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02/08/2024   -   23/08/2024

Feedback von 733 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Litauen Italien Spanien Deutschland Polen Frankreich Slowakei



Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Nächster Flughafen
Anreise über


Take part in the construction of a sensory pathway at the Foyer d'accueil médicalisé (FAM) La Fontaine in Gien (45), which provides permanent accommodation for people with disabilities. As well as the technical aspects, this project will be a great human experience, as you will be living in contact with the local residents and will have the opportunity to share moments together.
This work camp takes part of a project to develop the outside areas requested by the ADAPEI 45 association, which administers the site. The new facility will help residents to develop their relationship with the outside environment in all its dimensions, as well as improving their self-confidence and motor skills.
Your job will be to carry out the preparatory work (laying out the ground), build a vast wooden structure, and then install the various elements making up the sensory trail, to the delight of the residents and care assistants living on site all year round.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will be hosted directly on the site. You will have an individual tent outside. An indoor area will also be available for you to organize activities or retreat in case of bad weather. You will have access to sanitary facilities and showers. A kitchen will also allow you to prepare your meals. In collaboration with the animation team, you will participate in the shopping and cooking. Following an eco-friendly approach, you will be invited to use local and seasonal products. By the way, feel free to come with your own recipes, it's a great opportunity to share your history and culture with the group. A washing machine or laundromat will be available from time to time (preferably allow 3 weeks for laundry). Wifi will be available on site or shared with the French volunteers and the activities team.

Lage und Freizeit

The town of Gien (45) is located 150 kilometers south of Paris, in an area renowned for its large forests and farmland. The area has a rich history. As well as its well known castle, now transformed into a museum, you’ll be able to discover a local specialty in the “Musée de la faïencerie”, which houses a unique collection of earthenware pieces made in the local workshops since 1821. The banks of the Loire are also a great place to take a stroll in your free time. A lot of activities are proposed there in summer. Feel free to explore the region's architectural gems, such as the famous Briare canal-bridge and the castle in Sully-sur-Loire. Paris will also be reachable by train.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

The ADAPEI 45 association was founded in 1959 by a group of parents and professionals who wanted to promote the specific needs of intellectually disabled children. Since then, the association has grown considerably. It now provides moral and material support to people with disabilities (intellectual, multiple disabilities, autism, etc.), their families and carers. To this end, it administers different sites that offer all kinds of adapted solutions to live or work. The association also develops a spirit of mutual aid and solidarity through its community initiatives. Meetings with the residents of FAM La Fontaine will be organized to give you an enriching human experience.

Weitere Infos

You can bring board games, a musical instrument or any other object from your region/country that you would like to share with the group.


The site is located in an urban area. For practical and ecological considerations, you will be traveling mainly on foot. Remember to bring gloves, clothing and footwear suitable for outdoor work. Don't forget to bring a sleeping bag. You should also bring summer and rain clothing, a swimming costume and toiletries.

Belgien Belgien: Fedasil Rixensart (CBB0824ESC)


04/08/2024   -   17/08/2024

Feedback von 139 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Frankreich Ukraine Spanien Türkei Aserbaidschan Russland



Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Nächster Flughafen
Anreise über


The volunteers will give a hand, new inspiration and ideas to the centre’s animation team.
They will be required to get actively involved in the daily life of the centre.
For most of their time, volunteers will propose and plan activities for children between 3 and 6 years old. According to the population currently present in the centre, activities can be proposed also to teenagers, isolated women... Some example could be: creative and artistic workshops, board games, walking excursions, going to swimming pool, sports and games, movies, cultural visits, …
To a lesser extent and depending on the weather forecast (2 afternoons/week in small group), volunteers will take part in gardening tasks. For example: pickings, planting of seasonal vegetables, storage and cleaning of the site. Recently the centre starts a vegetable garden project with and for the residents.
The management team of the centre is very well used to work with volunteers as they have been hosting this workcamp for many years.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

Volunteers will be lodged in a common room (dormitory) in a building next to the central one. Showers are accessible in the central building. A washing machine is also available.
BEWARE : Volunteers will share the same living conditions of the residents that are really “basic”.
Self-catering. Take your own recipes and ideas. Please, be aware that meals have to be simple. You will have access to a small kitchen to cook your meals. Vegetarian or any other diet should be announced in advance in order to organise shopping.

Lage und Freizeit

Rixensart is located in the Brabant Walloon province, 25 km from Brussels and 7 km from Waver. The zone is highly urbanised and has all the usual conveniences, Rixensart still keeps its countryside charm but one can feel the proximity of Brussels (40 minutes by train, 20 by car). Asylum seekers Centre is located outside the town centre, but at a walking distance from the famous local lake Genval, cinema, shops, supermarkets, train station…

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

The Rixensart Asylum Seekers Centre accommodates people or families who have asked for asylum in Belgium. Refugees come from Syria, Irak, Iran, Congo etc. Many of them fled from war or from countries that were under a dictatorship or devastated by an ecological disaster. Thus they came to Belgium with dreams of stability, richness and comfort life. It is not, however, that easy to be allowed to settle in Europe, especially for somebody from the South or the East. Before these people may start their new live, their refugee status has to be proven and accepted. While waiting for the document that will enable them to remain legally in our country, the immigrants are accommodated in this centre in the Brussels vicinity.
People living there await the solution concerning their administrative status. They never know what tomorrow may bring to them.
Therefore, residents often found themselves overwhelmed by feelings of relief and anguish, hope and disappointment. The life of Rixensart Asylum Seeker Centre reflects these individual dramas and hopefulness of residents.
Website (available in English):
This project is organized in line with several other volunteering teams hosted in refugees centre in Belgium. It aims to bring a small contribution to the welcoming of the residents as well as to permit the volunteers to learn about and be better aware of the realities of the migration policies.
By volunteering for this project, you are actively helping the centre welcome people coming from a wide variety of difficult situations and take care of them while they are waiting for a response to their asylum request (UN SDG 10 Reduced inequalities).

Anreise zum Treffpunkt

The 04th August of at the Rixensart train station at 3.00pm


This project is a volunteering team, supported by the European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union.
Compared to the usual workcamp participation scheme, some main financial and administrative
differences must be underlined:
 The participation to the ESC volunteering teams is subjects to several principles and conditions, presented on the ESC webpage:
 The volunteers do not have to pay any fee (not sending, nor participation fee) to attend the project
 The volunteers will receive pocket money, calculated on basis of 4€/day, once they arrive on the project in Belgium
 The volunteers will receive a financial support for their travel, according to a maximum amount established in accordance with their travel distance (up to 275€)
 The volunteers need to register on the European Solidarity Corps Portal; CBB will organize their matching, on the online system, with the volunteering project
 The volunteers will have to complete a participation report, submitted online by the ESC portal

We warn the volunteers that the consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden inside the centre.

The volunteers are required to have basic knowledge of French.
Besides, it is necessary to have basic knowledge about group’s animation (songs, music, dance, plays…) and to be able to assume responsibility within a group. Be able to listen to others is very important there. This kind of workcamp is a very rich personal and human experience. It makes people aware of the complexity of certain social conditions related to the great inequalities on our planet.
In order to demonstrate this, we ask the candidate volunteers:
 to send a short motivation letter
 to answer our specific questionnaire (if you do not have it yet, please ask it to your sending organization)
 to send us a CGC (Certificate of good conduct)

We will not confirm any placement request before the analysis of these documents.

Sustainable Development Goals

Reduced Inequalities


07/08/2024   -   21/08/2024

Feedback von 733 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Spanien Ukraine Italien Belgien



Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
1 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarisches Essen
Nächster Flughafen
Beziers (BZR)
Anreise über


To do this, the idea is to go back and forth in a wheelbarrow, and to deposit everything in a skip for green waste, which will be regularly removed by the services of the agglomeration.
Join us for this engaging experience in Servian, where every gesture counts in preserving and enhancing this beautiful woodland park covering several hectares.
At the same time, it will be possible to carry out minor masonry or painting work, the idea being to build up interesting exchanges between the staff and the group of international volunteers.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will be accommodated on the grounds of the former Villamont summer sports centre. You'll sleep in individual tents (bring your own sleeping bag and duvet) and live together in a communal room provided for the group. You will have access to showers, toilets and a kitchen. You will share in the various collective tasks and prepare meals together. A budget will be allocated to the leaders and you will help with the shopping and preparation of meals, giving priority to healthy, local produce. Within the centre, you will also have access to washing machines and WIFI.

Lage und Freizeit

The Villamont forest park is based in the commune of Servian in the Béziers area. Set between the sea and the garrigue, you can take advantage of the site's pine forest and the many leisure activities on offer during your stay.
You can also discover towns steeped in history such as Béziers, Clermont L'Hérault and Pézenas.
The centre is located in the heart of nature, surrounded by trees and birds, not far from the river and the sea.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Would you like to combine the development of a wooded park, physical effort and environmental benefits? Then this is the place to sign up to!
Join us in Servian to take part in the project to clean up the Bois d'Amilhac, located on the site of a former day-care centre called Villamont.
During this work camp, the aim will be to clean up the area so that we can continue with more substantial development objectives at a later date: mountain bike trails, fitness trails ....

Weitere Infos

This project is supported by the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme for young people aged 18 to 30. It is open to all volunteers who meet the ESC criteria and is subject to a number of principles and conditions presented on this page:
- Volunteers pay no fees (neither postage nor participation fees) to take part in the project, and will receive financial support for their travel, up to a maximum amount established according to their travel distance and on presentation of the original tickets;
- Volunteers must register on PASS, the ESC/European Youth Portal, and Concordia will then invite them to confirm their participation in the project;
- volunteers will receive pocket money, calculated on the
basis of €6/day, as soon as they arrive on the project in France;
- Volunteers will be required to complete a participation report, which will be submitted online via the portal.


Remember to take gloves, clothes and good shoes for the day's work (safety shoes). For sleeping, take a sleeping bag and a ground sheet. Don't forget your sunglasses, sun cream, swimming costume and beach towel! The days can be hot, but the nights can be cool. If you wish, you can also bring music or an object typical of your country/region to share your culture with the other participants.

Frankreich Frankreich: Nature's Fort, Green Guardians of Le Portel (CONCF-8012)


09/08/2024   -   25/08/2024

Feedback von 733 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Italien Spanien Serbien



Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
6 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarisches Essen
Nächster Flughafen
Paris (CDG)
Anreise über


Join us in preserving the natural heritage of a dynamic and committed town !
Le Portel offers a unique natural and cultural heritage, with its cliff-top fort overlooking the sea, providing a magnificent landscape.
For this inaugural project, the group will participate in the renovation of the fort’s various walls, particularly by applying plaster and mortar to strengthen walls eroded by vegetation. The goal is to make a pathway along the fort accessible and safe. You will also have the opportunity to meet and work with local youth.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will be housed in individual tents at the Phare d’Opale campsite, just a few meters from the beach and the fort. The campsite will provide the necessary sanitary facilities. You will share various communal tasks and prepare meals together. A budget will be allocated to the group leaders, and you will participate in the shopping, prioritizing healthy and local products.

Lage und Freizeit

Le Portel (9,000 inhabitants) is located in the Pas de Calais department, in the Hauts de France region. It is part of the Boulonnais Agglomeration, well-served by public transportation. The region boasts rich historical heritage sites that you can explore nearby: the Bay of Somme, various coastal forts, and the crypt of the Notre Dame Basilica. Numerous hikes will be offered on the mountain slopes, along with opportunities to discover the local flora and fauna.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

The Fort du Cap d’Alprech Association in Le Portel took over this abandoned fort in 2023, with a strong commitment to restoring their local heritage. They organize visits to the fort to convey the rich history and memory of the site. Created in 1870, the fort has witnessed numerous conflicts with Germany and holds a wealth of stories, being a testament to many historic episodes. Although the association is very young, it is already vibrant with about twenty active volunteers eager to share and discover. As a new partner, their values of sharing, interculturality, remembrance, and peace align perfectly with those of Concordia.

Anreise zum Treffpunkt

We will meet up at BOULOGNE SUR MER train station on 09/08 at the end of the day. The exact time of the meeting will be communicated with the roadmap, sent at the latest 4 weeks before the beginning of the work.

From PARIS, regular trains are leaving from Gare du Nord train station towards BOULOGNE SUR MER or through AMIENS. The ride lasts for about 3 hours
The trains are open to booking about 4 months before the departure dates, available on the following website:

Weitere Infos

Remember to bring work clothes for the work site as well as closed shoes. As the accommodation is under tents, remember to bring your sleeping bag as well as a sleeping mat or a camping mattress for more comfort.

Don't forget your bathing suit in case you have the opportunity to go swimming! You can also bring back specialties from your country, photos, musical instruments, in short what you like and want to share on this site, either with the local population or with the group.

More information can be found on the city’s website :


Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues arise on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.

This project is supported by the Erasmus+ program for young people aged 18 to 30. It is open to all volunteers who meet criteria and is subject to several principles and conditions.

  • Volunteers do not have to pay any fees (no sending, nor participation fees) to participate in the project, and will receive financial support for their travel, subjected to a maximum amount established according to their travel distance and upon presentation of the original tickets;
Tschechien Tschechien: ESC Centre for All : Superheroes without borders (SDA ESC R2)


14/08/2024   -   28/08/2024

Feedback von 213 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Portugal Argentinien Frankreich Spanien Italien Ungarn



Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Zugang mit Behinderung
Nächster Flughafen
Praha (Prague) (PRG)
Anreise über
Vaclav Havel Airport (Prague)


The project aims to bring together Czech and international volunteers, people with or without disabilities, kids, youth or adults - just all! Volunteers will cooperate with Czech assistants and help their fellow campers with disabilities with daily tasks such as dressing, eating, personal hygiene and participation in the camp program. During the camp (18.-24.8.2024), volunteers might work longer hours, nevertheless, there will be enough time for rest and trips before and after the camp. Please bring your favourite superhero costume. You don't have to buy it, it can be handmade.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

Volunteers will be accommodated in the main building of the complex, there are rooms for 6-7 people with beds and bedsheets. Bathrooms and toilets are common on each floor. There is also a washing machine. WiFi is available. Volunteers will eat together with assistants and clients – breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks will be provided by the accommodation facility. The kitchen will not be available to the volunteers, inform us in advance about any special diet you might have so we can accommodate it.

Lage und Freizeit

The location of the camp is in a recreation area near Mukarov. There are all amenities (rooms, dining room, swimming pool, outdoor sports field). Nevertheless, the area is located in nature and there are no public amenities in the immediate vicinity. In case of need, you can ask the campleaders and they will drive to a store or pharmacy in the closest town.

There are several possibilities for sports activities right in the complex - indoor swimming pool, football, playground, table tennis, beach volleyball court. Volunteers can go on a trip to the nearest bigger cities such as Mlada Boleslav or Liberec. We will also organize an intercultural evening and volunteers will have an opportunity to present their countries.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

This project takes place in the recreational area in the small village of Borovice in cooperation with the local NGO Centre for All. Centre for All organizes free-time activities and summer camps for children and youth with and without disabilities. The aim of the project is to help the Centre for All to prepare and run a summer camp for people with or without disabilities. At this project, you will actively contribute to the achievement of UN SDG10 Reduced Inequalities.

Anreise zum Treffpunkt

The meeting point will be directly at the Vaclav Havel Airport at 16:30 at the Airport Express bus stop. Volunteers will be picked up by car and taken to the accommodation.

Weitere Infos

Volunteers will learn about different types of disabilities (there will be clients with autism, Down syndrome, wheelchair users, etc). Through their trained campleaders, they will learn how to assist the people in their daily lives. Volunteers will have a chance to learn some basic Czech phrases – which will be helpful during the camp.


A detailed motivation letter, a medical certificate stating that the volunteer is fit to work with children and a sworn declaration of the nonexistence of any criminal record sent with the application form are required. Alcohol consumption and smoking are prohibited during the camp, during the free time it is allowed for 18+ volunteers only under specific conditions and after the agreement with the campleaders.

We are especially looking for outgoing and creative volunteers with good communication skills who enjoy working with youth. The camo theme is Back in Time. This project is also suitable for volunteers with fewer opportunities under the program Volunteering for All.
This project is supported by the EU program European Solidarity Corps. Some of the conditions differ from the usual projects; there will be detailed info provided after your acceptance. For more info about ESC visit

Sustainable Development Goals

Reduced Inequalities
Frankreich Frankreich: URBAN PLANNING IN ORPIERRE (SJ/ESC58)


16/08/2024   -   30/08/2024

Feedback von 422 Freiwilligen



Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Spanien Indien Polen Iraq



Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Zugang mit Behinderung
Nächster Flughafen
Marseille (MRS)
Anreise über
Laragne-Montéglin train station (05300) – Access via Grenoble or Marseille Saint-Charles train stations. Carpooling is also possible to Laragne because the city is on the road between Grenoble and Marseille.


You will start by clearing the site to allow a better view and thus free the stones of the low wall to rebuild it according to the dry-stone construction technique (without mortar) by showing creativity to make the place as pleasant as possible. We will work around 30 hours per week. Evenings and weekends are free for activities that you will choose and organise together.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will be accommodated in individual tents at the campsite Les Catoyes in the town of Sainte Colombe, 4km from the work camp (the journeys between the site and the campsite will be made by minibus). You will take part in turn in the different missions of daily life according to a planning that you will define with the animation team. These missions are to make sure that the camp is clean, to elaborate the menus, to do the shopping (local products are preferred), to prepare the meals for the group (vegetarian, vegan and other specific diets are possible), to organise the leisure activities and outings. Lunches will be cold because it will be taken on the site. Bring a mattress, a good sleeping bag (the nights can be cold) and a pillow. To be adapted according to your needs.

Lage und Freizeit

The village of Orpierre (05700) is 14km west of Laragne Montéglin (05300).

Leisure activities: You will will enjoy the natural environment of Orpierre and in particular of its 500 climbing routes which allow all beginners as well as experienced climbers to enjoy themselves. You will be able to take advantage of the numerous bathing places very easily accessible, like the gorges of the Méouge or Riou. You will have the leisure to hike in the surrounding massifs and to initiate you to many mountain sports (via ferrata, climbing, etc.). As a group, you will decide on the activities and discovery outings you wish to set up.6

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Come and have fun in the village of Orpierre, known worldwide for its climbing site. This year, the town hall of Orpierre, the association Les Villages des Jeunes and the Parc Baronnies Regional Park wish to continue the campaign to preserve and enhance the ancient built heritage of the village. For summer 2024, the town hall would like us to rehabilitate a low dry stone wall in a pedestrian alley in the old village.

Anreise zum Treffpunkt

The meeting times at the Laragne-Montéglin train station will be communicated to you on the route map.

Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Consumption and Production
Belgien Belgien: Fedasil Sugny (CBB0924ESC)


17/08/2024   -   31/08/2024

Feedback von 139 Freiwilligen


Manuelle Tätigkeiten

Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Egypt Indien Aserbaidschan Italien Ukraine Russland Spanien Tschechien



Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Nächster Flughafen
Anreise über


This project is based on a dynamic meeting between the volunteers and the residents of the center and this one is a special workcamp because it is the 25th birthday of Sugny’ center.
The first week will be devoted to organizing the party that will be on Sunday 25th August. With the help of staff of the center, volunteers, young and older residents will work together to clean and tidy up, prepare the decoration and the different activities such as make-up for kids, meals from the world, karaoke, wood’s games, sports, music…
The second week will be devoted to proposing leisure activities and workshops to the residents and specially youngsters and kids: sports, crafts, games, treasure hunt, film projection, debate…
Feel free to bring your fresh ideas.
BEWARE : Volunteers will work during the week-end (24th – 25th of August) and they will have free time on Monday and Tuesday.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

Volunteers will be lodged in a common room (dormitory) in a building next to the central one. Showers are accessible in the central building. A washing machine is also available.
BEWARE : Volunteers will share the same living conditions of the residents that are really “basic”.
The food will be provided by the center and you will eat in the refectory with the residents. There is also a kitchen available if you want to propose to the others your favourite meal ;)

Lage und Freizeit

Sugny is a small and isolated village in the south of Belgium nearby the French border. By choosing this workcamp, you decide to live in the nature. All around, there are fields, woods and small villages. But there are plenty of opportunities for entertainment: football fields, basketball playgrounds… During the weekend, and according to the group decisions, it will be possible to organise cultural visits and to travel to the biggest Belgian cities.
BEWARE: the place is really isolated.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

The Sugny Asylum Seeker Centre hosts people who have asked for international protection in Belgium. These people fled situations of war, persecution, discriminations, environmental disasters…. But before to feel actually established in Belgium and allowed to build their future here, their refugee status has to be proven and accepted through a long administrative process. While waiting for the documents that will enable them to remain legally in our country, the asylum seekers are accommodated in this centre.
People living there await the solution concerning their administrative status. They never know what tomorrow may bring to them.
Therefore, residents often found themselves overwhelmed by feelings of relief and anguish, hope and disappointment. The life of Sugny Asylum Seeker Centre reflects these individual dramas and hopefulness of residents.
Website (available in English):
This project is organized in line with several other volunteering teams hosted in refugees center in Belgium. It aims to bring a small contribution to the welcoming of the residents as well as to permit the volunteers to learn about and be better aware of the realities of the migration policies.
By volunteering for this project, you are actively helping the centre welcome people coming from a wide variety of difficult situations and take care of them while they are waiting for a response to their asylum request (UN SDG 10 Reduced inequalities).

Anreise zum Treffpunkt

The 17th of August at Gedinne train station at 3.00pm.


This project is a volunteering team, supported by the European Solidarity Corps program of the European Union.
Compared to the usual workcamp participation scheme, some main financial and administrative differences must be underlined:
 The participation to the ESC volunteering teams is subjects to several principles and conditions, presented on the ESC webpage:
 The volunteers do not have to pay any fee (not sending, nor participation fee) to attend the project
 The volunteers will receive pocket money, calculated on basis of 4€/day, once they arrive on the project in Belgium
 The volunteers will receive a financial support for their travel, according to a maximum amount established in accordance with their travel distance
 The volunteers need to register on the European Solidarity Corps Portal; CBB will organize their matching, on the online system, with the volunteering project
 The volunteers will have to complete a participation report, submitted online by the ESC portal
We warn the volunteers that the consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden inside the centre.

This project requests volunteers with a good level of motivation for its theme and who are prepared to integrate the life of an asylum seekers center. We recommend them to a have an idea about the policy concerning refugees in their own country.
In order to demonstrate this, we ask the candidate volunteers:
 to answer our specific questionnaire (if you do not have it yet, please ask it to your sending organization)
 to send us a criminal record

We will not confirm any placement request before the analysis of these documents.

Sustainable Development Goals

Reduced Inequalities
Frankreich Frankreich: THE WAY OF WATER (CONCF-8007-ESC)


23/08/2024   -   07/09/2024

Feedback von 733 Freiwilligen


Manuelle Tätigkeiten

Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Ukraine Spanien Kolumbien Italien Frankreich Deutschland



Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
4 Male + 0 Female
Vegetarisches Essen
Nächster Flughafen
Paris (CDG)
Anreise über
Saint-Quentin train station


This workcamp is organised by the city of Saint-Quentin and the Isle park located in the national nature reserve of the Isles swamps. The main aim is to remodel the different discovery trails and make them more accessible.

You will not only bond with the local inhabitants and the visitors who take a walk in the reserve, but also refurbish bridges and walkways (woodwork, painting, trail maintenance…). You will also put in place the signage system in order to help the visitors navigate the park and learn more about the species present in the swamps.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will live within the town’s Youth Hostel. You will have access to its shared kitchen and its sanitary facilities, individual cabins which serve as toilets, showers and washbasins (women-only and male-only).

You will share the collective life chores and will prepare meals together.
The local bus network will be the main means of transportation so the group will move in an eco-friendly way.

Lage und Freizeit

Saint Quentin is a town composed of around 50 000 citizens. Located in Northern France, the city is 1h45 away from Paris and 1h away from Amiens, where you will be able to discover the richness of its historical heritage: the largest cathedral in France, the Saint-Leu district, the house of Jules Verne, the floating gardens of the Hortillonnages…

The accommodation is within the youth hostel of the city of Saint Quentin, you will be in the heart of the city and near the construction site for all the activities.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Saint-Quentin is rich in natural and built heritage. The city is labelled City of Art and History and has a very rich Art Deco heritage visible all throughout the city centre. As for the environment, the city also has a large national nature reserve, that of the Isles marshes, and the Somme river running through the city takes its source a few kilometres away. The youth department of the town hall is eager to help you to discover the town.

Anreise zum Treffpunkt

The meeting point is scheduled at Saint-Quentin train station at the end of the afternoon on August 23. The exact meeting time will be given with the info sheet which will be sent at least 4 weeks before the start of the workcamp.

From PARIS, you can take a train from PARIS - Gare Du Nord train station, regular departures are scheduled throughout the day (one train per hour). It is roughly a less than two-hour trip.

The trains are open to booking about 4 months before the departure dates, accessible on the following website:

If you are coming first by plane, remember that you will need some time to commute from the airport to the train station, therefore we recommend that you arrive early enough for you not to rush and have a stress-free travel.

Weitere Infos

Remember to bring work clothes for the work site as well as tight shoes. There might be aquatic activities so remember to take a bathing suit. For the accommodation, take your sleeping bag. You can also bring specialties, photos, musical instruments: whatever you like and want to share during the workcamp, either with the local population or with the group of volunteers!

On the last day (07/09), the departure time is usually set in the morning.


This project is supported by the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program for young people aged 18 to 30. It is open to all volunteers who meet the ESC criteria and is subject to several principles and conditions presented on this page:

  • Volunteers do not have to pay any fees (no sending, nor participation fees) to participate in the project, and will receive financial support for their travel, subjected to a maximum amount established according to their travel distance and upon presentation of the original tickets;
  • Volunteers must register on PASS, the ESC portal, and Concordia will then invite them to confirm their participation in the project;
  • Volunteers will receive pocket money, calculated on the basis of 6€/day, upon their arrival on the project in France;
  • volunteers will have to fill in a participation report, submitted online via the portal.
Italien Italien: Spilamberto (MO) ESC (IBOIT15ESC)


28/08/2024   -   11/09/2024

Feedback von 63 Freiwilligen


Manuelle Tätigkeiten

Bereits akzeptierte Freiwillige aus

Türkei Ukraine Griechenland Spanien Italien



Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Nächster Flughafen
Bologna (BLQ)
Anreise über
Castelfranco Emilia (MO) train station


Actions to prepare for reuse: selection and cleaning of objects, small manual repairs, decorations, transfer and placement of objects, small furniture, household goods, clothing and accessories, recuperated materials.
Actions for the promotion of reuse: collaborating in the elaboration of communication materials and their dissemination by electronic means, preparation of the exposition.
Actions for the maintenance of green areas: weeding, watering, harvesting of fruit from the arboretum and possible processing, compost feeding, reproduction by planting and cutting aromatic plants for a small biotope.
Actions in the synergistic garden: harvesting and packaging, preparation of new crops.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

At the association's headquarters ('Overseas House').
There are shared rooms with 2 beds with bed bases and mattresses and a big room with bunk beds. Volunteers are asked to collaborate in the preparation of meals, cleaning the kitchen and the rooms used.

Lage und Freizeit

Turistic visits to Modena and Bologna can be organised.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

“Overseas” is a non-profit association and NGO set up in Spilamberto (Modena) in 1971 to promote the global development of communities in non-European countries through voluntary work and international cooperation, support for local community organisations and groups, and long-distance solidarity for children and young people in need.
Overseas has always attached great importance to the assumption of lifestyles oriented towards moderation in consumption, solidarity 'without borders' and has made recovery and reuse practices the main way of seeking economic resources for the construction of its facilities.
The work camp takes place at the association's headquarter, which consists of a residential unit and a shed located in a large green area on the outskirts of the village.
Participants will stay in the Overseas House and carry out their service in the facilities and spaces used for the promotion of reusing and recycling and near the Natural Garden 3.0, cultivated according to permaculture methods by people with disabilities and the association “Insieme a noi tutti”.
The participants will have the opportunity to approach experiences that try to promote the culture of sustainability in the dimension of daily life: intercultural living together, moderation of consumption, taking care of the environment and of the community.
At the start of the camp the possible activities will be presented and together with the participants a working plan will be defined according to the attitudes, abilities and the wish to lean new things. Moments of exchange and confrontation about the experiences and the topics of the Agenda 2030 are also planned.
An integral part of the camp is respect for the environment, values, traditions and ways of living in the Overseas House in which other people reside and the association's activities are carried out. An extra dose of empathy, understanding and adaptability is required of everyone in order to experience multicultural dialogue!

Anreise zum Treffpunkt

For those coming by train: Castelfranco Emilia (Modena) railway station
For those coming by bus: Spilamberto (MO), Piazza Sassatelli

Österreich Österreich: Wohnheim St. Martin (E10161585)


01/09/2024   -   31/07/2025

Feedback von 40 Freiwilligen





Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Zugang mit Behinderung
Nächster Flughafen
Anreise über


ohngemeinschaft St. Martin is a living place for about 25 multiple adults with disabilities. It is located in Klosterneuburg, a town near Vienna in Austria. In Wohnheim St. Martin there are two living groups/communities and several practice rooms, where the clients (inhabitants of St.Martin) work during the day. Our main task is to offer housing and (re)integration into the society for adults with disabilities. This is done mainly through leisure time activities and by offering a working place. As a volunteer you will support the daily routine at Wohnheim St. Martin, creating leisure time activities for the clients, helping with meal times, accompanying the clients on excursions, etc.

More information here:

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

As a volunteer, you would live at St.Martin, too. This means you are provided meals together with the staff and the clients. Special food arrangements (e.g. vegetarian) are no problem. Klosterneuburg itself is an old town located at the Danube river. You can reach the city centre of Vienna by public transport within 30 minutes. It is surrounded by the Vienna Woods (Wiener Wald), which offers great opportunities for hiking, walking and other outdoor activities.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Grenzenlos is an Austrian NGO based in Vienna. It is independent of religions and political bodies. Grenzenlos is a non-profit association. Its main purpose is to promote world peace and respect between people through intercultural non-formal education programmes abroad which combine cultural integration with engagement at non-profit initiatives worldwide.

The German word „Grenzenlos” means “no boundaries” and also “no limits”. The word explains the basic mission of Grenzenlos: to promote the personal development of individuals (no limits!) and inter-cultural understanding through international encounters, trainings, intercultural living and work experience (no boundaries!).

Grenzenlos offers a variety of international mobility programmes. These programmes are dedicated to world peace through the promotion of inter-cultural exchanges.

Traditionally, Grenzenlos organizes volunteering programmes (individual as well as in the frame of international camps).

As an exchange organization, we send volunteers abroad and host volunteers in Austria

The Inclusion approach is a high priority for Grenzenlos: special attention is given to promoting the participation of people with disabilities in all our volunteering projects as well as trainings and educational programmes.

Österreich Österreich: Kiriku (E10043098)


01/09/2024   -   30/05/2025

Feedback von 40 Freiwilligen





Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Zugang mit Behinderung
Nächster Flughafen
Anreise über


Kiriku provides after-school care for 14 children between six and eight years of age in Vienna. The after school centre is open from Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 17:30. Our main goals are to let our children live their fantasy and their own ideas and to provide them safe surroundings so that they are able to express their own opinions and learn to become socially responsible. We also want to stimulate curiosity and open minds for people with different cultural backgrounds and provide the opportunity to learn other languages, what we see as key to understand people from other parts of this world. As a volunteer you should contribute to the leisure time program of the children and have the possibility to start own initiatives, sharing your culture, skills, and knowledge. Whether you want to engage in arts, sports, music, history, science, language or a political subject is up to you and your interests or background. Any support necessary for your ideas will be provided by us.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will be provided with a ticket for the public transport in Vienna. You will receive pocket money and a monthly food allowance. You will stay in a single room at a flat or student dorm, sharing facilities like kitchen and bathroom with others.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Grenzenlos is an Austrian NGO based in Vienna. It is independent of religions and political bodies. Grenzenlos is a non-profit association. Its main purpose is to promote world peace and respect between people through intercultural non-formal education programmes abroad which combine cultural integration with engagement at non-profit initiatives worldwide.

The German word „Grenzenlos” means “no boundaries” and also “no limits”. The word explains the basic mission of Grenzenlos: to promote the personal development of individuals (no limits!) and inter-cultural understanding through international encounters, trainings, intercultural living and work experience (no boundaries!).

Grenzenlos offers a variety of international mobility programmes. These programmes are dedicated to world peace through the promotion of inter-cultural exchanges.

Traditionally, Grenzenlos organizes volunteering programmes (individual as well as in the frame of international camps).

As an exchange organization, we send volunteers abroad and host volunteers in Austria

The Inclusion approach is a high priority for Grenzenlos: special attention is given to promoting the participation of people with disabilities in all our volunteering projects as well as trainings and educational programmes.

: StudentInnenkinderhort - Verein zur Förderung von Kindern studierender Eltern (E10043875)


01/09/2024   -   09/07/2025

Feedback von 40 Freiwilligen





Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Zugang mit Behinderung
Nächster Flughafen
Anreise über


The StudentInnenkinderhort is a day nursery for children (6-10 years old) organized by the “Verein StudentInnenkinder” (Association for Students´ children) and located at the University Campus in the 9th district in Vienna. During the opening hours a volunteer should be present and interact with the children. You bring your own knowledge and experience from your cultural background. This can be music, dances, tales, cooking receipts, games, sports etc. According to your personal preferences you make the children familiar with your background.PLEASE READ THE DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION ON

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will be provided with a ticket for the public transport in Vienna. You will receive pocket money and a monthly food allowance. You will stay in a single room at a flat or student dorm, sharing facilities like kitchen and bathroom with others. TO APPLY PLEASE FOLLOW THE PROCEDURE DESCRIBED HERE: APPLICATIONS WILL ONLY BE CONSIDERED IF ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS ARE SENT TO BEFORE THE APPLICATION DEADLINE.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Grenzenlos is an Austrian NGO based in Vienna. It is independent of religions and political bodies. Grenzenlos is a non-profit association. Its main purpose is to promote world peace and respect between people through intercultural non-formal education programmes abroad which combine cultural integration with engagement at non-profit initiatives worldwide.

The German word „Grenzenlos” means “no boundaries” and also “no limits”. The word explains the basic mission of Grenzenlos: to promote the personal development of individuals (no limits!) and inter-cultural understanding through international encounters, trainings, intercultural living and work experience (no boundaries!).

Grenzenlos offers a variety of international mobility programmes. These programmes are dedicated to world peace through the promotion of inter-cultural exchanges.

Traditionally, Grenzenlos organizes volunteering programmes (individual as well as in the frame of international camps).

As an exchange organization, we send volunteers abroad and host volunteers in Austria

The Inclusion approach is a high priority for Grenzenlos: special attention is given to promoting the participation of people with disabilities in all our volunteering projects as well as trainings and educational programmes.

Österreich Österreich: Kindergruppe Giraffenland (E10040628)


01/09/2024   -   30/06/2025

Feedback von 40 Freiwilligen





Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Zugang mit Behinderung
Nächster Flughafen
Anreise über


We're excited to extend a warm invitation for a volunteer to join our vibrant children’s initiative Giraffenland (“Giraffe country”), engaging with our delightful group of youngsters aged 2.5 to 6 years old. The role offers enchanting excursions around Vienna and its picturesque environs, allowing you to discover and share the beauty of this historic city. We encourage you to bring your passions and hobbies into the mix, enriching the children’s experiences and your own. Volunteers often find this role incredibly rewarding, filled with opportunities to learn, grow, and reflect on both educational practices and personal development. As a volunteer, you'll gain a comprehensive skill set that is applicable across a range of professional and personal scenarios. More information on:

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will be provided with a ticket for the public transport in Vienna. You will receive pocket money and a monthly food allowance. You will stay in a single room at a flat or student dorm, sharing facilities like kitchen and bathroom with others.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Grenzenlos is an Austrian NGO based in Vienna. It is independent of religions and political bodies. Grenzenlos is a non-profit association. Its main purpose is to promote world peace and respect between people through intercultural non-formal education programmes abroad which combine cultural integration with engagement at non-profit initiatives worldwide.

The German word „Grenzenlos” means “no boundaries” and also “no limits”. The word explains the basic mission of Grenzenlos: to promote the personal development of individuals (no limits!) and inter-cultural understanding through international encounters, trainings, intercultural living and work experience (no boundaries!).

Grenzenlos offers a variety of international mobility programmes. These programmes are dedicated to world peace through the promotion of inter-cultural exchanges.

Traditionally, Grenzenlos organizes volunteering programmes (individual as well as in the frame of international camps).

As an exchange organization, we send volunteers abroad and host volunteers in Austria

The Inclusion approach is a high priority for Grenzenlos: special attention is given to promoting the participation of people with disabilities in all our volunteering projects as well as trainings and educational programmes.

Österreich Österreich: Kulturhaus Brotfabrik (E10042106)


01/09/2024   -   31/07/2025

Feedback von 40 Freiwilligen





Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
Vegetarisches Essen
Zugang mit Behinderung
Nächster Flughafen
Anreise über


Kulturhaus Brotfabrik is part of the department of community work from Caritas Vienna. It is a community, arts and culture, centre with the aim of fostering neighbourhood networks, support volunteering and tackle social exclusion through community arts. Please read the detailed project description on:

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will be provided with a ticket for the public transport in Vienna. You will receive pocket money and a monthly food allowance. You will stay in a single room at a flat or student dorm, sharing facilities like kitchen and bathroom with others. IMPORTANT! TO APPLY PLEASE FOLLOW REQUIRED PROCEDURE:

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Grenzenlos is an Austrian NGO based in Vienna. It is independent of religions and political bodies. Grenzenlos is a non-profit association. Its main purpose is to promote world peace and respect between people through intercultural non-formal education programmes abroad which combine cultural integration with engagement at non-profit initiatives worldwide.

The German word „Grenzenlos” means “no boundaries” and also “no limits”. The word explains the basic mission of Grenzenlos: to promote the personal development of individuals (no limits!) and inter-cultural understanding through international encounters, trainings, intercultural living and work experience (no boundaries!).

Grenzenlos offers a variety of international mobility programmes. These programmes are dedicated to world peace through the promotion of inter-cultural exchanges.

Traditionally, Grenzenlos organizes volunteering programmes (individual as well as in the frame of international camps).

As an exchange organization, we send volunteers abroad and host volunteers in Austria

The Inclusion approach is a high priority for Grenzenlos: special attention is given to promoting the participation of people with disabilities in all our volunteering projects as well as trainings and educational programmes.

Frankreich Frankreich: Long term volunteering in Vir'Volt (ESC11)


01/09/2024   -   31/08/2025

Feedback von 422 Freiwilligen


Manuelle Tätigkeiten



Details zum Projekt

18 - 30
Maximale Anzahl von Freiwilligen
Immer noch Platz für
3 Male + 3 Female
Vegetarisches Essen
Zugang mit Behinderung
Nächster Flughafen
Paris (ORY)
Anreise über
La Ferté-Alais RER station


During this workcamp, you will take part in an important step of the village development: the construction of a new yurt and the Vir’volt Festival!
2 new yurts have been built on-site to be able to host more people in an ecological way! You will take part in the building and the setting up of another one! (Simple woodworking) You will even be able to sleep in it!
For the second year, the village organises its festival! You will have the opportunity to make it possible! By building wooden furniture, ecological decoration, but also organising workshops, the Vir’Volt festival will be what you will make of it!

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

You will sleep in individual and collective non-mixed tents (Canadian tents, tepees) on the campsite of the organisation. Please bring a sleeping bag with you. The campsite has non-mixed bathrooms and showers, as well as a kitchen place. Food will be provided and cooked by the volunteers in turns.

Lage und Freizeit

La Ferté-Alais is approximately 50km south of Paris, in the Essonne region.

You will have the chance to enjoy the association's campsite and to discover the cultural and natural heritage of the region which is part of a natural park. You will also help organise some activities in order to meet and socialise with local young people. Other leisure activities will be organised collectively depending on the wishes of the group and the available budget. On day in Paris is scheduled.

Wer organisiert das Projekt?

Vir'Volt stands for InteRnational VolunTeer Village (Village InteRnational de VolonTaires in French). For the last 3 years, the organisation has been located right in the middle of nature, near a regional park. Hosting youth from all around the world, learning how to understand and to learn from our differences. To plan and act together to protect the environment. To create a positive impact on the surrounding environment and the people living there or those who are simply passing by. Here lie our goals for this future village, which each year, is built thanks to youths who come and contribute, with solidarity as their driving force. Vir'Volt also aims to become fully eco-friendly and sustainable which is also reflected in our campsite; yurts and tepees as rooms, permaculture farming and gardening, water saving projects, reducing, and reusing waste. This small village will become great without sacrificing or damaging the surrounding environment whilst always searching for better and more eco-friendly ways of living.

Anreise zum Treffpunkt

La Ferté-Alais RER station. Line D of the suburban train (RER), accessible from Paris Gare de Lyon and Gare du Nord.

Weitere Infos

This project should not be seen as a sightseeing trip to Paris. If you wish to visit Paris, you should do so before arriving or after the dates of the summer camp. This project is supported by the European Solidarity Corps program for 18 to 30-year old volunteers. It is open to all the EU and partner neighboring countries that fit the ESC criteria. The participation to the ESC volunteering teams is subject to several principles and conditions, presented on the ESC webpage:


Documents the applicants have to provide: Motivation letter