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Spanien Spanien: Casa Jazmín III (YE-3724)


29/07/2024   -   08/08/2024

Feedback fra 233 frivillige



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Frankrig Polen Spanien Holland


DKK 1900
Pladsgaranti thumb-up

Detaljer om projektet

15 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
3 M + -1 K
Adgang med handicap
Nærmeste lufthavn
Alicante (ALC)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation


This Youth Exchange program aims to bring together young people aged 15 to 17 to explore personal development, relationships, non-verbal communication, and assertiveness in the context of volunteer opportunities. Through workshops, discussions, and interactive activities, participants will enhance their understanding of themselves, their peers, and their community, while also learning valuable skills for effective communication and personal growth.


1. Personal Development: Participants will engage in activities designed to boost self-awareness, confidence, and resilience, fostering personal growth and self-improvement.

2. Relationship Building: Through team-building exercises and group discussions, participants will learn about the importance of healthy relationships, mutual respect, and cooperation.

3. Non-Verbal Communication: Workshops will focus on interpreting body language, facial expressions, and gestures, helping participants understand the subtle cues of communication.

4. Assertiveness Training: Participants will learn assertive communication techniques, enabling them to express their needs, opinions, and boundaries effectively, while also respecting those of others
5. Volunteering Opportunities: The program will introduce various volunteer opportunities, emphasizing the benefits of community engagement and social responsibility.


1. Icebreaker Games: To facilitate introductions and create a comfortable atmosphere.

2. Workshops on Personal Development: Including goal setting, self-reflection, and resilience-building exercises.

3. Group Discussions: Exploring topics such as peer pressure, conflict resolution, and empathy.

4. Role-Playing Exercises: Practicing assertive communication in different scenarios.

5. Community Service Project: Engaging participants in a hands-on volunteering activity to apply their newfound skills and contribute to the community.

Expected Outcomes:

1. Enhanced self-awareness and personal growth among participants.
2. Improved interpersonal skills, including effective communication and conflict resolution.
3. Increased awareness of volunteer opportunities and community engagement.
4. Strengthened sense of social responsibility and empathy towards others.
5. Development of a network of young people interested in making a positive impact in their communities.

By combining personal development with a focus on volunteering, this Youth Exchange aims to empower young people to become active citizens, capable of making meaningful contributions to their communities while also nurturing their own growth and potential.

Kost og logi

The volunteers will stay in a volunteer house, with three rooms with several bunkbeds and bathrooms. They will share rooms with four to six other volunteers. The house includes a nice kitchen in which the volunteers will cook for themselves in the guidance of the camp leaders.
You can either bring your own sheets or a sleeping bag. There are beds and pillows but no sheets or pillow covers.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Sanet is a small town in the southwest of Spain close to Dénia (communidad de Valencia). It lays in the beautiful countryside, surrounded by hills which are great for hiking - there are a lot of hiking trails to discover. There is a local swimming pool available and Dénia is only 5 minutes by cars.
The house is located right in the middle of town, so there are great opportunities to interact and socialize with the locals and to truly experience the Spanish countryside.
Furthermore, the volunteers can make excursions to Ondara and El Vergel, local towns close to Sanet. The surrounding villages like Benimelli and Ràfol d'Almunia can also be visited. There will also be day trips to the beach which is about 15 minutes by car from Sanet.

Arrangeret af

This project is organizedand hosted by De Amicitia. De Amicitia is an environmental non governmental organisation that is funded in 1998 and actively working in the youth field and volunteering for 12 years. The main activity of the organisations is organising workcamps and local/ international youth projects in collaboration with the town halls and local associations.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

ARRIVAL: ALICANTE AIRPORT (ALC) from 17:00 to 18:00 The camp leaders will pick up the volunteers from the airport. Our team will be at the airport after 17:00 so it's not possible to meet the participants before 17:00.

The exact meeting point will be the exit gate of the airport. The location will be explained by our camp leaders somedays before the camp.

DEPARTURE: Please organise your departure after 11 am. Our team will take all the volunteers to the ALICANTE Airport at 09:00 am, before it is not possible.

Yderligere detaljer

Priority will be given to SPW, Concordia and De Amicitia volunteers.


Youth Exchange project, no fees

Sustainable Development Goals

Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Frankrig Frankrig: ROCK'N'WALL 2 (SJ/TRI43)


29/07/2024   -   11/08/2024

Feedback fra 422 frivillige


Miljø og natur

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Spanien Tyskland


DKK 3767 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 250 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

15 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Adgang med handicap
Nærmeste lufthavn
Lyon (LYS)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Moulins-sur-Allier train station (03000)


This year, we'll be continuing the tradition by rehabilitating the estate's perimeter walls. Activities will include preparing the site by selecting the stones and setting up the formwork, assembling the stones, rehabilitating the base, creating the roof using small Bourbonnais tiles, applying a traditional finishing coat, and repairing the old masonry.

Kost og logi

You will be staying at the Le Créneau campsite, in shared tents (6-8 people per tent) with wooden floors and beds, separated by genders. Wi-Fi is not available on site. Food will be provided and prepared in the castle's kitchen by the participants in groups.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Montcombroux les Mines (03181), 45kms away from Moulins.

Leisure activities: Afternoon and weekend activities are organised with the whole group. Whether you prefer the hustle and bustle of the city, with Vichy and Moulins only forty kilometres away, or the rural charm of the area, you are free to explore the surrounding countryside on foot or by bike. Discover the picturesque landscapes, the rich local heritage, the passionate craftsmen and women, and treat yourself to a relaxing swim or take part in sporting activities, games and social outings.

Arrangeret af

Discover castle life in the heart of the Auvergne at Les Prureaux! Here, the experience goes beyond a simple visit: you live here, you share moments of joy, but above all you play an active part. Join us in the restoration of the surrounding wall! Your contribution will be a valuable addition to this historic building. By taking part in this major project, you will not only be helping to preserve our heritage, but you will also be revitalising a site that is emblematic of Bourbonnais agricultural activity. You'll also be contributing to the development of our international visitors' centre and promoting the region's territorial and historical influence. Come and live history and leave your mark at Les Prureaux!

Rejsevejledning til mødested

Let’s meet on Monday 29th July at 5 p.m. at Moulins-sur-Allier station, 4 rue Philippe Thomas 03000, MOULINS-SUR-ALLIER.

Yderligere detaljer

Trilateral OFAJ project(financed by the french and german youth office). Participants will have the opportunity to discover various activities/workshops in addition to the core activity of the workcamp.

Sustainable Development Goals

Gender Equality Sustainable Cities and Communities
Spanien Spanien: Urbact Callosa IV (ESDA-0424)


31/07/2024   -   10/08/2024

Feedback fra 233 frivillige


Miljø og natur

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Spanien Frankrig Tyskland Ungarn Italien Tjekkiet


DKK 3767 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 250 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.
Pladsgaranti thumb-up

Detaljer om projektet

15 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Adgang med handicap
Nærmeste lufthavn
Alicante (ALC)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation


The aim of this workcamp is to preserve the natural reserve area surrounding called "Fonts del Río Algar". More concretely, the work will be mainly dedicated to parks and gardens maintenance or “arboretum”: removing the over-grown grass, weeding some parts of the grasslands and the edge of the woods, maintaining footpaths. Volunteers will also take part in the clean-up of some areas of the reserve where building waste has been found and if time allows it, they will carry out some painting works around the centre.
There will be other additional tasks to change the daily routine of the volunteers. In each camp, the volunteers will work on a mosaic wall composed of old tiles and pebbles to decorate the area and the volunteer house. Aslo there will one day of social work with the youngsters of thown in the local youth center.

Kost og logi

In a small rural house, some kilometres away from the village centre, with 2 different rooms, one for boys and one for girls. No need to bring a mattress but bring lower sheets and a summer sleeping bag is necessary. The centre is equipped with showers and WC.

The food is provided by our campleaders and the volunteers will be cooking in groups by the guidance of our campleader.

Beliggenhed og fritid

The municipality is located in the province of Alicante, in the northern part of the Marina Baixa region, 10 km from the coast and 42 km from the city of Alicante.

Algar Waterfalls at only 15 km from Benidorm and 3 km from the center of Callosa. This area was declared a Wetland protected by the Valencian Government. It is a park about the importance of water as an environmental resource, economical and cultural. The visit is a route through a circuit of 1.5 km in length along, where you can walk through the bed of the river Algar, see the spectacular waterfalls and the numerous sources, the "tolls" (pools of water) where you can take refreshing swims in crystal clear water, the old dam, the imposing century-old canal and ditches still in use.

Apart from the Waterfalls, there are other interesting sites in Callosa like the cultural heritage of the town, old narrow streets in the center. Also, there are several beautiful hiking routes around Callosa. One of the most spectacular places is El Fort de Bèrnia.

Not far from Callosa, you can visit a town called Guadalest which has an ancient castle. Also, Altea, another beautiful town near the sea can be visited. The beach is not far from the house and somedays, the volunteers can take a trip to the beach of Altea.

Arrangeret af

Town hall of Callosa en Sarria. De Amicitia have been collaborating with this local partner for many years. Since the last two years the town hall is developing a policy of sustainable tourism which includes the recuperation of deprived environmental areas and cultural heritage.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

ARRIVAL DAY: 5:15 PM AT ALICANTE (ALC) AIRPORT. Campleaders will help the volunteers to be taken to the campsite by public bus (Volunteers will have to paid it). Arrival to Alicante should be done before 5PM.

DEPARTURE DAY: 10:00 AM AT ALICANTE (ALC) AIRPORT (Campleaders will start with the travels from the house to the airport at 8-9AM, not earlier). Please do not book the flight ticket before 9AM. We cannot garantee to help with the check in.


The extra fee has be paid by card ( in the exceptional cases we can accept bank transfer as well) 3 weeks before the camp as a confirmation of participation.

If we don't recieve the fee and the flight/bus tickets of the volunteer, we will consider that she/he will not attending to project and we will give opportunity to other volunteers that are on the waiting list.

Frankrig Frankrig: CREATING A BETTER WORLD (CONCF-7209)


31/07/2024   -   12/08/2024

Feedback fra 733 frivillige


Miljø og natur

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Tyrkiet Frankrig Spanien Belgien Italien


DKK 3767 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 250 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

15 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Nærmeste lufthavn
Nantes (NTE)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation


Looking for a rewarding experience this summer? Join us for our exciting international work camp in Lavigne en Belin! We're looking for motivated volunteers to help create a unique community space in one of the local neighbourhoods.
Together, the group will help to create eco-responsible landscaping that will transform the neighbourhood's urban environment into a responsible and pleasant living space for everyone. Through the building of special types of benches and pergolas, this project offers a unique opportunity to contribute to positive change.
Whether you have a passion for gardening, DIY, ecology or simply want to get involved in an international adventure, this project is for you! Join our international team and discover the pleasure of working together towards a common goal.

Kost og logi

You will be sleeping in individual tents at the Laigné en Belin stadium (bring your own sleeping bag and sleeping mat). The sanitary facilities and kitchen will be hard-standing, in premises provided for the group. You will have access to the stadium gymnasium for your activities. You will share various collective tasks (such as cleaning) and prepare meals together. A budget will be allocated to the group leaders, and you will help with the shopping and meal preparation, giving priority to healthy, local products. You can share your favourite recipes if you wish. Laundry done by hand, no WIFI connection.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Laigné en Belin is a town in the south of the Sarthe. It is a 25-minute drive from Le Mans. Le Mans is a town in western France, the capital of the Sarthe, in the Pays de Loire region (50 minutes from Paris and 1h30 from Nantes by train).
For more information on the town of Laigné en Belin:

Arrangeret af

For the second year running, Concordia is teaming up with the Orée en Bercé community to set up a work camp in one of its communes, which this year is Laigné en Belin.
Laigné en Belin has a population of 2,300 inhabitants and is located in the Sarthe region.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

The meeting point is at the end of the afternoon at LAIGNE - SAINT GERVAIS station.
The exact time of the meeting will be communicated with the route map, sent out no later than 4 weeks before the start of the project.
Several direct trains depart from Paris Montparnasse with a change at Le Mans station. The journey takes around 1 hour and a half.
Trains can be booked around 4 months before departure on the SNCF website, link below:
If possible, try to use low-carbon emission transportation (train and bus rather than plane) for a sustainable international worksite.

Yderligere detaljer

Remember to take gardening gloves, good shoes and work clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. And don't forget to bring warm clothes for the cold, rain gear and a warm sleeping bag (which supports a temperature of 5 degrees) as the nights can be chilly. You can also bring along musical instruments, costumes or other games to show us your talents, as well as typical products from your country or region!
The departure date is set on the last day of the workcamp (12/08), usually in the morning.

Frankrig Frankrig: UNDER THE STAIRS, THE REV (SJ/TRI45)


01/08/2024   -   16/08/2024

Feedback fra 422 frivillige



Allerede nu frivillige fra



DKK 3767 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 250 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

15 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Adgang med handicap
Nærmeste lufthavn
Montpellier (MPL)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Génolhac train station (30450). Accessible from Montpellier, Marseille via Nîmes station.


The main aim of this project will be to redefine the outdoor circulation areas of the association's site. You'll need to clear some of the overgrown vegetation around the existing steps. You'll create wooden and stone staircases around the central part of the colony. Your group will decide on the number of paths that cross this area, to transform this wasteland into a venue for various events. You'll then put up low stone walls and demarcate the spaces. Particular attention will be paid to preserving the young tree shoots around the steps. You will work 20h/week.

Kost og logi

The workcamp will take place in a particularly isolated area, where you will be accommodated on the REV site in individual tents (remember to bring your sleeping bag). You will have access to sanitary facilities close to the camp. What's more, if weather conditions deteriorate too much for camping, a shelter a few meters away will be available. Meals will be provided and prepared in turn by participants.

Beliggenhed og fritid

The project will take place in the southern part of Mont-Lozère, the nearest town is Mende.

Leisure activities : Far from the French metropolises, Lozère is nonetheless a very dynamic region. The region's activities revolve around local festivities, concerts and unspoilt natural areas (mountains, rivers, forests). Shaped by erosion, this territory is criss-crossed by several watercourses, geological formations such as the causses and numerous forests of many species. A wide variety of flora and fauna have been preserved here thanks to the low human density of recent centuries.

Arrangeret af

The workcamp will take place at the REV's permanent home, a former vacation camp at an altitude of 1,200m. The site is located at the foot of Mont-Lozère in the heart of the Cévennes. The REV took over the site in the spring of 2022 and hopes to make it a place of welcome, exchange and encounter. This project will be part of the transformation of the colony into a socio-cultural living space.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

Please arrive on 01/08 between 4pm and 6pm at the Génolhac station (30450). If you arrive the day before, you'll need to arrange your own accommodation.

Yderligere detaljer

Trilateral OFAJ project(financed by the french and german youth office). Participants will have the opportunity to discover various activities/workshops in addition to the core activity of the workcamp.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Japan Japan: Tochigi Youth (NICE-24V-0801A)


01/08/2024   -   06/08/2024

Feedback fra 56 frivillige


Miljø og natur
no more teens


DKK 2749 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
JPY 19000 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

14 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Nærmeste lufthavn
Tokyo (TYO)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Volunteers need to arrive at either Narita airport or Haneda airport by 08:00 on 1st day, and can leave the airports after 20:00. on last day. Meeting point is UTSUNOMIYA station (JR line).


Volunteers will do manual work such as weeding, cutting undesirable trees/ bamboos which disturb soil conservation function and bio-diversity. Working fields may vary due to local conditions. Each forest is expected to be a place for a place for relaxation for mentally challenged people, a habitat for Sashiba (eagles in danger of extinction) and so on. Also, volunteers will help ourdoor activities with children.

Kost og logi

Shared rooms, separated by gender. Meals will be cooked by volunteers in turn. All basic facilities are provided.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Mashiko-machi, Haga-gun, Tochigi Prefecture is near Utsunomiya-City, 3 hours from the central of Tokyo by train. Volunteers can enjoy beautiful nature and local culture like Mashiko-yaki (traditional ceramics).

Arrangeret af

This project is actively working for SDG 13 (Climate Action ) and SDGs 15 (Life on Land), organized together with Tochigi Conservation Corps (TCC). TCC was established in 2009 with inspiration of Conservation Corps in the U.S.A., which is a complex of long term workcamp for environment and leadership training. TCC work on forest preservation for bio-diversity, maintenance of abandoned farmland and cultivation of human resources for next generation. Furthermore, TCC aims to utilize forests as a social place by combining with other fields like welfare, children, education and so on. In 2017, TCC got the first prize in one of the biggest awards for inclusive society.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

Tokushima station

Yderligere detaljer

Forest conservation.


Volunteers should be 14-17 years old, highly motivated to work outside. Respect to local people and other participants is needed.

Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger Sustainable Cities and Communities
Frankrig Frankrig: PRESERVE THE CASTLE (CONCF-8006)


03/08/2024   -   24/08/2024

Feedback fra 733 frivillige


no more teens

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Sydkorea Frankrig Tyskland Italien Ukraine Spanien


DKK 3767 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 250 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

15 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
1 (no more teens)
Nærmeste lufthavn
Paris (CDG)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
train station of TGV Haute Picardie


Have fortified castles always made you dream? Get involved and come and live a unique volunteering experience in the Château de Ham!

For several years, Concordia has been helping the Association des Amis du Château de Ham (association of the Friends of Ham Castle) to restore the monument during international volunteer workcamps. This workcamp in the commune continues its dynamic by bringing together local teenagers and international youths, allowing exchanges and meetings to run.
This year, we will be working on landscaping and masonry, a variety of work appropriate to the history of the site. We will continue the development of the "prisoners' garden" and the consolidation of the ruins of the former German kitchen, with pointing and many other techniques that you will learn.

The program will consist of learning masonry techniques and garden design, but above all international and intercultural exchanges, all of this in a good mood!

Kost og logi

Accommodation will be in collective tents, with boys and girls separated (don't forget your sleeping bag!)
A village house is at your disposal for the living space, the eating place as well as the toilets and showers. The house also has a washing machine that you can use.
You will share the various collective tasks and prepare meals together.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Ham is a town of about 7,000 inhabitants located in the Hauts-de-France, in the east of the Somme, in the heart of the former Picardie region. The town is 1h30 from Paris, 1h from Amiens and 25 min from Saint-Quentin.

Because of its position during the First World War, the region hosts today many places of memory and commemoration. Other tourist attractions close to the town also reflect the history of the region, such as Péronne (25 min) with its old castle and museum, or Noyon (20 min) with its medieval historic center. A visit to the city of Compiègne (imperial city) and Amiens (capital of Picardie) are also on the visit program!

Arrangeret af

Built in the 13th century, this medieval fortress was a strategic point to defend the borders during various conflicts. It evolved with time and quickly became a prison welcoming prisoners such as Jeanne d’Arc, or, later, Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (future Napoleon III). Almost completely destroyed by the German army in 1917, it is now in a state of ruin. For more information, you can consult their website :

Since 1972, the Association des Amis du Château de Ham has been fighting to preserve and enhance the historical site. They host integration work sites, organize flea markets and exhibitions, and even transform the site into a theater. For several years, Concordia has been helping the association with the restoration of the monument through volunteer workcamps involving local and international youth.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

Appointment is set at the SNCF train station of TGV Haute Picardie, on 03/08 in the late afternoon. The exact meeting time will be communicated with the roadmap, sent no later than 4 weeks before the start of the project.
From Paris Gare du Nord, take the TGV towards Lille.
The last day is reserved for departures.
More details will come with the infosheet,
See you soon!

Yderligere detaljer

Please bring work clothes for the site and closed shoes. For the accommodation under tents, think of your sleeping bag as well as a sleeping mat for more comfort.
Don't forget your bathing suit in case a swimming pool activity is planned. You can also bring specialties from your country, photos, musical instruments, in short what you like and want to share on this site, either with the local population or with the group.

On the last day (24/08), the departure time is usually set in the morning.


Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.

Italien Italien: Ridracoli (FC) TEEN (IBOIT18TEEN)


05/08/2024   -   11/08/2024

Feedback fra 63 frivillige


Miljø og natur

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Polen Italien Serbien Spanien Tyskland


DKK 4141 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 300 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

14 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Nærmeste lufthavn
Bologna (BLQ)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Forlì Train station


All the activities will be based on non-formal educational working methods: workshops, excursions, group activities, discussions, presentations, interviews, brainstorming, world-café, expression games, etc.

The activity programme also includes: - Visit to IDRO, the interactive ecomuseum with experiments and multimedia interactions on the importance of water in our daily life and for the development and the future of our planet; - Visit to the dam of Ridracoli and the viewpoints of the wildlife of the lake; - Hiking in the woods with a break in lodges surrounded by nature on the shores of the lake.

Kost og logi

The workcamp will take place in Ridracoli, in the municipality of Bagno di Romagna in the Emila-Romagna region. Participants will be hosted in a sandstone and wood house surrounded by mountains and woods of the Foreste Casentinesi National Park near the dam. The house is equipped with bunk bedrooms, shared bathrooms and showers, equipped kitchen only for the participants, large space for outdoor activities and leisure. Everybody will collaborate in keeping the house clean. The isolated location, far from busy roads, allows the sighting of deers, roe deers and woodland animals.

Beliggenhed og fritid

The activity programme also includes:
- Visit to IDRO, the interactive ecomuseum with experiments and multimedia interactions on the importance of water in our daily life and for the development and the future of our planet;
- Visit to the dam of Ridracoli and the viewpoints of the wildlife of the lake;
- Hiking in the woods with a break in lodges surrounded by nature on the shores of the lake.
For all the activities that foresee a ticket cost this it will be in charge for the volunteer.

Arrangeret af

Ridracoli hosts one of the largest dam in Europe and is located within the Foreste Casentinesi National Park, in Italy. The dam is an artificial barrier that forms a large lake that has been supplying water to more than a million people in Emilia Romagna since the ‘80s. Lake Ridracoli is located 557 meters above sea level and has great environmental value; it represents a small corner of paradise and has a strong tourist impact. An interactive museum is located in the natural reserve; it’s called “IDRO – Ridracoli’s water Ecomuseum” and helps to understand the importance of water in the life of all living beings.
The program of the activities is created with the aim of developing and stimulating the knowledge and critical thinking of the participants on various topics such as: the importance of water, drought, education to sustainability, climate change and global warming. The project location offers a perfect experience for a full contact with nature.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

MEETING POINT: At the train station of Forlì at the 12.00.

TRAVEL: the volunteers have to arrive from the airport of Bologna to the train station of Forlì.

Yderligere detaljer

Fee for Italian people: 470 euro
Extra fee for Foreign people: 300 euro


English language. The camp is especially aimed at those who have passion for enviroment, nature and mountains.

Frankrig Frankrig: Donne une nouvelle vie au patrimoine de Pompey ! Pompey goes green ! (ANEC11)


05/08/2024   -   21/08/2024

Feedback fra 325 frivillige


Manuelt arbejde
Miljø og natur

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Italien Tyskland Frankrig


DKK 3767 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 250 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

14 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
Nærmeste lufthavn
Paris (ORY)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Pompey Train Station


Cette année, ta mission, si tu l'acceptes, sera de poursuivre le travail entamé par les chantiers précédents sur le patrimoine bâti de la ville de Pompey. Ainsi, tu seras surtout amené à t'essayer à des techniques de construction et de restauration traditionnelles : travail de la pierre, maçonnerie, travail du bois... et tout cela dans un cadre calme et agréable, entouré de verdure et de forêts.
Tu es acteur du chantier : les missions pourront varier selon tes envies et l'avancée des travaux...
Pour t'aider sur ce chantier, un·e encadrant·e technique sera là à tous les temps de travaux.

This year, your mission, if you accept it, will be to continue the work begun by the previous projects on the built heritage of the city of Pompey. Thus, you will especially be led to try traditional construction and restoration techniques: stone work, masonry, wood work... and all this in a quiet and pleasant setting, surrounded by greenery and forests.
You are an actor of the site: the missions may vary according to your desires and the progress of the work...
To help you on this site, a technical supervisor will be there at all times of work.

Kost og logi

Si tu aimes le camping et la nature, ce chantier est fait pour toi ! Tu seras hebergé·e sous tente. Le lieu de camping est un écrin de verdure, à côté de la forêt et du château médiéval. Vous y serez au calme, et pourrez profiter de belles soirées autour du feu ! Les toilettes et les douches sont à proximité du site et une cuisine sera installée sur le campement. Apporte ton sac de couchage et un matelas gonflable.
Les bénévoles, qui seront acteurs et actrices de leur séjour, participeront chacun·e·s aux taches quotidiennes (courses, cuisine, rangement et nettoyage... ), l'organisation du roulement sera fait avec l'équipe d'animation qui est là pour veiller au bon déroulement, l'objectif est de gagner en autonomie et que chacun·e agisse individuellement pour permettre un bon fonctionnement collectif !
N'oublie pas : tou·te·s ensemble, vous réfléchirez à comment travailler, se nourrir, s'amuser, se déplacer, visiter la région de la façon la plus respectueuse de l'environnement. Un vrai défi très actuel, et on a besoin de toi pour le mener à bien !

If you like camping and nature, this camp is for you! You will be accommodated in a tent. The campsite is a green setting, next to the forest and the medieval castle. You will be quiet there, and can enjoy beautiful evenings around the fire! Toilets and showers are near the site and a kitchen will be set up at the camp. Bring your sleeping bag and an inflatable mattress.
The volunteers, who will be actors and actresses of their stay, will each participate in the daily tasks (shopping, cooking, storage and cleaning ...), the organization of the rotation will be done with the animation team which is there to ensure the smooth running, the objective is to gain autonomy and that everyone acts individually to allow a good collective functioning!

All together, you will think about how to work, eat, have fun, get around, visit the region in the most environmentally friendly way. A very real and current challenge, and we need you to carry it out!

Beliggenhed og fritid

Plusieurs activités sur la thématique de l'environnement sont prévues pour ce chantier (interventions, visites, débats...). Ce sera donc aussi pour toi l'occasion d'en apprendre plus sur l'environnement et la biodiversité. A côté, tu pourras aussi découvrir la région : Pompey se trouve à 15 minutes de Nancy et sa mythique Place Stanislas, considérée comme l’une des plus belles places du monde ! Le chantier est situé juste à côté d'un parc d'accrobranche et d'autres activités de loisirs. Installé·e sur les hauteurs de Pompey, tu pourras profiter de la vue sur la vallée de la Moselle ! De plus, ces 2 semaines seront l'occasion de créer des liens avec la population et des associations locales qui vous feront partager des spécialités culinaires locales (madeleines, fromage,...).

Several activities on the theme of the environment are planned for this project (interventions, visits, debates...). Besides, you can also discover the region: Pompey is 15 minutes from Nancy and its mythical Place Stanislas, considered one of the most beautiful places in the world! The camp is located right next to a tree climbing park and other leisure activities. Installed on the heights of Pompey, you can enjoy the view of the Moselle valley! In addition, these 2 weeks will be an opportunity to create links with the population and local associations which will share with you local culinary specialties (madeleines, cheese, etc.).

Arrangeret af

Pompey est une commune dans l'Est de la France, qui met beaucoup d'énergie, chaque année, pour accueillir des bénévoles internationaux sur son territoire. Des chantiers y sont organisés depuis 2016, sur plein de thématiques différentes : la restauration du château médiéval, l'entretien d'une ancienne ferme, la rénovation du parcours de santé... Tous ces projets ont un point commun : ils sont situés sur le Plateau de l’Avant-Garde, grand espace sportif et nature sur les hauteurs de la ville. Depuis l'année dernière, un nouvel objectif est né : organiser un chantier complètement respectueux de l'environnement, sur les travaux et la vie collective ! On y va ?

Pompey is a town in the East of France, which puts a lot of energy each year to welcome international volunteers to its territory. Construction sites have been organized since 2016, on many different themes: the restoration of the medieval castle, the maintenance of an old farm, the renovation of the health course... All these projects have one thing in common: they are located on the Plateau de l'Avant-Garde, a large sports and nature area on the heights of the city. Since last year, a new objective has been born: to organize a workcamp completely respectful of the environment, on the works and the collective life! Shall we go now?

Rejsevejledning til mødested

Pompey Train Station, 5 PM, the 05/08/24


Unfortunately the accommodation and work sites are not accessible for wheelchairs.



06/08/2024   -   17/08/2024

Feedback fra 132 frivillige


Miljø og natur

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Tyrkiet Holland Spanien + more


DKK 5560 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 490 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

14 - 18
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
12 M + 19 K
Nærmeste lufthavn
Tallinn (TLL)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation


ProgramThere are diverse activities in the camp program: canoeing, water scootering, running ATV, paintball in the forest, sport games - football, rugby, volleyball, athletics, table tennis, archery, frisbee, disc-golf, trampolines, different competitions, forest cross, sport orientation in the forest on and on sea (navigation), fishing, Viking boats, bicycle trips to explore the area, visit to the horse farm with horse riding, excursions historical places of interest in the area, active games and adventure trail in Roosta Adventure Park, picnics on a seaside, building sand and stones castles on the beach, Estonian sauna party, etc. In addition, there will be creative workshops on decoupage, soap-making, wooden handicrafts, etc. Bikes are available for the whole camp duration free of charge. WorkThere will be also some voluntary work such as painting of community buildings, making wooden toys and games for local orphanage, repairing benches and tables, cleaning local beach and old local park from garbage, planting trees, little renovation works in the local school, clearing pavement, helping seniors living in the community with some household duties, berries and herbs picking to give the crop to the orphanage and seniors home, duty in a kitchen and around the camp once in a shift, etc. The work will be organised in cooperation with local forestry department, municipality of Nova and local school. Please note that the work described above is planned for the whole summer and it may change from one shift to another depending on local needs, the season and weather conditions.

Kost og logi

AccommodationIn wooden huts set by the local school nearby the seaside (500m away). Please bring your sleeping bag and mat. Showers, toilets are provided in the school and there will be additional bio-toilets set on camping site. You can have traditional Estonian sauna every dayCateringMeals are served 3 times a day. There are water machines with cold water in the school complex. Catering takes place in the schools mess hall or into the lager tent outside near the mess. Meals are cooked by professional cooks. However participants will be asked to help cleaning.

Beliggenhed og fritid

LocationNova is one of 11 municipalities of Laanemaa with about 400 inhabitants, located on the seaside 90 km west from capital of Estonia Tallinn and 40 km north from Haapsalu, famous spa town with many historic and cultural sites. More information on The camp is located on Nova basic Schools territory ( and camps infrastructureSchoolhouseSports hallTable tennisWooden housesInformation centreRefreshments stall with water coolersGym equipment for fitness exercises on schools territoryFootball fieldBasketball court on the schools territoryVolleyball court on the beach4 lakes within 4 km from the camp side2 sand beaches in the distance from 0,5-7 kmForest Management Centre wooden tents with table and grill for picnic near the beachGrocery store 0,5 km awayHiking paths marked by Forest Department

Arrangeret af

This camp is organized for teenagers by youth sport club Lukas-Basket which has been running national youth camps for 25 years and International ones for the past 12 years. International teenage camps will be hosted on seaside in the West of Estonia in Laanemaa County in the municipality of Nova. Beautiful nature, numerous historical places, 200 years long tradition of health resort, unique cultural events are the treasures of the County. Nova with warm sea, white sand, mushroom and berry crops, picturesque lakes, cobble stone road and many places of interest is ideal place for leisure. The aim of Nova camp is to give young people possibility to have active, healthy and meaningful summer vacations with different sport adventures, to enjoy unspoiled nature and to learn to live in harmony with it, also to explore and realize their own capacities and limits. The program will include water activities, sport and ball games, eco-hikes, bicycle trips to places of interest, horse riding, fishing, rowing, acquaintance with local culture and many other exciting things. Mens sana in corpore sano (Healthy Spirit in Healthy Body) i this is the message of the camp Besides all this, camp gives possibility for intensive contacts between local youth and their peers from abroad, showing youngsters the diversity of world cultures, broadening their horizons and encouraging active communication through games and creative activities. Finally, there will be some voluntary work for nature protection and to support local community. The area of the camp is about 3 hectares and it can host over 60 youngsters on one shift. The age of local participants is 10-18. Local teenagers are mainly Russian-speaking of minority communities of Estonia. Videos from past camps are available here ,

Rejsevejledning til mødested

Terminal and arrivals/ departureAirport, bus station, harbor in Tallinn; specially arranged bus to Nova. Although pick up on arrival to Tallinn is possible at additional fee, it is not really needed as the meeting point (sport club gym) is located just 1km from the airport and can be easily reached by walking or by regular bus directly from the airport (3 short stops).On arrival day there is an excursion in Tallinn, dinner, accommodation in Tallinn with lodging for the night at the gym of the sport club. Showers and WC are in the facility of the gym. On the next day there is a breakfast at 8 am and departure to camp site. On the last day of the camp there is a breakfast and departure at 11:30 am from the camp with the arrival to Tallinn airport by 13:30. If your departure is scheduled to an earlier hour a special transfer from the camp to the airport can be booked at additional fee. In case of earlier arrival or later departure accommodation in hostel can be booked upon request.


Special requirementsParticipants have to be sporty (e.g. be ready to run up to 3 km, bike up to 30 km), independent enough, curious and interested in active life style. Please inform us beforehand about allergies, dietary requirements you have or others prescriptions from your doctor. Please bring sleeping bag and mat, wind and waterproof clothes, goods shoes, warm and summer clothes. It s advisable to take thermal underwear. If possible, please take tick vaccination before coming. Generally, age of participants is 14-18, however exceptions are possible. NB Smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs is absolutely prohibited in the camp and this policy will be followed strictly Thus, if you cannot quit smoking for a while it is probably better not to come. Camp common language is English. Local languages are Estonian and Russian.Participation feeUnlike the normal camp there will be not too much of work here. Nevertheless, participants will be provided with board, lodging, local transportation and all equipment necessary to realize camp program. Besides, program involves a lot of extra costs for excursions, trips out, visits, sport activities, equipment, materials and general administration and leadership. Since neither EstYES nor its local camp partner, does not receive financial support for this camp from municipality or private sources, to realize this camp we have to charge participation fee of 490 Euro, which covers all camp and program costs including transfer from Tallinn to and from the camp, and which has to be paid by bank transfer before the camp or by participants upon arrival to the camp. The bank details will be provided after the acceptance of the participant to the camp. NB Participants coming from outside Europe are asked to consult with EstYES before paying fee by bank transfer to reduce high banking charges.

Sustainable Development Goals

Good Health and Well-being Quality Education
Frankrig Frankrig: KEEP THE NATURE ALIVE (CONCF-3107)


07/08/2024   -   21/08/2024

Feedback fra 733 frivillige


Miljø og natur

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Italien French Guiana Frankrig Spanien Ivory Coast


DKK 3767 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 250 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

15 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
2 M + 3 K
Nærmeste lufthavn
Toulouse (TLS)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
AUCH Train Station


Get involved in preserving the rural environmental heritage of France! Nestled in the heart of the Gers, you'll discover the village of Preignan—a small, vibrant community, offering a haven of tranquility and natural beauty away from the hustle of big cities.

You'll have the opportunity to participate in an eco-volunteering mission, working in exceptional environments cherished by the locals of Preignan and the hamlet of Rambert. This volunteer project is dedicated to safeguarding the environment, protecting endangered species, and preserving their natural habitats. Volunteers play a crucial role in taking committed actions for the planet and the conservation of biodiversity.

Your responsibilities will include beach cleaning, aimed at collecting plastic and wood debris while ensuring the preservation of flora and fauna. Additionally, you'll have the chance to contribute by painting a wooden chalet and learning how to construct insect houses.

Kost og logi

You will be accommodated in an individual tent, with access to toilets, shower and kitchen. The group will be sharing the cleaning chores and preparing meals together. The budget will be allocated to the group leader and you will participate in the grocery shopping and in the preparation of meals, prioritizing products from the market and local producers.

Please bring your sleeping bag and mat. You will wash your clothes and other items manually. Wifi is not available, French volunteers can share their internet connections via a hotspot.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Preignan is situated in the South of France, within the department of Gers, at the heart of Occitanie. Positioned centrally in a rural area near Auch, this small village boasts a rich historical background.
Dating back to the Gallo-Roman era, Preignan showcases remnants of its past, including a Gallo-Roman villa perched atop the ridges. At the heart of the village stands a Romanesque church, likely erected on an ancient Merovingian burial ground.

The Rambert mill, also known as the Hydroberge, stands as a historic and emblematic monument in Preignan. Much of your volunteering will revolve around this location. The Hydroberge serves as a welcoming space, housing a community café and hosting various cultural events throughout the year, such as concerts, conferences, and practical workshops.
The area is celebrated for its rich heritage and gastronomy. During the summer months, the place comes alive with numerous festivals, concerts and events.

The area offers a prime opportunity to delve into France's historic past, maintaining a robust regional identity. Explorations can lead you along the paths of Compostela and to various archaeological sites, such as the Gallo-Roman villa of Seviac, which has hosted international construction projects.

Arrangeret af

You will be among the first international volunteers to work in Preignan. The residents of Gers hold a strong attachment to environmental protection, and you will have the opportunity to engage with them.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

The meeting point is AUCH Train Station on the 7th of August at 6 PM. There are regular trains to AUCH from TOULOUSE Matabiau station.

From PARIS, you can take the train from Montparnasse train station to TOULOUSE Matabiau train station, regular departures are scheduled throughout the day (about every hour). The trip last for about 4.5 hours, once in TOULOUSE Matabiau train station.Trains are open to booking about 4 months before the departure dates, available on the following website:

If you are coming first by plane, remember that you will need some time to commute from the airport to the train station, therefore we recommend that you arrive early enough for you not to rush and have a stress free travel.

If possible, please consider using low-carbon transportation (train and bus rather than airplane) for a sustainable international workcamp.

Yderligere detaljer

Consider taking clothes and footwear for work and hiking (including rain clothes). Bring a warm sleeping bag and a good mattress (tent sleeping), the nights are sometimes cool and humid but if you want, you can bring your own tent. And remember to take a bathing suit in case of a possible swim. Don’t hesitate to bring home specialties, photos, games, musical instruments, etc.


Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues arise on the project, volunteers will have to pay for them, and will then be reimbursed once back in their home country.

Frankrig Frankrig: CREATING A SOFT PATH (CONCF-3407)


07/08/2024   -   21/08/2024

Feedback fra 733 frivillige


Miljø og natur

Allerede nu frivillige fra

Vietnam Mexico Spanien Italien Marokko Frankrig


DKK 3767 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 250 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

15 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
0 M + 4 K
Nærmeste lufthavn
Montpellier (MPL)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Juvignac tram stop


Would you like to take part in a project that makes sense for local residents and feesl useful? The local authority wants to create a soft path between a park and a school to make it easier for residents to use. The project also involves creating a children's play area.
Your job will be to create a 30 m2 platform with a low gabion wall to accommodate the future play area. The local authority also wants the paths created to be fun and enjoyable for children and their parents on a daily basis.

Another task is to help organise two "local producers' market" evenings where foodtrucks, concerts and festive dancing will spice up the stay. The job involves setting up tables and chairs to welcome local people and helping to make these two evenings a success.

Kost og logi

You will be accommodated on a communal site at the school. You will sleep in individual tents (bring your own sleeping bag and duvet) and live together in one of the air-conditioned classrooms provided for the group. You will share the various collective tasks and prepare meals together. A budget will be allocated to the leaders and you will help with the shopping and meal preparation, giving priority to healthy, local produce.

Beliggenhed og fritid

This workcamp is based in the commune of Juvignac, part of the Montpellier metropolitan area.
This pretty town is close to the Mediterranean Sea and the city of Montpellier, where there are plenty of leisure activities on offer during your stay.
You can also discover magnificent historic towns and villages such as St Guilhem le désert, Pézenas and many other surprises...

Arrangeret af

This is a first partnership with the commune of Juvignac, which is looking for a quality exchange between local young people and young internationals as part of a mission of communal interest.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

The meeting point is at 5pm at the Juvignac tram stop.
Train reservations can be made approximately 4 months before departure on the SNCF website, link below:
As far as possible, remember to use low-carbon transport (train and bus rather than plane) for a sustainable international worksite.

Yderligere detaljer

If you wish, you can also bring music or an object typical of your country/region to share your culture with the other participants. If you are under 18, don’t forget to send us your Medical Factsheet and Parental Authorization at least one month before the beginning of the workcamp.


Remember to take gloves, clothes and good shoes for the day's work. For sleeping, take a sleeping bag and a ground sheet. And don't forget your sunglasses, sun cream, swimming costume and beach towel! The days can be hot, but the nights can be cool.



07/08/2024   -   21/08/2024

Feedback fra 733 frivillige



Allerede nu frivillige fra

Tyrkiet Frankrig Spanien Polen


DKK 3767 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 250 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

15 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
0 M + 4 K
Adgang med handicap
Nærmeste lufthavn
Lyon (LYS)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
-Montélimar SNCF -Paris Gare Montparnasse -Lyon Part Dieu -Marseille Saint Charles


If you're in the mood for nature, the charm of a small village and a warm welcome, come to Réauville in Drôme provençale. The village is dominated by its Rocher de la Vierge, which offers an incomparable panorama of its lavender fields and from which you can see Mont Ventoux. Réauville is a "royal city" in the heart of the Tricastin region, which has experienced greatness and decline over the course of its long history. The village owes its name to the brother of King Saint Louis. It is an ancient village, with some houses dating back to the 15th century that have retained their remarkable architecture, such as the "dessus l'Arc" house. Réauville is the birthplace of the family of President Emile Loubet and Louis Portalier, who was Captain of the Empire (1791). Another historic figure makes the town proud: Albert Séverin Roche. Born in Réauville on 5 March 1895, he was proclaimed "First Soldier of France" by Marshal Foch on 27 November 1918 in Strasbourg. You can still see the house where he was born.
In this historic village, you can help to rebuild a low wall made of local stone. This wall is part of a larger redevelopment project: the new town hall square.

Kost og logi

You will be accommodated in individual tents, a stone's throw from the local shop "Chez Paulette". Two areas have been set up to provide single-sex toilet and shower facilities. A room will be equipped for meals and for retreating in case of bad weather (cani-cule, storms). Together, you'll help to organise community life (cleaning, activities, etc.) and take turns preparing meals using locally sourced produce. As far as possible, we will promote vegetarian meals using local, seasonal produce, while ensuring that the diets of all participants are respected, and that local gastronomy is discovered.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Réauville is located in the Drôme department, 8 km from Grignan and 20 km south-east of Montélimar. The "Drôme provençale" tourist region is renowned for its authentic landscapes, lavender and stone villages. During your stay in Réauville, we recommend that you take the royal walk, starting from Place de la Paix, an easy 3km circuit that allows you to discover all the environmental heritage of the commune. You can also discover the fountains, wash-houses, painted decorations of the church and the Museum of Agricultural Memory. The entertainers will work with the whole group to plan visits to the surrounding villages.

Arrangeret af

Réauville has a population of 400 and is very attached to its heritage and history. This is the first year we've been working together, after numerous exchanges. The village already has an international outlook thanks to its twinning with an Italian village, so it's with a desire to promote exchanges between young people and the notion of interculturality that they are going to welcome this project.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

Arrive gare de Pierrelatte 7 août 2024 : 17h which is accessible from Paris Gare Montparnasse, Lyon Part Dieu and Marseille Saint Charles stations. A suggested itinerary and a more precise timetable will be given in the route map that we will send you no later than 4 weeks before the start of the project.

Train reservations can be made approximately 4 months before departure on the SNCF website, link below:

Yderligere detaljer

For both leisure and work activities, you need to bring clothes that are suited to the climate (temperatures can be very hot in summer). Don't forget sun protection (a hat or cap is essential, sunglasses with a high protection factor, sun cream with a high protection factor, etc.) and a swimming costume in case of swimming in a pool or white-water activities.
For sleeping arrangements, remember to take a duvet and a pillowcase (you can put things in it and easily make a pillow). You should also bring a backpack (in addition to your luggage), comfortable trainers and a pair of flip-flops. You'll also need to pack the following essential accessories: a mobile phone charger, a water bottle, a set of bandages and a headlamp or torch.
Social events will be organised in collaboration with our leaders and according to your wishes. If you'd like to share a little of your culture (recipes, traditional stories, unusual objects, music, etc.), don't hesitate to take a little piece of your country/region in your backpack.

Frankrig Frankrig: La forteresse médiévale de Montaigu le Blin 4 - The Fortress of Montaigu le Blin 4 (ANEC20)


07/08/2024   -   21/08/2024

Feedback fra 325 frivillige



Allerede nu frivillige fra

Frankrig Tyrkiet Spanien


DKK 3767 i Prisen betales i to rater:

DKK 1900 skal betales nu.
EUR 250 betales efter at du er blevet optaget.

Bemærk: Samlet pris kan variere afhængigt af vekselkursen.

Detaljer om projektet

14 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
1 M + 2 K
Adgang med handicap
Nærmeste lufthavn
Clermont-Ferrand (CFE)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation
Saint-Germain-des-Fossés railway station


Viens participer à la sauvegarde et à la valorisation de ce patrimoine d'exception !
Au sein du château, tu réaliseras plusieurs travaux de restauration accompagné par un professionnel :
Tu apprendras des techniques de maçonnerie traditionnelle : retirer les joints usagés autour des pierres, réaliser du mortier à base de chaux et de sable que tu appliqueras sur les murs. Le coup de main se prend très vite, tu verras !
Tu participeras également à l'entretien du potager, des boiseries (entretien des barrières, construction de mobilier en palettes) et des espaces verts du château (débroussaillage).
Il n'y a pas de compétences particulières requises pour les travaux, c'est justement l'occasion d'en découvrir.
Au-delà de ces travaux, vous réfléchirez ensemble au developpement durable via l'utilisation de techniques traditionnelles dans la restauration de la forteresse, mais aussi dans la vie quotidienne du groupe. Tu seras accompagné·e et guidé·e par des animateur·ice·s techniques et de vie de groupe.
Tu auras l'occasion de présenter à la population locale et aux touristes les avancées auxquelles tu auras participé.
Protéger une telle bâtisse necéssite du temps, et beaucoup d'énergie, viens amener ta pierre a l'édifice !

Participate to the protection and enhancement of this breathtaking heritage! Within the castle, you will realize various works of restoration of walls (ramparts, towers) using traditional techniques and help maintain the vegetation (clearing bushes, etc.) as well as many other varied tasks. There are no special skills required for the work, it's just an opportunity to learn.
Beyond this work, you will reflect together on sustainable development using traditional techniques in the restoration of the fortress, but also in the daily life of the group. Campleaders will guide you along the project. You will also take part in the touristic activities of the site by welcoming the visitors (tourists and local inhabitants) in the castle and explain the work, show the progress you have been doing the last few weeks! Protecting this piece of heritage takes time, and a lot of energy. Come contribute to its rebuilding !

Kost og logi

L'hébergement se fait sous tentes fournies par l'association (1 personne par tente), sur le terrain municipal mis à disposition par la Mairie. Les bénévoles amèneront leur matériel de camping (tapis de sol, sac de couchage, etc.).
Les bénévoles, qui seront acteurs et actrices de leur séjour, participeront chacun·e·s aux tâches quotidiennes (courses, cuisine, rangement et nettoyage... ), l'organisation du roulement sera fait avec l'équipe d'animation qui est là pour veiller au bon déroulement, l'objectif est de gagner en autonomie et que chacun·e agisse individuellement pour permettre un bon fonctionnement collectif !
Tou·te·s ensemble, vous réfléchirez à comment travailler, se nourrir, s'amuser, se déplacer, visiter la région de la façon la plus respectueuse de l'environnement et de l'autre.
Un bâtiment en dur sur le terrain comprend une pièce cuisine, 2 douches et 2 toilettes pour le groupe.

Accommodation is under tents (1 person per tent) at the town stadium lent by the Town Hall. Tents will be provided. You will have to bring other camping material (ground sheet, sleeping bag, etc.). You, volunteer, are actor/actress of your project ! You will manage the tasks of daily life in teams (shopping, cooking, and cleaning). A rotation will be organised by the campleaders to ensure the smooth running of daily life. The objective is to gain autonomy and that everyone acts individually to allow a good collective functioning!
All together, you will think about how to work, feed everyone, have fun, get around, visit the region in the most environnementaly and human-friendly way.
A building on the field includes a kitchen room, 2 showers and 2 toilets for the group.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Montaigu-le-Blin est situé dans le Bourbonnais, à 30km au nord de Vichy et à 90 km au nord de Clermont-Ferrand, en Auvergne.
C'est une campagne riche en patrimoine historique que tu vas pouvoir découvrir en visitant quelques-uns des nombreux châteaux et villes médiévales ou en faisant des ballades à pieds, en vélo ou en canoë selon les propositions faites par l'équipe d'animation.
Les habitant·e·s du village sont habitué·e·s à voir venir chaque été des bénévoles du monde entier. Vous irez chercher du pain de campagne chez l'aubergiste Didier, demanderez en dépannage des oeufs un dimanche soir à Monique, la météo du lendemain à Jean-Pascal, montrerez vos avancées à Jean Louis, Maire et passionné du château. Vous vous régalerez avec les fruits et légumes offerts par les jardinier·ère·s du bien plus encore !
Vos animateur·ice·s prépareront des jeux et des activités mais vous inciteront également à proposer et à construire vos propres animations en fonction de vos envies. Sois créatif·ve !

Montaigu-le-Blin is located in the French Bourbonnais area, 30km North from Vichy and 90km North from Clermont-Ferrand, in the French Auvergne region. It is a countryside rich with historical heritage, which you will be able to discover by visiting a few of the numerous castles and medieval cities, by hiking, going by bike or canoeing, according to what the leading team and the weather can propose. The inhabitants of the village are used to welcome volunteers from all over the world come every summer. You will pick up bread from the innkeeper Didier, ask for eggs on a Sunday evening to Monique, the weather the next day to Jean-Pascal, show your progress to Jean Louis who is passionate about the castle, you will feast with the fruits and vegetables offered by the local gardeners...and so much more!
The campleaders will prepare games and activities for the group but will also encourage you to propose and build your own activities according to your desires. Bring ideas and be creative !

Arrangeret af

Au cœur d'un charmant petit village bourbonnais, le château de Montaigu-le-Blin est une imposante forteresse médiévale du XIIème, classée Monument Historique. Située sur une petite colline, cette forteresse offre un espace bucolique et intime, proche de la nature avec une belle vue sur les paysages alentours.
Depuis les années 80, des bénévoles participent chaque année à la sauvegarde, la rénovation et à l'animation touristique du château, alors pourquoi pas toi ?
Ces dernières années, la forteresse s'est refaite une beauté ! Les bénévoles ont continué à faire des travaux de maçonnerie traditionelle sur les murs du château et ont développé le potager médiéval au pied de la tour du Seigneur. A vous de prendre le flambeau !

Inside a lovely little French village, the castle of Montaigu le Blin is an impressive medieval fortress, classified as Historical Monument. It is located on the top of a hill, overlooking the countryside. Since 2002, volunteers have been participating, every summer, to the restoration of the castle. These last years, the fortress has regained its beauty! Since the 80s, volunteers come every year to restore and protect the castle. These last couple of years, volunteers restored the castle walls using traditional masonry techniques and developped the medieval vegetable garden at the bottom of the Lord's tower. This year, it's your turn to live an experience back in time!

Rejsevejledning til mødested

Saint-Germain-des-Fossés railway station

Yderligere detaljer

Le lieu du chantier ne dispose pas de Wifi et le réseau téléphonique y est faible. Les bénévoles peuvent cependant accéder à une connexion Wifi publique dans le village. Le site du chantier n'est malheureusement pas accessible en fauteuil roulant. Sur l'ensemble de nos chantiers adolescents, nous avons fait le choix de réserver la moitié des places pour des bénévoles français·es. L'objectif : permettre à un maximum de jeunes d'avoir accès à l'apprentissage de l'interculturalité, de favoriser l'engagement bénévole et suite à cette expérience, de développer la mobilité à l'international. Les frais de participation pour les participant·e·s français·e·s sont de 360 euros. Pour des raisons techniques, le site internet ne permet d’afficher que les frais payés par les candidat·e·s français·e·s (360€). Les participant·e·s internationaux·ales payent 250€, hors frais dus à leur structure d'envoi. Pour plus de renseignements, ne pas hésiter à nous contacter.

"EXTRA FEES: reduced to 250€ for international volunteers. Pay attention! Our national participants in France pay the regular 360€ of extra fees. International volunteers coming from our partners in other countries than France pay only 250€ of extra fees.
Pay attention that there is no wifi access on the workcamp site, the telephone network is also quite low. However, the volunteers will be able to find public wifi in the village. Who needs internet during a Workcamp anyway ? The site is unfortunately not accessible to people in wheelchairs.
Globally on our teenage camps, we chose to book half of the spots for French volunteers. The aim is to allow a maximum of young people to access intercultural learning, to promote volunteer's commitment as a first step and then experience internatioanl workcamp abroad. "


no access for wheelchairs

Spanien Spanien: Casa Jazmín IV (YE-3824)


09/08/2024   -   21/08/2024

Feedback fra 233 frivillige



Allerede nu frivillige fra

Italien Tyskland Ukraine Spanien


DKK 1900
Pladsgaranti thumb-up

Detaljer om projektet

15 - 17
Maks. antal frivillige
Stadig plads til
3 M + 0 K
Adgang med handicap
Nærmeste lufthavn
Alicante (ALC)
Nærmeste bus-/togstation


Main theme of the project: Empowering Volunteerism through Content Creation
Type of project: YE

Our Youth Exchange project aims to bring together young people from diverse backgrounds to explore and promote volunteerism within the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) through content creation. Over the course of the project, participants will engage in workshops, discussions, and practical activities focused on creating digital content that highlights the impact and importance of volunteering.

Through this project, we emphasize the significance of exchanging ideas and perspectives from various cultural, social, and educational backgrounds. By fostering an inclusive environment where every participant's voice is valued, we aim to enrich the learning experience and encourage creativity and innovation in addressing volunteerism within the ESC.

The project will consist of several stages:
1. Preparatory Phase: Participants will familiarize themselves with the goals and objectives of the project, as well as engage in ice-breaking activities to build rapport and create a supportive atmosphere.
2. Workshops and Training Sessions: Participants will attend workshops and training sessions facilitated by experts in content creation, digital media, and volunteerism. These sessions will provide participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively create engaging and impactful content.
3. Content Creation Activities: Participants will work in teams to develop digital content, such as videos, blogs, social media campaigns, and visual graphics, that promote volunteerism within the ESC. They will have the opportunity to apply the skills learned during the workshops and training sessions.
4. Sharing and Feedback: Teams will present their created content to the group, followed by constructive feedback and discussions. This exchange of ideas will enable participants to learn from each other's perspectives and improve their content creation skills.
5. Evaluation and Reflection: At the end of the project, participants will reflect on their experiences, lessons learned, and personal growth. They will also evaluate the project's impact and identify areas for improvement.

Overall, our youth exchange project aims to empower young people to become active agents of change in their communities by harnessing the power of digital content creation to promote volunteerism. Through collaboration, creativity, and the exchange of diverse perspectives, we believe that we can make a meaningful difference in fostering a culture of volunteerism and solidarity across Europe.

Kost og logi

The volunteers will stay in a volunteer house, with three rooms with several bunkbeds and bathrooms. They will share rooms with four to six other volunteers. The house includes a nice kitchen in which the volunteers will cook for themselves in the guidance of the camp leaders.
You can either bring your own sheets or a sleeping bag. There are beds and pillows but no sheets or pillow covers.

Beliggenhed og fritid

Sanet is a small town in the southwest of Spain close to Dénia (communidad de Valencia). It lays in the beautiful countryside, surrounded by hills which are great for hiking - there are a lot of hiking trails to discover. There is a local swimming pool available and Dénia is only 5 minutes by cars.
The house is located right in the middle of town, so there are great opportunities to interact and socialize with the locals and to truly experience the Spanish countryside.
Furthermore, the volunteers can make excursions to Ondara and El Vergel, local towns close to Sanet. The surrounding villages like Benimelli and Ràfol d'Almunia can also be visited. There will also be day trips to the beach which is about 15 minutes by car from Sanet.

Arrangeret af

This project is organised and hosted by De Amicitia. De Amicitia is an environmental non governmental organisation that is funded in 1998 and actively working in the youth field and volunteering for 12 years. The main activity of the organisations is organising workcamps and local/ international youth projects in collaboration with the town halls and local associations.

Rejsevejledning til mødested

ARRIVAL: ALICANTE AIRPORT (ALC) from 17:00 to 18:00 The camp leaders will pick up the volunteers from the airport. Our team will be at the airport after 17:00 so it's not possible to meet the participants before 17:00.

The exact meeting point will be the exit gate of the airport. The location will be explained by our camp leaders somedays before the camp.

DEPARTURE: Please organise your departure after 11 am. Our team will take all the volunteers to the ALICANTE Airport at 09:00 am, before it is not possible.

Yderligere detaljer

Priority will be given to IBO Italy and IJGD


Youth Exchange, no fees. Travel costs will be reimbursed according E+ standards.

Sustainable Development Goals

Partnerships to achieve the Goal