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USA USA: Archaeology and Culture (VFP-STV05)


28/07/2024   -   11/08/2024

Feedback fra 13 frivillige



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Østrig Colombia


DKK 1900

Detaljer om projektet

18 - 99
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
4 M + 1 K
Nærmeste lufthavn
New York (LGA)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
You will be met at the Olean bus station and driven to Allegany.


No experience is necessary as new volunteers are teamed up with experienced volunteers for hands on learning. International volunteers of age 18 or older are welcome, including volunteers with disabilities. Volunteer opportunities range from field excavations to laboratory processing of artifacts. This year we will be investigating the Bockmier pre-contact site, dated between 1200-1250 AD. This appears to be an Ancestral Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) village but also contains components from other time periods. The project is an archaeological field school where volunteers will learn site layout, excavation techniques, soil sampling, plan and profile mapping and processing artifacts (projectile points, pottery, tools etc.).

The workday is from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. The work is done in a friendly and supportive environment. Please understand that this can involve hard physical labor, including digging with a trowel or shovel, screening soil and carrying buckets of dirt. Lab work may involve detailed work with the hands. Each person will work at their own pace according to their physical condition.

The temperature can be quite hot or cool and rainy. BRING work gloves, work shoes and clothing, including a warm coat or sweatshirt, sun hat, rain coat, long sleeve shirts and pants as there will be mosquitoes. The work site can be dirty and muddy so multiple sets of work clothes are a good idea. Sunscreen and bug spray will be provided.

Kost og logi

American and international volunteers will stay in apartments, which are a short drive away from the dig site. Separate rooms will be available for female and male volunteers. BRING sleeping bag or your own bedding. All food and meals will be provided for volunteers. We will cook meals together or eat out at local restaurants. Vegetarian options will be available.

Be sure to tell the other volunteers and the co-leader if you have any special diet needs.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Volunteers will attend local cultural events, and the Seneca-Iroquois National Musem. This is an opportunity to take an in depth look at Native American culture from the perspective of a tribal entity. Ample time is provided for trips to local parks and points of interest. The local university has an art museum and a library with rare manuscripts from Medieval Europe.

There will be many opportunities to enjoy beauty and nature and there will be formal and informal discussions about topics of interest to the group. Bring music, games or other activities to share.

Arrangeret af

The Allegheny Valley Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing opportunities for all people regardless of age and previous abilities to participate in archaeological discovery.


Facebook page:

Rejsevejledning til mødested

You must send your arrival details to so we can arrange to meet you. Please include your arrival information in your confirmation form. Volunteers cannot be accommodated before the start of this project; no early arrivals.

Please arrive to the meeting point on the day the project starts.

Volunteers should fly into New York City or Buffalo, New York and then take the Coach USA bus to Olean, New York the nearest bus stop. It is about $200.00 for a round trip bus ticket from New York City, or $40.00 from Buffalo, to Olean. There is only one bus from New York City that leaves in the morning and the bus from Buffalo leaves in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
To see bus schedule and buy tickets:

You will be met at the Olean bus station and driven to Allegany.

Tyskland Tyskland: Be active for nature protection and biodiversity (ijgd 74125)


28/07/2024   -   11/08/2024

Feedback fra 380 frivillige


Miljø og natur
Manuelt arbejde

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Kina Mexico Spanien Tyskland Italien Moldova Tyrkiet


DKK 1900
Pladsgaranti thumb-up

Detaljer om projektet

16 - 26
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Nærmeste lufthavn
Leipzig (LEJ)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Dresden, Leipzig/Halle, or BER (Berkin airport) Nearest Station: Schöneck (3h by bus/train from Leipzig) We would like to invite you to travel as environmentally friendly as possible. If you have the option to go by train, bus, or car share that can be a great first step for you to become a climate steward.


Much more needs to be done for climate protection and against species extinction! Does it
is taking too long for something to change in these areas? If you could do what you
you wanted, then... you've come to the right place!
In our forest district, with almost 18,000 hectares of state forest, we not only take care of the harvesting, but also numerous nature conservation projects. These projects are
a lot of work, of course. That's why we can use a lot of hard-working and motivated
hands. The work will take place outside in the fresh air. You will with simple tools such as small handsaws, loppers, hoes, scythes, rakes and pitchforks and pitchforks to help the biotopes retain their special character that is worth protecting. For example, small spruce trees have to be removed so that special plants can special plants can continue to grow in the areas, which in turn provide a habitat for many rare animal species.

During the two-week camp, our foresters and forest managers will be at your side
and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the forest and nature conservation. We are definitely you and your commitment!

The work of the ijgd is based, among other things, on the working principle of antidiscrimination/antiracism. Unfortunately, however, racism is present in many areas in
Germany. Racism is a problem all over Germany and there are areas where right-wing
extremist parties and groups are particularly active and therefore racist statements and
hostilities are more likely. In the Vogtland, where this workcamp takes place, this is
unfortunately the case. This refers to the area in general and not to the specific project. We
see it as part of our responsibility to inform you about this. Last year, the workcamp group
was occasionally confronted with racist or right-wing extremist hostilities in their free time.
We have examined the security situation on site in detail, have taken advice and have come
to the conclusion that we would like to continue the workcamp and that there is no acute
Nevertheless, we believe that the dignity of every human being is inviolable and that it makes
sense to stand up for it at all times. We believe that we can counterbalance right-wing
extremist attitudes and practices with our work and we believe that anti-racist and antidiscriminatory ways of thinking will be the majority in the end. We will support you in the best way possible, have built up local networks and are training our group leaders accordingly. You can also reach out to our anti-discrimination officer at No matter which way the wind blows, we are here to support you in living out your interests and exploring new spaces of experience. With that in mind, come in and find out! We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions or uncertainties, please feel free to contact us.

Kost og logi

You will sleep in shared bedrooms at the DAV Vogtlandhütte, which is run by the German
Alpine Association. It is a cozy little hut right surrounded by a calming forest. There is also a a nice outside fireplace.
Check it out at:
You cook together. Money for food shopping is provided to you. Vegetarian or vegan meals are possible. Please indicate any allergies when registering.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Near our camp there are a lot of things that you can do.
At Mühlleithen there is a summer toboggan run waiting for you. At Bike-world at Schöneck
you can speed down the hill.
If you havent seen of the forest during your work, you can visit the outdoor climbing park.<br>Of course you can also go hiking and enjoy the beautiful nature around you. Even though it<br>will probably be difficult to find the right track since there are just too many options.<br>At Schönecks IFA-holiday park you can find a public outdoor swimming pool, a sauna, a
steam bath and other wellness treatments. So dont forget to bring a towel and a swim suit.<br>If you are interested, you can pay a visit to the river dams at Muldenberg, Werda, Pöhl und<br>Pirk or go to the zoo at Klingenthal or Falkenstein.<br>You are drawn to outer space? Go visit the German space exhibition at Morgenröthe-<br>Rautenkranz.<br>Are you interested in music? Dont hesitate checking out the exhibition on musical
instruments at Markneukirchen.
Do you want to know whats below the surface of beautiful Vogtland? Then go visit the<br>former mine „Grube Tannenberg“ at Tannenbergsthal/Schneckenstein with its amazing<br>exhibition on minerals. Close by you can also go and have a look at the ski jumping facility of<br>the Vogtland-Arena at Klingenthal.<br>Of course you can always just hang out at DAV Vogtlandhütte where you all sleep and have<br>a great time at the cosy fire place. Feeling the warmth of a night time fire and enjoying the<br>beautiful quiet nature surrounding you, you will realise the importance of the work you have<br>done during the day.<br>And if your groups cooking skills aren`t as good as hoped or you are looking for something
ready to eat, there is always the local kebab store at Schöneck that has something yummy
ready for you in 5 minutes ;)

Camp location: Schöneck, State Forestry Department Sachsenforst, forest district Adorf

Arrangeret af

The ijgd has been organising volunteer service programmes since 1949. We are an independent, non-profit association for international youth work, a recognised independent youth welfare organisation, and one of the largest and oldest work camp organisations in Germany. Each year, we assist around 5,000 young people into volunteer work in Germany and abroad. We give them the opportunity to be creative, act in solidarity, take responsibility for themselves, and discover their own true potential and strengths. Our principles: Ecological learning, voluntary contribution, self-organisation, social development, intercultural learning, gender equality, anti-racism/anti-discrimination and political education.
Follow us on
Instagram ijgd_workcamps
Facebook @ijgd.workcamps
Project Partner:
Instagram: Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst

Rejsevejledning til mødested

Schöneck (Vogtland), from there it is only 2.5km to DAV Vogtland-Hütte (accomodation)
Shortly before the workcamp starts, you as a group can decide if you want to meet at the accommodation or the train station and go together to the Vogtlandhütte.

More Information about train and bus connections:

Yderligere detaljer

Please note: There is a special Teenage Fee of 150€ for international volunteers who applied under 18 in this camp.
You will receive more detailed information with the specific information sheet for your camp after your enrollment has been confirmed.


Motivation for working with nature and interest in protecting nature and different species are a plus. The work can be physically demanding and you will need shoes that are good for working in a forest. Please bring clothes that are fit to wear for working in a forest (rain boots, rain coat, sturdy clothes)

Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action
Østrig Østrig: „Invasive Aliens Action Days“ – International Workcamp in the Nationalpark Gesäuse (AT-SCI 10.2)


28/07/2024   -   04/08/2024

Feedback fra 5 frivillige


Miljø og natur

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Serbien Slovakiet + more


DKK 1900

Detaljer om projektet

18 - 99
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Nærmeste lufthavn
Nærmeste bus-/togstation


We will remove invasive plants to prevent irreversible anthropogenic effects on sensitive ecosystems.
We will also have time to get to know each other and enjoy the summer in the mountains.

Kost og logi

You will be staying at the campsite Gstatterboden inside the national park.
The facility is equipped with dormitories, bath rooms and a common kitchen.
Volunteers are accommodated in the dormitories.
You will need a sleeping bag.
Regular public transport is available.
The next supermarket is approximately 10 km away.

Beliggenhed og fritid

The national park Gesäuse covers part of the Enns Valley river landscape and is located in the heart of Austria.
It is famous for a huge diversity of habitats due to a difference in altitude of approximately 1500 meter.
Because of the national park philosophy to not intervene in nature processes, you can find unique ecosystems in that area.
There is no place in Austria with more endemic species.

Arrangeret af

Biodiversity-rich places like the Gesäuse are under threat. Get your hands dirty and support the nature protection work in the Gesäuse National Park.
Experience the wilderness of Gesäuse National Park and contribute to the battle against invasive alien species at the same time! If this sounds like a perfect match for you, join our international workcamp in the Gesäuse National Park!


We will work 5 days, 1 day off in between and the arrival and departure day. The work will be physical and in steep terrain. Some basic fitness as well as solid ankle-high hiking boots are required. Before you sign up for this camp, PLEASE make sure that you are healthy enough to participate. Please send us the motivation letter and let us know the reason why you want to take part at the camp.

Sustainable Development Goals

Peace and Justice Strong Institutions Partnerships to achieve the Goal


28/07/2024   -   10/08/2024

Feedback fra 3 frivillige


Manuelt arbejde

Allerede nu frivillige fra



DKK 3391 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
MXN 4000 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

18 - 90
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
4 M + 2 K
Adgang med handicap
Nærmeste lufthavn
Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico City) (MEX)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
CAPU Bus station in the city of Puebla.


ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will participate in awareness-raising activities and promote the World Heritage Education Program and its activities in local schools and surrounding communities. They will also learn and practice traditional restoration techniques, which they will apply to the enhancement of the cistern as well as the partial cleaning of the perimeter wall of the former convent and the orchard inside the monastery. Additionally, to provide better management and promote World Heritage sites, you will have the opportunity to give a presentation on the heritage of your country/state to students and local population and conduct a survey for the site's managing authorities by interviewing tourists. visitors to the site and members of the community. They will visit symbolic places in the municipality and discover the city's gastronomic heritage.

Kost og logi

ACCOMMODATION: To be determined. It is necessary for volunteers to bring a sleeping bag.
FOOD: It will prepared by the volunteers.

Beliggenhed og fritid

LOCATION: Huejotzingo is a charming city located right at the foot of the Iztaccihuatl volcano, 40 minutes from Puebla capital and less than 2 hours from Mexico City; It is famous mainly for its carnival and its ciders.

Arrangeret af

PROJECT: Over the past fourteen years, the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) initiative has grown enormously due to the growing interest and appreciation for the protection and preservation of World Heritage sites. For the first time, an international volunteer camp will be held at the Ex-Convent of San Miguel Arcángel, located in the municipality of Huejotzingo. The former convent is a Franciscan construction, considered the first “convent-fortress temple” built in New Spain, and was declared a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994. Huejotzingo will receive national and international volunteers to carry out awareness-raising activities about the importance of preserving local cultural heritage, supporting the preservation of the 16th century ex-convent on the slopes of Popocatépetl. This project envisages collaborative work with the heritage management bodies of the state of Puebla as well as with the community and academic institutions.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

You can take a bus from the TAPO terminals in Mexico City, ORO in the city of Cuautla or Cuernavaca.
Arrival is at the CAPU bus terminal in Puebla or at the Cholula Terminal. Puebla is 2 hours from Mexico city.
From the airport you can get directly to the CAPU bus terminal in Puebla.

Yderligere detaljer

REQUIREMENTS: Over 18 years of age- Interest in cultural heritage issues. Bring some traditional items to show the local people about their culture.
PARTICIPATION FEE: $4,000 pesos. Includes accommodation, food, local transportation and administration costs.


REQUIREMENTS: Over 18 years of age- Interest in cultural heritage issues. Bring some traditional items to show the local people about their culture.
PARTICIPATION FEE: $4,000 pesos. Includes accommodation, food, local transportation and administration costs.

Tyskland Tyskland: Get in Contact with the Youth (Trebnitz Castle near Berlin) (DE-SCI 7.17)


28/07/2024   -   11/08/2024

Feedback fra 14 frivillige




DKK 1900

Detaljer om projektet

18 - 99
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Nærmeste lufthavn
Nærmeste bus-/togstation


Free time activities for the children and young people on 7 days, e.g. in the form of various creative workshops, games, sports and leisure activities, which the SCI volunteers will prepare and carry out for the children in small groups during the first 3 days of the camp.

Kost og logi

Accommodation in the castle in shared rooms. Catering by the local house kitchen. In the evenings and on weekends, it is also possible to barbecue together, have a campfire and bake in the clay oven.

Beliggenhed og fritid

The seminar house Trebnitz Castle is located 60 km east of Berlin and can be reached by a regional train in 1,5 hours. Trebnitz is a village located in the Märkische Schweiz, a very scenic region of Brandenburg.

Arrangeret af

The Trebnitz Castle (Schloß Trebnitz e.V.) is an educational and meeting place with a political and cultural profile and a focus on international exchange projects, especially with Eastern Europe. The castle is located about 70 km from Berlin and 30 km from the Polish border. The educational offer is mainly aimed at children and young people, but there are also seminars and further training courses for adults. For many years now, a holiday for children and young people from the region and Poland, whose parents often cannot afford to travel, has taken place during the summer holidays. The workcamp is intended to make different cultures experienceable for the children.
For more information: and

Yderligere detaljer

Working hours in this camp are different from normal. The workcamp group will spend a day in Berlin. Although the supervision of the children is the responsibility of the educational team at Schloß Trebnitz, it is possible that the children will approach you in your free time. In spite of all the effort that working with children involves, participation in the workcamp brings a lot of fullfilment, experience, and fun.

INCOMING FEE for volunteers applying via partner organisations and contacts of SCI:


Willingness to integrate and acquire pedagogical, social and intercultural skills. A sensitive approach to children and young people is required. A motivation letter is required.

Sustainable Development Goals

Peace and Justice Strong Institutions Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Togo Togo: Construction of an agricultural farm with the appropriate technology (PERMACULTURE) (FAGAD11)


28/07/2024   -   19/08/2024

Feedback fra 1 frivillige


Miljø og natur


DKK 3618 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 230 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

18 - 70
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
10 M + 10 K
Nærmeste lufthavn
Lome (LFW)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
we pick up at aeroport


Theme: Construction of an agricultural farm with the appropriate technology (PERMACULTURE)
FAGAD’s ideas the creation of a farm with the appropriate technology in the area of agricultural production. An agriculture at the same time local and bio; a farm where the major part of the elements entering in the production are of local origin. From this year 2019, permaculture idea is added as a good practice to the management of land, forests and water for sustainable development.
Work to be done:
Organization of the farm ( Creation of sectors and zones)
Building stables;
Search for water;
Provide food for the animals:
Look after animals:
Production of natural compost:
Plantation of ornamental trees and fruit trees;
Planting medicinal trees;
Creation of areas with European vegetable products (plants or cuttings of mint, of strawberries, of raspberries, of vine, of apple and other fruit trees…);
Keeping and storing products in appropriate packages.

Kost og logi

volunteers will sleep in the bedrooms of the farm. Everybody would have bed provide . You’ll have males room and ladies room. Every Room have shower and toilet . Solar power energy for electricity: light and to charge mobile. The internet is possible if people pay the credits.
Food will be African and European. Everyone will participate. Now , most of the alimentation would come from the farm or from neighbors farms. Fresh and bio food They are often helped by young people from villages

Beliggenhed og fritid

Danyi Apeyemé
The farm «  Fuentes «  is situated a 5 kms from Danyi Apeyémé, the seat of the Prefecture of Danyi; a large town where you can find a post office, a poice commissariat, a hospital center and a law court. Danyi Apeyémé is around 15 kms from Adeta. The farm have solar energy but not enough to charge everything.

Touristic sites to visit ; the ancestral site of Fiatoé, the Dzanipé Falls with their beautiful waterfalls, the Kpioné Falls, the Plateau of Dyani ( visit to the Monastery of Dzogbegan and it’s circular chapel constructed of wood ), Mount Kloto ( whence it is possible to glimpse Lake Volta in Ghana on a clear day ), the village of Kuma Konda together with the château Viale, Mount Agou ( the summit is the highest point in Togo;986 m ),
Possibility of discovering as well the north of Togo ( the large towns like Atakpamé, Sokodé, and Kara, the rock cutting of Alédjo ( the road passes through an enormous rock cutting ), the region of Tamberma, the Naimtougou Falls…) and the Nangbéto Dam with the lake where hippopotamuses live;.
Artistic activities: learn the techniques of batik, sculpture,
Cultural activities: percussion ( Djembé drums ) and dancing around the fire;
A day with a family: a day steeped in the daily life of an African family organized around the following themes: animism, putting the village chief on his throne, traditional marriage, a day in the fields.
Also the possibility of discovering the North of Togo ( the large towns such as Atakpamé, Sokodé and Kara, the Aledjo fault ( the road passes through a cutting in an enormous rock ), Tamberma country, Niamtougou falls…) and the Nangbeto Barrage with the hippopotamus lake, the elephants at Tchandé

Arrangeret af

Our partners are members of the Fuentes farm. A group of disadvantaged people who want to unite their efforts for development through agriculture. We have university students who want to deepen and share connsaissances

Rejsevejledning til mødested

at the entrance to the airport or contact us for directions and instructions

Yderligere detaljer

Ferme Fuentes is 5 km far from Danyi Apéyéyémé, ask to go SETIVI KOPE when you are at Apéyéyémé and the road would be find before the village of Dzogbegan, where monastery


hope to see soon motivated and fexible volunteers .NB: if you are not from partener association or from organisation member of CCIVS, you'll pay 70 euros more for registration fees and solidarity funds.
Criminal record for individual without coming from partener association

Spanien Spanien: Kids in Action II (ESDA-0924)


29/07/2024   -   09/08/2024

Feedback fra 233 frivillige



Allerede nu frivillige fra

Frankrig Belgien Tyskland


DKK 2273 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 50 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.
Pladsgaranti thumb-up

Detaljer om projektet

17 - 40
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Adgang med handicap
Nærmeste lufthavn
Oviedo/Aviles (OVD)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation


Kids in Action is an English teaching workcamp.

The task of the volunteers will be help to co-create the workshops in English for local children and teenagers. There will be around 30 kids and volunteers will be creating games, workshops and activities for them in English so they can practice and learn the language in an informal way instead of school teaching.

Activating kids and teenagers, providing cross-cultural learning experience for them as well as English language environment. It will be done through the games, workshops, sport
activities, excursions, discussions, etc.

It would be a bonus if volunteers could speak a little Spanish but it’s is not essential.

The volunteers will work approximately 6 hours a day from Monday to Friday. In the morning from 09:00 to 13:00 aprox. the volunteers will be spending time with kids and in the afternoon hours, they will be preparing the activities all together in group.

Kost og logi

The accommodation will be done in the public school with several rooms. There will be bathrooms facilities and a kitchen where the volunteers can cook in team. The accommodation will be very basic. Sleeping bag is required.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Crémenes is a Spanish municipality and town in the province of León, in the autonomous region of Castilla y León. It has a population of 530 inhabitants (INE 2023).

The largest portion of the township belongs to the Picos de Europa Regional Park, where the largest number of Vadinian tombstones have been found (eleven in total). Some authors believe that Vadinia, an important Celtic city frequently mentioned by historians and geographers during the Cantabrian-Roman wars, may have been located here. La Corona, a hilltop next to the village, indicates a possible settlement of Roman origin.

The village has several hiking trails leading to neighbouring municipalities of great scenic value. Also of note is the Sabinar de Crémenes, one of the most westerly in Europe. Other mountain activities such as canoeing, cycling, hunting and fishing are also available in the area. In recent years, some special spots have been set up for observing and photographing wild animals.

Crémenes is a destination that promises total immersion in the culture, history and nature of the mountains of León. Located in a privileged setting, this municipality offers a perfect combination of heritage, breathtaking landscapes and traditions that have endured for centuries. If you are looking for an escape from routine and direct contact with nature and history, Crémenes is undoubtedly the ideal place.

Arrangeret af

Town hall of Crémenes

Rejsevejledning til mødested

Meeting Point: León Train Station (Estación de León-ADIF) at 16:00

The closest airport is Oviedo (OVD) Airport. Volunteers have to take a train from Oviedo to León. OVD airport is not well connected. There is also options to arrive to Madrid Barajas Airport and take a train or bus to León or arrive to Bilbao airport and again take a bus to Léon.


Criminal Record is required and knowledge of Spanish language is valuable.

Tyskland Tyskland: Upahl-Lenzen/Teterow II (NIG06)


29/07/2024   -   11/08/2024

Feedback fra 31 frivillige


Miljø og natur

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Mexico Spanien


DKK 1900

Detaljer om projektet

18 - 27
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Nærmeste lufthavn
Berlin (BER)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Nearest train station: Guestrow


This work camp is for nature lovers, since the work will be mainly outdoors. There is a lot of work around the natural reserve “Upahl-Lenzen”. Since it’s not possible to use common agricultural techniques, volunteers have to do everything manually. More over every meadow around has to be cut and the grass have to be put aside. The aim of this project is to help to protect this unique reserve through your contribution. This project will be done in cooperation with environmental agency of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
We also start a new project of "creating a international herb garden".

Kost og logi

This camp is for nature lovers. The volunteers will stay in the building of a former kindergarten in a beautiful nature space. Expect a very basic accomodation. You will find one room for sleeping, one main room, kitchen and bathroom. Food (also vegetarian/vegan) is included, but meals have to be prepared by the volunteers. The group has to organize itself, so we are looking for responsible and independent volunteers. There is no washing machine and no wifi.

On the final weekend, there's an optional trip to Rostock, the nearby coastal city. The itinerary for this trip largely depends on the preferences of the camp leader, who will guide participants through the activities. Whether it's relaxing at the beach or exploring the city's nightlife, our accommodation in our office ensures everyone has a comfortable stay.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Lohmen is a village in the middle of the region "Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania". It is located within a few nature parks with many lakes and forests. It has about 850 inhabitants but also many possibilities for outdoor activities like hiking, doing excursions in the nature or doing campfire and barbeque. Lohmen has to offer many historical sites that educate about the local history. Even though the village Lohmen itself has been founded approximately in the 12th century, the area around Lohmen has been inhabited for at least 5000 years.

Excursions can be planned within the group, swimming, short trips to nearby towns.

Arrangeret af

This project is organized by NiG e.V., a german non-profit and non-government organization. In this project we work together with the local agency for agriculture and environment.

Yderligere detaljer

BE CAREFUL! There are two different villages in Germany called "Lohmen". The workcamp will be in that Lohmen between Guestrow and Goldberg in the region Mecklenburg Western Pomerania.


Please bring a sleeping bag, working clothes (gloves), a mattress pad (and good motivation :D).

England England: CONCUKSTV03-24B - Green and Away - Take down phase! Multiple start dates (CONCUKSTV03-24B)


29/07/2024   -   15/08/2024

Feedback fra 28 frivillige


Miljø og natur

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Ungarn Belgien Mexico


DKK 2342 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
GBP 50 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

18 - 70
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
3 M + 0 K
Adgang med handicap
Nærmeste lufthavn
Birmingham (BHX)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Nearest train station: Worcester There is a regular bus service from Worcester city centre to the village (4 miles/7 km).


At the end of the season the entire site is deconstructed and packed away for the winter. Like setup, this involves a lot of manual labour and hard work but is a time when the team really comes together as we work to leave the field as we found it at the beginning of the summer.
We make sure that all structures are cleaned, dried and packed away. You’ll have the chance to see the behind the scenes of outdoor living and event infrastructure and take part in plenty of problem solving and logistics tasks. While the work can be quite physical, we find that because we are not hosting events anymore, we have more time for team activities such as fancy banquet dinners, dress-up parties or relaxing campfire evenings.
If it is something you want to have a go at, then takedown may be the phase for you! Please note that as we take structures down the facilities on the field will become more minimal (toilets and showers will be available till the end).

Kost og logi

The host is an outdoor venue and campsite so all accommodation is tented – this is for all volunteers as well as guests will be in tents. Green & Away will provide you with a space in a tent with a camp bed, sleeping bag, pillow and blanket – IT IS STILL COLD AT NIGHT DURING UK SUMMERTIME, PLEASE ENSURE YOU BRING ENOUGH WARM CLOTHES.

All food is provided (3 meals a day, regular tea breaks, with cake!). Meals are vegetarian/vegan, organic, fresh and local when possible. IF you do have any specific dietary requirements, please let the host know in advance.

The site has an outdoor biomass-powered, wood cladded shower cubicles, composting toilets, drinking water taps, clothes washing facilities and a washing line. The host provides eco-friendly toiletries. All safety and volunteering equipment is provided by Green and Away.

Beliggenhed og fritid

The site is situated close to a small village which has some small activities going on, the site is roughly 5-6 miles from Worcester with a direct bus. Volunteers can travel quite freely to a big city. More immediately the site is located to a café with walking trails and a river for swimming bordering the site. The nearest hospital is 9 miles away. You will get 2 days off of volunteering, days off are not the same each week, but rest will be assured to all volunteers.

The work at Green & Away is what brings us together, but there is also plenty of time for evening activities, revelling in music and laughter in our bar, swimming, playing games and enjoying an evening round the campfire. There is also opportunity for day trips to visit the local area, cultural visits or special days out like canoeing on your days off.
You are also invited to engage with our Education Wednesdays, where we spend an afternoon together learning from one another in a variety of ways through talks, workshops and discussions. If you have a skill or knowledge on a topic you would like to share with the group let us know!

Arrangeret af

Green & Away is a registered educational charity, who organise, build and run a unique, tented sustainable venue – a temporary outdoor eco-village, situated on the banks of the River Teme, in lush Countryside overlooked by the Malvern Hulls in the West of England.

Every summer since 1990, many volunteers from all different walks of life and all over the world have come together to create a beautiful space for events, connection to the outdoors, community and learning – and we are very excited to welcome you!

You will be supported and encouraged to be involved in whatever you feel most comfortable doing, and the host always supports and appreciates new ideas and feedback – Green & Away is a place to share and learn new skills. The host warmly welcomes and encourages individuals of all backgrounds, ethnicities, races, genders, abilities, ages, religions, and orientations to join the Green & Away project.

This is an ongoing project with several starting dates. In your application, make sure to add which date you would like to start your 2 weeks project. You can apply for several 2-week periods in the same application.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

A travel guide will be sent to the volunteer nearer the time

Yderligere detaljer

For Green and Away it is really important the volunteer understands what we are about (environmental charity, not a music festival! etc.) and the circumstances of the facilities (outdoor showers, camping). Green & Away need volunteers to have a good level of English (B2) which is integral to the safety of themselves and everyone they are working with. A pre-approval interview over the phone will be organised with the host after applications.


The host will reach out to you to establish levels of English, you will receive an email if successful. A conversational level of B2 is necessary to understand safety instructions.

Frankrig Frankrig: Boquen community life and restoration in Brittany (FR-SCI 12.3)


29/07/2024   -   09/08/2024

Feedback fra 4 frivillige




DKK 1900

Detaljer om projektet

16 - 99
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Nærmeste lufthavn
Nærmeste bus-/togstation


The plan is to create an environmental discovery trail on the 8,000 m² site. In addition, volunteers will be responsible for fitting out the meeting room so that it can be used by associations from neighboring villages during the winter. Tasks will include painting the ceiling and lower walls. In addition, lime pointing of the old stone walls is planned.

Kost og logi

You will be accommodated in a dormitory. Therefore, you must bring your sleeping bag and a pillow case with you. There are showers, toilets, a living room and a kitchen.
Wifi is available on site.

Food will be prepared by volunteers with local members of the association.
Volunteers will also help with washing-up and cleaning.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Location of the worksite: Cultural Association of Boquen in Saint-Mayeux in Brittany.

Arrangeret af

The Cultural Association of Boquen organizes meetings in different places on social themes and concerns that challenge us. Secular and independent from denominations in its approach, the association is enriched by philosophical reflections

For further information:


Bring warm and light clothes but also a hat and rain gear.

Walking shoes can be ideal for your free time visits, and a bathing suit for a weekend at the sea.

You must bring work gloves, the rest of the equipment will be provided.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Togo Togo: Computer Courses & Cine-debat (ASTO 06)


29/07/2024   -   18/08/2024

Feedback fra 2 frivillige




DKK 3543 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 220 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

18 - 75
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
5 M + 5 K
Adgang med handicap
Nærmeste lufthavn
Lome (LFW)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
There is a member of our organisation who is in charge of welcoming volunteers at Lomé airport. He will take care of your accommodation in Lomé. - The price of a taxi between the airport and the bus station or the hotel varies between 6000 and 10000 FCFA (between 9€ and 15€), - Transportation is by bush taxi or a bus that takes you to Kpalimé. The ASTOVOT headquarters is the meeting place for the volunteers and also the starting point for the workcamp. The distance between Lomé-Kpalimé is 121 km and the duration is 1h 45 to 2h drive. The price of a taxi between Lomé and Kpalimé is 3000 FCFA at the parking places (5€). We advise volunteers to pay 5,000 CFA francs for the driver to take you back to the association's headquarters.


Access to computers is still very limited in Togo's universities, senior high schools and secondary schools. The vast majority of Togolese pupils and students do not master the use of IT tools. This puts them at a disadvantage during their school or university career.
Aware of this, ASTOVOT is setting up simple, practical introductory courses to computers and the Internet for pupils. This project is open to any volunteer with a basic knowledge of computers who would like to pass this on to Togolese teenagers and young people. This programme is coupled with film-debate sessions in the afternoons to enable the volunteers and learners to discuss subjects linked to interculturality and the development of young people.

 To give registered learners the tools they need to understand and master IT in a basic and accelerated way;
 To enable students to use IT to support their studies and to become aware of the risks and benefits of new technologies
 Organise film discussion sessions in the afternoons with the learners;
Show the learners :
 Master the basic concepts of computing and computers;
 Be familiar with the computer environment (hardware and software);
 know the basic concepts of information systems and be aware of the security aspects of these systems;
 be familiar with the fundamentals of the Internet, understand its basic concepts and be able to use it for documentary and other research; and the responsible use of social networks

Kost og logi

Accommodation is generally basic, simple and specific to the project location. On site, volunteers are accommodated in groups of three or four people per room. The number of people per room depends on how the volunteers themselves organise the group. In some places, volunteers can use dry toilets and showers without water inside. This means that volunteers will have to fetch water from a fountain or well. The association provides volunteers with plastic or foam mats. Volunteers who have sleeping bags can bring them with them if possible. Access to drinking water on site.
During the work camp, the volunteers will cook their own meals. An internal organisation will create groups that will alternate to carry out the various domestic tasks domestic tasks, including cooking. The food products used for cooking are imported, local and organic. The diet of each volunteer will be taken into taken into account when preparing meals. Volunteers will have access to tropical fruit such as bananas, oranges, pineapples, mangoes, avocados, papayas, etc.
Along side the main activities of the work camp, other activities are organised, such as discovery walks, hikes, festive outings and cultural encounters. These activities enable the volunteers to come into contact with the local population and to discover Togolese culture.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Kpalimé is about an hour and a half's drive from Lomé and is set in a beautiful natural environment. Located in south-west Togo, the area surrounding the town is lush and fertile, encircled by thickly wooded hills, deep valleys and small farming villages. Kpalimé is also the country's most important craft centre, home to a large number of artists and craftsmen: woodcarvers, batikeur, potters, weavers, calabash-makers, etc. The many "nature" walks and hikes take you along the paths to discover the daily life of the local people, who live mainly from agriculture.

Arrangeret af

The NGO Association Togolaise des Volontaires au Travail (ASTOVOT) has more than 60 years of experience in international voluntary service. Each year, it welcomes many volunteers from all over the world on short, medium and long term volunteer projects (3 weeks to 12 months) in Togo. These projects allow the national volunteers (about 200) to work hand in hand with the international volunteers and to create a real intercultural exchange throughout the year. ASTOVOT is a member of the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVSUNESCO) and of the Network of Africa Voluntary Organizations (NAVO), and is in partnership with several volunteer organizations in Europe, Asia, the United States, Canada and Africa. Its projects focus on community development through the promotion of education and citizenship, health, social, environmental protection and intercultural learning, renovation and construction of socio-community infrastructures.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

There is a member of our organisation who is in charge of welcoming volunteers at Lomé airport. He will take care of your accommodation in Lomé. - The price of a taxi between the airport and the bus station or the hotel varies between 6000 and 10000 FCFA (between 9€ and 15€), - Transportation is by bush taxi or a bus that takes you to Kpalimé. The ASTOVOT headquarters is the meeting place for the volunteers and also the starting point for the workcamp. The distance between Lomé-Kpalimé is 121 km and the duration is 1h 45 to 2h drive. The price of a taxi between Lomé and Kpalimé is 3000 FCFA at the parking places (5€). We advise volunteers to pay 5,000 CFA francs for the driver to take you back to the association's headquarters.

Yderligere detaljer

The NGO ASTOVOT, like all associations in Togo, receives no subsidy from the Togolese government. It is the volunteers' participation fees that enable ASTOVOT to finance its projects. The cost of participation in volunteer work camps is €220 per person for 2 to 3 weeks. This contribution covers: accommodation costs; food; accompaniment of the group; administrative costs; purchase of materials and equipment for the project, and other steps involved in setting up volunteers on the project site. The funds contributed by the volunteers are divided as follows: 3/4 for the organisation of project activities and 1/4 for the administrative management of ASTOVOT.

The languages of the project are French and then English. However, we recommend that volunteers who are not French-speaking have a basic knowledge of French before they arrive, as the official language of Togo is French. The vast majority of local volunteers and local communities have a very poor level of English.


This project requires specific qualities from volunteers: motivation, patience, team spirit, solidarity, sharing and listening,

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education


29/07/2024   -   30/08/2024

Feedback fra 132 frivillige



Allerede nu frivillige fra

Tyskland Spanien + more


DKK 2348 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 60 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

18 - 88
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
2 M + 1 K
Nærmeste lufthavn
Tallinn (TLL)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation


Alliksaare Farm s main direction is horse breeding. At the moment there are around 150 horses on the farm. The work is diverse: it is to take care and maintain the pastures located by the sea - clearing around the pastures, building or removing fences, repairing fences, cleaning the stable. Another work is cleaning the coast nearby the farm from rubbish brought by storms. There can be some work for preparing food for horses for a winter time. But the most important work is with horses directly - taking care of them and to train horses. We have horses of any age, but mostly young horses, so depending on your experience and willingness to learn, it is possible to learn how to take care and train horses of all ages. For example socializing and training foals, halter train yearlings and saddle and/or carriage train young horses. The work will be mainly outdoors. Working time is 6-7 hours a day. Work will be done under some supervision and guidance of the local host but also quite a lot independently.

Kost og logi

The accommodation conditions are very simple - in caravans, however beds are provided. Please bring your sleeping bag. Toilets and showers are available on site. There is a kitchen with all necessary equipment for cooking. Ingredients for food will be provided, but you need to cook by yourselves. We ask you to keep the living and common areas clean (washing dishes, cleaning the floors, etc).

Beliggenhed og fritid

LocationAlliksaare farm is located in Nurste Kula, Emmaste parish, Hiiumaa island. Hiiumaa is situated in the western part of Estonia, 130km from Tallinn. More information available on the following websites:,, TerminalAirport, harbour, bus station in Tallinn. From Tallinn airport plane to Hiiumaa leaves twice a day Or you get there by bus. For this take bus nr 2 or 15 going to the city centre. Buses stop at Tallinn Bus Station (Bussijaam). From there buses go to Hiiumaa two times per day taking you straight there (including ferry transportation from the mainland). Timetables are available online at (bus from Tallinn to Hiiumaa), (transport in Tallinn).Leisure timeThere are a lot of natural picturesque sights on the island as well as good possibilities for swimming in the sea or hiking in the forest. It is planned to visit other parts of Hiiumaa Island on the week-end. Hiiumaa offers a lot of various cultural events in summer time and you will have the possibility to join them. In spring and autumn you can enjoy birds watching as their migration route goes over island. This camp is perfect for people who enjoy being close to the nature and are interested in traditional way of rural living.

Arrangeret af

Hiiumaa, according to the Nordic sagas, emerged from the Baltic Sea as a small islet more than 10 000 years ago. The island of Hiiumaa was first mentioned in historical documents as a deserted island called Dageida in 1228. The first inhabitants settled down at the end of the 13th century. Nowadays, Hiiumaa is the second biggest island of Estonia with an area of 965 sq. km and a population of around 9 000. It has many historical and nature sights, and there are kind people known for their hospitality and good sense of humor. The island is referred to as a remote area of Europe, and EstYES feels particularly proud developing international voluntary projects for over twenty years there. EstYES has been cooperating with eco-farms all over Estonia for solidarity and practical support to local people who work in the agricultural sector keeping traditional lifestyle and developing new eco-farming despite all difficulties. Alliksaare Farm on Hiiumaa Island is one of such projects. This is an organic farm promoting sustainable lifestyle, and this camp is proposed for volunteers who appreciate and share its values, want to learn more about it and to help hard working people. Alliksaare Farm breeds an endangered breed of horses called Estonian Native horses. Alliksaare Farm also has an important task taking care of coastal meadows which are international birds migration area under protection of NATURA Program.Video of past camp

Rejsevejledning til mødested


Yderligere detaljer

It is possible to join for several camp shifts in a row


Special requirementsYou have to be open-minded and ready to adapt to the simple conditions of the common life in Estonian countryside. Be ready for independent work staying without permanent supervision. Please consider that the work is mainly farm work which can be hard at some time. It is great if you have experience with horses. It is helpful if you have some technical skills: repair machines, building, use chainsaws, etc. Driving license is an advantage. Smoking and drinking alcohol are not permitted on the farm. Participation feeWe ask participants to contribute a single fee of 60 Euro towards the costs of general administration. Fee does not depend on the duration of your stay. This fee has to be paid by bank transfer before the beginning of the camp to the bank account. If you cannot make bank transfer please contact your sending organization for solution.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Life on Land
Indien Indien: Climate Justice - Be a climate hero (RC-07/24)


29/07/2024   -   10/08/2024

Feedback fra 10 frivillige


Miljø og natur
Manuelt arbejde


DKK 3618 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 230 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

18 - 75
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
5 M + 5 K
Nærmeste lufthavn
Delhi (DEL)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation


Depending on the weather, volunteers would plant new trees, take care of already planted ones, remove dead saplings, chop firewood, do soil working, composting, clearing weeds and bushes, preparing holes for future plantation and make polythene green house fully operational.

Since environmental education and protection is the focus of the camp they will be expected to create awareness on issues like global warming, climate change, Carbon emission, sustainable lifestyle etc. while visiting local communities.

Besides tree plantation, volunteers will be given an exposure of other humanitarian projects, meeting with women groups, physical activity in RUCHI campus and work in communities or slums.

Kost og logi

Volunteers will live in the RUCHI campus in shared accommodation. All minimum basic amenities will be available with library facilities. Vegetarian food will be served. A cook will be there but volunteers are expected to help him and occasionally cook their own meals and self-management is required. Sleeping bags are not necessary but required for personal hygiene.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Ruchi campus which is located near Bandh village. It is 30 km from Kalka town and 60 km from Chandigarh city. The area offers a unique opportunity to live with nature in a peaceful environment.
Self organized city tours and excursions. Old Sikh and Hindu temples in the near vicinity can be visited. Nearby Kasauli town, a hill station, is a major tourist attraction. A visit to Shimla, the state capital, will offer an opportunity to see high Himalayan Mountains and British architecture.

Arrangeret af

RUCHI in partnership with Forest Department

Rejsevejledning til mødested


Yderligere detaljer

With this project we aim to do our bit to reverse climate change and preserve biodiversity of our surrounding through education and actions. Overtime we have assisted in planting more than 10,000 trees in last 5 years. Along with plantation we also educate local community about carbon emission and environmentally sustainable actions which we could apply. The project relates to SDG-13 (Climate Action) and SDG-15 (Life on Land).


Interest in environment and climate changing issues. Physical fitness, Flexibility and High level of motivation.

Japan Japan: Ozuchi GR (NICE-24S-0729A)


29/07/2024   -   05/08/2024

Feedback fra 56 frivillige


Manuelt arbejde


DKK 2302 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
JPY 9000 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

16 - 99
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Nærmeste lufthavn
Tokyo (TYO)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Nearest Domestic terminal is Komatsu. International airport is Osaka (Kansai) or Tokyo (Haneda/ Narita). From Osaka, 4 hours by express train. From Tokyo, 5 hours by express train/ 8 hours by night bus (Meeting time is First day's 2 pm, Departure time is Last day's 12 pm at Kaga-Onsen station)


We will do various work to activate the area and success their culture. Main work may be one of (1) maintaining rice and vegetables’ fields for sustainable life (2) communicating with local people. And do some other work for the community.

Kost og logi

Renovated house (traditional house!). Simple shower room. Clean toilet. Sleeping bag is needed! Food will be cooked by volunteers. There is a cat. Wi-Fi is available at the base facility, but internet access may be difficult due to the mountainous terrain.

Beliggenhed og fritid

The southwest part of Ishikawa prefecture. Ozuchi village is surrounded by mountains, so very isolated, but beautiful place. Charcoal making was main industry.
Exchange parties, trekking and hot spring etc.

Arrangeret af

This project is actively working for SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDGs 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), organized together with Shizentaiken Ozuchi Mura since 2013, founded by local people to keep the original landscape. There were 140 inhabitants with 20 houses in 1916, but now only one person lives there. Still 10 houses remained and the area was designated as Nation's Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings. We will try to improve the situation by young voluntary power. Since 2016, Ozuchi village and NICE have started weekend workcamps and over 400 vols. joined here per year and love this village! Local host hope to pass this village down the next generations! This year's project is a joint project with Fukuoka Prefecture. Japanese participants will include seven high school students from Fukuoka Prefecture and NICE staff.

Yderligere detaljer

Revival of the abandon villages. Bring some info.!
Volunteers get knowledge about actions for developing local village. Also the basic knowledge of the Japanese language and local culture.


High motivation to work hard and simple life in the isolated area and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization!

9,000 JPY (55 EUR by the rate on 2023 Nov. 18th) of "NICE Volunteers" fee need to be paid in advance either by Card or PayPal. This is used for the project preparation/ coordination such as the transportation of the camp leaders while the meals and the accommodation are provided by the local host by free.

Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger Sustainable Cities and Communities
Tyskland Tyskland: OH-W10 Gantikow Manor (OH-W10)


29/07/2024   -   09/08/2024

Feedback fra 65 frivillige



Allerede nu frivillige fra

Frankrig Spanien Italien + more


DKK 1900

Detaljer om projektet

18 - 29
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
5 M + 7 K
Nærmeste lufthavn
Berlin (BER)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Train station in Kyritz (5 km), Bus stop Gantikow Ortsmitte (200 mts)


The workamp is part of a collaborative effort between the local community and Open Houses to create a new Village Museum for the locality. The aim of the local community is to preserve and showcase the rich history and cultural heritage of the village, ensuring that traditional knowledge and as well as artistic expressions can be enjoyed by the current inhabitants as well as future generations. The museum will serve as a space for documenting the settlement history, transmitting ancestral knowledge through hands-on experiences, and hosting community events.
During the workcamp, the volunteers will engage in various tasks to rehabilitate the spaces and ensure the building is ready to serve its intended purpose. These activities include cleaning and clearing the site, rehabilitating spaces within the building, and carrying out maintenance works that are required. Additionally, volunteers will assist in maintenance activities at Gantikow Manor and its surrounding grounds to ensure the overall upkeep of the area.
Beyond the hands-on work, the volunteers will have leisure time to explore the picturesque surroundings of Gantikow Manor, including a nearby lake where they can relax and unwind.
The workcamp will provide the volunteers with a unique opportunity to contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage in this small community, while engaging in meaningful work and experiencing community-driven initiatives firsthand. Through their participation, volunteers play an integral role in bringing the Integrative Village Museum to life and fostering a sense of connection and stewardship within the local community.

Kost og logi

In most of Open Houses' camps the volunteers will live at the same places they also work on, what means that they live more or less on a building site. In most of the Heritage Volunteers Projects the accommodation is located in a certain distance to the working site. The accommodation is usually very simple; there are shared rooms with simple beds or mattresses at most of the places. Shower, toilet and kitchen are at the place, but sometimes not in the same building. The equipment is simple but fair. After work, when everybody wants to take a shower, there can be a limit of hot water.

The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.

All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Travel costs to and from the camp place are not covered. Participants should organise their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore, participants should bring their own pocket money.

Beliggenhed og fritid

The village Gantikow is located five kilometers northwest of the Hanseatic town of Kyritz, at the old road leading from Kyritz to Pritzwalk. Gantikow Manor is a historic manor house which stands at the village green, surrounded by one-story residential buildings arranged in a loose manner. Behind the manor, the remains of the former parks can be found which originally led to the beautiful Gantikow lake situated only hundred fifty metres from the manor.
The origins of Gantikow Manor can be traced back to the first half of the 14th century when it was owned by the von der Weide family. Over the years, the property changed hands and was eventually acquired by the von Platen family, known for their influence and important roles in the Prignitz region; later, the manor passed on to the Neubauer family. After the Second World War the manor served as housing for refugees and became later a community centre, housing multiple facilities as the local shop, the pub, the barber, the room for the doctor, apartments, and others.
The architectural style of Gantikow Manor reflects the 18th and early 19th centuries, with notable renovations taking place in 1877 after its acquisition by the Neubauer family. These renovations included the addition of a mansard roof and the installation of a Neo-Baroque balustrade staircase around 1910. The manor house exemplifies the blend of traditional architectural elements with later modifications.
The façade of the house maintains its original structure, while the fresco cycle decorating the façade was created by the painter Katharina Zipser originating from Transylvania. Her work, inspired by Byzantine frescoes, adds a unique artistic touch to the manor.
In recent years, Open Houses has been working on the gradual conservation and revitalisation of Gantikow Manor, alongside other historical buildings located in Eastern Germany. Through their work, Open Houses aims to raise awareness about cultural heritage and inspire others to join in preserving these cultural treasures. Their efforts in Gantikow have focused on maintaining the historical atmosphere and ensuring that the building retains its original charm. The ongoing conservation project includes the creation of accommodation and seminar rooms, as well as the expansion of sanitary facilities to enhance the functionality and capacity of the manor.
Open Houses, as the owner of Gantikow Manor, has an important role in community engagement and local heritage preservation. Each year, Open Houses organizes youth-oriented educational activities, conservation works, and hosts a variety of visitors at Gantikow Manor. As part of this ongoing commitment, Open Houses is facilitating the workcamp to prepare an adjacent site in the village to become a Village Museum. The building which is to serve as the village museum is a 19th-century structure combining a former stable, barn, and living space for the seasonal workers who toiled on the fields belonging to the manor. Recently inherited by the local association Dorf- und Heimatverein, this building will be gradually rehabilitated into a village museum, preserving the historical significance of the area.

Arrangeret af

Open Houses are more than just empty buildings. They're places steeped in history, both obvious and hidden. These are places that have been around for centuries, shaped by those who lived there long ago and those who left recently. They're spaces where dreams and ideas thrive, where people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ages can come together to share and connect.
The history of Open Houses Network began in the mid-1980s when a group of young people in East Germany decided to restore village churches as volunteers to prevent them from falling into disrepair. Their efforts breathed new life into these spaces, hosting exhibitions, concerts, and gatherings that went beyond mere restoration work.
Today, while there's less need for places free from political pressure, it's still hard to find spots where people can meet without commercial agendas or bureaucratic hurdles. The balance between public engagement and private life is tricky to navigate, requiring constant effort to cut through red tape and financial constraints.
The idea of shared public spaces is fading, with fewer places available for collective work. The Open Houses Network aims to change that. We're not just doers; we're visionaries who want to create and protect spaces where people can come together, collaborate, and make a difference. Our projects and events are invitations for everyone to get involved, to make space for commitment, change, and connection.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

Information sheet will be sent four weeks before the beginning of the workcamp. However travel arrangements can be done with the already provided information about the nearest airport and bus stop.