harmonious world. Ranging from two weeks up to 10 months depending on the project, FFN has hosted more than 3000 volunteers from all over the world so farFFN s commitment to volunteering work in Nepal is commendable, as it can contribute to the country s development and promote positive change. By collaborating with local organizations and communities, FFN can identify the most pressing needs and work together to implement sustainable solutions.

Directions to meeting point

tribhuwan Airport on your depamd

Additional comments

wel come to you for the world peace project


best motivation

Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger Quality Education
Nepal Nepal: BANEPA (FFN-09)


01/08/2024   -   14/08/2024




Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 275 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 28
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
8 Male + 7 Female
Nearest airport
Kathmandu (KTM)
Nearest bus/train station
Tribhuwan International airport in kathmandu.


-Build a water tank and well to provide clean water access for the community.-Construct senior homes and organize daily activities, such as creating a garden, to support aging community members. Help women prepare for the job market.-Develop the community house by creating a rooftop meeting space.-Create a fire line (fire break) surrounding the community forest.-Reconstruct the Hindu temple in Banepa village.-Construct a wall around the local primary school.-Repair wooden shelters for the local community.

Accomodation and food

Simple accommodations with a local family. Volunteers will enjoy three traditional meals a day, mostly the Nepalese traditional Dhal Bhat and Tarkari, and take turns Cooking and doing chores. Showers are available with cold water.

Location and leisure

If anyone would like to explore Nepal before and after the project, we will also help you find a good company for your traveling arrangements in Nepal upon your request but it is not compulsory.

Project hosted by

Banepa is a municipality and historical town in a valley situated about 1,500 m above sea level in central Nepal, about 25 kilometers east of Kathmandu, and at the time of the 2011 Nepal census had a population of 55,528.

Directions to meeting point

We will pick up our volunteer from Tribhuwan International Airport on time on the information that will be provided to us. If volunteers want to come individually then you can come directly to the location. All the volunteers will travel together with our camp leaders so please kindly arrive in Kathmandu one day before the project starts if he or she comes late they both have to manage their travelling to the project FFN staff will only help you to catch the right transportation.

Additional comments

welcome to you in Banepa forest community project


Seasonal clothes, sleeping bags, work shoes, gloves, raincoats in summer, work clothes, musical instruments, games, recipes, and pictures of your home country. Pencils, pens, books, notebooks, and textbooks for the local children are highly appreciated and can be bought in Kathmandu before departing for the camp. A Positive attitude, respect, and an open mind are all required.

Sustainable Development Goals

No Poverty Good Health and Well-being
Armenia Armenia: SMILE TO TREAT I (HUJ 2)


01/08/2024   -   14/08/2024



Already accepted volunteers from

Spain Czech Republic + more



Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
6 Male + 4 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Erevan (Yerevan) (EVN)
Nearest bus/train station


The aim of this work camp is organization of the leisure time of small number of children with disabilities that receive their treatment in this Centre and environmental work on the territory. Volunteers day will begin with environmental work: maintaining the territory, cleaning children s playground from weed and grass, painting and some renovation work. After the children finish their therapy, volunteers will join them to draw, sculpt, sing and dance, do physical training, play games.At the end of the camp volunteers and children will organize a farewell concert. The participants will get certificates and letters of appreciation by the end of the work camp.

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will stay in a separate cottage on the territory of the Rehabilitation Center and sleep in beds.Do not worry about sleeping bags, as you will stay in buildings/cottages of the hosting organizations where you will be provided with beds/mattresses and bedding packs. In Armenian camps you should be disciplined and organized. Making beds and keeping the rooms neat and clean every day is obligatory.Volunteers will prepare the food by themselves on the principle of duty. You will taste all kinds of Armenian traditional food, such as dolma, khorovats (barbecue), kiabab, khashlama, incomparable fruits of Ararat Valley - apricots, grapes, peaches, apples, berries etc. and vegetables.

Location and leisure

Location: Republican Paediatric Rehabilitation Centre, YerevanThe camp will be opened for the 28th time and is already a popular and traditional one. Every year the children, who receive their treatment here, look forward to meeting the volunteers in summer. Volunteers bring a lot of ideas, spirit, love, warmth, kindness, and make the stay of the children in this Center a great holiday. They make these children feel that they are needed, valued and help them to reveal their talents and abilities. Address: Republican Paediatric Rehabilitation Centre, American str. 109, YerevanArmenia is called an open-air museum. You will have lots of interesting excursions and visits to historical monuments and museums, which will be organized during the work camp. The excursions to the following sights will be organized upon the decision of the camp and all the visits will be free. The proposed list of the excursions is the following: Echmiadzin Mother Cathedral, Zvartnots Cathedral ruins, Garni Pagan Temple, Geghard Monastery Complex with a program of World Heritage Initiative, Lake Sevan (with a barbecue on the beach). Volunteers will visit Matenadaran-storehouse of ancient manuscripts, Historical Museum of Armenia or National Gallery of Armenia, museum of famous film director S. Parajanov, Vernissage-Armenian big souvenirs market under the open sky.Different games, Armenian dancing and language lessons will be organized in the workcamps.Leisure time for joint workcamps are individual.

Project hosted by

Voluntary Service of Armenia-Republican Headquarters of Student Brigades (HUJ) was founded in 1965. HUJ is a member of the Coordinating Committee of International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) at UNESCO and the Alliance of European Voluntary Service organizations.HUJ organizes volunteer exchanges with partner organizations abroad and holds a database of 3000 volunteers registered in HUJ as of today.The main activities run by HUJ are for and with volunteers, mainly the young people and students. The regular activities of organization include exchange of volunteers with different organizations, opening international work camps in Armenia, preparation and sending volunteers to different trainings, seminars and work camps abroad, as well as ESC long-term programs.The essential aims of the organization are to raise the social competences and employability of the youth by organizing activities for national and foreign volunteers in various programs in Armenia (workcamps, training courses, medium and long-term projects) as well as facilitating the participation of local and national volunteers in similar projects abroad; to take care of orphans, children with special needs and socially indigent people by proposing activities to and for them and making them more visible for local, national and international communities.

Directions to meeting point

Zvartnots International AirportTill 24:00

Additional comments

For volunteers from organizations without bilateral exchange with HUJ: 100euro


Volunteers are asked to bring different games, face-paint or other materials to work with children.



02/08/2024   -   23/08/2024



Already accepted volunteers from

Mexico Algeria South Sudan Brazil Italy Spain



Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Clermont-Ferrand (CFE)
Nearest bus/train station


A small welcoming town, a green municipal team, a pleasant living environment in the heart of Auvergne, for a nice workcamp in the heights!

The municipality of Saint-Germain-Lembron values the traces of its past, by safeguarding the historical heritage still present. It recently discovered an old dovecote (pigeon house), a small stone tower that appeared when a building with which it was intertwined was destroyed!

Last summer, an international work camp was organised to restore two facades of the dovecote, using a traditional manual lime masonry technique that is as environmentally friendly as possible: two facades therefore remain to be completed for this new 2024 work camp. You will spend about 30 hours a week on this site, working alongside a technical leader : removing the old coat using chisels, sledgehammers and metal brushes and repointing the joints between the stones with a natural coat made of lime and sand. Your involvement and that of the group will enable us to obtain a beautiful "exposed stone" finish for the dovecote.

You will be working high up next to the pigeon house, on scaffolding. If you suffer from vertigo, this is probably not the best workcamp for you! If you are not afraid, working in heights is generally a very pleasant experience and allows you to enjoy a beautiful panorama.

Accomodation and food

You will be accompanied by two camp leaders throughout your stay.
You will stay at the Centre Jeanne d'Arc, in the village, about fifteen minutes walk from the site. You will sleep in two rooms on large gymnastic mattresses (men and women separated). You will have a fully equipped community kitchen, showers and toilets, a large room for collective life and a terrace where you can sit in the cool shade of the trees. The site is closed and will be reserved for your group.

The group will be sharing the cleaning chores and preparing meals together. The budget will be allocated to the group leader and you will participate in the preparation of meals, prioritising products from the market and local producers. Wi-Fi is available in the campsite. You will be hand washing your laundry or there is a launderette in town (for a fee).

Location and leisure

Saint-Germain-Lembron is a small town of 2000 inhabitants, located next to the town of Issoire. It is crossed by several rivers such as the Lembron, hence its name. Its medieval church, its atypical fountains and its small castle allow it to preserve a heritage of typical Auvergne character.

You will have unlimited access to the gymnasium in front of your place of living, to organise sports activities (badminton, football, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics...). The municipality will ask local associations to help you discover the region. The programme for your free time includes hiking on the volcanoes, swimming in lakes and rivers, initiation to pétanque or participation in concerts and local festivals.

Project hosted by

The town has already hosted international workcamps and has a very positive image. You will meet people who are involved in ecological issues and who develop many actions with the inhabitants. For example, last winter, the school children planted a large orchard. This workcamp fully integrates this militant and sustainable development approach.

Directions to meeting point

The meeting point is at the train station of LE-BREUIL-SUR-COUZE (63) at the end of the afternoon. The exact time of the meeting will be communicated with the Info Sheet, sent one month before the beginning of the workcamp.

It is a small station on the Clermont-Ferrand - Brioude line, served several times a day. From Paris or Lyon, several trains a day leave for Clermont-Ferrand.

The trains are open to booking about 4 months before the departure dates, accessible on the following website:

Additional comments

Bring work clothes, walking boots and a backpack. Bring warm clothes for outdoor evenings and a sleeping bag. You can also bring recipes from your home country, musical instruments and games. You will get around Saint-Germain-Lembron by foot, car and by minibus.

On the last day (23/08), the departure time is usually set in the morning.


Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues arise on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.
For more information visit:

Portugal Portugal: GIVING NATURE A HAND 2.0 (PT-IPJ 10.7)


02/08/2024   -   11/08/2024





Details on the project

18 - 30
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
3 Male + 0 Female
Nearest airport
Nearest bus/train station


The volunteering tasks will all be directed or related to ecosystem restoration. The activities include pruning young trees and pruning and management of pine trees and other native species, to accelerate their growth (with pruning shears and other cutting tools); opening and maintenance of access paths for volunteers and visitors; restore riparian vegetation; construction of barriers to water runoff with local materials, to increase infiltration and improve the soil; control of invasive plant species, namely the Acacia dealbata, a non-native tree that occupies and degrades local ecosystems, competing with native species (control is carried out by pulling small trees and ring barking medium and large trees, using a pocketknife); camera trapping: consists of installing and collecting photo

Accomodation and food

Volunteers will be camping. There is a central facility with showers, and WC for women and man, with all basic hygiene facilities. There is another central facility for socializing, with board and card games, and a small bar/shop. The camping site has internet available, as well as outdoors barbecue and eating tables. There is no kitchen or laundry.MONTIS will provide regular meals, with the possibility of vegetarian by request. These include breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Lunch will be served on the field as packed lunch.

Location and leisure

The location of the workcamp is in a remote rural area, with almost no population. Volunteers will camp in bioparque de Carvalhais ( The closest village is 2 km from the camping. MONTIS will have a van available to support the needed transportation. The intervention area distances from the campsite about 20 minutes walking. The van will be used to transport volunteers when needed, but walking is the main transportation. MONTIS will transport all tools, water and food needed for the volunteering period to the volunteering site.

Project hosted by

The work camp has the general objective of bringing together young people from different nationalities, cultures and contexts with the common objective of contributing to the increase of biodiversity, to the restoration of degraded ecosystems and the increase of the landscape s fire resilience. The conservation works will take place in an area managed by MONTIS in the interior of Portugal, in Carvalhais, SEpoundo Pedro do Sul. The area where the tasks will be carried out, is an ecologically degraded and sensitive area. More info about the area can be found at

Directions to meeting point


Volunteers should bring their own sleeping bags, confortable clothes and footwear suitable for mountain and nature working, several changes of clothes (there is no laundry), personal hygiene items, flip flops for bathing, reusable water bottle, towel, sunscreen and working hat (sun and heat are expected), leisure items (bathing suit, towel, book, games, etc) and a traditional food or drink.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Japan Japan: Kumano (NICE-24S-0802A)


02/08/2024   -   12/08/2024


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Vietnam Spain Germany + more


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
JPY 9000 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
Osaka (KIX)
Nearest bus/train station
The nearest airport is Nagoya (Chubu Centrair) or Osaka (Kansai). To the meeting point, it will take about 4.5 hours by train from Chubu and 6 hours from Kansai. Volunteers are recommended to arrive at the airport one day before workcamp starts.) To the meeting point, it will take about 4.5 hours by train from Chubu and 6 hours from Kansai. Volunteers are recommended to arrive at the airport one day before workcamp starts.


Maintenance at the national historic site (Akagi Castle ruins). Cleaning of ditches and maintenance of turn mirrors in the area. Re-repair of public toilets that have been maintained in previous work camps. Think about what can be done to boost the future of depopulated and ageing areas.

Accomodation and food

Community center. Bring your sleeping bag. Meals will be cooked by volunteers by turns.

Location and leisure

Nishiyama area, Kumano city, Mie prefecture. It is more than 200 km far both from Osaka and Nagoya.
Sightseeing along the Kumano Kodo, hot springs, BBQ, discussions, etc.

Project hosted by

This project is actively working for SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), organized together with Association for Promotion of Regional Development in Nishiyama area, Kumano city where is depopulated in Mie prefecture since 2017. There are about 220 residents whose 73% is over 65 years old in Nishiyama area where volunteers will mainly stay. One youth who had joined an international workcamp in the past, has started organizing weekend workcamps since 2011 in Nishiyama area. 5 years later, local people have been getting open-minded to youths from outside of the area. Since the local people are getting too old to maintain public places such as parks or ruins of a castle, they need hands from international volunteers! Last year, more local elderly people got involved in the camp because the volunteers actively helped the work a lot and practiced traditional Japanese dance together. This year, local high school students may be invited to join a part of the camp.
*Outcome of this workcamp: Please see the long term goal of this project as Local SDGs at (only Japanese for the moment, but you can at least enjoy the pictures!). The local people and vols. sometimes cry on the last days. In 2019, 7 vols. from 4 countries worked well.

Additional comments

Volunteers will learn and feel about situation of seriously depopulated area in Japan.


Positive attitude to enjoy rural, remoted area. Open mind to respect and communicate with local people.

9,000 JPY (55 EUR by the rate on 2023 Nov. 18th) of "NICE Volunteers" fee need to be paid in advance either by Card or PayPal. This is used for the project preparation/ coordination such as the transportation of the camp leaders while the meals and the accommodation are provided by the local host by free.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities