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Germany Germany: Adventure Farm (VJF24 2.2)


09/09/2024   -   20/09/2024

Feedback from 147 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Mexico Germany Czech Republic Turkey



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Nearest airport
Nearest bus/train station


You support the adventure farm by helping with various maintenance tasks such as painting, building and repairing. Different kinds of animals live on the farm, such as rabbits, hamsters, cats, dogs, chickens, two ponies, donkeys, goats and sheep.

Accomodation and food

You will live in the main building "Schnute" of AWO Erlebnishof. The volunteers prepare their own meals. It would be nice if you could bring some easy recipes and special spices for cooking from your home country.

Location and leisure

The Erlebnishof is located centrally, on a quiet and idyllic branch of the Spree. It mainly accommodates school classes, daycare groups, clubs and families.

Special about the Erlebnishof is the many animals. there are rabbits, hamsters, cats, dogs, chickens, two ponies, donkeys, goats and sheep. In addition, we offer a wealth of opportunities for sport, recreation and relaxation on the farm. You will find a slackline track, a beach volleyball court, a football/basketball field as well as an archery range and our leisure house.

And there is also:
- Table tennis and billiards
- Course and group rooms
- barbecue area
- Shepherd's adventure farm
- Training stand for beekeepers
- Outdoor stage
- Volleyball and football pitch
- Beach volleyball field
- archery range
- a baking oven

Project hosted by

Erlebnishof Beeskow

Germany Germany: Care for the „Schachten-meadows” in Gumpenried! (IBG 22)


10/09/2024   -   20/09/2024

Feedback from 264 volunteers


full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Germany Hungary Mozambique Spain Mexico Italy



Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Nuernberg (Nurnberg/Nuremburg) (NUE)
Nearest bus/train station
Gumpenried-Asbach (train station)


Get active for the mountain pastures in the Bavarian Forest and help to protect these ecosystems and their valuable biodiversity!

You will work mainly on the slopes of the 'Arber', the highest mountain in the Bavarian/ Bohemian Forest. The mountain pastures here have an important meaning for the animal and plant life. The savannah-like landscapes and light, structurally rich forests are a legacy of earlier times on which many of today's animal and plant species, such as the capercaillie or the Hungarian gentian, depend. For example, wood ants settle in bright, sunny spots, which in turn are an extremely important food source for the capercaillie chicks.

Some of the conservation work you will be doing is in line with the European nature protection guidelines (Fauna, Flora, Habitat Directive; FFH). The work includes:

- Brightening up the forest and thinning out the older, dense woody growth (especially spruce trees).

-Removal of young woody growth (especially spruce) on the pastures.

- Thinning out old, woody blueberry stands by mulching once.

You will also work with the forestry department and pasture experts on the “Schachten” pastures). The work here includes:

- Protection of the Hungarian gentian – Install wooden fencing to protect against bites of wildlife.

- Planting of willow trees: - Planting of field maple and beech as pasture trees – Install wooden fencing to protect against bites of wildlife.

The work will be led by forest workers and rangers, so no previous experience is needed. Some days, you might be split up in smaller groups to do different tasks. You will work around 30 hours per week, somewhere between 8am to 4pm from Monday to Friday with a 1-2 hour lunchbreak.

Accomodation and food

During the two weeks you will be living in one of the forestry department’s huts close to a small village with a train station, “Gumpenried-Asbach”. The forestry hut Gumpenried is located in the middle of a forest and very close to the river “Schwarzer Regen”. Not changed a lot by humans, the river is freely winding through the forest. The region around Gumpenried is therefore also called 'Bavarian Canada'.

Have you ever wanted to try living off-grid? Then this might be a good opportunity: The accommodation is simple and cosy and delivers a real forestry atmosphere. Electricity only runs with photovoltaic panels and there are additional gaslights! In case of emergency there is also a generator that runs with fuel. The heating works with a central wood oven. For cooking there is a gas stove. T

he accommodation has two levels with a community space, a kitchen, toilets and a bathroom. There is hot water, but it remains exciting for you to find out how many showers are enough. There are three dorm rooms with space for 15 people.

The location is ideal to explore the nature of the surroundings. With the train station in reach you are also able to explore the greater region within your free time.

Location and leisure

Excursions will be mainly to explore the nature – some of them under the professional guidance of rangers. Hiking will be an essential part.

Excursions to bigger cities will not be possible due to the isolated location in the middle of the Bavarian forest. So this camp is a great possibility to stay in the middle of the forest for two weeks and enjoy your time in the international group with a beautiful nature surrounding you.

Project hosted by

The “Schachten” are traditionally used mountain pastures in the Bavarian Forest. Although many former pastures have been abandoned in the past, some of the grassland remains managed until today. In the huge forest area, the “Schachten” are almost the only open spaces and often offer wonderful views of the Bavarian Forest. Individual shelter trees remained on the meadows to provide shady resting places for the animals. These solitary trees are often ancient and marked by wind and weather. However, many of the former meadow trees have already disappeared.

The “Schachten”, which are mainly covered with mat grass, are now increasingly overgrown with other types of grass or blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. A few still contain botanical rarities such as Hungarian gentian, arnica and various types of monkshood.

Today the traditional pasture management with animals is getting less profitable. This causes abandonment and leads to overgrowth of the pastures and ultimately to the establishment of a forest. Today, conservation management is often done by volunteers. In this case you will be actively supporting the conservation of these threatened cultural landscapes.

The ecological enhancement is intended to increase the nature conservation value, focus on traditional grazing and raise awareness to the public. In this project you will support conservation efforts for the traditional pastures in cooperation with the local nature protection agencies, the forestry department and the local nature protection caretaker. Apart from them, the nature reserve of the Bavarian Forest as well as the local villages and experts for pasture management are also involved in this project.

Directions to meeting point

Your camp leaders will meet you at the train station "Gumpenried-Asbach" at 5pm on September 10th. From here you can walk to the forestry hut in Gumpenried together. From Nuremberg main train station (Nürnberg Hauptbahnhof) you can take a train to Gumpenried-Asbach. With this connection you need to change two times: in “Plattling” and “Gotteszell”. The journey lasts about 2 ½ hours. Check the website of Deutsche Bahn for the best times and to book your tickets:

Sustainable Development Goals

Climate Action Life on Land
Germany Germany: OH-W08 Lohra Castle (OH-W08)


15/09/2024   -   28/09/2024

Feedback from 74 volunteers





Details on the project

18 - 29
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
7 Male + 7 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Next bus station: Großlohra, Friedrichslohra/Wartehalle Next railway stations: Gebra/Hainleite (5 km), Wolkramshausen (12 km).


The projects of Open Houses are based on sustainable principles. Therefore, the activities at Lohra Castle combine aspects of cultural heritage preservation and aspects of natural heritage preservation. The castle is surrounded by a vast green area and the volunteers will help in the maintenance of it. Near the youth accommodation houses that are part of the Lohra Castle complex there is a camping site which can be used by youth groups, for this reason the area should be made accessible from overgrown grass. The tasks will be mowing and collecting the grass. Additionally, the participants of the project will support the work on renovations on the Castle grounds.
The hilly massive around Lohra Castle is listed as National Nature Reserve. Open Houses supports the Reserve since several years with volunteering activities. In a forest near the Castle the participants will remove trees and bushes which are not corresponding with the protection aims in order to clean the paths and make them enjoyable again. They will also will collect the wood remaining after maintenance works, load it on a truck, unload it at the castle and split and stack it for wintertime or for the fireplace. Besides that, the volunteers will continue the maintenance of the green area at the castle. In addition, in the later part of the summer, they will support the recollection, assortment, splitting and storage of wood to prepare the castle for the harsh winter months.
The volunteers work six hours per day five days a week. The afternoons and evenings can be used for nearby cultural attractions, games, group activities, campfires and other similar things. On the weekends the volunteers have the opportunity to visit nearby places.

Accomodation and food

In most of Open Houses' camps the volunteers will live at the same places they also work on, what means that they live more or less on a building site. In most of the Heritage Volunteers Projects the accommodation is located in a certain distance to the working site. The accommodation is usually very simple; there are shared rooms with simple beds or mattresses at most of the places. Shower, toilet and kitchen are at the place, but sometimes not in the same building. The equipment is simple but fair. After work, when everybody wants to take a shower, there can be a limit of hot water.

The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.

All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Travel costs to and from the camp place are not covered. Participants should organise their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore, participants should bring their own pocket money.

Location and leisure

Lohra Castle is situated in the heart of Germany in Northern Thuringia. The castle, which is surrounded by a scenic hilly landscape, is located on the edge of a natural reserve area. Being one of the largest castles in Thuringia, the history of castle Lohra begins in the Middle Ages. It
s architectural styles which have been preserved in the structures of the ensemble attest to a prolonged period of occupation and historical evolution up until today.

The castle is more than thousand years old, and it is a relic of German medieval past that is still standing at the heart of a region through which the story of the German nation has been written. Today, it includes twenty buildings from different time periods, showcasing this historical evolution to the enchantment of visitors and heritage enthusiasts: medieval fortifications, remnants of a tower from the 11th century, a Romanesque double-floored chapel, a manor house from the Renaissance period as well as stables and granaries from the 19th and the early 20th centuries. The ensemble is situated in the centre of a beautiful forest.

For years Lohra Castle was vacant. In the 1990s a civil society association which became today’s Open Houses, began to rescue the castle and to revitalise it through cultural activities. The process of rehabilitation of cultural heritage not only brought new life and use to an otherwise forgotten monument, but it also provided with a new space where young people could reconnect with tangible heritage while valorising the relevance of preserving a historical monument. Since then, a large number of international workcamps, heritage volunteering projects, heritage training courses, seminars, exhibitions, concerts and other activities with international participants have been taking place every year in the castle.

Project hosted by

Open Houses are more than just empty buildings. They're places steeped in history, both obvious and hidden. These are places that have been around for centuries, shaped by those who lived there long ago and those who left recently. They're spaces where dreams and ideas thrive, where people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ages can come together to share and connect.
The history of Open Houses Network began in the mid-1980s when a group of young people in East Germany decided to restore village churches as volunteers to prevent them from falling into disrepair. Their efforts breathed new life into these spaces, hosting exhibitions, concerts, and gatherings that went beyond mere restoration work.
Today, while there's less need for places free from political pressure, it's still hard to find spots where people can meet without commercial agendas or bureaucratic hurdles. The balance between public engagement and private life is tricky to navigate, requiring constant effort to cut through red tape and financial constraints.
The idea of shared public spaces is fading, with fewer places available for collective work. The Open Houses Network aims to change that. We're not just doers; we're visionaries who want to create and protect spaces where people can come together, collaborate, and make a difference. Our projects and events are invitations for everyone to get involved, to make space for commitment, change, and connection.

Directions to meeting point

Information sheet will be sent four weeks before the beginning of the workcamp. However travel arrangements can be done with the already provided information about the nearest airport and bus stop.

Germany Germany: Together for Human Rights (VJF24 8.1)


15/09/2024   -   28/09/2024

Feedback from 147 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Spain Turkey Mexico Colombia Poland Italy Ukraine France Japan



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Airports: Frankfurt or BER Berlin Train stop: Göttingen HBf


In today's world, it is impossible to imagine life without togetherness if we want to stand up for human rights worldwide. The issue of human rights concerns us all and must not be forgotten. Therefore, forums are needed where there is room for exchange and discussion. With the youth exchange in September 2023, we want to work out joint possibilities for action in relation to human rights and give young adults an insight into human rights work and the existing actors. The aim is to inspire the participants to get involved in this field. The venue will mostly be Göttingen. The individual days will focus on religious, linguistic and ethnic minorities and nationalities as well as indigenous people in the world. The focus will be on the challenges of human rights work and the problems of those affected and other activists. We also plan a trip to Berlin where we will have the opportunity to meet an MP at the Bundestag.
The thematic focal points are to be dealt with in group work or plenary work. Discussion groups, postcolonial tours of Göttingen or a joint demonstration can/will be part of the programme. The youth encounter could result in various formats, such as a joint social media campaign, posters or a video about the two weeks.

Accomodation and food

We will be accommodated at a nice youth hostel in 3 and 4 bedrooms. It is located in the center of Göttingen. It has a big kitchen and a social living space. Beds, blankets and pillows with covers are available. Please make sure you bring a sleeping bag or sheets, a towel and slippers! There is free internet.
In the hostel there is a big kitchen for the group. Please be prepared not only to cook
there, but also to clean up afterwards ;) This will be done by the kitchen team of your group.
Volunteers have to cook the meals for themselves. Please bring easy recipes from your home country.

Location and leisure

Göttingen is a university city in Lower Saxony, central Germany. The population is around 120,000. Göttingen is famous for its old university Georgia Augusta, which was founded in 1734 (first classes in 1737) and became the most visited university of Europe. In your free time, you will have the opportunity to explore the pituresque city with its bars and student clubs. The mountains of the Harz are not far.

Project hosted by

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is an international human rights organization that advocates for threatened ethnic and religious minorities, nationalities and indigenous communities. We take sides with the victims of crimes against humanity, and we are not afraid to name the perpetrators and their accomplices. Our aim is to inform the public about the persecution and extermination of minority groups – with press releases and media interviews, with our magazine "Für Vielfalt", via the Internet and social networks, with exhibitions, lectures and public debates. We put pressure on policy makers; we publish human rights reports, documents and memoranda and expert opinions, provide experts, try to win over advocates and demand help for the needy and the persecuted. We are often able to ensure that war crimes are not covered up and that human rights violations cannot be played down

Additional comments

If you are from a Non-European country, please wait until the 15th of June 2024 with your purchase of your tickets.

STP will support your travel costs with up to 100€ upon the presentation of your tickets.
If you want to learn about the work in the human rights field, be active and see the university city of Göttingen, this is just about the right camp


STP will support your travel costs with up to 100€ upon the presentation of your tickets.
If you want to learn about the work in the human rights field, be active and see the university city of Göttingen, this is just about the right camp

Germany Germany: Discover Archeology (VJF24 6.2)


16/09/2024   -   28/09/2024

Feedback from 147 volunteers


full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Mexico Germany Great Britain



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Leipzig (LEJ)
Nearest bus/train station
Trainstation: Saalfeld/Saale


The volunteers are asked to help on the excavation ground of the fortress with building work, repairing and painting walls, carrying stones or cleaning. Other tasks can be removing of bushes or documentation of your work. Furthermore, there are restoration works and embellishments in the village and the nearby hiking trails in the Thuringian forest. It is possible that you will be asked to help on another excavation place to do punctured excavations (1m x 1m) and filter the finds. Please be prepared for any work outside.

Accomodation and food

You will live in a community house in the village, with toilet and shower facilities provided. All bed linen is provided.

The locals will prepare lunch. Breakfast and evening meals will be prepared by the volunteers in a small kitchen. So please bring recipes and special ingredients with you for cooking and to present meals from your country.

Location and leisure

Weisbach is a very small village in the mountains of Thüringen, not far from Saalfeld and surrounded by beautiful countryside with mountains, green valleys, forests and meadows. A fortress was built on a hill near the village in the 11th century but it was destroyed during the following century. It has become overgrown with trees and bushes since then. Systematic excavations began in 1984. Please be prepared to live and work in a very remote area!

Leisure Time:
If you are interested in history, you will have the chance to learn a lot about the region and the fortress. You can travel to Weimar, which was the well known workplace of the poets Goethe and Schiller. You will be able to find out more about history and perhaps visit the former concentration camp Buchenwald. It will also be possible to go to a nearby castle called „Schloss Burg“. Perhaps you will get to see the concert of the world famous organ „Silbermannorgel“. You could go for a boat trip on the river Saale or just enjoy the natural environment while walking around the area.
Please be aware that you will be in a very rural area from where it is quite difficult to get away (for shopping etc.), but there are very nice people in the village who are interested in meeting you.

Project hosted by

BurgVerein Weisbach e.V.


Please be fully vaccinated (2 to 3 shots of one of the following vaccines: BioNtech/Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson&Johnson) or recovered (date of infection must be min. 28 days old and max. 90 days old).

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities Life on Land
Germany Germany: Animal and plant protection in northern German moor and heathland areas (ijgd 14005)


21/09/2024   -   05/10/2024

Feedback from 479 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Germany Kenya Mexico Serbia Italy Ukraine Turkey Spain



Details on the project

16 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Hamburg (HAM)
Nearest bus/train station
Bremen or Hamburg, nearest trainstation: - Bademühlen Großes Holz in Badenstedt (Zeven) (bus station) We would like to invite you to travel as environmentally friendly as possible. If you have the option to go by train, bus or carsharing. That can be a great first step for you to become a climate steward.


Would you like to make an important contribution to the conservation of moors and heaths and their animals and plants? Then this workcamp in the beautiful countryside of northern Germany between Bremen and Hamburg is the right place for you.
With your workcamp group you will work in six protected areas. In the fauna-flora habitat (FFH - protected habitat of animals and plants according to EU law) and nature reserve (NSG) "Bullensee und Hemelsmoor", you will decussate pines and birches (remove non-native plants) in order to create a habitat for endangered and moor-relevant plant species such as Bult peat moss, cranberry and smooth snake. In the landscape conservation area (LSG) "Stellingsmoor", your group will clear sensitive bog areas to preserve bog development and habitat for the protected smooth snake. In addition, you will protect rare and endangered plant species such as orchids, thyme or lung gentian by partially raking out matted vegetation. In the “Swatte Flag” nature reserve (NSG) you will remove young willows to preserve an important spawning ground for the moor frog.
In the fauna-flora habitat (FFH - habitat of animals and plants protected under EU law) and nature reserve (NSG) "Bullensee und Hemelsmoor", you will remove sawn-off trees from former peat cutting areas to create habitats for endangered and moor-relevant plant species such as bult peat moss, cranberry and smooth snake. In the "Elmer Berg" nature reserve, you will remove young pine trees from the heathland in order to optimize the heathland and improve the habitat of the sand lizard. You will also protect rare and endangered plant species in the "Wolfsgrund" and "Esseler Moor" nature reserves by partially raking out matted vegetation. In the "Stellingsmoor" nature reserve, your group will clear sensitive moor areas in order to preserve moor development and the habitat for the protected smooth snake.
All activities are professionally supervised by the staff and volunteers of the NABU Ecological Station Oste-Region. In addition to the practical work, you will learn a lot about nature conservation and environmental protection in general as well as the natural habitat of moors and heaths and their protection in particular from the staff and volunteers. You will learn a lot about the local flora and fauna, their relevance for the ecosystem and the various measures to protect them.

Cooperation partners for this workcamp are the European Union-funded Integrated LIFE Project "Atlantic Sand Landscapes" (Project Team Lower Saxony in the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal and Nature Conservation (NLWKN)), the Rotenburg Office for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management and NABU Bremervoerde-Zeven.

Accomodation and food

You will stay in the Badenstedt school hostel, a self-catering house with 4 and 6-bed rooms in the middle of nature. The house has a large kitchen, toilets, communal showers and two common rooms for eating and group activities.
You cook together. Money for shopping will be provided. Vegetarian or vegan meals are possible. Please indicate any intolerances when registering.

Location and leisure

In your leisure time, you can enjoy your quiet accommodation and the beautiful surroundings by playing sports and spending evenings together around the campfire.
There is a table football in the house and outside there is a goal wall, a basketball hoop, a table tennis table, a football pitch with two goals, a barbecue and a campfire area with seating.
After work,you can also take the hourly bus to the neighbouring town of Zeven within 10 minutes.
At the weekend trips to Bremen and Hamburg are worthwhile.

Project hosted by

Ecological NABU Station Oste-Region (German: Ökologischen NABU-Station Oste-Region)
The Ecological NABU- Station Oste Region is an institution of NABU Lower Saxony. The station provides local support to the Rotenburg and Stade districts in their management of protected areas. Its core tasks are primarily the recording of animal and plant species, the initiation, planning, implementation and success monitoring of maintenance and development measures, as well as the planning and implementation of species protection measures.
The station not only works closely with the nature conservation authorities, but also with the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal and Nature Conservation (NLWKN) to coordinate and initiate necessary measures.
LIFE-Project "Atlantic Sand Landscapes" (Project Team Lower Saxony in the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal and Nature Conservation (NLWKN)) (German: LIFE-Projekt „Atlantische Sandlandschaften“ (Projektteam Niedersachsen im Niedersächsische Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz (NLWKN)))
The LIFE Project "Atlantic Sand Landscapes" is the first LIFE Project in the field of "Nature" of the European Union in Germany. With this transnational project, the federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony aim to contribute to reversing the trend in the loss of biodiversity and valuable natural areas. The habitats and their animal and plant species are to be either brought into a favourable conservation status or at least a significant improvement in their status is to be achieved.

Directions to meeting point

Meeting point and time: at accommodation until 6:15pm on 21/09/2024
Directions to Meeting Point:
From Hamburg airport (travel time to workcamp 2,5 to 3,5h)
From Hamburg airport take S-Bahn S1 (direction Wedel or Hamburg-Blankenese) to Hamburg Hauptbahnhof (Hamburg main train station, about 24 min travel time). The S1 is running every 10min.
From Hamburg main station (travel time to workcamp 1,5 to 2h)
At Hamburg Hauptbahnhof (Hamburg main train station) you have two options: you can take (at least at 3:15pm) the train ME RE4 in direction Bremen Hbf and get off at last station Bremen Hbf (travel time 69min). You can also take (at least at 3:45pm) the ICE or IC to Köln (Cologne) and get off at the station Bremen Hbf (travel time 54-56min).
From Bremen airport please take the tram line 6 (direction "Universität") to the stop Bremen Hbf (main station) ((travel time 16min).

From Bremen Hauptbahnhof (Hbf) (main train station)
At Bremen Hbf (main station) take the bus 630 in the direction “Bahnhof Süd, Zeven” and leave the bus at the station “Bademühlen Großes Holz” in Badenstedt (Zeven) after 65min.

From bus station “Bademühlen Großes Holz”
After leaving the bus, walk 200m in the opposite direction of travel along the road. On the other side of the road is a red brick building, your accommodation, the Schullandheim Badenstedt.

More Information about train and bus connections:

Additional comments

Please note: There is a special Teenage Fee of 150€ for international volunteers who applied under 18 in this camp


Be able to ride a bike: You will cycle to at least three of the four work sites and have to cover distances of up to 10km; fitness for physically demanding work

Sustainable Development Goals

Climate Action
Germany Germany: Black Forest Village Grafenhausen (IBG 26)


22/09/2024   -   03/10/2024

Feedback from 264 volunteers


Manual Work

Already accepted volunteers from

Vietnam Turkey Mexico Germany Spain



Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
3 Male + 1 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Zurich (ZRH)
Nearest bus/train station
Train international: Freiburg, Basel, Zurich, Train station: Seebrugg


Come to Grafenhausen to actively support the local community and local associations to maintain and renovate parts of their local infrastructure. They defined several projects to improve the living quality in the village and to make Grafenhausen more attractive. You will help to realise:

• Painting of the schoolyard! Directly next to the accommodation is an elementary school with a large court. You will be in charge of painting this big area where the children are used to playing. Feel free to bring with you creative ideas. The playground of the school was a previous workcamp in 2019 and will also need to be renovated.
• Mettenberg Fence. Help the neighbouring community of Mettenberg which is still part of Grafehausen by laying out wall plates and fence.
• Renovate wooden sitting areas. For this task, you will be working with wood, sanding down damaged parts, painting benches and table anew.

The work will be led by a professional instructor, so no previous experience is needed. Sometimes you might be split up in smaller groups to do different tasks. Working hours will be approximately from 8am to 4pm from Monday to Friday with a 1-2 hour break for lunch.

Accomodation and food

You will be accommodated in a beautiful wooden group house, in the middle of the village, called the HAGEHUS. The house is equipped with hot showers and toilets which can be separated by gender, a kitchen, a big common room and a dorm. You will sleep on mattresses on the floor (bed sheets are provided but no pillow nor cover) in the dorm, one big common room. Please bring your own sleeping bag! In the house, there is a washing machine and a Wifi connection. The bakery/café and local supermarket are at walking distance. Your group of volunteers will be responsible for grocery shopping and cooking together. The food will be bought with the camp budget and everybody will take turns for cooking, washing the dishes and cleaning. In order to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet, we encourage volunteers to reduce meat and try more sustainable dishes.

Location and leisure

Grafenhausen is located in the very south of Germany, in the famous Black Forest. It is a very nice village with typical south German architecture, surrounded by beautiful landscapes. In addition to the forest, there are many lakes and mountains close-by. An excursion to the Rothaus brewery is already planned; you will have the opportunity to visit the famous local beer factory. Indeed, the Feldberg, the highest German mountain outside of the Alps, is about half an hour by car, which makes this area perfect for hiking trips! The village is in a very rural area, so be prepared for two calm weeks in the Black Forest, far away from the big city life. To go shopping, the community will lend you a small bus and for excursions you will receive travel passes with which you can use public transportation in the whole Black Forest area. From the next train station, there are regular connections to Freiburg (a university city) and Lake Constance. Grafenhausen is located at about 1.000 meters altitude; therefore the weather at the end of the summer can be quite unpredictable. Be prepared for warm and sunny temperatures, as well as coldness and rain.

Project hosted by

Grafenhausen is a beautiful village with about 2.100 inhabitants. Even if it’s not very big, the village has a lot to offer: e.g. the very interactive "Black Forest Museum", a public pool, and a beautiful and touristic sculpture park, where the international group of 2016 worked and where you will be working. Indeed, the locals are now used to welcoming international volunteers for different projects that will help their community, almost every year. In 2024, they invite a workcamp for the 8th time; you can now join the 9th this summer! By joining this workcamp, you are supporting the sustainable development within the community (UN SDG 11).

Directions to meeting point

Bus station: Schule/Rathaus, Grafenhausen

Germany Germany: Cultural Center in Countryside In Bedheim (ICJA2415)


28/09/2024   -   12/10/2024

Feedback from 130 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Mexico Ukraine Germany



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
0 Male + 4 Female
Access with disability
Nearest airport
Frankfurt (FRA)
Nearest bus/train station
Bedheim is 8 km from the train station of Hildburghausen and 15 km from the train station of Bad Rodach


Volunteers are invited to help with the care and maintenance of this social centre and its various areas. There is work outside and inside: The meadow orchard must be cleared of bushes and, depending on the weather, apples can be collected and processed into apple juice. The work in the organic vegetable garden also depends on the weather, usually the volunteers help with the harvest of fruit and vegetables. In the castle itself, there is painting and cleaning work to be done to maintain the building. Encounters with kids and people of the region are foreseen. Overall, there is a wide variety of tasks - something for everyone!

Accomodation and food

Bedheim castle offers a simple group accommodation in a seminar house. Beds will be provided. Meals will be prepared by the group (less meat but a lot of very good vegetables and fruits from the nursery). Warm water is provided from a solar collector.

Project hosted by

Bedheim castle was first mentioned in the year 1169 and was destroyed and reconstructed several times in its long history. During the last 20 years, the castle became a sociocultural center for this remote region. Currently it offers meeting places for social and cultural initiatives. With historical rooms, the garden café, various types of gardens and being surrounded by beautiful nature, it is a perfect place to meet with friends, to enjoy a good piece of cake or even to celebrate a wedding.
Since 1992, this association has been organizing workcamps. Volunteers enjoy spending their time to meet and work together with the inhabitants. An organic garden, a painter's studio, a goldsmith's workshop and an architect's office are the basis for the existence of the residents. There is even a small castle museum, where you can admire the bones of prehistoric dinosaurs, once living in this region. Last but not least: nice cats and dogs are waiting to be petted by the volunteers!
The aim of this project is to create an atmosphere where people with or without disabilities may come, live and work together without any prejudice against handicap, nationality, or religion.
We may learn more about natural beauty of the environment. We can make excursions to places of cultural and historical interest (e.g. Weimar, the city of Goethe and the concentration camp Buchenwald). We can have discussions and lectures about German history, society, culture and politics (the German East-West border was only 9 km away from Bedheim). There will be the possibility to encounter with young people of the region and getting to know more about the countries of the participants.

Additional comments

Some basic knowledge of German or English is recommended. Please bring rain and working clothes as well as swim suits, a sleeping bag, slippers, towels and warm pullovers with you. You can also bring a map, pictures or special food items from your country.


Some basic knowledge of German or English is recommended. Please bring rain and working clothes as well as swim suits, a sleeping bag, slippers, towels and warm pullovers with you. You can also bring a map, pictures or special food items from your country.

Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action
Germany Germany: OH-W09 Lohra Castle (OH-W09)


29/09/2024   -   11/10/2024

Feedback from 74 volunteers





Details on the project

18 - 29
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
7 Male + 7 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Next bus station: Großlohra, Friedrichslohra/Wartehalle Next railway stations: Gebra/Hainleite (5 km), Wolkramshausen (12 km).


The projects of Open Houses are based on sustainable principles. Therefore, the activities at Lohra Castle combine aspects of cultural heritage preservation and aspects of natural heritage preservation. The castle is surrounded by a vast green area and the volunteers will help in the maintenance of it. Near the youth accommodation houses that are part of the Lohra Castle complex there is a camping site which can be used by youth groups, for this reason the area should be made accessible from overgrown grass. The tasks will be mowing and collecting the grass. Additionally, the participants of the project will support the work on renovations on the Castle grounds.
The hilly massive around Lohra Castle is listed as National Nature Reserve. Open Houses supports the Reserve since several years with volunteering activities. In a forest near the Castle the participants will remove trees and bushes which are not corresponding with the protection aims in order to clean the paths and make them enjoyable again. They will also will collect the wood remaining after maintenance works, load it on a truck, unload it at the castle and split and stack it for wintertime or for the fireplace. Besides that, the volunteers will continue the maintenance of the green area at the castle. In addition, in the later part of the summer, they will support the recollection, assortment, splitting and storage of wood to prepare the castle for the harsh winter months.
The volunteers work six hours per day five days a week. The afternoons and evenings can be used for nearby cultural attractions, games, group activities, campfires and other similar things. On the weekends the volunteers have the opportunity to visit nearby places.

Accomodation and food

In most of Open Houses' camps the volunteers will live at the same places they also work on, what means that they live more or less on a building site. In most of the Heritage Volunteers Projects the accommodation is located in a certain distance to the working site. The accommodation is usually very simple; there are shared rooms with simple beds or mattresses at most of the places. Shower, toilet and kitchen are at the place, but sometimes not in the same building. The equipment is simple but fair. After work, when everybody wants to take a shower, there can be a limit of hot water.

The meals will be prepared together as they are part of the community life, what means that every participant will be responsible for the meal at least once during its stay. So it would be very nice if the participants could bring typical recipes from home in order to introduce each other to the preparation of food from all over the world.

All costs linked to the project are covered, including food, accommodation, insurance and transportation during the stay at the project. Travel costs to and from the camp place are not covered. Participants should organise their journey to and from the project place by themselves and on their own expenses. Furthermore, participants should bring their own pocket money.

Location and leisure

Lohra Castle is situated in the heart of Germany in Northern Thuringia. The castle, which is surrounded by a scenic hilly landscape, is located on the edge of a natural reserve area. Being one of the largest castles in Thuringia, the history of castle Lohra begins in the Middle Ages. It
s architectural styles which have been preserved in the structures of the ensemble attest to a prolonged period of occupation and historical evolution up until today.

The castle is more than thousand years old, and it is a relic of German medieval past that is still standing at the heart of a region through which the story of the German nation has been written. Today, it includes twenty buildings from different time periods, showcasing this historical evolution to the enchantment of visitors and heritage enthusiasts: medieval fortifications, remnants of a tower from the 11th century, a Romanesque double-floored chapel, a manor house from the Renaissance period as well as stables and granaries from the 19th and the early 20th centuries. The ensemble is situated in the centre of a beautiful forest.

For years Lohra Castle was vacant. In the 1990s a civil society association which became today’s Open Houses, began to rescue the castle and to revitalise it through cultural activities. The process of rehabilitation of cultural heritage not only brought new life and use to an otherwise forgotten monument, but it also provided with a new space where young people could reconnect with tangible heritage while valorising the relevance of preserving a historical monument. Since then, a large number of international workcamps, heritage volunteering projects, heritage training courses, seminars, exhibitions, concerts and other activities with international participants have been taking place every year in the castle.

Project hosted by

Open Houses are more than just empty buildings. They're places steeped in history, both obvious and hidden. These are places that have been around for centuries, shaped by those who lived there long ago and those who left recently. They're spaces where dreams and ideas thrive, where people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ages can come together to share and connect.
The history of Open Houses Network began in the mid-1980s when a group of young people in East Germany decided to restore village churches as volunteers to prevent them from falling into disrepair. Their efforts breathed new life into these spaces, hosting exhibitions, concerts, and gatherings that went beyond mere restoration work.
Today, while there's less need for places free from political pressure, it's still hard to find spots where people can meet without commercial agendas or bureaucratic hurdles. The balance between public engagement and private life is tricky to navigate, requiring constant effort to cut through red tape and financial constraints.
The idea of shared public spaces is fading, with fewer places available for collective work. The Open Houses Network aims to change that. We're not just doers; we're visionaries who want to create and protect spaces where people can come together, collaborate, and make a difference. Our projects and events are invitations for everyone to get involved, to make space for commitment, change, and connection.

Directions to meeting point

Information sheet will be sent four weeks before the beginning of the workcamp. However travel arrangements can be done with the already provided information about the nearest airport and bus stop.

Germany Germany: Autumn outdoor adventure Orchard meadow (IBG 23)


07/10/2024   -   21/10/2024

Feedback from 264 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Mexico Germany Finland



Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 2 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Stuttgart (STR)
Nearest bus/train station
Schwäbisch Hall (train station)


Help improve the health and lifespan of trees and contribute to increasing biodiversity!

You will work with the other volunteers on an extensively used orchard with over 100 different fruit trees. These fruit orchards have been characteristic of the German landscape for centuries and are still used today for both fruit (apples and pears) and hay.

Your task will be to cut the branches of the fruit trees. You will receive a detailed introduction on how to do it. You will be equipped with tools and climb ladders to reach the uppermost parts of the tree. There will probably be still a few fruits hanging on the trees, so your task would be to harvest these first.

These tasks are super important as trimming the trees increases their lifespan. And old trees are a perfect space to live for various animals. In general, orchard meadows play an outstanding role for biodiversity in Central Europe and are important for the future. They are among the most species-rich habitats in Central Europe.

You will work five days per week, two days off.

Accomodation and food

If you want to be active in increasing biodiversity, love nature and enjoy simple accommodation, almost like a kind of survival camp, then this camp is perfect for you!

You will sleep on a youth campsite about 50 metres from the orchard (run by the local forestry administration). This might be an outdoor adventure, because in October the weather is usually already very autumnal in Germany, which means it can rain, the temperatures might drop quite low at night and the hours of sunshine become fewer.

There are showers and toilets in a house next to the campsite, as well as a barn where you can set up a lounge to spend free time. If it pours with rain, you can also spend the night here if necessary. There is an outdoor gas cooker for cooking. You don't need to bring a tent, but you do need a warm sleeping bag, a sleeping mat, warm, weatherproof clothing and sturdy shoes.

Your group of volunteers will be responsible for grocery shopping and cooking together. The food will be bought with the camp budget and everybody will take turns for cooking, washing the dishes and cleaning. In order to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet, we encourage volunteers to reduce meat and try more sustainable dishes.

Location and leisure

The Workcamp takes place approx. 10 km from the town Schwäbisch Hall. The landscape in this area is very beautiful: It is dominated by forests and steep hills. Only small hamlets interrupt the nature, which makes it a perfect region for plenty of different species but also for hiking.

At your accommodation, there is a barbecue area, several hiking trails, a special cultural landscape trail and a swimming lake (if it's still warm enough) that can be reached on a short hike. You can also reach a lot by bus: There is a brewery that can be visited; the old town of Schwäbisch Hall has museums, shops and some traditional German historical buildings.

Project hosted by

This Workcamp is based on the cooperation between IBG and the nature park „Naturpark Schwäbisch-Fränkischer Wald“ including the local forestry administration.

Directions to meeting point

Your camp leaders will meet you at the bus stop „Baierbach Abzw., Michelfeld“ on arrival day. Check for connections from anywhere to „Baierbach Abzw., Michelfeld“ on:

Additional comments

This project is really for adventurers and nature lovers who want to try out living in nature and with nature even in German autumn. You will be outside a lot, there will be campfires, improvised cooking, hikes and special nature experiences.

Please be aware that ticks can be an issue when you spend a lot of time outdoors in natural areas in Germany - like in this camp. In our General Infosheet you will find suggestions on how you can protect yourself against them. You are also welcome to check whether a vaccination against the tick-borne disease TBE makes sense and is possible in your home country.


Please be prepared and know that October can either be warm and sunny or quite fresh and rainy in southern Germany. Bring a warm sleeping bag (and a pillow if you want one), a sleeping mat, warm, weatherproof clothing and sturdy shoes.

Sustainable Development Goals

Climate Action Life on Land
Germany Germany: Let the show begin! – The Circus Workcamp (ijgd 14028)


11/10/2024   -   27/10/2024

Feedback from 479 volunteers


full for < 18

Already accepted volunteers from

Germany Denmark Greece Poland Algeria Kenya Mexico Japan



Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
2 Male + 1 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Hamburg (HAM)
Nearest bus/train station
nearest train station: Ahrensburg Ost (Underground station) We would like to invite you to travel as environmentally friendly as possible. If you have the option to go by train, bus, carsharing or bicycle that can be a great first step for you to become a climate steward.


Would you like to learn circus acrobatics, pass on what you have learnt to children and perform together with the children in a circus show in front of a large audience? Then this work camp in Ahrensburg (near Hamburg) is the right place for you.
The work part begins on Sunday 13th of October: together with the other workcamp participants, you will help to set up a large circus tent on the grounds of the youth centre. From the following Monday to Friday, the entire workcamp group will receive circus training in the tent from a professional circus trainer.
In the second week, from Monday to Friday, you will pass on the skills you have learned to children from Ahrensburg as part of the local holiday programme. On Friday evening, the children will perform what they have learnt together with you in a circus show with a large audience in a big circus tent.

Accomodation and food

You will sleep on camp beds with mattresses in the cosy youth centre with a wood-burning stove and beautiful outdoor area. A central kitchen, sanitary facilities with three toilets and one shower each, as well as two lounges for eating and for group activities with billiards, two table football tables and air hockey are available.
You will cook together. You will be provided with money for shopping. A transport service is available by arrangement for shopping trips. Vegetarian or vegan meals are possible. Please indicate any intolerances when registering.

Location and leisure

The youth centre is located just outside Ahrensburg right next to the forest and is surrounded by a beautiful outdoor area with a campfire site. There is a football pitch in the immediate neighbourhood. You can play sports there.
There is a bus connection to Ahrensburg town centre (30 minutes). There you can visit a swimming pool, the pedestrian zone or Ahrensburg Castle.
On the middle weekend or on free afternoons and evenings, trips to Hamburg, Lübeck or to the beautiful sandy beaches of the Baltic Sea are worthwhile.
On some excursions you will be supported by the youth centre with minibuses.

Project hosted by

Jugendtreff Hagen - Hagen youth centre
The Hagen youth centre in the district of the same name in the small town of Ahrensburg offers a comprehensive open programme for children and young people, supervised by teachers. There are a variety of indoor and outdoor games, a campfire area, a wood and pottery workshop, billiards and table football as well as a romping room with climbing nets

The ijgd has been organising volunteer service programmes since 1949. We are an independent, non-profit association for international youth work, a recognised independent youth welfare organisation, and one of the largest and oldest workcamp organisations in Germany. Each year, we assist around 5,000 young people into volunteer work in Germany and abroad. We give them the opportunity to be creative, act in solidarity, take responsibility for themselves, and discover their own true potential and strengths. Our principles: Ecological learning, voluntary contribution, self-organisation, social development, intercultural learning, gender equality, anti-racism/anti-discrimination and political education.
Follow us on
Instagram ijgd_workcamps
Facebook @ijgd.workcamps

Directions to meeting point

at the accommodation on Friday 11th of October between 3 and 6 p.m.
From Hamburg airport take S-Bahn S1 (direction Wedel or Hamburg-Blankenese) to Hamburg Hauptbahnhof (Hamburg main train station, about 24 min travel time). The S1 is running every 10min.
At Hauptbahnhof (main train station) you should change to the underground train U 1 in direction of „Großhansdorf“. Trains are running every 20 minutes. After travelling for around 36 minutes, you should get off at the station “Ahrensburg Ost”.
At Ahrensburg Ost you take the bus 269 in the direction “Dänenweg” and leave it after 8min at the station “Spechtweg”
From the Spechtweg bus stop, walk to the crossroads 50 metres away, turn right into Hagener Allee and after approx. 50 metres you will reach the youth club, your camp site, on the left-hand side.
More Information about train and bus connections: or


Physical fitness for circus training; sporty, comfortable clothing preferably in black for the performance under black light

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education Sustainable Cities and Communities
Germany Germany: Open-air Theater Heidenheim (IBG 27)


14/10/2024   -   27/10/2024

Feedback from 264 volunteers


Manual Work



Details on the project

18 - 99
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
4 Male + 4 Female
Nearest airport
Nearest bus/train station


After helping with the setting up of the stage earlier this year, the Naturtheater Heidenheim needs your help again. This time, the tasks will be a bit different: you will help to dismantle the stage and decorations for a well-deserved rest after the end of the theatrical season. More information about the activities will follow soon, but among them, you can expect:

• Renewing the cover of the small wooden shelf storage.
• Restoring the seats in the garden.
• Cleaning stones around the cold storage with a pressure washer, possibly renewing or filling with gravel.
• Painting walls and repairing cracks in the pavilion.
• And some other tasks as needed! Be sure to be always prepared to lend a helping hand.
There will be a professional work instructor to assist you with all tasks. It will be helpful if you have some experience in manual or construction work and have used tools like cordless screwdrivers before.

Accomodation and food

You will be accommodated directly on the project site. Next to the stage, there is a huge building for administration, a workshop, and a café. Here you will have one big room for yourselves, showers, and a kitchen. Please note that there is only one big room for sleeping available to all volunteers – no separation is possible! Regarding food, you will be asked to cook for yourselves and carry out all related activities (grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning after yourselves).

Location and leisure

Heidenheim an der Brenz is a town with a bit less than 50,000 inhabitants in the southern region of Baden-Württemberg. The area is rather rural, with beautiful countryside: since it is at the end of the Swabian Alps – a mountain range of about 220km – there are many hills and forests. In the town, you will also find Hellenstein Castle, first built in the 12th century, and a wildlife park with around 100 animals, very close to your project. If you would like to visit a larger town, you may go to Ulm, which is only 30km away. Stuttgart and Munich are just about two hours by train.

Project hosted by

Your host will be the Open-Air Theatre Heidenheim, the second-largest of its kind in Southern Germany. It is situated on the “castle hill” of the town of Heidenheim an der Brenz, surrounded by forests, and can accommodate up to 1,100 spectators. The Open-Air Theatre is run by a non-profit association, and they are very excited about hosting a group of international volunteers again. This project is perfect for anyone who is interested in theatre and wants to look behind the scenes! Check out the Theatre here:

The association was first founded by Gustav Müller over 100 years ago, after the First World War, in his quest to dedicate his life to something that would unite people: art. In 1919, Müller not only realized this idea but also managed to host several productions at the concert hall. Nowadays, with over 500 members of all ages, the Naturtheater Heidenheim association is one of the most popular organizations in the city of Heidenheim and its surrounding area.

Germany Germany: Berlin Deutsch Camp 2 (VJF24 3.5)


21/10/2024   -   01/11/2024

Feedback from 147 volunteers



Already accepted volunteers from

Russia Mexico Great Britain


Free i Fee is paid in two installments:

0 to be paid now.
EUR 120 is to be paid after acceptance.

Note: Total fee can vary depending on bank rates.

Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
5 Male + 4 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Berlin (BER)
Nearest bus/train station
Tram 68: “Adlergestell / Vetschauer Allee”


Study part:
The group will receive German lessons by a qualified teacher who is a native speaker. You will receive 3 hours German lessons in the morning. The grammar and communication will be deepened, depending on the wishes and needs of the participants.
In your free time, excursions through Berlin and the surrounding area are planned. It is planned that the volunteers also communicate in German with each other in their free time to deepened the subject matter.

Accomodation and food

Accomodation: You will live at the center in heated bungalows. Bed linen will be provided, so you don´t have to bring a sleeping bag with you. There is no washing machine and only limited internet access in the center.
Food: You will have the chance to prepare your own meals in a kitchen at the centre. Please bring easy recipes from your home country, so you can prepare some traditional meals for each other."

Location and leisure

Location: You will live in the"Projekt- und Begegnungsstätte" of the Association of Young Volunteers. The small bungalow village is located directly on the banks of the lake "Langer See" in Berlin-Grünau. It's a quiet place, a bit away from the center of Berlin, but with a good infrastructure. Leisure time: The free time activities are determined by the participants at the beginning of the camp. Please research in advance what you would like to see in Berlin and bring your suggestions with you!

Project hosted by

"Projekt- und Begegnungsstätte" of the Association of Young Volunteers (Vereinigung Junger Freiwilliger e.V. (VJF))

Directions to meeting point

Projekt- und Begegnungsstätte der VJF Krimnitzer Weg 25 12527 Berlin Arrival time: Arrival day from 10am until 4pm. If your arrival time deviates, please let us know.

Additional comments

Please bring with you:
- a flashlight
- warm clothes
- towels and personal items
- entertainment (music, games, instruments,...)
- International Student Identity Card (ISIC)


Language skills: minimum A2
This course is not suitable for absolute beginners!

Germany Germany: Active for future- help to plant trees! (ijgd 25329)


29/03/2025   -   11/04/2025

Feedback from 479 volunteers





Details on the project

18 - 26
Max number of volunteers
Still room for
4 Male + 5 Female
Vegetarian food
Nearest airport
Frankfurt (FRA)
Nearest bus/train station
Airport: Frankfurt am Main international,Train station: Bingen HBF (don't choose Frankfurt Hahn as airport, it's to far away.) We would like to invite you to travel as environmentally friendly as possible. If you have the option to go by train, bus or carshare that can be a great first step for you to become a climate steward.


Highlights: Group feeling in the middle of the forest! Active for future- help to plant trees
Are you a nature lover? Then this is the perfect workcamp for you! Here you will have the opportunity to spend 2 weeks working and living in the forest. Your main task will be to plant trees as part of an active contribution to conservation! You will also be helping out with several other conservation tasks, such as forest maintenance, constructing and repairing protective fences, and preserving the biotopes in the area. By working on these activities, you will also learn a lot about the ecosystem of a forest!

Accomodation and food

Highlight: comfortable accommodation,
You will be living in the leisure centre, which is located in the middle of the forest. Some of your meals will be prepared for you by the accommodation team. You will cook your evening meals together as a group. Money will be provided for this purpose. Please state any intolerances during registration.

Location and leisure

Highlight numerous weekend excursions: Frankfurt, Cologne, Mainz and much more.
You will be living in a beautiful accommodation building in the middle of the forest, where you can barbecue together in the evening and sit around the campfire. There will be a minibus available for your group, so that you can get to know the beautiful surroundings and drive to local attractions such as the swimming pool, the animal park or the climbing area. You will also be able to take trips to the river Rhine, to Koblenz, to Mainz or to Frankfurt during the camp. The nearest town to your accommodation is Bingen, which also offers several different sights and attractions.

Project hosted by

The ijgd has been organising volunteer service programmes since 1949. We are an independent, non-profit association for international youth work, a recognised independent youth welfare organisation, and one of the largest and oldest workcamp organisations in Germany. Each year, we assist around 5,000 young people into volunteer work in Germany and abroad. We give them the opportunity to be creative, act in solidarity, take responsibility for themselves, and discover their own true potential and strengths. Our principles: Ecological learning, voluntary contribution, self-organisation, social development, intercultural learning, gender equality, anti-racism/anti-discrimination and political education
Follow us on
Instagram ijgd_workcamps
Facebook @ijgd.workcamps

Directions to meeting point

Since there is no bus connection to the accommodation, you will be picked up on Saturday 29th of March at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the train station in Bingen HBF. For any late arrival you can contact the group leaders, you will get their mobile number 10 days before the Camp starts.
Check the website of Deutsche Bahn for the best times and to book your tickets:

Additional comments

Interest in working in the nature!
You will receive more detailed information after confirming your registration and at least 3 weeks before the start of the camp with the specific info sheet for your camp.

Sustainable Development Goals

Climate Action Life on Land